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I decided to change my name...


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See I'm thinking of changing mine to my real name, so if anything I post makes it to the New York magazine, I will get full bragging rights!


Maybe I'll get lucky and the New Yorker will pick up a post! Then I can let all my writing class mates from college know I've completed a goal.

I'm thinking of changing mine to my real name but pretending I just changed it to a fake name. That way people will think I got so famous that other people are pretending to be me.

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How many people with your name do you think are in the world?  Even if we figured out what country you were in?  or what state?  


Are you suggesting that no one would actually ever be interested in me? You are probably right, but you can't let me run with my paranoia.  :laugh:


I do think I should make myself a little more unsearchable. I have said sensitive things about my dc, one in particular. I try not to say too much, but when responding to another poster's request regarding certain things I probably give away a lot about that child to illustrate what I've seen and done. I do like this community. I've gotten a lot of information from some serious discussion. However, in order to share information, sometimes private stuff is put into a response. 


, actually, I've listed my state multiple times, and the town quite a few times as well. 


I have googled myself. Someone who died 10 years ago comes up. She was a fascinating person, quite notable in her field. I was kind of jealous that I wasn't living a life so cool. 


So, making myself more anonymous may be unnecessary, but it does feel like something that would be respectful to my dc. 

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How many people with your name do you think are in the world?  Even if we figured out what country you were in?  or what state?  


I read in a different thread that a user was somehow able to access another posters IP address... I think that will tell you just about where they are.  Seems like a complete invasion of privacy to me.

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Are you suggesting that no one would actually ever be interested in me? You are probably right, but you can't let me run with my paranoia.  :laugh:


I do think I should make myself a little more unsearchable. I have said sensitive things about my dc, one in particular. I try not to say too much, but when responding to another poster's request regarding certain things I probably give away a lot about that child to illustrate what I've seen and done. I do like this community. I've gotten a lot of information from some serious discussion. However, in order to share information, sometimes private stuff is put into a response. 


, actually, I've listed my state multiple times, and the town quite a few times as well. 


I have googled myself. Someone who died 10 years ago comes up. She was a fascinating person, quite notable in her field. I was kind of jealous that I wasn't living a life so cool. 


So, making myself more anonymous may be unnecessary, but it does feel like something that would be respectful to my dc. 

I'm suggesting that unless your name was Moon Unit or some other very identifiable name, that it would not be as easy to find you as you might think.  But I have no problem with you changing your user name (in case you wondered and wanted my permission!)

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I read in a different thread that a user was somehow able to access another posters IP address... I think that will tell you just about where they are.  Seems like a complete invasion of privacy to me.

Is your IP address static (ie. always the same)?  Mine isn't.  The most a non-law enforcement person could find out is the general area where I live because IP addresses tend to be assigned to modems in geographical blocks.  And even if you knew the general area where I live (which you might guess at because of my username  ;) ) you would have to work pretty hard to find me.  


Now Facebook uses people's real names (or is supposed to) and often links directly to your e-mail address.  It is much easier for someone to find you through Facebook.  (Which I'm not on.)

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Think about this long and hard. :lol:  People will call you a troll or just generally treat you with caution. But I have to say one poster here changed her name and I was able to identify her by her writing style. I pm'd her and she confirmed that she was formerly &^%.


I think your name is not that uncommon AND you don't have all your personal info in your siggy so people can point you out because of that.


So...if you are changing your name, you need to find a way to let us know (PM every single subscriber on this forum :lol: :lol: :lol: ) because we need to know who you are going to be, otherwise we would miss you terribly until we figure out who the new name is.

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How many people with your name do you think are in the world?  Even if we figured out what country you were in?  or what state?  


I know where you are Jean......country and state!  And I know there is only ONE of you!  :laugh:

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WTM forum members were quoted in a newspaper article and identified as members of the WTM community. The usernames were mentioned with each post that was quoted.


Wait! No way! That would make me a little crazy. Okay, a lot.

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That other thread bothered me. 


since I don't have an avatar, am I supposed to make some announcement so you can figure it out. 


I read your high school schedule and was going to quote it but it wasn't working on my laptop. I cannot for the life of me remember who you are. Gosh darnit.


As for me I have a different name on every message board I've ever been on and usually change it once per year. Hard to keep relationships but how can I repeatedly post about orgasms and all that stuff under my real name? I have a job where people Google me on occasion to find my LinkedIn.


ETA--it would be incredibly easy to find me if someone really wanted to, but I'm counting on no stalkers. And I am the only one in the world with my full name, though my first name is common. I had three user names, one for each year on mothering.com. I don't mind this stuff being out there but searchable is not cool.


And YES journalists quote message boards! The New York Times does as well. That is because a lot of people actually get a lot of information and socialization on message boards. The Internet is leaking again....

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Is your IP address static (ie. always the same)?  Mine isn't. 


I've always wondered this. How does WTM know one person is trying to have multiple accounts on this board? My DH once tried to get on and he was blocked for that reason. I had to send a note to the moderator and explain that was my DH and then they allowed his account to go through. So how do they know that stuff?

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Ha, this is one reason I'm glad my mother cursed me with the most popular name of my generation.


Even my last name is enormously common, both maiden and married, actually. So even if someone figured one of them out, I'm pretty sure no one short of the FBI could pin me down.


And with that I'll let you all wonder.....what does "W" stand for....???  :lol: 

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I've always wondered this. How does WTM know one person is trying to have multiple accounts on this board? My DH once tried to get on and he was blocked for that reason. I had to send a note to the moderator and explain that was my DH and then they allowed his account to go through. So how do they know that stuff?


Well, the moderator would have that information (everyone's IP address).  It's just that other user's should not have access to that nor should they be telling other users where someone lives.  

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Only one in the U.S.  Not sure about other countries, admittedly.

There's another person with my name right in my small city.  She lives a few blocks away.  I know this because the mailman knew me and would bring me every single piece of mail with my name on it even though it correctly said another address.  She probably hates me!  (I always had to give them back and ask him to deliver them to her.)

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I've always wondered this. How does WTM know one person is trying to have multiple accounts on this board? My DH once tried to get on and he was blocked for that reason. I had to send a note to the moderator and explain that was my DH and then they allowed his account to go through. So how do they know that stuff?

Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to your modem.  All WTM would know is that two accounts have the same number.  And so they blocked it.  The WTM mods do not have your address.  

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Ha, this is one reason I'm glad my mother cursed me with the most popular name of my generation.


Even my last name is enormously common, both maiden and married, actually. So even if someone figured one of them out, I'm pretty sure no one short of the FBI could pin me down.


And with that I'll let you all wonder.....what does "W" stand for....??? :lol:

Ward. White.

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I read in a different thread that a user was somehow able to access another posters IP address... I think that will tell you just about where they are. Seems like a complete invasion of privacy to me.

I know 2 board variations ago (so the board before 2008) this was the case and easily done and how we caught trolls. I don't know of anyone doing this since we moved to a more secure/modern board. Maybe they are, but I don't think it's as easy as it was.

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