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Having to click "Next" repeatedly while reading on the Internet (stupid rant & jawm)


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I want to read this article about 27 Parenting Hacks . But for crying out loud, reading it requires clicking <Next> and the scrolling down 26 times!  You have GOT to be kidding me. Why do internet sites do that??? Can't they just show the article on ONE PAGE so I can read it in two minutes?!  (And yes, I know they do it for ad purposes to increase their hit rate but it still drives me CRAZY.)


(And btw I found similar articles elsewhere that did not require scrolling so I read those instead, but I'm just ranting about the principle of the matter!))

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I want to read this article about 27 Parenting Hacks . But for crying out loud, reading it requires clicking <Next> and the scrolling down 26 times!  You have GOT to be kidding me. Why do internet sites do that??? Can't they just show the article on ONE PAGE so I can read it in two minutes?!  (And yes, I know they do it for ad purposes to increase their hit rate but it still drives me CRAZY.)


(And btw I found similar articles elsewhere that did not require scrolling so I read those instead, but I'm just ranting about the principle of the matter!))


:iagree: :iagree: :iagree:

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:iagree:  :iagree:


There are certain websites that are so bad about this, that as soon as I follow a link and see the format, I just exit the page.  The sites that are the worst, I think are just created to get you to click.  That is the entire point of the site.  Not to inform/entertain and also make the host money......it is all about the money and they will do whatever they can to get you to click.  :thumbdown:

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This is my theory based on working for a content provider a million years ago.  It probably boils down to page views and advertising.  Each click gives the site a new page view.  Lots of page views / high traffic means you can charge more for advertising and/or may have a higher click-through rate on the ads.


I agree with you that it's annoying and I rarely click through all the pages.  

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It ranks right up there with links to something that take you rather to a home page so that further searching is involved, or my pet peeve: sites that not only are useless but have somehow managed to disable the 'back' button. I hate that!

I typically close the whole thing out of spite. Who has time or patience for a that?!

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Oh, I totally agree but another one I really don't appreciate is when I click a story and the only way to "read" it is by watching a video.  Our internet connection isn't always the greatest and I don't always want to use up my phone battery on things like that or have everyone around me have to listen to it as well (think dr office waiting rooms).

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I just followed one about animals in Australia that required me to click *at least twice* on each slide (a couple of them required three clicks). Why did I do that??!!!


Because cute animals?  :wub:



I hate those sites and will generally close them. If the article takes up less than 1/2 the page of a website and the rest is ads and videos, I assume they're in it for clicks, not actually journalistic material. 


Even the weather channel is like that now. I just want the frickin' weather forecast!

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I agree!!  


Also, the article that you linked contains a picture of my daughter that I posted on my old blog a few years ago.  I have seen it on a few different "parent hacks" lists.  You can just take other people's pictures and paste them on your own site, people!

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I agree!!  


Also, the article that you linked contains a picture of my daughter that I posted on my old blog a few years ago.  I have seen it on a few different "parent hacks" lists.  You can just take other people's pictures and paste them on your own site, people!

Seriously?! That is crazy! I'm curious which one it was, lol!  Just take it as a compliment that everyone thought you had a great idea! But yes, that would be totally weird to see my child's pic appear on random sites online. *shudder*

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This is my biggest pet peeve lately. Now I won't even read a list site anymore. I also hate that what you think is the next button often opens an add instead. I give up.


Oooo! Yes! There can be 3 or 4 possible "next" buttons, but only one is the actual next button. The others open the ads. I hate that!

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Oh, I totally agree but another one I really don't appreciate is when I click a story and the only way to "read" it is by watching a video.  Our internet connection isn't always the greatest and I don't always want to use up my phone battery on things like that or have everyone around me have to listen to it as well (think dr office waiting rooms).


I generally don't watch video.  It takes so much longer than reading.  This method seems to be increasing in popularity, especially on free news sites.  Blech.

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Add me to the list of 'next click' haters. As soon as I see that a page does that (yahoo, I'm talking to you!), I leave the page.


Agreeing with the others in that it's all about revenue for ads. I hate ads and refuse to look at them. I have ad blocker and I don't watch regular TV because of the commercials. If I want to watch a video linked in an article and there is an ad, I mute the computer, note how long the ad is, then scan the rest of the article and go back when the ad is near the end.


Have I said that I hate ads? :lol:


As an aside, do people really click on those annoying animated wrinkle ads like the one that is out now with the lady's face and four hands quickly and repeatedly going back and forth smoothing out her wrinkles? Whenever dh or one of the kids wants to show me something on their computers and that ad pops up, I cover it with my hand. Animated ads are SO annoying!!

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I want to read this article about 27 Parenting Hacks . But for crying out loud, reading it requires clicking <Next> and the scrolling down 26 times!  You have GOT to be kidding me. Why do internet sites do that??? Can't they just show the article on ONE PAGE so I can read it in two minutes?!  (And yes, I know they do it for ad purposes to increase their hit rate but it still drives me CRAZY.)


(And btw I found similar articles elsewhere that did not require scrolling so I read those instead, but I'm just ranting about the principle of the matter!))

They want to cram in ads, as you know, so I deliberately do not patronize any business or site that does this.  I will remove them on Twitter for doing this, or for requiring me to sign in to read something.


Want my attention on your random issue?  Don't throw up roadblocks. 


Extremely annoying. 

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I generally don't watch video.  It takes so much longer than reading.  This method seems to be increasing in popularity, especially on free news sites.  Blech.


I hate this, too. CNN's recent changes made me switch my primary internet news source (I'm still not happy and bounce between a few). I only really used them for headlines and then looked elsewhere for the stories that I could READ about, but now.... their site is horrid and I haven't been there in over a week----unless they switch back, I don't see myself going back there, either. It's really hard on the eyes and that huge slideshow thing they are doing now....ugh. Awful, just awful. 


Then, last week, my local news channel, the last video-filled-web-page-hold-out went to all videos with a short ad before each snippet even plays. I absolutely refuse to clock on crap like that. Now I can't get local news anymore. It, like CNN's new page, is ugly, hard to decipher, and all videos with ads. I want to READ the news.


I said to dh the other night that it seems like we (the two of us) are slowly reverting back in time to the days of book reading by the fireplace for entertainment and word-of-mouth for news. We just can't stand this new all video format that everyone is using now. And the ads. Geez, the ads. Ugh.


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