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I'm tempted to just call this a bad debt and get on with my life.


What would you do?   

90 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you try to get complete satisfaction?

    • I would just forget about it at this point. Call it a bad debt.
    • No way! I would get a credit for the missing hoody, no matter how much trouble it is.
    • I would have a witch place a hex on the company.
    • I would pray that God enacts vengeance on the hoody stealer.
    • I might give it another try, but forget about it if it's much more effort than that.
    • For the time Quill spent on this stupid poll, she could have called the recalcitrant company already.

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To be concise, I ordered DS 3 uniform shirts and a hoody from the graphics company that works with his school. It has been a gigantic debacle for months now. I ordered them in November! When they were finally shipped, they went to the wrong address; another parent at the school. Then they were closed for two weeks for Christmas. Contacted them multiple times to get the order straightened out. FINALLY was able to retrieve the shirts from the school, where the other parent brought them. BUT - the hoody is not there!


I am SO. SICK. of dealing with this darned company and am tempted to just forget about the missing hoody and call it a bad debt. OTOH, it is $35 I was shorted and i *should* try to get at least a refund for that. I do not want to wait on another custom order, so unless they have one laying around with the school name on it, at this point I don't want to pursue the hoody itself.

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I'd email or call once a week until I got at least a refund.  For me emailing is easier and I actually find it gets more results because the 'paper' trail seems to motivate people to get things done so I'd just keep emailing. Make your demand known clear from the outset.

"If you have one in stock right now, please ship immediately to this address. If not, pls refund money immediately."

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I would probably call one more time or write. If that didn't work, my husband would call them. He has Jedi mind powers in these situations, He's also a lot nicer than I am. The only reason I wouldn't have him call right away is that he's super busy and I guard his time so that when he's not studying or working he gets family time and sleep. Sleep is good, you know?

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I'd email or call once a week until I got at least a refund. For me emailing is easier and I actually find it gets more results because the 'paper' trail seems to motivate people to get things done so I'd just keep emailing. Make your demand known clear from the outset.


"If you have one in stock right now, please ship immediately to this address. If not, pls refund money immediately."

I would e-mail if I had any faith that it would help, but until I called, they did nothing at all to help me. *steamed*

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So glad I am not the only vengeful/cheap one on here. I hate to see companies like that get ahead.


I would call and I have been known to stay on hold all day.


No matter what, the first thing you do when you get to a person is get their number! Even if they say "can you please hold" say, "Can I get your direct extension first please? I've been waiting for hours/minutes/a long time."

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A company that I used to recommend all the time is on my sh!t list.  I ordered about 5 items and only some of them came.  I was billed for all of them.  I sent several emails and got one or two "we are looking into it" type responses, but nobody ever took care of it.  I let it go, but I will not recommend them any more or buy from them any more, which is a shame.  I do go on their website and find "the perfect gift" and then order it from somewhere else.

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I would at least try for a refund. Honestly, I wouldn't want the hoodie, but 35$ is enough that I would want a refund.


I would go in, ask to speak the manager or owner or whatever and bring my paperwork. I wouldn't bother asking for the hoodie, but would tell them at this point things are getting ridiculous and you'd just like a refund. Now. No apologizing for bothering them, just want your money back, thanks.


Be willing to wait. I've had to do this once. I sat there for almost an hour before anyone bothered to help me.  Bring a book and a cup of coffee, lol. Just keep smiling, oh, that's ok, I'll wait until you can get me the money. I'm fine right here, thanks.

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I couldn't vote for more than one thing, but I like the multi-pronged approach of repeat calling, combined with a hex, and a comment about how setting up a poll here is more satisfying than trying to get satisfaction from a recalcitrant company.


Call and calmly tell them that 1. you ordered and paid for this thing ages ago, 2. they sent it to the wrong address, 3. the occasion has passed and now you are just left with a bitter taste, 4. you want then to refund you're money AND send you the hoodie.


They may not go for 4., but maybe they will give you a discount, or maybe you just walk away with your money.


Take notes and repeat your call when you have some frustration to spend. Over and over until you are satisfied.

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oh if they're being like that about it, I'd be on twitter and their fb page & being pesky all over. They're trying to steal money from you either intentionally or through incompetence. No reason you should let it go, though I'd put a time limit on how long you pursue it because your time is also worth something & knowing when to walk is away is important too.  For me, that point wouldn't have been reached  yet....

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Call, explain the situation again and demand a refund.  If they don't give you one immediately, say you are going to be filing a complaint with the BBB, and leave a negative review on every single social media review page you can find.  Generally that will get their attention faster than someone who's just complaining.

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Quill, if you want an entertaining example of the power of social media over terrible business practices, you should watch this video. 




United refused to do anything about breaking their very expensive guitar, so he warned them he was going to write three songs about it and put them on YouTube.  He did, they "changed."  And he got what he wanted, as well as a huge boost in income due to these videos going viral.

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was there an invoice?  did it list the hoody?  (and are you sure the other parent didn't keep the hoody?)

did you pay by credit card?  you should be able to call on your credit card company to help with this.  (they have the ability to reverse the charge and give you a credit for the cost of the hoody.)


at this point - I would simply demand a full refund for the hoody.  keep a record of contacts with them, and what their response has been.  (especially if it has been to blow you off).   - and let them know you are sending these records with a complaint to the state agency responsible for licensing them.  (unless they refund your money first.)

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was there an invoice? did it list the hoody? (and are you sure the other parent didn't keep the hoody?)

did you pay by credit card? you should be able to call on your credit card company to help with this. (they have the ability to reverse the charge and give you a credit for the cost of the hoody.)


at this point - I would simply demand a full refund for the hoody. keep a record of contacts with them, and what their response has been. (especially if it has been to blow you off). - and let them know you are sending these records with a complaint to the state agency responsible for licensing them. (unless they refund your money first.)

Yes, I have a digital invoice which lists the hoody. I have no way of knowing if the other parent kept the hoody, whether by accident (thought it was in his order) or on purpose ("finders keepers!")


I do feel that it is on the company to refund for the hoody, no matter how it came to be that I didn't get it. It was their error that sent the order to a different parent in another town. It's only by the honesty of the other parent that I have the three shirts as it is.


I did tell the administrator at school how totally aggravated I am about this darn graphics company. There is another company that does embroidery for the school; I have never had a problem with the other company. I only ordered from the screw-up company this time because the Junior class made some deal with them and it was a discount to order in November or December.

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I'd email or call once a week until I got at least a refund. For me emailing is easier and I actually find it gets more results because the 'paper' trail seems to motivate people to get things done so I'd just keep emailing. Make your demand known clear from the outset.


"If you have one in stock right now, please ship immediately to this address. If not, pls refund money immediately."

Yes, this. I wouldn't want a credit, because I wouldn't want to deal with the company in the future, but I'd want my $35 back (especially if your son still could use a hoodie, and now you have to buy him something else). I agree with letting the school know, too.

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Quill, on 16 Jan 2015 - 10:01 AM, said:Quill, on 16 Jan 2015 - 10:01 AM, said:

Yes, I have a digital invoice which lists the hoody. I have no way of knowing if the other parent kept the hoody, whether by accident (thought it was in his order) or on purpose ("finders keepers!")


I do feel that it is on the company to refund for the hoody, no matter how it came to be that I didn't get it. It was their error that sent the order to a different parent in another town. It's only by the honesty of the other parent that I have the three shirts as it is.


I did tell the administrator at school how totally aggravated I am about this darn graphics company. There is another company that does embroidery for the school; I have never had a problem with the other company. I only ordered from the screw-up company this time because the Junior class made some deal with them and it was a discount to order in November or December.

I agree the company owes you a refund regardless - it's that is can affect your tactics for getting that refund.  (which is all I'd be after at this point.)  do contact your credit card company - they have access to methods you do not.


at this point - since they are blowing you off, I'd contact the state agency that licenses them and file a complaint.  (be sure and include everything you did to try to resolve this - and their responses).  the BBB, and if you have a local TV news station people helper type program.  companies hate bad PR (especially one on broadcast TV to all the other local potential customers) - and TV stations love juicy stories.

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I'd pursue it just because that kind of thing ticks me off. By golly, when I'm right, I'm right!


I voted for the hex, though. Just something aggravating, like itchy ears or ongoing construction right outside the window. You could offer to lift the hex when you get your money back. 




Well and beyond that they are selling to other families at the school.  I think the school should know what they are dealing with.  There are plenty of companies out there that provide these types of services.



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Guest submarines

I would continue emailing until I got results. I onced ordered a patio table on-line. It arrived with a broken chair. I emailed the company once a month withouts results until finally a year later they sent me a new chair. 


That's what I call perseverance! :hurray:

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How to Get What You Want From Customer Service
(from my friend Mary, who has worked in Customer Service in years).

IF you choose to keep pursuing this, keep a list of whom you have spoken to and when.  Nothing scares people in power more than documentation.

For everyone with whom you speak at the company, get their name and title/position. 

Start a master list of date, time, individual spoken to, title, and any quotes or promises they have made, like "a refund will arrive by January 15th" or "we will look into this promptly" or "we will be sending you a replacement by February 1st."

Do not get off the phone with a representative until you get a specific date  by which it will be resolved.  If it is not resolved by then, you can call again.  Do not tolerate a date of any further out than a week (unless there are extenuating circumstances given, like family illness, travel, or the birth of a child).  If "Bob" normally handles all refunds but he is out of the country, then ask what day "Bob": will be back in his office, and a number for his office.  Write it on the calendar.

If you need to re-telephone the company because the situation is not resolved, you can start out with, "On January 17, at 9:14a.m., I spoke with Jennifer DeWitt in [insert department].  She said that, 'she would look into this' by January 24th.  And then on January 26th, at 9:32a.m., I spoke with  George Mills, who is her boss and director of [insert department].  He had assured me that, 'A refund was being processed by February 1st.'  Today is February 3rd."

Documentation is your friend.  Keep good records. 

Be unafraid to speak to someone's manager (or to ask when you can call back to speak to a manager), and keep moving up the chain of command.  Don't get stuck at a lower level if they cannot-havenot-willnot solve the problem in a timely manner.  Ask to speak with the manager, someone's boss, or whomever is the next person is in the hierarchy. 

IF you choose to pursue this, good luck. 

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