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Want to feel old?


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I think this means that these children come from families in which the car and household electronics are not more than five years old. :D i have a cassette player in my van, so my kids do at least know what they are.

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My ds cracks up every time I refer to my walkman/alarm clock/electronic grocery list thingy as a "telephone".


I honestly don't think "telephone" is that far out there, and it's not an iPhone but it's not a black rotary  dial thing that belongs to the phone company either.


The Grateful Dead and Neil Young probably sound like Lawrence Welk to him.

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I had a cassette player in my last car. Two years ago, I was driving with a 14 year old girl and handed her a tape in it's cover and said, "Can you put this in the player for me?"


She could NOT figure out how to open up the case. I told her, "You're bright. You'll figure it out." It took about a minute and she was growing increasingly frustrated, but she got it!

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On a hospital visit a few years ago, we were waiting in the exam room for quite some time. My daughter told my son, "Look, a wall phone." The were fascinated by a phone attached to the wall with a cord, LOL. They took turns picking it up and listening to the dial tone after I checked it out and made sure it would not cause a problem. That entertained them the rest of our wait!

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I more or less had a similar moment in class with juniors and seniors in high school on 9/11. They had no memory at all of the actual event.


Yeah, this happened to me in a college class. Most of my classmates reported that they were in the third grade or similar when 9/11 happened. It was a little freaky.

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The "classic rock" station here will only play bands that debuted at least 20 years ago or longer. DH this weekend commented that the Gin Blossoms now qualified. 


Friends hasn't been on the air in over 10 years.


Someone posted pics from a family reunion I attended at age 21...and everyone was cracking jokes about the horrible 90's haircuts and clothes.


Yeah, I am starting to feel it.


I remember where I was on 9/11...and during the O.J. Simpson not-so-high-speed chase...but not when the Challenger exploded.


If your remember the moon landing, or worse, the Kennedy assassination, you're REALLY old.

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The "classic rock" station here will only play bands that debuted at least 20 years ago or longer. DH this weekend commented that the Gin Blossoms now qualified. 


Friends hasn't been on the air in over 10 years.


Someone posted pics from a family reunion I attended at age 21...and everyone was cracking jokes about the horrible 90's haircuts and clothes.


Yeah, I am starting to feel it.


I remember where I was on 9/11...and during the O.J. Simpson not-so-high-speed chase...but not when the Challenger exploded.


If your remember the moon landing, or worse, the Kennedy assassination, you're REALLY old.


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I remember ...but not when the Challenger exploded.


If your remember the moon landing, or worse, the Kennedy assassination, you're REALLY old.


I was in college when Challenger exploded... and remember moon landings too (there was more than one!).  I don't, however, remember JFK, so does that mean I'm not "really" old yet?


We had a German exchange student 14 years ago who didn't remember the Berlin Wall coming down.   I think that might have been my first "old" feeling that I recall. 


Of course, being old and all, my memory is a bit fuzzy... ;)

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I was in 7th grade when the Challenger exploded, so I definitely remember that. In 3rd grade, they rolled a TV into class so we could watch the 1st shuttle launch. I was student teaching during OJ.


My latest "feel old" moment was when I did the math and realized my 20th COLLEGE reunion will be in June! I totally missed my high school 20th; it just flew by and I didn't realize it had been that long (I did attend my 15th).


Oh yes, and when my students talk about something happening "back in the 1900s", meaning the 20th century, as if it was ancient times (they were almost all born in 2000 or after).


Fortunately for my kids, dh has a ton of cassette tapes and the kids have boxes of Disney video cassettes that they still watch, so they aren't clueless about "classic" technology.


DS is a senior and doesn't really remember 9/11. He was 4.

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I remember where I was on 9/11...and during the O.J. Simpson not-so-high-speed chase...but not when the Challenger exploded.


If your remember the moon landing, or worse, the Kennedy assassination, you're REALLY old.


Ah, I remember where I was on 9/11 and also when the Challenger exploded, but I don't recall much about the O.J. Simpson event.  Does that mean I'm old or simply memory challenged?




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Ah, I remember where I was on 9/11 and also when the Challenger exploded, but I don't recall much about the O.J. Simpson event.  Does that mean I'm old or simply memory challenged?





This is my experience too. I was in college for Challenger; it was a Tuesday. I remember that because it was AFROTC Leadership Lab day and we were all in uniform around the tv in the cadet lounge.


On 9/11 I was already crying because our school morning was going horribly. Then my friend called. I didn't answer; she left a message to turn on the tv.


OJ . . . I remember that it was on tv. A lot. There was a glove and a white suv. But I can't tell you anything more than that.


I vaguely remember watching the moon landing on a big console tv at a party at someone's house.


I wasn't born yet when Kennedy was shot, though.

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Ah, I remember where I was on 9/11 and also when the Challenger exploded, but I don't recall much about the O.J. Simpson event. Does that mean I'm old or simply memory challenged?




That one might not have been nationally as well covered. I was visiting my Grandma in California and they preempted Days of Our Lives for the news coverage of it.

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If your remember the moon landing, or worse, the Kennedy assassination, you're REALLY old.


Hey wait a minute.  I resemble that remark!  


Back in my day we had a black & white tv, only 4 channels and you had to get out of your chair and turn the dial to change channels. Rabbit ears anyone?  Watched Kennedy's funeral on that set, saw the Beatles on Ed Sullivan and the original Star Trek episodes.  


There were no seat belts in the back seats of cars, no helmets worn while we cruised the streets on our sting ray bikes.  


I got the coolest transistor radio one Christmas and listened every week to Casey Kasem count down the American Top 40!  


I typed my entire MA thesis on a Smith-Corona selectric typewriter.  

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On a hospital visit a few years ago, we were waiting in the exam room for quite some time. My daughter told my son, "Look, a wall phone." The were fascinated by a phone attached to the wall with a cord, LOL. They took turns picking it up and listening to the dial tone after I checked it out and made sure it would not cause a problem. That entertained them the rest of our wait!

I sometimes serve in the church nursery. Threw me for a loop to see that all the you phones were like cell phones. No cords!

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The "classic rock" station here will only play bands that debuted at least 20 years ago or longer. DH this weekend commented that the Gin Blossoms now qualified. 


Friends hasn't been on the air in over 10 years.


Someone posted pics from a family reunion I attended at age 21...and everyone was cracking jokes about the horrible 90's haircuts and clothes.


Yeah, I am starting to feel it.


I remember where I was on 9/11...and during the O.J. Simpson not-so-high-speed chase...but not when the Challenger exploded.


If your remember the moon landing, or worse, the Kennedy assassination, you're REALLY old.

I remember Challenger(6th grade, they pulled us all into the auditorium to tell us), I even kind of remember seeing "Star Wars Empire Strikes Back" when it came to the local drive-in.  I miss drive-ins.  The one we went to when I was a kid is still open, barely.

DS watched the Walkman video and said "I don't know what it is but I could figure it out".  Then he asked me what "thing" couldn't I believe they didn't have when my parents were kids..... 

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I think this means that these children come from families in which the car and household electronics are not more than five years old. :D i have a cassette player in my van, so my kids do at least know what they are.

Not more than 5 years? I have an iPad older than that. I remember having a hard time trying to find a cassette Walkman to take to college with me..... 20 years ago.

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The "classic rock" station here will only play bands that debuted at least 20 years ago or longer. DH this weekend commented that the Gin Blossoms now qualified.


Friends hasn't been on the air in over 10 years.


Someone posted pics from a family reunion I attended at age 21...and everyone was cracking jokes about the horrible 90's haircuts and clothes.


Yeah, I am starting to feel it.


I remember where I was on 9/11...and during the O.J. Simpson not-so-high-speed chase...but not when the Challenger exploded.


If your remember the moon landing, or worse, the Kennedy assassination, you're REALLY old.

Ravin: OUCH!


Count me in on the moon landing. I was five. My parents insisted that I watch. I fell asleep on the couch, and they woke me up so that I would see it. This is a vivid memory for me.


Challenger? I was just out of college and working as an engineer. Word quickly spread through the cubicles.


Compared to most if you, I guess I am old. But I don't feel old. I have close friends in their 30s through 60s. Shrug.

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I think this means that these children come from families in which the car and household electronics are not more than five years old. :D i have a cassette player in my van, so my kids do at least know what they are.


That's interesting.  My car is 6 1/2 years old and is a cheap model (Ford Focus) but was only offered with a CD player.



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The "classic rock" station here will only play bands that debuted at least 20 years ago or longer. DH this weekend commented that the Gin Blossoms now qualified. 


Friends hasn't been on the air in over 10 years.


Someone posted pics from a family reunion I attended at age 21...and everyone was cracking jokes about the horrible 90's haircuts and clothes.


Yeah, I am starting to feel it.


I remember where I was on 9/11...and during the O.J. Simpson not-so-high-speed chase...but not when the Challenger exploded.


If your remember the moon landing, or worse, the Kennedy assassination, you're REALLY old.


I guess that qualifies me as really old, then.  I can remember the moon landing.  Just barely, but I do remember.

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Ah, I remember where I was on 9/11 and also when the Challenger exploded, but I don't recall much about the O.J. Simpson event.  Does that mean I'm old or simply memory challenged?





I remember watching the OJ thing on TV for about a minute, shrugging it off, and continuing with my day.  To me, that wasn't major news.  It was annoying how much time TV news spent on it for the next few months.  I feel that way about pretty much all the media "trials" to be honest.  So I don't recall all the details of the day for OJ's driving deal like I do with Challenger, Columbia, 9/11, Mt St Helens or other important (to me) things.


One I remember that many probably don't is the assassination of Anwar Sadat (Egypt - would have been fall of 1981 on a Tuesday).  We had just learned about him in school the day before (Monday)... then his death hit the news.  That burned a neuron pretty deeply.  Had we not just studied him it'd probably have been a non (major) event for me too.  Mt St. Helens exploded the year before Sadat - in May - on a Sunday.

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I was in college for the Challenger.   They had a TV in the main room where we got our mail and I remember all the students gathering around.


I lived in LA during the OJ chase and I remember requesting a TV for my classroom for the OJ verdict.  I couldn't get one because they were all already spoken for, but I brought my radio and the students listened very attentively for the final verdict.


I requested a Walkman for my birthday when I was about 16 or 17 and my parents thought it was some kind of shoes!  :laugh:


I don't remember the moon landing as I was a toddler.





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Am I the only one who remembers multiple moon landings?  I don't actually recall the first one, but I recall later ones - and watching the vehicle, etc.  My family gathered around for all of these and watched more from them on the news.  I can remember at least 3 (separate memories), maybe 4 (if one is not a repeat).


Google tells me there were 6 - and I could possibly have remembered 4 of them.  I was alive for all 6, but only a couple years old for the first 2.

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The "classic rock" station here will only play bands that debuted at least 20 years ago or longer. DH this weekend commented that the Gin Blossoms now qualified.


Friends hasn't been on the air in over 10 years.


Someone posted pics from a family reunion I attended at age 21...and everyone was cracking jokes about the horrible 90's haircuts and clothes.


Yeah, I am starting to feel it.


I remember where I was on 9/11...and during the O.J. Simpson not-so-high-speed chase...but not when the Challenger exploded.


If your remember the moon landing, or worse, the Kennedy assassination, you're REALLY old.

Um, thanks Ravin. I shouldn't remember the Kennedy assassination, but I do remember all the grown ups crying because something bad had happened to a really important man. I was a toddler. I remember the first moon landing, pop in glass bottles for a nickel, the Beatles (though I was a kid when they were still together), and LOTS of cool stuff. Beehive hairdos, dial telephones, no cable tv, bikes with banana seats, roller skates with keys. Mini skirts and maxi skirts the first time around. At least I still have all my original parts, except wisdom teeth.

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Am I the only one who remembers multiple moon landings? I don't actually recall the first one, but I recall later ones - and watching the vehicle, etc. My family gathered around for all of these and watched more from them on the news. I can remember at least 3 (separate memories), maybe 4 (if one is not a repeat).


Google tells me there were 6 - and I could possibly have remembered 4 of them. I was alive for all 6, but only a couple years old for the first 2.

I remember all of them, especially the first one. Welcome to the WTM geriatric club.

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You, too, Jennifer?  I was thinking until you posted that I might be the oldest one around.  :p


I do remember Kennedy's assassination, and the moon landings, and the original Star Trek and Ed Sullivan on a black and white television with very fuzzy reception. :p  I even remember the Bob Cummings Show. :rofl:


Hey wait a minute.  I resemble that remark!  


Back in my day we had a black & white tv, only 4 channels and you had to get out of your chair and turn the dial to change channels. Rabbit ears anyone?  Watched Kennedy's funeral on that set, saw the Beatles on Ed Sullivan and the original Star Trek episodes.  


There were no seat belts in the back seats of cars, no helmets worn while we cruised the streets on our sting ray bikes.  


I got the coolest transistor radio one Christmas and listened every week to Casey Kasem count down the American Top 40!  


I typed my entire MA thesis on a Smith-Corona selectric typewriter.  


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You'll note I conveniently defined things such that I, myself, am not in the "really old" category.


I used to joke I was born in the wrong decade because all the music I liked was from the decades before I was born.


90's music just wasn't all that great. And what I do like of it was mostly "alternative" and I didn't ever hear it until years after the fact. Oddly, I find myself liking more contemporary pop music lately, stuff I never would have sat still to listen to if not for DD.

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I was in 6th grade when the FIRST space shuttle took off. I was going to work when the Challenger exploded. I was alive for the moon landing, but don't remember it. 


I am the oldest person including the professor in at least one of my classes. I'm the only one in the class that is a parent. We were discussing office etiquette and I, without thinking, mentioned working in an office in the early 90s. The date was relevant to the conversation, but one student (who isn't 18 either) blurted out, "like the 1990s?" I'd like to think it's because I don't look as old as I am. :lol:


I'm taking ds to a banned book reading on campus and mentioned to my lit professor I was bringing my son. He started to make sure I knew content might be an issue in the readings. Um, he's 17, that won't be an problem.  :coolgleamA:

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I know I am old every time I try to stand up after sitting too long.


I was in second grade at the time of the Kennedy assassination.


I vaguely remember the Kennedy-Nixon debates.


That one might not have been nationally as well covered. I was visiting my Grandma in California and they preempted Days of Our Lives for the news coverage of it.

I use to watch Days of Our Lives.
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I remember where I was on 9/11...and during the O.J. Simpson not-so-high-speed chase...but not when the Challenger exploded.


If your remember the moon landing, or worse, the Kennedy assassination, you're REALLY old.


I was home with the kids on 9/11. My husband called from work to warn me not to turn on the TV if the kids were in the room. We had moved to Florida from New Jersey about three years before that, and my husband had worked in one of the buildings near the WTC. So, my daughter was familiar with the area, and we were afraid it would be upsetting for her to see images of the destruction before we'd had a chance to discuss it with her.


I was in the laundromat across the street from our apartment in NJ when the OJ Simpson verdict came in.


I graduated from college the year Challenged was destroyed.


I remember watching Nixon's resignation speech on a little black-and-white TV in a motel room at the beach during a family vacation. 


I was five when the first moon landing happened. I don't remember watching it, but I do remember my parents being very upset when, a few years later, they discovered my elementary school was still using a science textbook that said "someday" humans might land on the moon.


I wasn't yet born by the time of John F. Kennedy's assassination, but I was a toddler when Robert Kennedy was killed. Again, I don't remember it, but apparently I had been carted along to a campaign rally at which he appeared not long before he was assassinated. 


So, yeah, I probably qualify as "really old" in this crowd.

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I was born a couple of years after the Kennedy assasination but I remember everyone being excited about the moon landing and all the other things mentioned in this thread.

The set of encyclopedias, our manual typewriter. The excitement of the electric typewriter. Carbon paper. Making dittos. Having my resume professionally printed. Walking through the house talking on the phone with the very long kitchen cord. So many thrills my children did not enjoy. Although my mother did still have a rotary phone when my kids were little.

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I don't remember the Kennedy assassination but it had an impact on my family so it had an impact on me and I knew all about it growing up.  


We got our first t.v. for the 1968 Olympics, which (of course) meant that we had a t.v for the moon landing and watched that as well.  I remember both vividly as it was a BIG deal.  

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I was born about a week after the moon landing, was in college for 9/11 (not right out of high school though), and married for OJ.


I grew up with a black and white tv but my grandparents had a color one.


The original Star Wars was the first movie I saw in theaters.


We had typing classes in high school and one computer course that taught BASIC.

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