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How far ahead do you plan?


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Do you have your childrens' education all planned out? Or do you just have a general idea? ...or, do you go with the flow, not going beyond the current year with your planning...?


Thanks, I just want some reassurance, that I am not the only obsessed planner around...;)

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Where we want to end up/generally curriculum ideas and path of study--I have tenative plans all the way through.


In depth day by day plans, I do these in the spring for the upcoming year. I usually do find that we get ahead/behind in some areas and don't make the plans permanent until I draw up our 2 week schedule every other week when I gather everything together.:001_smile:

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For k-8, I only plan for the current yr.


For high school, I have a general plan of the 4 yrs to ensure all grad requirements are met.


But, take heart, you are definitely not alone. I have read several posts where people have planned K-12.


(Whether or not that is a realistic objective is a different question. ;) )

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I love planning, but I still don't plan too far ahead.

I have a general sense of direction, but what I have found is that over the last 5 years, I have learned and changed a lot, and I tend to trust my gut feelings more and more, adapting to our current mood and continually evolving. So I know if i try to plan too much detail too far ahead, I will be wasting valuable time that could be spent reading ahead the books we will be reading in the near future, which is something I feel the need to do now that my kids are older.

I could never have predicted that we would be doing what we are now, nor could I have planned for it, and I prefer to be open to the winds of opportunity, change and growth rather than be rigid about our future.

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I know what we are doing for the year, but daily lesson plans, I do about 3-4 weeks at a time. I am currently on week 2, I have planned until week four. I do this mainly because we have field trips through a group scheduled and I like to wait and see if it's going to fit into our day and plan around them and anything else that might come up.



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I have a general idea of what I want to accomplish during schooling for all subjects over the school life of my children, including how much math, history, and science I want them to know when they graduate, but I haven't decided what curriculum I will use the whole way through, or how I will implement it.

ETA: I do make a daily schedule of what I want to accomplish...which does not mean we do everything every day. Right now we are on day 32 for Bible, Day 29 for Phonics, etc. It gives me a plan of what I want the children to accomplish by the end of the year.

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I have K-4 planned out in detail, but I didn't do that until my dd8 was in 2nd grade. I have long term goals for 5th and up with some curricula chosen but I'm leaving a lot of things undecided until I see where my children will go with their progress. I believe working out long term goals helps us to achieve what we need to in what year we're in now, to allow us to focus on what needs to be accomplished with the time we have.


I have subjects mapped out but right now most of it is sequential. I've chosen certain products that we are happy with so we will just continue with them until either they are not working for us or we end the sequence with a certain curriculum. Horizons Math is the perfect example of that, it ends in 6th grade right now so at that time I'll see where my child is and pick another curriculum for upper maths that I feel is best. I don't feel I can make that decision now b/c the market changes and I don't want to pigeonhole us.


Products we use that are sequential:

Explorer's Bible Study: PreK-Adult

Horizons Math: PreK-6th

Tapestry of Grace: K-Mom, we'll use it 1st-Mom

Latin: Prima Latina through Latina Christiana 2

Primary Language Lessons through Intermediate Language Lessons which is 2nd-6th

Explode the Code books 1-8 (will finish this year)

Simply Spelling (3rd-12th)


I don't have to worry about these subjects unless something stops being effective for us. :)


On a yearly basis, I have a broad plan and plan out in detail each quarter (9 weeks). I like to plan but I realized that by planning an entire year out in detail, I get bored halfway through the plan. :D I leave the fun stuff for each quarter, like planning out projects, supplements and field trips. I feel that it is the best way to stay focused & excited what you're actually about to do. It also allows me to be more aware of programs and events happening around us and how they might be beneficial to us.


I do not do daily lesson plans, I make weekly and quarterly plans. Within the week, I give us ample time to accomplish that week's assignments but it was choking me to have to read pg. 11-16 on Monday and pg. 17-25 on Tuesday.


I did have K-12 planned out until I realized how unrealistic it was to do so, now I've just taken that "plan" and put it on the backburner, just making sure that what we do this year will benefit the overall education I'd like to provide for my children. I'll be making a 5th-8th grade overview sometime soon based on dd8's progress this year in her 3rd grade year.


Hope this helps

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I have a general idea for both kids through high school. Then for each year I figure out exactly how much needs to be done each day to finish what I've planned. If it is tight then that is written in stone. If there is some wiggle room, and especially if I'm not sure how much my kids will be able to do each day, I will either plan each week for the next week or just do the next thing.

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I do look all the way through high school for my 5th grader, but we haven't actually planned things.


With my 5 and 6 year olds, I'm not even sure I have the whole year covered, but I do have a year's worth of material on hand.


My kids are so asynchronous that I just think it would be pointless for me to spend a lot of time making long term plans. I think about it now and then, to try to keep from being completely blindsided, but that's about it.


I have a pretty good outline for our first 4 weeks of "official" school, but I'm pretty sure we'll wind up rearranging quite a bit. I'm making plans with my mother in law to take the kids for every third weekend or so while I sketch out another 4 weeks, based on the previous 3.


I feel like that would give me a good balance of anal retentiveness and flexibility, lol.

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I have a detailed plan for this year. I have in the past planned all the way out to 12th, but having scrapped that plan twice, I'm playing it by ear this time. I have a general idea of where we are going. I even have a file of things that I want to use in the future and when I want to start them, but alot depends on how things go this year. Oh and don't worry you're not the only obsessed planner around here!

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I have a very basic, general plan through high school of what I want to cover with her. It's slightly more detailed for the logic stage, though, as that's only a couple of years away. :ohmy: I have very specific plans for this year and next. I've already created lesson plans for most of the curriculum we're using this year, using HST+. The rest I plan term by term.

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I have actually created a science plan through high school for my boys because I really want exposure to life, earth and physical sciences before high school. This plan is not set in stone, of course, but it helps me see where any tweaking will need to be done if we don't stick to it.

(This can be seen half-way down my blog. I cannot figure out how to paste the picture here)



I also have a general idea of how we'll do history and geography prior to high school.


I don't find I need to think much about language arts and math, as they tend to just fall in place with the next book. I choose my own literature each year, but much of it correlates with history, and I just focus on choosing quality literature.


Having graduated one, I feel like having some overall plan is more beneficial.

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I always had a general idea of where I wanted to go, until my oldest started getting older and I started freaking out about high school. My dh has always said that he wants our girls to be able to enter college with zero deficiencies once graduating from college. So that was my bar.


Then, I decided on Sonlight and tried to make that work through high school, but it didn't, for me.


So, I stumbled upon TOG. Then, I knew what we were going to do through high school. I added other subjects and there ya go. I have a long range plan. It's flexible based on the needs of each of my students. FE, I have a student who will go into a science based field at university or college. She'll need more math and science than I can give her in our homeschool, so I have tentative plans to send her to the community college.


Each year, then, I plan to use at least 3 quarters of TOG.


Before each quarter, I plan what part of TOG we will use. I also make sure I have whatever math and science I want to add. We do foreign language through our Synagogue, so it's already added in. If I think we need to do something else, I will plan it in here.


Weekly, the girls and I come up with a schedule for each day.


I'm constantly looking at curriculum, because I'm a junkie. ;) But, I really like what we are doing right now. I'm sure that as time goes on, I'll make new and different choices about some math and science, but right now, what we are doing is working.

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Do you have your childrens' education all planned out? Or do you just have a general idea? ...or, do you go with the flow, not going beyond the current year with your planning...?


Thanks, I just want some reassurance, that I am not the only obsessed planner around...;)


I have a general idea of where we're going, but I don't know exactly how we'll get there. :-)

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We are about to start kindergarten and second grade. I have through 4 grade at least plotted out, what we need to study, in some cases what books and/or curriculum we will use. I flesh it out a little more as we get closer to it. I start researching for the following year after Christmas so that I can be ready to order everything for the next year when we get our tax refund. I do a detailed lesson plan (math pages, history sections, etc.) a week at time (Friday or Sunday) so that I can make adjustments based on the week just past.

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the first few years I hs-ed? No. Just wanted to get what I needed for the year and make it through the year!


About the 4th year we had hs-ed, I had a better idea of what would or wouldn't work for us and a better idea of what I wanted in a full education for my kids by the time they graduate homeschool highschool. So at that point, I made a curriculum map for pk through 6th grade.


Every year, I modify, update and add to that curriculum map. Things didn't work, or we found better things, or goals changed some. It is NOT set in stone and I don't expect it ever will be.


Now, my curriculum map is pk through 8th grade and tentatively through 12th. My oldest is in 8th this year, so I have a much clearer view of his strong and weak areas and end goals. However, the final details such as exactly what books to use when, how far he'll go in maths, and his career path are still a bit murky. We definitely have an idea, a concept if you will, of where we are heading though. Every year, we'll have to take stock of progress, developments, and interests into consideration.


The great thing about MY curriculum map is I don't just list what I want to use, but what has worked for us in the past. For example, I forgot how much fun my oldest 2 had with Stratton House Science Kits years ago. I was looking at my map last night and noted that I'd had those for 3rd and 4th grade many years ago. I'd completely forgotten about them!


I also list all materials in my personal stock in different ink than consumables I no longer have. A MAJOR help in planning on a budget. Sometimes all the stuff just isn't the right stuff for that topic or kid, but many times it is and saves me buying things I don't really need.


And yes, I am the spreadsheet queen. I love making spreadsheets and Excel is my very good friend.:lol:

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I basically know how our year will go, since I have all the curriculum we'll be using, and I have a very basic idea of how the next several years will go. But I don't make any detailed plans for the year, or for future years, because everything is subject to change.

Michelle T

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I write my lesson plans out for the entire year over the summer, so I know what to do each day.


I plan the next year's curriculum out during the current school year, just so I have some broad idea of what I'm planning on doing. Then I can make adjustments.


I might see something here that sounds really good...or I might have a student who's struggling through a certain curriculum, or with a certain subject, and I might look for something else for them for the next year.


Even if I plan it all out on paper, I know things may and will change, so I don't purchase anything until after the current year is over, or almost over, so I don't buy something that just sits on my shelf (as I've been known to do in the past!!)

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I have a general idea of k-12 (my oldest is K now). I know I want to do a 4yr history/science rotation with all 3 of my dc. I know I want to start ds#1 6mo "early" in 1st grade and ds#2 6mo "late" b/c they are 3yrs apart and I'd like to start both in Ancients if possible...dd is in the middle.


I know I have SWR and Miquon math for k-3 for each dc at their own pace. I'd also like to do certain AO literature selections at their individual age level.


...and that's about all I know:lol:


I just planned out 6wks of readings for K. I'd like to keep planning out 6wk chunks at a time. I'm hoping it will be enough that it keeps me organized and motivated but not so much that I waste my time planning too far in advance.

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I have an *idea* of where I want my kids to be by the end of high school, but that it is not set in stone at all. They are pretty young, still, so I want to make sure that my plans fit with who they are, what their strengths/weaknesses are etc. I'll be better able to judge that as they get older.


I do plan out our year in advance, tyring to determine where we need to be by when to keep us on track. I haven't been a very regimented homeschooler, but I feel the need to step things up this year, so my plans have been stepped up accordingly. I'm also adding a K4'er to the mix and have some specific things I want to accomplish with him, but I need them planned out or they won't get done. Poor guy..he always seems to get shuffled around! I want to be more purposeful with his pre-K year.


There are a few materials that I'm pretty sure we'll use through at least 6th grade. Rod & Staff Math, English, and Spelling. We'll probably add in their Bible materials at 5th grade as well. I'm taking myself out of the market for new materials in those subjects. It's much too tempting to spend time planning, contemplating and not enough time actually *doing!*

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My kids are 16 months and -5 months and I have a general plan to year 12 worked out. I don't really think I'm going to stick to this plan, but I'm a Capricorn so I feel better having one. Anyway, if I have a plan, I can change it. If I don't have a plan, I won't get started. It did come as a surprise to find the only subjects I'm insisting on all the way through to year 12, for now anyway, are English and Comparative Religion (which includes psychology.) I'm fairly sure that's not a good thing but since I haven't thought of anything to do about it, it might not be so bad. I'm sure we'll work out the right thing to do before we're supposed to have finished it.


Rosie the Rabid Homeschool Researcher

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I started homeschooling in 5th grade and so I made a plan up till 8th grade, with an idea for high school.


Last year while planning and buying books for 8th grade I made out a plan for high school in more detail, just to make sure we are on track and will cover everything that needs to be covered.


Every summer from now on I will go over each year in more detail to make sure all the blocks are checked.

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I am usually complete with my lesson plans by early June of the previous year.

This coming year I have to plan for the next two years because my son wants to advance in grades. We have to work on this. I need to work out two years. I am not a fan of planning too far in advance because I think that I should at least assess how the child is doing at the grade level before I fully plan out the next year. If my child is struggling in an area and I need to slow down then, I like to work with him even into the next year. I cannot plan several year in advance. Also, if I decide to change the curriculum, I like the options.


Blessings in your homeschooling journey!





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Up until the last year or so, I planned one year at a time, though I thought about the future and how it might work out.


Because my oldest might end up going to boarding school for high school, this year I worked out a more specific plan to make sure she had an opportunity to cover things we believe she should know before high school. My younger ones will just tag along with that plan.


Right now we've chosen the history program we'll use for the next 3 years. For all the other main subjects (math, LA, science), I have it narrowed down to 2 or 3 things; we'll choose one of them as the time gets closer.


Also, because we live overseas, I have to plan further ahead. I need to order things for the next school year in the winter (or early spring at the latest) in order to have time to get it shipped here or make arrangements with someone who will bring it over. That means that right now (this fall), I'm planning for the 2009-2010 year and trying to decide what I need to order.





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Do you have your childrens' education all planned out? Or do you just have a general idea? ...or, do you go with the flow, not going beyond the current year with your planning...?


Thanks, I just want some reassurance, that I am not the only obsessed planner around...;)


I have a general idea of what I want to do. I have K-12 plan that includes math, history, language arts, and some science. Some of these list exact curriculum like CW and some are more general like geometry for 9th grade. Having the basic framework helps to give me an idea of where we are going so that what we are using this year will help prepare us for future years. I don't, however, have any problem adjusting the framework for each of my children individually to challenge them in areas that they are strong in and to reinforce areas that need more work. As far as specific curriculum, I tend to plan more year to year based on how well the curriculum is working for us. HTH

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I have K-6 planned as far as literature resources, curricula and topics are concerned, and I have history, geography, English (language arts for many), Natural Science tracks all laid out from 1-12. I have some alternate tracks, especially for history since I can't make up my mind. They're all neatly laid out with all the visuals in a Powerpoint presentation. I'm a highly visual person who loves looking at attractive pictures and reading things. This helps me focus and gets me motivated and excited about my homeschooling.


Plans can change, but at least I have a framework in place to divert from if I need to. I like my plans so far. I even have handwritten notes which say, if ds is not great at math, this program would benefit him or if he is, this program would be better and other myriad things like that.


I don't plan the schedules until right before the school year. I have a planner where I pencil in everything. Just to remind me to take it easy and that not everything is written in stone.


I'm starting to think about creating a whole new Powerpoint on resources we would like from 7-12th grades. Basically things to keep an eye out for then.


I love planning! Can you tell? :lol:

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I am pretty confident in the homeschooling choices I have made the past few years and feel that I will continue with the same route throughout our hs journey. So a few months ago, I made a tentative plan to take us through 2018, when dd would graduate. It is very heavy on WTM ideas, mostly taken from her book. Now, to be honest, I may change my mind on some things. But it felt so good to make it!

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