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I made the trip to "the" large warehouse yesterday (warning: costco content)


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I blame ya'll completely for dragging me there.  Now I will need to make the drive at least 1-2 times a month :glare:  because it.was.awesome. :hurray:  Much larger than Sam's, cheaper on almost everything I priced that compared.  Most things didn't compare because SAMS carries so little natural/organic that it isn't worth even noting.  I actually didn't get to join or buy anything because DD got sick  :ack2:  So I waited and planned this big trip and then I had to cut it short.  I didn't show my disappointment to dd  :ph34r:.


So thank ya'll.  I'm hoping this might help my grocery budget but then I also fear that I will end up spending more because they have such a variety  :crying:  

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It seems that most people go through a "honeymoon" period where they buy everything in sight because it's such a good deal. Then you discover that not everything is and you get more discerning.  I am a huge Costco fan and we go there twice a month at least, but not everything is a great deal.   They definitely have the best prices on meat (except for boneless chicken breasts, for some reason) and it is always good. 


I remember as a single woman living with my mother, buying a box of frozen waffles.  What was I thinking?  We ate waffles for a very long time... ugh.  I've never bought a frozen waffle since; I guess that was at least 25 years ago. 


Have fun! 

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I hate those trips to the warehouses. We never get out of there without spending a lot of money and buying at least 2 things that we hadn't planned on. However, if you stick to your list, you really can save some money on certain items. Hope it works out well for you!

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I blame ya'll completely for dragging me there.  Now I will need to make the drive at least 1-2 times a month :glare:  because it.was.awesome. :hurray:  Much larger than Sam's, cheaper on almost everything I priced that compared.  Most things didn't compare because SAMS carries so little natural/organic that it isn't worth even noting.  I actually didn't get to join or buy anything because DD got sick  :ack2:  So I waited and planned this big trip and then I had to cut it short.  I didn't show my disappointment to dd  :ph34r:.


So thank ya'll.  I'm hoping this might help my grocery budget but then I also fear that I will end up spending more because they have such a variety  :crying:  


You will really have to watch what you buy - that is true.  We are not tempted to buy convenience foods anywhere else but if you get me in the freezer section the potstickers and various chinese foods call my name, lol.  Just go with a menu, a list, and a plan.


The drive is worth it.  The samples will help you figure out what you like and not so you don't spend money on stuff you don't like, lol.  And, worst case scenario, stop by the food court and fill up BEFORE shopping - that is usually a cost saver in the long run! ;)

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You will really have to watch what you buy - that is true.  We are not tempted to buy convenience foods anywhere else but if you get me in the freezer section the potstickers and various chinese foods call my name, lol.  Just go with a menu, a list, and a plan.


The drive is worth it.  The samples will help you figure out what you like and not so you don't spend money on stuff you don't like, lol.  And, worst case scenario, stop by the food court and fill up BEFORE shopping - that is usually a cost saver in the long run! ;)



OH, yes, the honeymoon phase.  We have just moved out of it. What a relief! We totally overbought.  But the meats and produce at Costco are fantastic. I try to stay away the prepared foods; they aren't that good of a deal.




This is they only time I am thankful for our dietary restrictions.  We can't eat most convenience foods :D

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I have been shopping at Costco for 20 years. I am still in the honeymoon phase I guess.

We save a fortune at Costco. Dh is always with me though, so going over budget doesn't happen. He loves going but he hates spending money. So maybe that is why we have never had an issue.

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You will really have to watch what you buy - that is true.  We are not tempted to buy convenience foods anywhere else but if you get me in the freezer section the potstickers and various chinese foods call my name, lol.  Just go with a menu, a list, and a plan.


The drive is worth it.  The samples will help you figure out what you like and not so you don't spend money on stuff you don't like, lol.  And, worst case scenario, stop by the food court and fill up BEFORE shopping - that is usually a cost saver in the long run! ;)

and if you go on saturday early in the day when the samples are out in force, you can fill up on them. ;)


we've shopped there regularly for 30 years.  because the stock is in constant flux,  somethings are not always there, and I simply keep an eye out for them. so, while I buy things I might not have planned for that particular trip, it wasn't unexpected. after our lake cruise yesterday, dh wanted to go (he goes every week.) on the way home.  I'm glad I went.  :glare:  I told him this time of year they get kids pjs in stock and to watch and get some.(they sell out, and they're gone until next year)  he didn't even look. :toetap05:   but I was there, so I picked up three sets that are NOT "lisenced" characters (which I despise, and are overpriced).  I also got a lightweight down vest for dudeling and me. (cheap)  he loved his so much, he kept taking it on and off yesterday.  it was only 93 for a high at our house.  :lol:  (we do have a/c)  he's also been wearing the sheepskin boots I got him last time dh dragged me with him.

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Oh yes, I love Costco too. I was just crowing on FB last night because they finally opened the long-awaited one just 5 minutes from my house! And the natural/organic/GF selection is enormous compared to other Costcos I've been to (though I fear many of those things are test products that they'll stop carrying if the demand isn't high enough for them). But I definitely find them to be a convenient (mostly) one-stop shop and a source for savings--as long as I avoid the convenience foods!

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 . The 100gallon thingy of strawberries isn't a good deal if they all go bad before we can eat them, you know? 


sometimes it still is a good deal.  5lbs of a 10lb container of strawberries can still be cheaper than 5lbs of strawberies at the grocery store.  but like any store - you have to be aware of prices.

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and if you go on saturday early in the day when the samples are out in force, you can fill up on them. ;)


we've shopped there regularly for 30 years.  because the stock is in constant flux,  somethings are not always there, and I simply keep an eye out for them. so, while I buy things I might not have planned for that particular trip, it wasn't unexpected. after our lake cruise yesterday, dh wanted to go (he goes every week.) on the way home.  I'm glad I went.  :glare:  I told him this time of year they get kids pjs in stock and to watch and get some.(they sell out, and they're gone until next year)  he didn't even look. :toetap05:   but I was there, so I picked up three sets that are NOT "lisenced" characters (which I despise, and are overpriced).  I also got a lightweight down vest for dudeling and me. (cheap)  he loved his so much, he kept taking it on and off yesterday.  it was only 93 for a high at our house.  :lol:  (we do have a/c)  he's also been wearing the sheepskin boots I got him last time dh dragged me with him.



They seemed to have a lot more clothes than our SAMs has.  That was exciting to me :D

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We don't have a Costco, but we do have Sam's. My favorite thing EVER is being able to place my order online and being able to walk in the door and pick up all my shopping. Its hard to impulse buy when I don't walk through the door. It also is so convenient when I have to be in the city for 10 hours with four kids. that alone is worth the membership.

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As for overbuying/the honeymoon phase, yes, it does wear off. I tried telling myself that the honeymoon/overbuying phase actually helped in that it made me extra aware of how we 'used up' our purchases. The 100gallon thingy of strawberries isn't a good deal if they all go bad before we can eat them, you know? We bought a 10# bag of potatoes once and only ate about half before they were bad. We thought we could handle it, but nope. Turns out we don't eat as many potatoes as we thought we did!  :tongue_smilie:


We're heading to our Costco tomorrow----- we are out of the yummy organic salad mix (the $5 tub lasts us all week!), Brussels sprouts, Brie, kids' vitamins ..... And I Just realized the toothpaste we use is there AND it has a coupon so I have to see if it's a good enough deal to buy.


We couldn't ever get through the potatoes. But it was enough of a deal that we got through "enough" of them to be cheaper than buying similar at the grocery store until we got where there was a HEB.

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I joined for the meat prices alone. Before dd#2 arrived, I went to Costco and stocked up on meats. I separated everything into "meal" size servings and put them in the freezer. That meat run has sustained us for 3 months now. It's made meal planning easier as I already have ingredients on hand.

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I've never been in a Costco. We have a BJs and a Sam's. ..do I need a costco, too?


I would have been satisfied with our BJ's if it was all we had. They have enough natural/organic/GF stuff to meet my basic needs, and in fact they still carry a few things--for example, some organic fresh produce, natural lunch meats/hot dogs/bacon, an organic yogurt that my kids like--that even our new and fantastic Costco doesn't carry. And the BJ's actually carries MORE of what I need than our old Costcos do at the moment, which is why I stopped driving the 25 minutes to go there. But Costco is bigger, nicer, has a better selection, is far better to its employees, and is generally a more pleasant environment with cheerful, engaged staff compared with the BJ's. If you had a Costco nearby, I'd totally recommend checking it out. But if you don't, I wouldn't feel too bad about it!


IME, Sam's has no benefits at all over BJ's or Costco, so I don't even bother with it. 

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I would have been satisfied with our BJ's if it was all we had. They have enough natural/organic/GF stuff to meet my basic needs, and in fact they still carry a few things--for example, some organic fresh produce, natural lunch meats/hot dogs/bacon, an organic yogurt that my kids like--that even our new and fantastic Costco doesn't carry. And the BJ's actually carries MORE of what I need than our old Costcos do at the moment, which is why I stopped driving the 25 minutes to go there. But Costco is bigger, nicer, has a better selection, is far better to its employees, and is generally a more pleasant environment with cheerful, engaged staff compared with the BJ's. If you had a Costco nearby, I'd totally recommend checking it out. But if you don't, I wouldn't feel too bad about it!


IME, Sam's has no benefits at all over BJ's or Costco, so I don't even bother with it. 



If I really like Costco then I will not renew Sams.  I don't shop there very often anymore.  We pay for our membership with glasses alone so I keep it for that but if Costco can compare then Sams is gone :/


The staff at Costco seemed far more happy, polite, and customer oriented than Sam's.  

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I like BJs but my kids dive through the food when we shop there. Largest savings were the cat litter, trash bags and few things in produce. The rest I do much better at Kroger if I watch sales...I suppose that's the key. Am I willing to wait for sales or just warehouse shop. I easily drop 200 and still need to grocery shop

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The staff at Costco seemed far more happy, polite, and customer oriented than Sam's.  


They really are. Costco has a reputation for being very good to its employees. After a year of shopping at BJ's, where the employees all mumble, look at the floor or somewhere near the top of your head, don't respond when you say thank you, or smile generally, I was absolutely shocked at how much of a difference cheerful, friendly staff makes in my shopping experience after the Costco opened. I didn't realize it mattered that much to me, but apparently it does!


I can't remember if there are glasses at our Costco? I don't think there are, actually. But that may differ by location. 


I like BJs but my kids dive through the food when we shop there. Largest savings were the cat litter, trash bags and few things in produce. The rest I do much better at Kroger if I watch sales...I suppose that's the key. Am I willing to wait for sales or just warehouse shop. I easily drop 200 and still need to grocery shop


Yeah, this can be a problem. These days, for most of the things I buy, our local grocery stores don't carry them, carry them at inflated prices, or never put them on sale. When I was buying more mainstream groceries, though, I could shop with sales and coupons more cheaply (though less conveniently) than I could at Costco. It's a fine line.

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I appreciate the posts ladies...


Are y'all saying that Costco takes coupons too or just the ones they issue?


We are Sam's members and our membership is going to expire this year; it's close to our house less than 10 minutes.  If we switch to Costco the drive is a little over 30 minutes each way and I can't really imagine making it much during the winter.  That said, the idea of purchasing paper products at the regular grocery stores isn't something I want to go back to.

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I appreciate the posts ladies...


Are y'all saying that Costco takes coupons too or just the ones they issue?


We are Sam's members and our membership is going to expire this year; it's close to our house less than 10 minutes.  If we switch to Costco the drive is a little over 30 minutes each way and I can't really imagine making it much during the winter.  That said, the idea of purchasing paper products at the regular grocery stores isn't something I want to go back to.


Costco does not accept manufacturer's coupons, only their own in-house coupons. You also have to use cash, a debit card, or an AmEx card there. 


That was our situation for the last year, with BJ's less than 5 minutes away and Costco nearly 30, in locations I'm generally never in anymore. I ended up doing most of my shopping at BJ's. 

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Thanks for the info.  I think I'd still like to visit, but it doesn't sound like it would be less expensive to our grocery budget.

Costco does not accept manufacturer's coupons, only their own in-house coupons. You also have to use cash, a debit card, or an AmEx card there. 


That was our situation for the last year, with BJ's less than 5 minutes away and Costco nearly 30, in locations I'm generally never in anymore. I ended up doing most of my shopping at BJ's. 


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I appreciate the posts ladies...


Are y'all saying that Costco takes coupons too or just the ones they issue?


We are Sam's members and our membership is going to expire this year; it's close to our house less than 10 minutes.  If we switch to Costco the drive is a little over 30 minutes each way and I can't really imagine making it much during the winter.  That said, the idea of purchasing paper products at the regular grocery stores isn't something I want to go back to.


When I was there Costco only took their coupons.


We switched from Costco to Sam's a year ago. The Sam's is 10 minutes away and Costco was half an hour + an annoying parking job. We got to Sam's nearly every week because of proximity and have not found the staff rude or in any way less than our experience at Costco. The only thing I miss at Costco is the easy returns. OTOH we buy fewer extras at SAm's and I'm careful to keep receipts and have had no issues. That benefit of Costco was not worth the hassle of the trip for us.

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Oh yes, I love Costco too. I was just crowing on FB last night because they finally opened the long-awaited one just 5 minutes from my house! And the natural/organic/GF selection is enormous compared to other Costcos I've been to (though I fear many of those things are test products that they'll stop carrying if the demand isn't high enough for them). But I definitely find them to be a convenient (mostly) one-stop shop and a source for savings--as long as I avoid the convenience foods!


I *almost* got one five minutes from my house. : :( .   there was an underground stream under the existing parking lot on the property, and the city was requiring costco to do all this work to expose it, and imposed resrictions they didn't require of the subsequent developer.  (costco walked away.)


I guess I'll just have to live with driving 15 minutes to two different ones. (four within 30 minutes)  :001_tt2:  dh and I have our favorites - and they aren't the same one.

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We buy mostly produce, a few canned things, bread, cheese, lunch meat, eggs, ground turkey, Coach's Oats oatmeal, and some spices. Oh, and their pizza is outstanding and only $10 for a giant sized pizza. We're only a family of 3 living at home now, and we don't eat a lot of pre-made foods. 


I have found that the women's capris and pants there are a great price and for some reason, they fit me perfectly so I always buy those there in season. No one has mentioned that their gas prices are usually several cents cheaper per gallon than anywhere else and since my Costco is often within my normal travel route I usually buy gas there.

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Beware the sample ladies!  beware!



Love the sample ladies, not just for the free sample, but because I find food that we like that I would have not bought otherwise.  And if the kids are with me, I know whether or not they will like it.


I like keeping a bag or two of frozen food in the freezer for busy nights.  The warehouse bags are cheaper and have enough to feed my family.

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It seems that most people go through a "honeymoon" period where they buy everything in sight because it's such a good deal. Then you discover that not everything is and you get more discerning.  I am a huge Costco fan and we go there twice a month at least, but not everything is a great deal.   They definitely have the best prices on meat (except for boneless chicken breasts, for some reason) and it is always good. 


I always price compare on my phone when I see something that looks tempting. Often it does end up being a really good deal compared to elsewhere, but not always. We also try to limit it to things we'd be buying regardless, though impulse buying does occur too.


We got a 78oz container of Nutiva coconut oil for something like $22. That was a good deal. But eggs are cheaper elsewhere.

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Thanks for the info, your situation sounds similar.  We were Costco members years ago in California and I did love their deli and fresh veggies.

When I was there Costco only took their coupons.


We switched from Costco to Sam's a year ago. The Sam's is 10 minutes away and Costco was half an hour + an annoying parking job. We got to Sam's nearly every week because of proximity and have not found the staff rude or in any way less than our experience at Costco. The only thing I miss at Costco is the easy returns. OTOH we buy fewer extras at SAm's and I'm careful to keep receipts and have had no issues. That benefit of Costco was not worth the hassle of the trip for us.


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The thing I try to remember at Costco is that an impulse buy will likely add $10-$20 to your bill, whereas at the regular grocery store an impulse buy might only cost you $1-$5. 


Hey, you've got great self-control if you only spend $10 - 20 on impulse buys at Costco. I'll go in for a bag of milk and come out with $100 of great stuff where I saved so much money. Yikes! I try not to go more than once a month. My self-control is pretty sad.


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I've never been in a Costco. We have a BJs and a Sam's. ..do I need a costco, too?


When we lived in VA we chose BJ's over Costco and Sams. It was less crowded, membership was cheaper, prices were lower and the selection was great. It took a long time before I joined a Costco in CA. The crowds just make me want to run. If you're military BJ's offers a discount on membership and Costco has a coupon package.

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Hey, you've got great self-control if you only spend $10 - 20 on impulse buys at Costco. I'll go in for a bag of milk and come out with $100 of great stuff where I saved so much money. Yikes! I try not to go more than once a month. My self-control is pretty sad.


Oh, no. I meant $10-$20 PER ITEM. Not per trip. LOL. I, too, have spent hundreds on impulse buys in a single trip. :)

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When we moved to upstate NY there was no Costco.  DH contemplated driving numerous hours to the nearest Costco, but we ended up joining BJs.


Other than the name, I loved it.  Cheap gas.  Wonderful selectionĂ¢â‚¬Â¦plus sometimes smaller size items.  Great coupons, especially the $5 off Luvs back when we needed diapers.  Good store-brand too.  They also had a good selection of organic foods, and always got in Kosher stuff around Passover (which as Muslims, we like to useĂ¢â‚¬Â¦especially the Joyva chocolate covered marshmallows. Yum.)  

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Thanks for the info, your situation sounds similar.  We were Costco members years ago in California and I did love their deli and fresh veggies.


I originally lived in WA. Have been to THE Issaquah Costco (though it wasn't my favorite to get in and out of)  Worked when we moved to Austin too because at first we were close, and then... well the South Austin Costco was near our church and it wasn't like we had anything else really close to where we lived.


We continued the membership when we changed churches and moved to Pflugerville. But suddenly I was driving past Sam's several times a week and having to make special plans to go to Costco. And I still really dislike the North Austin access plan.  But! They were building a new Costco in Cedar Park. So I held on to see where it ended up.


About the same time I realized HOW far away the new one was going to be, I went to Costco and discovered they had switched away from MR. Pibb's to PEPSI (yuck) in their food court. And there was a Groupon for a Sam's membership.  I haven't been back to Costco since.

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I have the executive membership and Costco American Express card which more than pays for the membership so by using the two plans, I get a free membership. I tend to drop around $400- $450 per trip once a month because it's around 35 minutes away. I have gotten really good at stacking a grocery cart well. It is FULL! That is the majority of my food budget. Then I only have to go to the overpriced small town grocery store twice a month for little incidentals like a bottle of mustard and I'm good. Depending upon what you get, you can save a ton of money.

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Went today to actually shop.  It really is like a Honeymoon  :blushing:   I've fallen head over heels for this place.  Hunky Joe can take a hike  :lol:

We did good.  Only one splurge that was less than $5 - I let the kids get a large bag of organic kettle corn (it was a coupon item).  Everything else was needed or planned.  The kids with me are the ones who can eat corn and they just really wanted some  :D

They have more samples than our Sam's and they give larger samples.  My kids had an entire Ghiradelli brownie for a "sample".  They thought they'd scored something big.  


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My husband is at the big warehouse right now. I just had to stop him from impulse buying a security camera system. It's something he does want to get, but I think he needs to do more research to make sure the one he chooses will actually work for us. And he's apparently buying $150 of frozen fish. I'm just hoping that this is because it was on a big sale and not just because he suddenly decided we needed $150 worth of frozen fish.

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I originally lived in WA. Have been to THE Issaquah Costco (

the original costco was in sodo off of 4th ave in seattle.  opened fall of '83.  we joined in nov. 83.  when they tore it down to build a new snazzier one - they kept one wall for historical value.


hq used to be in seattle - then they moved to issaquah.

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Beware the sample ladies!  beware!



You can end up buying a LOT of extra stuff if you succumb to the Lure of the Free Samples.


The thing to try to remember is that while one sample might taste pretty good, how will you really feel when you've got a gigantic package of it? We've bought so many things that way and ended up throwing half of them away because everyone got sick of them -- particularly snack foods.

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That does annoy me.


I don't like Pepsi :(


it used to be coke.  when contract renewal time came up, coke and costco couldn't come to a mutually acceptable agreement, so costco dumped them.  big loss for coke.

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