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Grown sibling woes Update my brother unhinged


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Hugs for you Scarlet.


My sister is determined that my father nailed MY foot to the floor with a spike and she believes he broke a 2 by 4 over her back, she would have been around age 8. She believes it wholeheartedly. It doesn't matter that I repeatedly state that it never happened. That I never missed school (presumably if I had a spike put through my foot I would miss at least one day of school). I have no scars. We were active in school choirs, church and community groups. I'm fairly confident that someone would have noticed that she was severely injured by the 2 by 4 and I should have at least been limping for an hour or two with a spike in the foot injury don't you think?


It's amazing how different siblings have different perspectives.

Ok I know it isn't funny but I did LOL at your sisters memories. It is how all our childhood friends respond when my brother tells that he went to school in filthy jeans.

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Oh dear. My sister can be like that, I call it the "Raised by Wolves" theory.

We have totally different memories and perspectives from our childhood, and we are twins!

Ha! Well there goes the explanation that siblings of different ages have different experiences.

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  • 1 year later...

Yes I agree that parents can do major damage to their kids.  I just don't see how that could be the case with my mom.  No one who knows who thinks it.  My brother's life has been out of control since he was 14.  My son's age for petes sake!  She had hell with him until he was 19 and she calmly told him she couldn't dictate how he lives but he couldn't do it and live at her house.  


Can it sometimes just be the kid and not the parent?



So I think this is what you are *really* asking.


In our society today it is very popular to say, "Well, if such and such turned out like this then there had to be SOMETHING... an event, a person, somebody or something failed."


No.  Just no.  The truth?   Humans are broken and fallible and not because others failed them or because there was an event.  Just because they are.  



Your brother is broke and not because someone or something broke him, but just 'cuz he is. :(  It's very sad.  

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My aunt was like this all through her twenties and thirties. Then in her late forties, she was diagnosed as schizophrenic and the meds really help, well, they help when she is willing to take them. Sigh. She is 64 now and it has been a very bumpy, difficult road for her kids because she won't just stay on the meds for more than a year at a time.

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I just read your updated post.


Unless your brother really is FBI or CIA, I think you have a schizophrenic on you hands. That is the kind of thing my aunt said before she was diagnosed. Hers was that she'd fallen in love with a man who turned out to be linked to the mafia and now she knew too much and they were coming to get her and we were all in danger but she knew of a safe house and we all needed to come to the safe house now before the mafia blew up our houses.


When my cousin finally got to her, she was hallucinating that armed mercenaries were coming through her windows. She had a big knife and was wielding it quite menacingly. My cousin called 911. Police were able to subdue her without hurting her, and EMS had to give her a good bit of Ativan in order to transport her to the psyche ward. If she would just stay on her meds, things would be so much better.

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We have an opposite situation in my extended family: an abuser is defended by people who aren't ready to deal with childhood trauma right now, and that is okay.


There is no need for people who love one another to agree.


ETA - just read about the diagnosis. I'm so sorry. Ignore my previous post.

Edited by Plink
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Scarlett, I would be really concerned about the claim that he and his "friends" have "located one Islamic terror training camp" and are "quietly looking for three more that are reported to be located here in our vicinity." Do you think this is just delusions or is there any possibility that he has actually connected with other individuals and is scouting around looking for Muslim communities or Muslim-looking communities. Does he own guns?


I know you're not in contact with your sil and probably don't want to engage with your brother, but if I were in your place I would feel really concerned about the potential for him to do something terrible during an episode. I would probably text back with a general type question to get more info. Maybe, "What do you mean? I don't understand," and just see if he volunteers more information. 

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Spending hours searching Google Earth, stockpiling food and weapons--these feel like doing something, the address the feelings of helplessness that come from fear.


If this is the extent of the craziness I wouldn't worry too much about it. If this were a brother of mine and I thought him to be generally OK mental health wise I might reply something like "Hi bro, thanks for thinking of me. I don't personally expect societal breakdown and chaos, we do have some pretty good security infrastructure in place and a whole lot of people who want to keep society functioning. There are definitely some folks out there who want to spread fear and terror but I don't think they will win. If you do have pertinent information sharing with law enforcement or the FBI is always a good idea. Love ya, Sis."


If he is crazy crazy I wouldn't respond at all.


ETA I responded to this recent post without going back to review the old thread. Since there is a history of mental illness this sounds like more of the same. I would be alert for signs of escalation (risk to others), but otherwise ignore whatever he says unless you see a way to encourage him to talk to a therapist or dr. There's just not much we can do to help other adults with mental health issues, especially from a distance. Let him know you care about him but don't engage with irrational thinking.

Edited by maize
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I know this is an old thread, but it has so much info I decided to tag on here.


I got the following text from my brother two nights ago. He has not sent the same thing to my mom and I didn't share the full details of it. Tell me what you think.


Hi sister. How is everyone? I wanted to tell you hi and I love you and also remind you that we are under a very real threat from jihadist sleeper cells. A few of my friends and I have located one Islamic terror training camp approximately 50 miles from my house; and we are quietly looking for three more that are reported to be located here in our vicinity. I have Google Earthed a million square miles of terrain and only found the one over towards <nearby town> so far.

The FBI has confirmed 35 known ISIS training camps spread across 22 states from east coast to west coast. Those are the ones they admit to knowing about. The leader of these sleeper cells is an Islamic extremist cleric from Pakistan who has been putting this plan together since 1980; and he and his converts have been linked to dozens of terrorist acts on American soil in the past 35 years. If our society breaks down and anarchy ensues, know that we have a plan to evacuate our women and children to safety in a location that will have food, water, shelter, and people who are dedicated to the fierce and loyal defense of our loved ones.

You may be chuckling at my insanity right now; but when the whole house of cards falls, just know you will be safe if you can make it here. Not trying to be all dramatic and no I have not joined in with a bunch of right wing, extreme, paramilitary white-power nut jobs who just like trouble in any form what so ever. We are just law abiding, innocent, free-thinking citizens who seek only peace and happiness for our families, for our neighbors, and for anyone who respects the rights of their fellow man.

The End.


Wow.  He has some troubles.  I really hope he chooses to get treatment, but if the wife is not supportive, it seems unlikely.

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IMHO, I think you should call his local police and let them know that the "terrorist training camp" and "extremist Pakistani cleric" might be targets. It would be horrible if he did attack them. Other than that, I think Faith is probably right and you have a mental health issue on your hands. I don't know if it's feasible for you to do anything about it or not.



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I just read your updated post.


Unless your brother really is FBI or CIA, I think you have a schizophrenic on you hands. That is the kind of thing my aunt said before she was diagnosed. Hers was that she'd fallen in love with a man who turned out to be linked to the mafia and now she knew too much and they were coming to get her and we were all in danger but she knew of a safe house and we all needed to come to the safe house now before the mafia blew up our houses.


When my cousin finally got to her, she was hallucinating that armed mercenaries were coming through her windows. She had a big knife and was wielding it quite menacingly. My cousin called 911. Police were able to subdue her without hurting her, and EMS had to give her a good bit of Ativan in order to transport her to the psyche ward. If she would just stay on her meds, things would be so much better.


Agreeing this is a possibility, but I've heard enough of this kind of thinking and behavior to believe it can't all be schizophrenics. 


I suppose it could also be that the brother has got pulled into someone else's delusions. Some other mental health issues (anxiety, OCD,...) can I think affect people's ability to think rationally without extending to the point of actual delusion.

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There was a little more to the text that was too personal to send....but he basically was gloating ( sent me picture evidence) that a woman who in my religion was doing something she was not suppose to be doing. I contacted her directly....she admitted it and said she was very sorry and had made a big mistake and had already talked to our spiritual leaders.

I wanted him to know she had not abandoned her religion and faith so I told him the highlights of what she said.....he responded back with another looooong text saying bullcrap...more venom about my religion and then this

quote from brother removed

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Well, the thing is There are not any Muslims in that area of the country. I don't think. So I don't worry about him attacking an innocent family....but I know about the one "terrorist training camp" he thinks he has found. Not sure what it is but a lot of the conspirators have been jabbering about it.


He is home all day and has nothing better to do than search Googleearth. So strange.

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So I think this is what you are *really* asking.


In our society today it is very popular to say, "Well, if such and such turned out like this then there had to be SOMETHING... an event, a person, somebody or something failed."


No.  Just no.  The truth?   Humans are broken and fallible and not because others failed them or because there was an event.  Just because they are.  



Your brother is broke and not because someone or something broke him, but just 'cuz he is. :(  It's very sad.  


Exactly.  I know a family where 2 of the teen boys tried to make trouble for their parents by claiming that they weren't fed and there wasn't food in the house.  Somehow they convinced a distant relative of this, who caused all kinds of drama, and problems with the police, etc.  The distant relative went to the house and brought groceries and harangued the parents about it.  But they wouldn't look at the freezers (yes, plural) full of food.  They didn't see the irony of the regular sized jar of peanut butter that they put on the shelf next to the food service sized jar of peanut butter already there.  It never occurred to them to wonder how these unfed boys got so muscular (you had to see these boys, very muscular for teens, both were prize-winning wrestlers). 


Sometimes kids raised in good, stable families make bad choices.  And unfortunately, there are always people out there ready to confirm their insanity for them.


Today both of those boys are grown and married and if anyone brings up the incident, they are extremely embarrassed and will readily admit they were being teenage asshats.  Interestingly, the relatives will not.

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This post has me a bit unnerved. I'm pretty sure that is no where near me, but local news is all about how gun sales are up in my area after the shootings. Oh and how even SAHMs can be terr@sts. :(

Please report this if you think that he has access to guns or the like. In a few weeks is a major celebration for many Muslims around the world. IF he is connected to a group, they could be targeting one of those celebrations.  (A local center might be setting up outdoor tents to host a dinner or the like, we often do that here.)

I probably will not be attending our local celebration due to fears of something like this happening. It is a large group and we usually rent a large city center to hold the event that lasts often till midnight.

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This post has me a bit unnerved. I'm pretty sure that is no where near me, but local news is all about how gun sales are up in my area after the shootings. Oh and how even SAHMs can be terr@sts. :(

Please report this if you think that he has access to guns or the like. In a few weeks is a major celebration for many Muslims around the world. IF he is connected to a group, they could be targeting one of those celebrations.  (A local center might be setting up outdoor tents to host a dinner or the like, we often do that here.)

I probably will not be attending our local celebration due to fears of something like this happening. It is a large group and we usually rent a large city center to hold the event that lasts often till midnight.


I agree, Scarlett.


Maybe it's just delusional talk, but maybe it's not. I would seriously be looking for his local, non-emergency police number. You can talk it over with them, explain the history of mental illness, etc. Maybe they could at least do a well-check.

Edited by MinivanMom
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I haven't got experience with this, so ignore me if what Isay sounds off, but in your shoes id be treating him like a toddler with a knife. Id speak or text calmly and be as deceitful as necessary to gain his trust and let me get help for him and whoever else might get hurt by the "knife"

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I haven't got experience with this, so ignore me if what Isay sounds off, but in your shoes id be treating him like a toddler with a knife. Id speak or text calmly and be as deceitful as necessary to gain his trust and let me get help for him and whoever else might get hurt by the "knife"


removed quotes for privacy



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Stop trying to defend your friend. Seriously. He is completely unhinged. Honestly I'd stop replying. 


Contact authorities. Contact his doctor. Call the mental health hotline for your area and his area. This seriously sounds like it could be a tragedy in the making. 


Edit: You are trying to reason with him. You cannot reason with someone who is at that level of mental illness. I am not saying he's a bad person. I'm saying that he's really seriously ill at the moment. 

Edited by kiana
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Stop trying to defend your friend. Seriously. He is completely unhinged. Honestly I'd stop replying. 


Contact authorities. Contact his doctor. Call the mental health hotline for your area and his area. This seriously sounds like it could be a tragedy in the making. 


Edit: You are trying to reason with him. You cannot reason with someone who is at that level of mental illness. I am not saying he's a bad person. I'm saying that he's really seriously ill at the moment. 


I agree.  Don't treat irrational mental illness like a debate.

I'm so sorry.  Without going into details, I know a bit what it's like to be afraid of, and for, a mentally ill sibling.  It hurts. 

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Here is how I responded which I felt was mild...opinions?


She says she made a mistake. We all make mistakes. I am not sure what you are trying to say about her. If it turns out she is lying to me well so be it. No one is forced to be in our religion. Including me. Your attacks on my beliefs is hurtful and I am asking you to stop.


His response to the above


Removed quotes for privacy


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I don't know how far away he is, but I'd be seriously concerned about a couple of things:


1) Deciding to take out the "ISIS training camp"

2) Deciding to show up and "rescue you from yourself and your delusions" by taking you to a "place of safety". 


I would be watchful. 

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I don't know how far away he is, but I'd be seriously concerned about a couple of things:


1) Deciding to take out the "ISIS training camp"

2) Deciding to show up and "rescue you from yourself and your delusions" by taking you to a "place of safety".


I would be watchful.

He is about 3 hours by car away. My mom is only about 30 minutes from him.

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deleting per OP's request.


This is scary. He's telling you that he's got big plans and activities to be a part of, and you know that those involve searching for "jihadist training camps" on google earth and then doing.... something. Lord knows what. Please contact the police in his area, they need to know that a mentally unstable man is out there actively searching for someone who looks like a "problem" that he can "fix".

Edited by SproutMamaK
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Scarlett, I'm seriously scared for you and whomever is around your brother right now. He is off the deep end.


He's really reminding me of a person I know who has gone nutsy with things like this.

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He added some more personal stuff in that last text that I didn't copy. Telling me about another couple in my faith who is doing something against our beliefs. I will not be taking that bait.


I am slightly worried, BUT he has always been a big talker and not a doer.

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He added some more personal stuff in that last text that I didn't copy. Telling me about another couple in my faith who is doing something against our beliefs. I will not be taking that bait.


I am slightly worried, BUT he has always been a big talker and not a doer.

Maybe. But that sounds just like what people say when they are inteviewed on the news.

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Paranoid Personality Disorder, you can google it.


You are focusing on your words versus his words. Time to focus on doing what you can to get him some help.

It is very easy to get caught up in conversations with him....he is my brother and I love him....that is why I posted to you all....I need some perspective. However, I do not believe there is anything I can do to help him.

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Is it possible to find out from him if he has a plan to take action? LIke text him back saying something like "you've given me a lot to think about. Do you know when all this is going to go down? How much time do I have to think this through?" 

If he has no timeline, maybe he is all talk. But if he does, you probably should do as previous posters suggested and give a tip to the local police to do a welfare check on him, if nothing else.

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Paranoid people can google phrases taken from things they have sent others in order to check up on who is "after" them. Being the subject of conversation amongst thousands of strangers will do his mental illness no good.


I strongly suggest deleting any quotes from his emails. Bringing it to our attention for advice is fine, and I think you got some good advice. Making it easy to bring to his attention is a disaster in the making.

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Is it possible to find out from him if he has a plan to take action? LIke text him back saying something like "you've given me a lot to think about. Do you know when all this is going to go down? How much time do I have to think this through?"

If he has no timeline, maybe he is all talk. But if he does, you probably should do as previous posters suggested and give a tip to the local police to do a welfare check on him, if nothing else.

No way he would fall for that.

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Ok I sent this reply but will not respond further.


"You actually never asked me any question. Even so that isn't what I was referring to as your attacks. I am sorry you are so upset . "


You guys are right. I am trying to reason. It isn't going to work.



you can't reason with crazy.


In my experince, there are three kinds of children.

those who will eventually turn out ok, even with lousy parents.

those who are more influenced by the quality of their parents

those who will give the best parents in the world a run for their money.

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