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AP scores....can't wait!!

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Do got her scores today:


Lit: 5

Macro-econ: 4

Psych: 4

Euro: 4


She was very excited about the Euro score. She felt she'd bombed the exam.


A Scholar with Distinction after 7 exams. I'm so proud of her. She's a smart girl but this was a result of pure hard work and dedication. It did not come easy. :)

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It doesn't hurt to list the award when applying but according to the College Board website, your college should receive this information from CB anyway. CB also does not award money but I think other scholarships might be tied to AP exam scores. Not sure about that, though.




Although there is no monetary award in addition to receiving an award certificate, this achievement is acknowledged on any score report that is sent to colleges the following fall.




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I looked up A Scholar with Distinction on the college board. This is good, but how does it affect college applications? My DD as a junior is A Scholar with Honor.


On most college and scholarship applications there is a section for Academic Honors. If my boys hadn't been AP scholars with distinction they would have had to leave that empty whereas most academically strong school students would have something to put there. National Merit or Commended would work too.


So, in many ways it does't matter but I think having no empty sections is going to give an overall better impression. 

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I actually forgot that this was opening up today.  I guess it's a sign that we were out having a good time.


Happy smile on two exams for one son, but the other hasn't pulled his scores yet.


I did get a message that there is some issue with the scores. I was only able to see an unofficial report.  I'm not sure if that's because their second exam was rescheduled because of the wildfires or if there is some other issue.  [Always gotta be drama.]



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Here are the proxy instructions that worked for me:

1. Open Internet Explorer

2. Select "tools" from the menu bar of the Internet Explorer window

3. Select "Internet Options"

4. Select "Connections" tab

5. Select "LAN" settings

6. Remove the checkmarks in the boxes that are currently checked, and then put a checkmark in the box under "Proxy Server".  Those boxes should turn white and will be editable.)

7.  Enter your Proxy server name:  I used

8. Enter the Port Number:  3128

9. Click the "OK" button at the bottom of the pop-up.

10. Click the next OK button to get out of the tools section.

11.  Open up a new tab using internet explorer and you should be good to go.


After you get your scores, go back to Tools and recheck the original boxes so you are no longer using the proxy server.


ETA: Another option courtesy of the kids on College Confidential:

go to itwtf.com and type in "apscores.org" into the proxy bar.  You will then be able to login as usual and see your scores.


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Ds accessed his scores this morning.


Lit: 5

Lang: 5

Comparative Gov: 4

Spanish Language and Culture: 4 (he was pleasantly surprised with this)

Bio: 3 (somewhat disappointed with this - was hoping for a 4) - ETA: I meant that ds was somewhat disappointed in this score, not I!


He does qualify for National AP Scholar when combining these scores with those from the past two years. Not that it does anything for him at this point. Lol!

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Got the other kid's scores.  Good smiles there too.  They passed all of the exams with scores good enough to get college credit.


I'm especially pleased with the Comparative Politics results.  They only had 2.5 months to study.  One month of that was in the car driving cross country.  Another month was living in a hotel room.  They tested in an unfamiliar place after being postponed a week for local area wildfires which closed schools during the test week.  They really worked hard for that particular score.


Totalregistration.com again has the exam score distributions and comments collected as the data was released by College Board.  You can see that in several cases only about half of the students taking the exam are getting a passing score of 3+.  I also find the comments interesting. 


I can't do links on this computer, but try searching for:  2014 AP exam score distributions .

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Also, I just looked at Trevor Packer's Twitter feed.  He is the head of AP for College Board.  It looks like there have been a lot of demands on the server and many people are having trouble getting onto the site.  If you can bear to wait until a later hour, when fewer people are trying, you might have better luck.



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5 here on AP Lit. My daughter took AP Lit with Lili Serbicki via PAHS. Lili is awesome. Her class was enjoyable, efficient, flexible. Lots of opportunities for extra credit, lots of great feedback on essays. Overall, challenging but not overwhelming. Lili's class was great prep for the AP exam. 

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Snowbeltmom, thank you so much for sharing the proxy link. It worked for us here in Canada, don't have to wait until Wednesday. To be honest, I felt like cheating a little bit when doing it but couldn't resist it.


OTH, we're so happy with DS's scores. 5 on all 3 subjects: Biology, World History and Cal AB. 3 more APs next year, then he's done.

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I can give a score distribution link now. http://www.totalregistration.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=494&Itemid=118


This is the collected info from the AP Head's Twitter posts. What isn't here are total numbers. Those will show up as score distribution sheets (but without commentary) on the CB exam i formation page where released frq are posted. Additional commentary will be under the Q and A link.


Example http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/members/exam/exam_information/2086.html


These pages are a big help for exam study to understand what the expectations of a question were.

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I looked up A Scholar with Distinction on the college board. This is good, but how does it affect college applications? My DD as a junior is A Scholar with Honor.



On most college and scholarship applications there is a section for Academic Honors. If my boys hadn't been AP scholars with distinction they would have had to leave that empty whereas most academically strong school students would have something to put there. National Merit or Commended would work too.


So, in many ways it does't matter but I think having no empty sections is going to give an overall better impression. 


Pretty much this.


For the schools my dd applied to, the designation wouldn't mean a thing. In fact, this award didn't even go on her apps since she was a senior this year so her decision has already been made.


In our house, it was just an accomplishment she worked her tail off for and achieved. :D

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I'll brag on a homeschool friend and old neighbor of ours.  She has been studying Japanese for several years (lives there and uses a Japanese tutor) and earned a 5 on the AP Japanese exam.  Unusual circumstance in that she is in country, but that doesn't detract from the great amount of effort and hard work she has put into this.



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5 in Physics B this year, after struggling all year long with PA Homeschoolers. 

While everyone is extremely happy with the results, we've now learned that DS needs and depends on a live class. Physics with PA Homeschoolers is not live. And that made our year very hard. 

Still, can't ask for better results!

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I'll brag on a homeschool friend and old neighbor of ours.  She has been studying Japanese for several years (lives there and uses a Japanese tutor) and earned a 5 on the AP Japanese exam.  Unusual circumstance in that she is in country, but that doesn't detract from the great amount of effort and hard work she has put into this.


That is a big deal!  I've never heard of anyone acing the Japanese AP who isn't Japanese.  Dd is studying for it this year, but we know the odds aren't in her favor. I'll pass this info on to her for some encouragement. 

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Just got word that ds got a 5 on World History. He struggled this year with this class, getting very behind due to his mental health issues. This is a huge victory for him! He took Mrs. Harrison's class at PA Homeschoolers. She was very understanding about his issues and worked with him to catch up.

Our boys were in the same class then. DS loved that class and felt Mrs. Harrison was a great teacher. Congrets to your DS.

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8th grade DS got a 5 in Physics B.  He did Kinetic Books and self-studied.  He is thrilled! 


Did he enjoy Kinetic Books?   It is what ds used in 8th grade that fired his passion.   He never stopped studying physics from that point on!


Dd will be using it next yr.  I sure hope she enjoys it.   She has detested chemistry with a passion that can only compare to how her mother felt about the subject at the same age.   :tongue_smilie:

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Did he enjoy Kinetic Books?   It is what ds used in 8th grade that fired his passion.   He never stopped studying physics from that point on!


Dd will be using it next yr.  I sure hope she enjoys it.   She has detested chemistry with a passion that can only compare to how her mother felt about the subject at the same age.   :tongue_smilie:



Sent you a PM!


Yes, he thoroughly enjoyed Kinetic Books, thanks to your recommendation!


Best of luck with your daughter's experience.  Each kid is so, so different. ;)

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8th grade DS got a 5 in Physics B.  He did Kinetic Books and self-studied.  He is thrilled! 


I am looking at the Kinetic website for the first time.  It looks like there is an online class as well as several textbooks.  What did he use?  

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Congratulations to your son! What materials or classes did he use to prepare? We're thinking about trying for AP CS next year.

My ds has worked with Scratch and SNAP for years, done a ton with CodeAcademy and then studied like crazy with Barron's AP Comp Sci and the Be Prepared for the AP Computer Science Exam in Java.

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Ds self-studied for Lit and Microecon and got 5's on both. He was so happy about the Lit because he found the reading and MC's on the practice tests challenging. He learned a lot about close, insightful reading and writing. Yay!


With the AP's he took last year he qualifies for AP Scholar with Honor so far. Don't know if that really means much, but it's motivation for him to try hard on his future AP's. :)

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