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Waving Goodbye! Iceland her we come. Be good while I'm gone!


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Now this is all dependent upon me NOT murdering dh and getting arrested for it because he has played ZERO role in planning and packing, he keeps rummaging through the suitcases and carry-ons and questioning my packing logic which is in fact quite good despite his naysaying opinion! LOL


Thou shalt not murder.....mantra for the next few minutes!

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I only pack the bathroom necessities for DH.  He is responsible for everything else he needs.  Then again, he also drives me nuts with all the "how many xyzs should I take" questions.  I mean he's a grown man that knows how to count after all.  Enjoy your trip.

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I still pack for DH. I thought I was the only one. Last time I didn't because I had gone before him and DD, and he came with a belt wrapped around some clothes. No toiletries. Only a few articles of clothing even though he knew we would be there for at least a week. No shoes, no pills (he needs several a day), so on. He is a very smart man, but packing seems to be a big challenge. Sometimes I feel like I am married to a child  :001_rolleyes:. He doesn't question anything when I do pack but when I question his packing he acts like it's sufficient. 


Anyway, have fun on your trip! I have a friend in Iceland and it looks beautiful.

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Now this is all dependent upon me NOT murdering dh and getting arrested for it because he has played ZERO role in planning and packing, he keeps rummaging through the suitcases and carry-ons and questioning my packing logic which is in fact quite good despite his naysaying opinion! LOL


Thou shalt not murder.....mantra for the next few minutes!


FYI, Iceland abolished the death penalty in 1928. Try to hold out.  ;)

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Okay, funny thoughts from today.


One can purchase whale hunting shirts, baby seal skin sneakers, roast puffin with wild rice and mushrooms, and a nice whale dinner. LOL, this would NOT make me popular amongst the other 4H parents and leaders!! Oh, whale is divine, puffin tastes like pheasant, and do you like the bahy seals I'm wearing on my feet???


This country has a rugged beauty that is hard to describe. You feel as though you have stepped back in time to the viking era, and yet it is probably one of the serenest, most civil, and friendly places I have ever been. We drove through lava fields to get to Reykjavik from the Keflavic airport. Inlets from the harbor were gorgeous, and to our right, the volcanic mountains with low lying clouds were magnificent as well as a little eerie.


Security and customs was a breeze. 200 people were processed through in less than an hour. We were greeted most warmly, asked how long we were staying, opened nothing, had not a single inspection or other question, and had our passports stamped in less than a minute.


We have a small one bedroom apartment in the heart of the city and only a few short blocks from the harbor. Thugh called "Room with a View", there isn't any view actually because the building isn't tall enough. But, in a country where food is costly and eating out for even simple meals is a $60-90 dollar proposition every time, being only three blocks from a supermarket and having a stocked kitchenette is wonderful!


We've napped and scoped out the harbor area as well as almost half the city. I will post a picture from our balcony if the jpeg isn't too big. I have no idea how to resize the file on my tablet.

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Hey Faith, you made it! We're about 2 blocks from you, on Klapparstigur. :) We spent the last two days driving all over the place seeing waterfalls and hot springs, today we stayed in Reykjavik & dd got an Icelandic dictionary... Really hard to find those online. If you guys aren't too tired, it would be fun to figure out a way run into eachother. :) We're off to London in the morning.

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Hey Faith, you made it! We're about 2 blocks from you, on Klapparstigur. :) We spent the last two days driving all over the place seeing waterfalls and hot springs, today we stayed in Reykjavik & dd got an Icelandic dictionary... Really hard to find those online. If you guys aren't too tired, it would be fun to figure out a way run into eachother. :) We're off to London in the morning.

Oh bummer! I just now checked this thread and it's 5:19 pm Icelandic time so you are gone.

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Oh bummer! I just now checked this thread and it's 5:19 pm Icelandic time so you are gone.


Yep, we're in London now.  Would have loved to have met you - I always love reading your posts about rocketry adventures, and dd thought it was so cool there was another kid into Iceland!  I wonder if we walked past eachother in the street - we were strolling around all afternoon.  We ate breakfast the first day in the shop (the one that trumpets CASH REFUND with the astronaut suit in the window) right next to your hotel  - the cafe in the back actually has really good Icelandic food. 


Iceland was great!  Dd really wanted to see lots of waterfalls (other two dds were with us, but that dd set most of the itinerary, since she's the Iceland freak :) ). She alternated between being over the moon that she was actually there, and rather cranky that she couldn't see everything she wanted to (like things that were 13 hour car rides - each way - from Reykjavik).  Told her she'd have to go back by herself when she was older...  Here, let's see if I can post a pic - this is my family (minus me - the guy and the cluster of girls in pink raincoats) in front of Skógafoss.  There's stairs all the way to the top of the cliff (whew!) and if you climb over the stile at the top and walk a ways along the path, there's another huge waterfall just behind it.




PS Just FYI in case you need more yarn - the Lopi (exact same stuff they sell in the pricey tourist shops) is way cheaper at the Hagkaup - it's like the Target of Iceland.  There's one open 24 hours off of Miklabraut where it crosses Grensásvegur - we stumbled on it when desperate for a grocery store that was open hours other than 10 - 6:30, when we were always out exploring.  And it sells groceries and yarn - they even have a nice selection of pattern books.

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