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I had paint splattered pants with a matching jacket. I thought I was sooooo amazingly cool. Now I look at the pictures and shudder. Although, better those then acid wash jumpers.


I wore mine with a neon top and some weird mesh-type neon socks with jelly shoes. I also had a painter's cap.

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Tank tops, big hair and bangs, plastic shoes, thick scrunchy socks, safety pins to hold the pant cuffs tight, Bass shoes and no laces or the funny rolled dangling ends, big bags, huge scarfs in the hair, giant dangling earrings, ripped jeans, neon colors, lots and lots of makeup  ....




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Whoa.  I have a pair of DH's old overalls - authentically paint spattered, mind you - that are cut down to shorts.  I like them for gardening, sometimes.  But I can never, ever be associated with a Kardashian.  Shudder.


I wonder how much I could sell them for, now that they have a celebrity "endorsement" ....   ;)



The trend will spread like wildfire and soon some celebrity who doesn't make you gag will wear them. And then you can be cool. But wait- you wore them before they came back in style- you started the trend!  How fashion forward of you!



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Back when you could decipher if a man was circumcised or not at first glance.





Oh my.  I need to wash my eyeballs.


But only with huge hair!



2 words: acid wash




I will defer to you ladies' better judgment.


In the 80's I was working in an office trying to imitate Linda Evans with the shoulder pads.  And lots of Aqua Net to hold the hair in place.


Anyone remember Hash jeans?  I made some deal with my mom to earn money so I could buy some.  Haven't thought about those in ages.

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The trend will spread like wildfire and soon some celebrity who doesn't make you gag will wear them. And then you can be cool. But wait- you wore them before they came back in style- you started the trend!  How fashion forward of you!




In all my days, that phrase has never once been uttered to me - until now.


Annie G, you have made my day.  :laugh:

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I graduated high school in 1987.  Who remembers parachute pants?  I wonder if they'll ever come back.


My 20 year old does LOVE overalls, especially short ones.  She's also been pinning a TON of rompers on Pinterest.   She is having trouble finding a pair of overalls that fits well.  I feel like telling her it's not possible.


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I'm not getting the "1969" title of the outfits. Style doesn;t look very 60s to me....


I graduated in 1987.  I have short stubby legs and a near-zero clothing budget.  I will confess to pegging my too-long boot-cut jeans I got on clearance or thrift stores. :leaving:


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I graduated high school in 1987.  Who remembers parachute pants?  I wonder if they'll ever come back.


My 20 year old does LOVE overalls, especially short ones.  She's also been pinning a TON of rompers on Pinterest.   She is having trouble finding a pair of overalls that fits well.  I feel like telling her it's not possible.


Do you mean Harem Pants?   I've been seeing them a lot in various dance venues the last year or so.  I fear it's only a matter of time before they cross over to mainstream attire. 

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Do you mean Harem Pants?   I've been seeing them a lot in various dance venues the last year or so.  I fear it's only a matter of time before they cross over to mainstream attire. 


Nope.  These are a good example.  In fact I think I had a pair just like that - black with grey zippers.  They were made of some kind of nylon material that made a ton of noise when you walked.  The really cheap ones were made of plastic.

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I still want to see it!


So, I have a picture of me circa 1987 or so, acid washed jeans, matching denim vest, and HUGE hair.  I thought about posting it....... but, I decided I like you guys, so I won't do that to you.  You're welcome. :D


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I had to look them up.  I had never heard of them before.



Oh my.  I need to wash my eyeballs.



I will defer to you ladies' better judgment.


In the 80's I was working in an office trying to imitate Linda Evans with the shoulder pads.  And lots of Aqua Net to hold the hair in place.


Anyone remember Hash jeans?  I made some deal with my mom to earn money so I could buy some.  Haven't thought about those in ages.


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Nope.  These are a good example.  In fact I think I had a pair just like that - black with grey zippers.  They were made of some kind of nylon material that made a ton of noise when you walked.  The really cheap ones were made of plastic.


Ah, yes.  Those aren't so bad.  Well, maybe the ones made of plastic would be really strange, but they are far better than the harem pants.  My DD is taking hip-hop this year, and I told her that she better let her teacher know that if her costume includes harem pants, she is never doing hip-hop again.  :p

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ducks and hides...I bought something similar to the dress the other day and have been wearing it... I never thought of it as anything related to stereotypical homeschooling denim jumper.  I just thought fun, summer dress...hmmm  Oh well I like it :)

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I would rock that denim dress!

That's exactly what I thought when I saw the romper!  :lol:


I bought one over at ModCloth on super clearance and wear it all the time around the house. I like to tap dance and sing Animal Crackers in my Soup, in my awefulest Shirley Temple voice and really freak the kids out!! You should hear the sounds they make.. Haha! LOVE IT! Worth every penny. :)


I hated that fabric in the 80's. Although, I think I had something in acid wash that was then dyed teal... Good ol 80's teal. 


ETA: Ah! I see I missed the teal love up thread. Haha. I also remember blue lipstick that would turn a horrid shade of pink or purple, depending on your mood. 

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I graduated high school in 1987. Who remembers parachute pants? I wonder if they'll ever come back.


I graduated in 87' and unfortunately do remember parachute pants. :huh:

Head right over to the Juniors section of your local Kohls. Saw them there yesterday. It gave me the chills. 


I wonder what they're calling them now?? :confused1:
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Heads up: One of the Kardashians wore denim short overalls recently. So now it's going to be a thing.   The 80's are officially back. 



I saw an entire rack of denim short overalls earlier this week when I was shopping.  I just shuddered at the thought, but the dress the OP linked is cute.  I wouldn't wear it now but if I had a DD, I'd buy it for her if she wanted.

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Leg warmers, gah.. another memory flooding back in with all its attendant cultural details...can anyone say...FlashDance :eek:





Oh boy... I have those too!  :lol:

Two different colors in fact!


Unlike the romper, I wear these out in public. The kids still cringe of course... hee hee.

I like to have a good time with clothes. I don't like to take it too serious, and sometimes I don't mind being a little nuts. 

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