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The rudest thing EVER!!!


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Who thinks it is ok to spit gum on the ground?!? 

Why would you think that was ok?!? 

Do they think the clean-up fairies will come pick up their sticky mess???

Rude jerks!!





The Angry Gal Who Just Got Gum Off A Kid's Shoe and the Floor

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Ugh, I really don't understand it. I know it's bad on your shoes, but my father's in a wheelchair. Anything on the ground is probably going to end up on his hands or gloves. So a big thank you to the people who spit things on the ground! I really appreciate it.  :glare:

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I agree. Also, I feel revulsion when I see someone spit on the sidewalk. Get a tissue, please, and spit in that. So gross. Why is it always men who spit on the ground? Disgusting. I can't stand men who spit on the ground.

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I agree. Also, I feel revulsion when I see someone spit on the sidewalk. Get a tissue, please, and spit in that. So gross. Why is it always men who spit on the ground? Disgusting. I can't stand men who spit on the ground.

I totally agree!!


And if one truly must spit and there's really no napkin around please step away from other people and spit where no one will walk!!

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We have a neighbor who has been letting their dog use our lawn as its own private bathroom. Just ick. If I wanted to clean up after a pet, I'd get my own pet. Ugh.


To be fair, I suppose it could be a stray. But it's always in the same place right by the sidewalk, so I'm assuming it's somebody with a regular route. And when I catch them at it, they're going to get an earful!

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Last time I was in a restaurant, the woman one booth over decided it was a good time/place to brush her hair. Luckily our food had not come out yet...

And, had you said something, she would have thought you were rude and probably told you to mind your own business. Manners should be a required high school class.

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And, had you said something, she would have thought you were rude and probably told you to mind your own business. Manners should be a required high school class.

If we were eating I would have had to say something. To her or the waitress. No way I could have eaten with hair flying around. Blech. I did cover up my drink until she was done.

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Guest submarines

If we were eating I would have had to say something. To her or the waitress. No way I could have eaten with hair flying around. Blech. I did cover up my drink until she was done.



:001_huh: Hair flies around when you brush? I've never witnessed this particular phenomenon.

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Guest submarines

Gum on the sidewalk is certainly disgusting, but to call it the rudest thing "EVER"? Your life must be pretty uneventful then. :tongue_smilie:

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Same type of people who use the world as their personal ash tray.


The county I live in has a website where you can report drivers for doing this, though I don't know how much good it is doing, since the act has to be "verified." Perhaps they use cameras at traffic lights or only ticket if they have two or more reports about the same vehicle? I have been telling my dh for years that, based on the number of cigarette remains at lights, if they would fine people for littering every time someone threw a butt out their car window, the county could pay for every penny of road maintenance!

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:001_huh: Hair flies around when you brush? I've never witnessed this particular phenomenon.

It totally does. I shed so much hair when I brush or wash my hair,

I am amazed I still have so much.

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Gum on the sidewalk is certainly disgusting, but to call it the rudest thing "EVER"? Your life must be pretty uneventful then. :tongue_smilie:

Hyperbole. Fun literary devices.

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Gum on the sidewalk is certainly disgusting, but to call it the rudest thing "EVER"? Your life must be pretty uneventful then. :tongue_smilie:


Well, in my defense, I did just have to clean the gum off a shoe and my hallway floor, so, yes, rudest thing EVER!!

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I always think, it must be a very young child and I'd like to excuse them because I'm sure my kids did something like that...  but then I think, but all the gum you see stuck on sidewalks can't possibly be left by 3 and 4 yos.  Yuck.

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Who thinks it is ok to spit gum on the ground?!? 

Why would you think that was ok?!? 

Do they think the clean-up fairies will come pick up their sticky mess???

Rude jerks!!





The Angry Gal Who Just Got Gum Off A Kid's Shoe and the Floor




And this is why I don't chew gum, and why I never, ever gave gum to my children. Not one time. Nope.


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And this is why I don't chew gum, and why I never, ever gave gum to my children. Not one time. Nope.



You don't trust yourself not to spit your hypothetical gum onto the ground?  :D 


I chew gum. My kids chew gum. I've never spit it on the ground. Not one time. Nope. I've taught the kids that they're also not to spit it on the ground. Not one time. Nope. 


We've somehow even managed to keep it out of everyone's long hair, LOL. 

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And this is why I don't chew gum, and why I never, ever gave gum to my children. Not one time. Nope.


OMG, you are my twin!!! :D


I have long assumed I, alone, despise gum. Never chew it. Never buy it. Don't give it to the kids. My loathing of gum goes far beyond poor disposal choices, but that is one more reason I am not a fan.

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OMG, you are my twin!!! :D


I have long assumed I, alone, despise gum. Never chew it. Never buy it. Don't give it to the kids. My loathing of gum goes far beyond poor disposal choices, but that is one more reason I am not a fan.


::pinky-finger shakes::


My mother/grandmother/family-in-general didn't do gum, either.


Miss Manners says it's a habit that is fine in private but should not be done in public. ITA with her.

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I hate gum for so many reasons. I have gotten in it the wheels of my wheelchair as well. I have knobby tires on it like those on a mountain bike and it takes forever before I can take my wheelchair into the house!


And a new kind of punishment for those who stick it to the underside of the table in restaurants! Last week on vacation my dd4 crawled under the table to retrieve her napkin...and managed to get someone's repulsive gum leavings in her hair!

It took a trip to to a grocery store, olive oil and peanut butter, and 2 hours of tears and frustration to get it out at the hotel. Ugh:(((

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I don't get why you have to boycott gum just because you don't like it on the ground. I somehow manage to keep myself from spitting it everywhere and I raised my children to have basic manners and do the same.

I hate it for additional reasons, but look in this thread - *someone* out there gets gum on the ground or sticks it on the underside of tables. So, no, I wouldn't spit it on the ground and lots of folks never would, but some folks do. Hence, a reason to hate gum.

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We have a neighbor who has been letting their dog use our lawn as its own private bathroom. Just ick. If I wanted to clean up after a pet, I'd get my own pet. Ugh.


To be fair, I suppose it could be a stray. But it's always in the same place right by the sidewalk, so I'm assuming it's somebody with a regular route. And when I catch them at it, they're going to get an earful!

I got a tip from a neighbor to put down cayenne pepper. It cost me about $10 to buy enough cheap cayenne to totally coat the perimeter of the lawn. You have to reapply every so often, but unless you have a deluge, a dog's sense of smell is sensitive enough that the application should be good for a couple of weeks. Eventually the dog becomes conditioned to avoid your lawn.


I also bought this for good measure:




The combination worked.

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I don't get why you have to boycott gum just because you don't like it on the ground. I somehow manage to keep myself from spitting it everywhere and I raised my children to have basic manners and do the same.


Some of us just don't think it's a particularly attractive habit, having watched the people around us chewing, often with open mouths, and popping the gum, and blowing bubbles with it...


Some of us have watched more than one parent dealing with the gum that the parent's children inadvertently ejected from their mouths and would prefer not to have that particular experience.


Some of us are not making judgements on those who chew gum and who allow their children to do so; we just don't care to. Thanks. :-)

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Dh had lots of trouble with cavities (and my youngest dd started taking after him) until I introduced gum into their world at the dentist's recommendation. Neither have had a single cavity since and none of their gum has ever ended up on the ground, on them, or in their hair.

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It is rude and nasty, but honestly, I don't run into this nearly as often now as I did years ago.

You know, this is true. I think it's a combination of more trash cans sitting around than when I was a kid and littering in general being not as socially acceptable. Does anyone remember the "crying Indian" PSA from the 70s?




I remember there being a lot more litter blowing around in general back then.

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Gum is a true lifesaver here. It's a far more socially acceptable sensory thing for my basically 11 year old son to chew on than his shirt or hand or whoknowswhat. Of course we teach him never to spit it out anywhere except the garbage.

Same here, I have a sensory seeking child who chewed in anything. Gum was the best solution, also our dentist recommended sugar free gum with xylitol.


We have taught the boys that gum goes in the trash. Having stepped in gum others have left in the ground they understand why.

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If I remember correctly Singapore (or some other place beginning with a S) has banned gum due to the fact the sidewalks were getting covered with it.

Chewing gum was banned in Singapore. Elevator doors and train doors were stuck with gum by pranksters (of all ages)


Bubble gum was in fashion before the ban though.

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I never said you were making judgements on everyone who does chew gum. I just simply didn't get why you wouldn't want to just because of other people's annoying habits with it.

This was explained to you. It isn't "just because of other people's annoying habits with it." Personally, I don't especially like seeing or hearing people chew *anything*, much less a rubbery bit of inedible, non-nutritive gum serving no purpose.*


In terms of habits that are not charming to observe, I put gum-chewing right there with cigarette-smoking. I am sure this is not a common view, nevertheless, there it is.




*i hear the moms with kids who chew because it solves a sensory problem. There are always exceptions, of course. Most gum-chewing serves no purpose.

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This was explained to you. It isn't "just because of other people's annoying habits with it." Personally, I don't especially like seeing or hearing people chew *anything*, much less a rubbery bit of inedible, non-nutritive gum serving no purpose.*


In terms of habits that are not charming to observe, I put gum-chewing right there with cigarette-smoking. I am sure this is not a common view, nevertheless, there it is.




*i hear the moms with kids who chew because it solves a sensory problem. There are always exceptions, of course. Most gum-chewing serves no purpose.

I know it was explained to me? I asked a question, and it was answered. I said didn't get, which is past tense. Then someone answered in a rather rude tone and acted like my question was implying I thought everyone who disliked gum was judging others, which was false.

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I know it was explained to me? I asked a question, and it was answered. I said didn't get, which is past tense. Then someone answered in a rather rude tone and acted like my question was implying I thought everyone who disliked gum was judging others, which was false.

You seem agitated. Have a tea. Or a beer. Or an ice-cream sandwich.

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You seem agitated. Have a tea. Or a beer. Or an ice-cream sandwich.

I'm not at all agitated, I just don't get why you're acting like I was saying something that I didn't. If I started adding things to what you say in every post you'd probably be bothered too. There's no need to be snarky.

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This post made me laugh. Honestly, don't ever go to Korea where the smog clogs your lungs and they spit a lot more disgusting things on the ground then gum.


There is a reason they don't wear their shoes in the house and it isn't all cultural LOL. After arriving off the plane it took me all of 2 minutes to ban all shoes stepping any further then the outside hall of our apartment....and I have always been ok with people wearing shoes in the house before then LOL.

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SewingMama said "This post made me laugh. Honestly, don't ever go to Korea where the smog clogs your lungs and they spit a lot more disgusting things on the ground then gum."


Thanks for that post.  I am not going to go visit there. I have asthma and my plans for future traveling is to concentrate on places I can breathe without problems. Pollution has always been my main cause of asthma and my tolerance has further decreased since my last case of pneumonia this last December.  I now react to even moderately bad air (around 60 on the air pollution index).  I know that I used to react only when it was 90 or above.   THe spitting is just an added reason not to go there.

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This is an interesting thread. I can't even remember the last time I saw gum or a cigarette butt on the ground. I don't see many people smoking or chewing gum, either, so that might have something to do with it.


Or maybe I'm just not that observant. ;)

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