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Do you cut open the toothpaste tube in order to use more toothpaste?


Do you cut open the toothpaste tube in order to use more toothpaste?  

164 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you cut open the toothpaste tube in order to use more toothpaste?

    • Yes, I cut the tube open. Or someone in my family does.
    • No, I only squeeze out what I can and then toss the tube.
    • I occasionally do.
    • I don't use toothpaste.
    • Other

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There is so much toothpaste you can't squeeze out. It feels so wasteful to throw the tube away when I know so much more is in there. 


I cut them open (or DH does) and can probably get 4-6 more 'servings' out. Only one of us will do it, to prevent spreading germs, just in case.


Are we the only ones who do this?

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I can understand WHY you would do it. However, I must admit to being too lazy right at bed and right when I wake up to care enough to locate a pair of scissors and chop a corner off, LOL!

Oh, we flay it open.


Cut off the end and up a side. Most of the paste is stuck in the folds.

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No. I use the handle of my toothbrush to squeeze all the toothpaste to the top and will sometimes roll up the tube and clip it with a binder clip so the toothpaste doesn't get squooged back down. Then we squeeze and squish until we can't get anymore toothpaste out of the tube. Then we finally toss it out. It's so much easier to do this now that the tubes are plastic. But back in the day when the tubes were . . . what, aluminum? . . . it was easier just to cut the tube open. I'm not sure my parents did that, though. We just used one of those tube-squeezer thingees that everyone had. Remember those?

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No. I use the handle of my toothbrush to squeeze all the toothpaste to the top and will sometimes roll up the tube and clip it with a binder clip so the toothpaste doesn't get squooged back down. Then we squeeze and squish until we can't get anymore toothpaste out of the tube. Then we finally toss it out. It's so much easier to do this now that the tubes are plastic. But back in the day when the tubes were . . . what, aluminum? . . . it was easier just to cut the tube open. I'm not sure my parents did that, though. We just used one of those tube-squeezer thingees that everyone had. Remember those?

My grandmother had a metal one. I have the new, plastic kind. I will cut open the tube when I don't have a backup yet.

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I don't normally do it, but I would if I'd forgotten to buy a new tube and didn't feel like making a special trip to the store just for toothpaste. I do try to squeeze out every last bit from the tube, though. My dh doesn't, and he opens a new tube days before I'm ready to toss the old one.


It's so stupid, really. I waste money on other stuff and I'll trade in a car with 15,000 miles on it, but I hate wasting the last of the toothpaste. And soap. I use that right down to the end, too. And liquid dish detergent.


I like to think I'm quirky, but it's more likely that I'm just plain nuts.

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Sometimes.   Usually if I forgot to buy it and we're just about out, but sometimes when I'm feeling like we're spending too much money and being wasteful.  Not that a tube of toothpaste makes much difference but overall those sorts of things can add up.   "Pennies a day" can become quite a few dollars in a month.


I also rinse out shampoo, conditioner, dish soap etc., to get more out of them.

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I consider myself very thrifty, and I have never cut a toothpaste tube to get more of it out.


(Thrifty defined as I have a lip balm on which the turning thingie broke off so the only way I can use it is to shove my finger up into the tube and push it up.  It is almost gone anyway, so I scrape my lips against the plastic trying to get some lip balm out.  After I post this, I am SO throwing this in the trash because what I am doing is ten times cheaper and worse in every way than cutting open a tube of toothpaste.)

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I haven't cut one open yet, but I did buy a toothpaste tube squeezer thing at the dollar tree ($1!). It does get quite a bit more out than just squeezing the tube myself. I'm not sure how many years it will take me to "earn" back that dollar in saved toothpaste...

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And I'm so cheap that rather than replace a toothbrush after a child has strep throat, I dip it in bleach and then rinse thoroughly!


(Can I please win a prize here? You see how hard I am trying, right?)

Yes! You win!


I will give you bonus prizes for sharing the electric toothbrush AND you shall be awarded the Ultimate Prize, if, while sharing the toothbrush, you dipped it in bleach if either you or your DH got strep throat!



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I haven't cut one open yet, but I did buy a toothpaste tube squeezer thing at the dollar tree ($1!). It does get quite a bit more out than just squeezing the tube myself. I'm not sure how many years it will take me to "earn" back that dollar in saved toothpaste...

Is it time for toothpaste math?

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Yes! You win!


I will give you bonus prizes for sharing the electric toothbrush AND you shall be awarded the Ultimate Prize, if, while sharing the toothbrush, you dipped it in bleach if either you or your DH got strep throat!



Oh yay!  I win!  I win!


No, I don't think I dipped it in bleach while we were sharing it.  I never get strep...darn the luck.  Sadly, if one of us was sick, the other used a different toothbrush until the illness subsided.  Now, we each use our own - he uses the electric, and I use a manual.  I was overbrushing my gums and causing issues with the electric!

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Oh yay! I win! I win!


No, I don't think I dipped it in bleach while we were sharing it. I never get strep...darn the luck. Sadly, if one of us was sick, the other used a different toothbrush until the illness subsided. Now, we each use our own - he uses the electric, and I use a manual. I was overbrushing my gums and causing issues with the electric!

Ouch. Sounds painful.


Your electric brush had only one head? I thought you could get more heads?

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Ouch. Sounds painful.


Your electric brush had only one head? I thought you could get more heads?

I guess I was too cheap to buy more than one and too lazy to continually change them out.  :D  So yes, we used the exact same toothbrush for ten years.  Ewwwww, gross.  For whatever reason, this did not skeeve out my germ phobic dh.

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I guess I was too cheap to buy more than one and too lazy to continually change them out.  :D  So yes, we used the exact same toothbrush for ten years.  Ewwwww, gross.  For whatever reason, this did not skeeve out my germ phobic dh.


Eh, you kiss. Same thing as sharing a toothbrush!

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Oh, we flay it open.


Cut off the end and up a side. Most of the paste is stuck in the folds.

My tube doesn't have any folds. I squeeze and flatten from the bottom, no rolls or folds.


I pay 97 cents for a tube of toothpaste. I don't think I would even save a tube over a lifetime. I think you have me beat on being frugal. Dh would be shocked!

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I guess I was too cheap to buy more than one and too lazy to continually change them out. :D So yes, we used the exact same toothbrush for ten years. Ewwwww, gross. For whatever reason, this did not skeeve out my germ phobic dh.

I think I'm going to barf now. Just reading that grosses me out so much.

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