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What has made a difference for you??

Peaceful Isle

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I am trying to live a little healthier! I thought a thread on what everyone's favorite supplements and health remedies are, would be fun!


What is it that you use, that has made a world of difference in your health, energy, ect.


I have started drinking apple cider vinegar every night before bed. A few teaspoons with agave in a mug of steaming, hot water. It helps digestion for me. No more bloats!


I also take the Alive multivitamin. Awesome. I love it, and it comes in gummy. Helps my energy levels.



What have you ladies tried, loved, and can't live without? Please share, so maybe we can learn something new that could possibly enrich our lives as well!

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I am very interested in this thread - it is a great topic.


I also take the Alive multivitamin.  I was amazed at how quickly my fingernails and cuticles became stronger and healthier.


Your apple cider vinegar regimen is what really interests me. I tried taking it before, but was told to take it straight.  Ouch!  Your way sounds so much better.  Just a few teaspoons?  Does that mean like 2, 3, or 4? 

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Vitamin D - 3000 IU daily alternating with cod liver oil or skate oil


Immune Stimulator during winter months

Turmeric on and off

Found a good naturopath who found the exactly right dose of thyroid support for me


More quinoa and rice - soak grains overnight. No potatoes or very little. I am more of a grain eater so Paleo would not work well for me. Lots of vegetables, some fruit and some grain are paired best with fish or chicken and eggs for protein. I don't use any canola oil or safflower, only olive oil and coconut oil or butter. I think finding what diet works best individually was key in eating better for my body type.

Walking every day if possible. 3 x a week gym to tone upper body primarily.



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Paleo eating: I feel amazing on it.

Raw liver: brings my low ferritin up when I remember to take it, and it's also amazing for me...(why then can't I take it regularly! :rolleyes: )

Molasses (raw and unsulphured): cuts down my menstrual bleeding from 7 days to 5 days, and cuts the heaviness of it, too.

Lots of water:  Reduces or eliminates those pesky back aches, and headaches.


Things I would like to get on to:


Probiotics: in the form of fermented vegetables

Bone broths: homemade

Regular moderate exercise

Codliver oil

Vit D


That's all I can think of right now.


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Paleo eating: I feel amazing on it.

Raw liver: brings my low ferritin up when I remember to take it, and it's also amazing for me...(why then can't I take it regularly! :rolleyes: )

Molasses (raw and unsulphured): cuts down my menstrual bleeding from 7 days to 5 days, and cuts the heaviness of it, too.

Lots of water: Reduces or eliminates those pesky back aches, and headaches.


Things I would like to get on to:


Probiotics: in the form of fermented vegetables

Bone broths: homemade

Regular moderate exercise

Codliver oil

Vit D


That's all I can think of right now.

I'd like to know more about this molasses thing. How often, how much? Where can I read more about it?


As for what works for me so far:


Definitely paleo/primal diet - or staying away from grains, at least. I've "tested" them. I haven't tested legumes yet to see if I react to them. They were never as much a part of my diet like grain/wheat was.




Fish oil

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I'd like to know more about this molasses thing. How often, how much? Where can I read more about it?


As for what works for me so far:


Definitely paleo/primal diet - or staying away from grains, at least. I've "tested" them. I haven't tested legumes yet to see if I react to them. They were never as much a part of my diet like grain/wheat was.




Fish oil


Google molasses for heavy periods.  I heard about it at http://earthclinic.com/Remedies/molasses.html

, but when I googled the above just now a few interesting ones came up, including: http://knottinikki.com/2013/07/17/blackstrap-molasses-benefits-how-to-defeat-horrific-menstrual-cyclescramps/


HTH! :thumbup1:


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Google molasses for heavy periods. I heard about it at http://earthclinic.com/Remedies/molasses.html

, but when I googled the above just now a few interesting ones came up, including: http://knottinikki.com/2013/07/17/blackstrap-molasses-benefits-how-to-defeat-horrific-menstrual-cyclescramps/


HTH! :thumbup1:


I was at earth clinic and knottinikki while you were typing this . ;) I've got some mad Googlefu skills. LOL


I'm getting loopy and silly, must be bedtime.

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I take cod liver oil. Online people rave about fermented. I think it's gross and overpriced. I take Carlson's cod liver oil (lemon flavored). I find it to be just as effective.



lots of water

exercise, stretching


Oh. Oil pulling too! I started this because I can notice as I've got older my gum lines are receding some. When googling, I stumbled upon oil pulling. I'm seeing obvious results from it!! Here is just one article of many: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/12/08/coconut-oil-combats-tooth-decay.aspx

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Real food.


I was terrible at trying to remember to take birth control pills and antibotics (not at the same time, lol.) I can't remeber to mess with supplements.  But sticking to ingredients in basic English with little to no science-oriented language for the past month or so has made a huge difference in my house.

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Not sure this counts. Not a supplement but exercise has totally changed me physically and mentally.

Me too!  Regular exercise has done more for my mental health and energy levels than almost anything else.  I'm 46 yo and have set a goal for a half marathon for myself.  And after that may go one to a full.


Also eating a low carb/grain/sugar free diet.  I was always a healthy weight and an active person, but at about 43 yo I began to gain weight and was exhausted all the time.  My blood sugar was borderline. Cutting out grains, and sugars made a huge impact on me.





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Listing the supplements I take would take too long, but they do make a difference for me. I'm on the edge of menopause and have other ailments of middle age, and thankfully our doctor is very good at working out ways to address our issues without prescriptions in most cases. I was getting miserable again with hot flashes and sleep issues over the summer, and she helped me work it out over several months to the point that I'm even again.


Pilates helps my pain and joint issues immensely, as does drinking a lot of water. 

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I like the Alive gummy vitamins, too! I've gotten to where taking a vitamin sized pill is a challenge...these gummies are terrific. I've also found fish oils in a gummy version. Love those. My energy levels are up. My nails were wrecked by chemo and were very slow to recover. The vitamins are helping.


I haven't tried apple cider vinegar, but I really love the juice of1/2 a lemon in a cup of hot water. Ayurveda seems to suggest this as a morning wake up, but I'm using it as a night time tonic. Helps any acid reflux I have, warms me up before bed, and soothes me.


Exercise--as someone else said--outdoors is a transforming thing. Sometimes I have to drag myself out there, but I'm always glad when I finally get out there. If it's too cold, I hit the exercise bike. I also can't say enough about yoga...stress relief, flexibility, and core strength.


Eating well is a wonderful place to begin a health boosting regime. Lots and lots of fresh veggies and fruits, more poultry and fish, less beef. Lots less processed--this is one of my major goals this year--eating lots less processed foods, including sugar....I'm so struggling with this.


Good fortune on your health journey!

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know your proper amount of sleep. I tracked mine a few years ago, I do best on 9 hours of sleep. 


regular exercise


proper hydration


I find "mental health" is just as important. Be organized, get rid of clutter, prioritize, take time for yourself, and don't panic. 



I would second this and add time with my spouse, alone, not talking about the children.  Does wonders for my mental health!

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I am very interested in this thread - it is a great topic.


I also take the Alive multivitamin. I was amazed at how quickly my fingernails and cuticles became stronger and healthier.


Your apple cider vinegar regimen is what really interests me. I tried taking it before, but was told to take it straight. Ouch! Your way sounds so much better. Just a few teaspoons? Does that mean like 2, 3, or 4?

I only have done up to two. It helps with my fibro pain as well. :)
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There is some awesome tips here in this thread! Thanks so much, ladies, for joining in.


Also, I used frankincense oils for my dh when he had his MS flars. It seemed to help. I use it when I have a lot of pain as well.


What about primrose oil?

My sister uses frankincense often as well. She swears by it! :)

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Real food, without cutting out any major food group unless absolutely necessary.  I prefer to lean toward the animals fats and proteins, with plenty of veggies and a bit of starch to round it out.


Only eat until you feel full, then stop.  Ask yourself if you could eat a bowl of cold, plain, unsalted, unseasoned rice or other bland food.  If no, you're not really hungry anymore.  (That's not medical advice; everyone is different, but it works for me!)




Sleep - I do best on 9 hours


TeA time


Hobbies (I find it mentally focussing)


What I need to work on: exercise.  It's just hard to make time for it in this season of life.  And season of year, for that matter!


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Fruits and veggies.  I make a smoothie about five days a week for breakfast made with berries and spinach.  I also eat about half a plate of cooked and/or fresh veggies with dinner most nights.  This is completely gotten rid of chronic knee pain that partially disabled me for six years.  Gone, I tell you.  It starts to come back if I cut back on fruits and veggies too much.

5-HTP.  Someone hear mentioned it helping ADD.  I haven't been diagnosed but... Anyway, the effect is subtle, but I'm able to stay focused, get more done, and be calmer when I'm taking it.  

Vitamin D.  Between the 5-HTP and Vitamin D, my seasonal depression is mostly gone.

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I drink about 16 ounces of water before even getting out of bed.


Exercise. Also, the core program by peggy brill has been life changing.


Finding an unknown food intolerance and eliminating from my diet.


Sublingual vitamin b. Also, hormonally, the supplement "female comfort." I do need to find a good multi vitamin.

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