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What is the Flu outbreak like in your area?


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I've heard its bad in certain parts of the country (TX particularly). I know one person online who say's she's got it, but she also had the flu shot - so it's a different strain.    I haven't heard of a single case here in MD amongst all mine and my family's acquaintances & friends.    Some of us in the family have been sick this last week, but I'm pretty sure it's a cold - it certainly doesn't seem like the flu (which I've had once and never want again).   


What's it like where you live?


Every year I vacillate between getting the shot or not.

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Rampant in my little small town.  DD had it last week and I have it this week. :glare: DD was diagnosed with swab, I didn't bother. Doc said it was only kicking in the last couple of weeks in our area.  He had just met one of his patients at the hospital and there were at least 5 other flu cases there.  Small town hospital.


We don't do flu shots, but I haven't had the flu in YEARS.  It's a bad one...goes straight to the chest.  Literally within 2 hours my chest was killing me.

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Rampant in my little small town.  DD had it last week and I have it this week. :glare: DD was diagnosed with swab, I didn't bother.


We don't do flu shots, but I haven't had the flu in YEARS.  It's a bad one...goes straight to the chest.  Literally within 2 hours my chest was killing me.


hmmm.. . that's helpful to know about.  I have one child with asthma.  This may be the year for her to get it to protect her lungs.

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hmmm.. . that's helpful to know about.  I have one child with asthma.  This may be the year for her to get it to protect her lungs.


I might consider it.  For DD and I both, the fever came on, no head cold/drippy/sniffy thing at all, but then chest pain and that hacking cough that makes you hunch over and yell owwww every time you finish coughing.

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My dd had influenza A.  I've heard a couple other people had it in town here too.  For dd, she had a fever that went up to 104 and a horrible cough.  The fever went up and down for several days, the cough is still hanging on even now that it's a week and a half later.  Dh and I didn't get it.

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I might consider it.  For DD and I both, the fever came on, no head cold/drippy/sniffy thing at all, but then chest pain and that hacking cough that makes you hunch over and yell owwww every time you finish coughing.


My brother (RI) and his wife had the flu a couple of weeks ago and he gave me the same description - out of the blue and pretty bad. 

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We all had it the week before Christmas. There were a lot of kids in their school who also had it. The doctor told us he had seen several confirmed cases the same day we went in. We're in Florida.


We took Tamiflu and for three of the four of us it worked wonderfully. Oldest had a harder time but she always does when she gets sick. We didn't have the shot because this was only the second time we've ever had the flu. The first time was only two years ago though so we will get the shot from now on.


The weird thing is that the first time we had it almost two years ago, we didn't get it until the end of April. I wasn't expecting a mid-December outbreak here.

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Panda- the headachy cold thing is exactly what my kids had the year they actually got the flu.  It was no worse than a cold, and yes they tested for it.  My son actually got both strains that year.  They didn't even really act/ feel sick.



OP- Apparently it's bad here (TX), but I don't actually know anyone who has it.  It's the H1N1 going around again.  I do know the doctors office has split the two waiting rooms into sick and well, instead having them split by who you see.  Our local mom's FB page is having vax wars over the flu vaccine.  It's driving me bonkers.

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No one in my circle has come down with the flu this season, and I haven't heard anything about it on the local news.


The kids and I never get the flu shot, and have never had the flu.  DH is required to get the shot every year (he's in the Army Reserves), and he's also never had the flu.  We've all had one or two colds already this season, but nothing too serious. 

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hmmm.. . that's helpful to know about.  I have one child with asthma.  This may be the year for her to get it to protect her lungs.

We debate the shot every year, mainly because we also have one with asthma. We did it this year, but now I'm hearing more & more cases of flu in spite of the shot. However, we don't know if the shot helps with the severity.


A 12 yr old girl here died from pneumonia caused by the flu just a few days ago. I don't know if she had had the shot or not.

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I thought the flu was body aches and such, but the way I hear some people talk I wonder if I have it. I thought I had a sinus infection--sinus pressure, sore throat, SO MUCH drainage, watery eyes--and it's lasted 8 days so far. :-( those sound like similar symptoms of people with the flu.

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Well I went to a wedding on Saturday (close family, had to show up for pictures at least.) Sunday the whole wedding party was sick, Monday one was tested positive. Dr. said it's likely h1n1. Now a bunch of guests are also sick. We came out unscathed.... however I think I'll lock myself inside until May. We have a newborn and I'm terrified. Terrified. I got the flu shot as did my 18 month old (she has respiratory issues.) She worries me more than the newborn. DH went to the hardware store this morning and said the owner looked awful... she was at the wedding.... he walked next door to the other store and bought hand sanitizer. I'm so proud I trained him well. We live in WI. The dr. said it's just starting to take off here.

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oh well, because our kids are the same age. Just there was 3 deaths in the news here also, so I assumed.

That would have been cool. We don't have many friends in the area. I would love to get to know someone from the hive in real life, well, as long as you don't have the flu, that is ;-)

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We debate the shot every year, mainly because we also have one with asthma. We did it this year, but now I'm hearing more & more cases of flu in spite of the shot. However, we don't know if the shot helps with the severity.


A 12 yr old girl here died from pneumonia caused by the flu just a few days ago. I don't know if she had had the shot or not.


They say it can reduce the severity if you do get it. I don't know how they test these things though! My SIL has it with pneumonia to boot... very very sick.


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I thought the flu was body aches and such, but the way I hear some people talk I wonder if I have it. I thought I had a sinus infection--sinus pressure, sore throat, SO MUCH drainage, watery eyes--and it's lasted 8 days so far. :-( those sound like similar symptoms of people with the flu.


I've only had confirmed cases of the flu twice. Each time my body hurt like never before and it was hard to do anything other than sleep in bed. When we had it just a few weeks ago, my 13 year old slept for three straight days. I'm not exaggerating. I had to wake her to drink, take medicine, and go to the bathroom.


I guess we could have had it previously with just cold symptoms but we've never been tested or gone to the doctor.

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That would have been cool. We don't have many friends in the area. I would love to get to know someone from the hive in real life, well, as long as you don't have the flu, that is ;-)[/quote


I've seen other posters saying they've made real life friends on this board, so yeah, that would have been cool.

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The predominant circulating infuenza virus in North America is H1N1, which is included in the current vaccine. However, genetic drift and vaccine escape happen, so it's still possible to catch the flu if you have been vaccinated. Vaccination should help reduce severity if you still get sick, so if you believe in getting the flu shot, then my advice is to go ahead and get it asap.




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It started going through here (Central FL) right before Thanksgiving, and TONS of people have had it...bad.  I had a flu shot and still had it pretty bad for a week or so.  My 11 and 18 yr old both had it, but 22 yr old ds never got it.  Monday we had a local woman (28 yrs old) pass away from complications of H1N1.  

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The local docs are saying it is very bad. There are three deaths in San Patricio County ( very small population), and one over the bridge in Corpus Christi. Of course that may not be an accurate count as only deaths of children under 18 require notification. Almost everyone I know is sick, or has had it since Thanksgiving. We are in hiding. They are talking about a mass vaccination here. My kids have gotten the flu shot, because of asthma.

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It seems to be around here a lot. I live in the Chicago area. My friend's son just tested positive for h1n1. My son tested positive a week before Christmas and I believe my daughter had it too although we didn't test her. I don't know what strain they had.

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Our state is still green for the moment. I don't know anyone locally who has had the flu. All of the active duty people get flu shots, and it is free for dependents to get flu shots. Several people on my Facebook have had the flu, but it has been a mix of influenza A and H1N1.

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What exactly are the flu symptoms this year? I had what I thought was a cold but it kept morphing into something more:


1. Headache, body aches, low fever for two days

2. Body aches gone, lost voice and painfully scratchy throat

3. Ears painfully plugged up, then cough starts

4. Awful, awful productive cough. Just awful.

5. Mild fever returns for two days then goes away again

6. Continued horrible cough, on/off exhaustion for a week

7. No appetite, some indigestion



Whatever this is, everyone I know is getting it. It lasts about 2 weeks.

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What exactly are the flu symptoms this year? I had what I thought was a cold but it kept morphing into something more:


1. Headache, body aches, low fever for two days

2. Body aches gone, lost voice and painfully scratchy throat

3. Ears painfully plugged up, then cough starts

4. Awful, awful productive cough. Just awful.

5. Mild fever returns for two days then goes away again

6. Continued horrible cough, on/off exhaustion for a week

7. No appetite, some indigestion



Whatever this is, everyone I know is getting it. It lasts about 2 weeks.

That sounds like H1N1 to me. We had it two years ago. The cough lasts forever, the Kleenex we went through, OMG!

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I might consider it.  For DD and I both, the fever came on, no head cold/drippy/sniffy thing at all, but then chest pain and that hacking cough that makes you hunch over and yell owwww every time you finish coughing.


All eight of us are recovering from this right now.  16dd is the worst.  She hasn't been diagnosed with asthma, but when she gets sick it goes straight to her lungs.  I was the first one sick, and I'm still coughing ten days later.

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We have been sick since the day after Christmas. We all had the flu shot. I have no idea if it's the flu but the symptoms sound the same. Starts with a sore throat. Temperature, coughing really bad and fatigued. My oldest DD has had a temp for the past 6 days straight. They put me on antibiotics but then I have compromised lungs which is why we all do the flu shot. They did not test or put my DD on anything, just said it was going around and to email if she wasn't better by the end of the week. I will call tomorrow if the temp has broken by then. 7 days seems like a lot to me.


4 people in our area, from 37 to 60 have died from what I know.


I am in Northern California.


Also, my DD (the one with the fever) also has asthma and she got the nasal "shot" and that was particularly hard on her. Next time we will just get the regular shot. My other DD (without asthma) does fine with the nasal one.

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Flu activity in Oregon started picking up the last two weeks in December. It's predominantly H1N1. You can learn a lot from the CDC weekly surveillance update. Here's the FluView report for the last week of December.



I've mentioned this in other threads, but again, I find it interesting that when they say there is a lot of flu activity, it is still the case that most people with flu-type symptoms (influenza-like illness) do not test positive for the flu. Of those sick enough to go to a doctor and get tested, 27% tested positive for the flu for week 52 (the one linked above). You can scroll down and find data for your region--for Oregon's region (10), it was close to 35%. But that still means about 2 out of 3 sick people have SOME OTHER VIRUS, not h1n1, influenza A, or influenza B. Still, those are nasty illnesses to get and the vaccine is still the best thing we have to prevent it. 

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Quick question for those who were very sick with the flu, or know people who were very ill -- did you take Tamiflu for it? The news reports I have read, have said that Tamiflu is proving very effective against the flu this year, and I'm wondering whether or not that information is accurate.

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