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Pets at Christmas

Night Elf

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Growing up, our dog Paws always got a wrapped gift (usually a bone or doggy toy)…which he loved to unwrap.


Now that I'm Muslim, our cat always gets Eid gifts.  The kids almost killed me when I forgot to pick up something for her one time, so we wrapped up a can of tuna for her.


Absolutely they should get gifts. They're part of the family. :)

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Absolutely!  Our dog loves, loves, loves to open presents.  If we don't have enough things for him to open, he will get into our presents to "help" us open.  So I've begun to take his allotment of kibble for the day and wrap it up in dozens and dozens of little packages.  He happily tears open his package and eats his kibble, then comes to get his next package.  


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Growing up, our dog Paws always got a wrapped gift (usually a bone or doggy toy)…which he loved to unwrap.


Now that I'm Muslim, our cat always gets Eid gifts. The kids almost killed me when I forgot to pick up something for her one time, so we wrapped up a can of tuna for her.


Absolutely they should get gifts. They're part of the family. :)

Our pets have always gotten gifts, too!


And I think Paws is an amazingly great dog name. :)

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Absolutely! Our dog loves, loves, loves to open presents. If we don't have enough things for him to open, he will get into our presents to "help" us open. So I've begun to take his allotment of kibble for the day and wrap it up in dozens and dozens of little packages. He happily tears open his package and eats his kibble, then comes to get his next package.

That's so cute!!!! You should post a video!!!!

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I haven't in recent years because honestly (and I say this with humility ;), but it IS the truth) -- My pets are so lucky to live with me that I don't feel like they really need anything else.  If you knew me IRL you'd understand.


But this year the gifts under the tree are rather sparse because the boys haven't asked for much.  It's really looking almost Grinch-like.  We're hosting a family gathering on Sunday, and I'm thinking I may get a couple of really big stuffed toys for the dogs, wrap them and place under the tree to fill in some gaps.

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We cant have a pet because we rent. But we consider ourselves half owners of my sil"s dog. He is coming to our house for Christmas and we have already bought his gift. He has toys that he plays with at our house, cuz he comes to stay several time a year.

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I get my cats a multi-pack of catnip toys.  For the last couple of years Target has Christmas-themed ones in little stocking.  It's funny to put the stocking under the tree and watch the cats sniff at the catnip and bat at the stocking to get the toys out! 


This is the only time of year that I get my cats toys anymore, because 1) I have kids now :) and 2) They have a huge collection of catnip toys from the pre-baby days, anyway.

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Definitely!  My Boston Terrier is the only one I like buying anything for Christmas any more.  As a matter of fact, she probably has as many presents that will be wrapped or in a stocking as the kids do.  In my defense, I have been telling the kids for months that all their Christmas money is now shaped like Tae Kwon Do sparring equipment and that those are going under the tree as a reminder.  I don't really get my cat anything, as he is old and lazy, but we got some treats for my gerbils.  I might see if I can find a new collar for my other dog.  She really needs one.

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All the animals get something for Christmas. The cats got a new laser pointer and will get a couple of toys, 2 packs of treats, and a container of food each. The one cat who goes outside on a leash and harness got a Christmas sweater as well.


The rabbit will get a bunch of new toys, some homemade and some purchased. She'll also get some sort of treat and a new fluffy bed.


The lizards all got new leashes and harnesses this year. The ones that eat bugs got a big container of hornworms, mealworms, Phoenix worms, and wax worms. The iguana won't really be getting much beyond his gigantic salad. I did buy him some alfalfa to go on top and some persimmons. His big thing though is the new enclosure that DH is going to start working on building.


The tortoise will get a new pumpkin. He LOVES fresh pumpkin so I'll open the last one from Halloween/Thanksgiving and give it to him.


The frog will get some of the special bbugs I got for the lizards.

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We give a special bone or toy and cat treats.


Two years ago, we got a stuffed squirrel for Riley, our Golden Retriever. Ds had the idea to set it up outside near the patio, and then tell Riley to look--Of course it didn't smell squirrel-y, so Riley passed by it when we let him out, but he did find it and bring it to us rather happily. Ds envisioned Riley finally catching a squirrel, bringing it to us with a "Mommy! I GOT ONE" expression! lol

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The guinea pig herd gets special treats.


I give my sister's dogs the toys they like, but she won't buy for them because they annoy the hell out of her with them. :P


I give my mom's dogs each a toy.


I give each of our dogs a toy even though only one dog will play with them. They get new squeaky Kong balls and a big chewy as well.


Then my mom and my in-laws buy presents for our dogs.


Sheesh.....when I type it out it seems much crazier than it is, promise!

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yup.  Nothing major, Finn my yorkie I got a new dish for and peanut butter treats, the cats will get some new toy mice, the rodents will get new chews and the rest I usually get a special food item for them.  Like in addition to the normal crickets for the salamander I may get him some king worms as a treat. Or strawberries for the tortoises to add to their normal lettuce meal etc.  Just an extra treat not a whole stocking or crazy costing presents. 

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Yes!! Both dogs gets a wrapped stuffed toy to rip open (they love opening presents) and both get stocking filled with treats. The cats each get a stocking filled with a cat toy and temptations cat treats (their favorite). They love Christmas. They know which presents are for them. Even the cats come running to see what they received. 



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Yes, the cats and dogs each get a stocking gift or two.


This year, we face a big problem. The cats got potent catnip stuff last Christmas and tore into their stockings while we slept. Not a huge deal, right? But then we stored THEIR stockings with OUR stockings for 11 months! This didn't cross my mind until we opened the Christmas bins and the cats jumped in to roll around in all the stockings. They obviously all smell like catnip.


It should be an interesting Christmas Eve!

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I mentioned earlier in the thread how much my dog loves to open presents.  Well, tonight we were all decorating the tree, unwrapping ornaments from their protective papers in the ornament boxes.  Our pup thought we were opening presents and was going crazy looking for his presents.  We finally had to wrap up some kibble and give it to him to open before he'd settle down and let us finish decorating the tree!

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Yes, Jed (18 pound miniature American Eskimo) will be spoiled this year.  

I'd ordered him this this, and then these fell into my Amazon cart.  And he needed some new bones, so I ordered a 4 pack for him.  And then last night we stopped at Petsmart so dh could get some more fish, and they had a rawhide candy cane he needed, and they had this elephant (both were half price!).  He's a mega chewer, and adores killing stuffed animals, so we rarely give him any.  But I couldn't resist.  He's mad I'm making him wait for his presents (he's found them in my room, and now that they're on a high shelf on the book case he sits in front of it and begs).

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Cute video!! We have a dog stocking and a cat stocking. The dog stockings make it convenient to restock their toy basket, cause after a year, they're in desperate need of new toys. The cat toys are as much for the kids to play with the cats as anything.

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DD9 went out yesterday and bought a new tank ornament and silk greenery for the tanks for the frogs and her corn snake-and after getting Pinkie Py(thon) yesterday, she had to go shopping today and get him a stocking and gifts as well.


I strongly suspect she's now spent more on her snakes and frogs than on gifts for DH and I ;)


The cats also have a stocking with new toys and some treats. They usually have more presents than I do.

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My mother is an extreme dog lover so I get gifts for my "fur-sisters" because that is what makes Mom happy. ds1's cat gets catnip when I remember, not because I think he understands Christmas, but because it's so much fun for us to watch him.


I wanted to get grandkitty a bag of better quality cat food (pet store or co-op rather than grocery store) but I needed the money for my kids' presents and just couldn't afford it. He'll forgive me.

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They just got new toys. We give the dog a new squeaky toy when she gets a haircut (it's so traumatizing for her  :001_rolleyes: ). And, dd thought it wasn't fair for the dog to get toy and not the cats, despite the fact they endure no traumas whatsoever. So, they got toys, too. 


I spent $85 at the vet to find out one of the cats is mad. She gets nothing until she gets a job and pays me back that $85! She thinks she's mad? That's nothing compared to how ticked I was to pay a vet to tell me that.  :glare: 

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