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Sign language interpretor at Mandela memorial fake?


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The sign language interpretor was not using South African or American Sign Language and he was moving his hands around with no meaning.


If this is true, it is terrifying that an unknown person like this could get so close to so many heads of state. It's terrifying to think of the damage he might have done if he wanted to cause physical harm to one of them.

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How strange. He looks very uncomfortable as well - as if he knew he shouldn't be doing the interpreting or as if he was concerned he would get caught.  If putting an inept interpreter up there was done intentionally, what was the purpose? If it was unintentional, how careless, checking the man's credentials must have fallen through the cracks, somehow.  

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That is awful.  I wonder how he scammed his way in or did whomever was supposed to be there not show up and they said…go out there?  Weird. I would assume that you would need some sort of credentialing to be an interpreter.  


I hope that South African TV has closed captioning or something similar so that the deaf community watching TV was still able to understand the service.  I feel sad for all who were in attendance, were counting on translation, and then lost out.  

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That was really unnerving to hear. I was already a little concerned about all those leaders being in the same place...not just our president and former presidents, but there were SO many heads of state there and I was thinking that might be an attractive target for terrorists.  

It'll be interesting to see how this story plays out!


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A man who is unable to do what he claims he is doing is within an arm's length of the President of the United States? How does the Secret Service allow that to happen?


Well, it's not the Secret Service's show. I'm sure it's very difficult to balance security and diplomacy. I'm sure they checked him for weapons, etc. It *is* surprising that the South African government allowed it to happen. 


More info here:





Among the first to express their dissatisfaction was Wilma Newhoudt-Druchen, the first deaf woman to be elected to the South African parliament, who tweeted that the signing was "rubbish," adding: "He cannot sign. Please get him off."
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I have a friend who teaches Sign Language at our local community college. She posted a link to this video, which shows a legitimate interpreter along with the impostor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJlttIL2PSs


Many of his movements look vaguely similar to the real translators but incomplete.  Makes me wonder if someone said at the last minute - hey, we need a sign interpreter! And rather than bothering to hire a legitimate interpreter, someone just asked if anyone already working there could sign, and the guy was just fumbling along with what limited knowledge he had, just skipping the words he didn't know and possibly not correctly doing the ones he thought he did...  would explain how he got there and why...  Like asking someone who had only two years of high school Spanish to interpret at an event with world leaders (hey!  Joe knows how to order a beer in Spanish - he can do it!)


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During a press conference, Ms Bogopane-Zulu, the deputy minister for women, children and people with disabilities, admitted that a mistake had been made but said there was no reason for the country to be embarrassed.


But she accused Mr Dyantyi's employers, SA Interpreters, of being cheats, and said the company's directors had now vanished into thin air.


He said that during the event, he had lost concentration because of voices in his head.


He said he had started hallucinating, and saw angels coming into the stadium.


"I was in a very difficult position," he said.


He also indicated that his past behaviour had sometimes been unpredictable, telling the Associated Press news agency that "sometimes I will react violent on this place, sometimes I will see things chasing me".



Good vetting, there.

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During a press conference, Ms Bogopane-Zulu, the deputy minister for women, children and people with disabilities, admitted that a mistake had been made but said there was no reason for the country to be embarrassed.


But she accused Mr Dyantyi's employers, SA Interpreters, of being cheats, and said the company's directors had now vanished into thin air.


He said that during the event, he had lost concentration because of voices in his head.


He said he had started hallucinating, and saw angels coming into the stadium.


"I was in a very difficult position," he said.


He also indicated that his past behaviour had sometimes been unpredictable, telling the Associated Press news agency that "sometimes I will react violent on this place, sometimes I will see things chasing me".



Good vetting, there.

Whoa. :001_huh:

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I swear someone commented that he was not the only interpreter, that there was another, but i'm not seeing that ANYWHERE and now i cant find the comment.  I just read that even the security at the event had been hired the day before.  there was no background checks done.  

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I swear someone commented that he was not the only interpreter, that there was another, but i'm not seeing that ANYWHERE and now i cant find the comment. I just read that even the security at the event had been hired the day before. there was no background checks done.

That is unacceptable.


I'm dumbfounded.

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I swear someone commented that he was not the only interpreter, that there was another, but i'm not seeing that ANYWHERE and now i cant find the comment.  I just read that even the security at the event had been hired the day before.  there was no background checks done.  


I did post about there being a real sign language interpreter in addition to this fake.............. and the post  disappeared!!!

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I swear someone commented that he was not the only interpreter, that there was another, but i'm not seeing that ANYWHERE and now i cant find the comment.  I just read that even the security at the event had been hired the day before.  there was no background checks done.  


Doubly weird is the post you made is where I had responded, and it's gone too............

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I saw him on tv today defending himself. He said he has been interpreting for years and has been on tv in South Africa and never had a problem. However- he also said he is being treated for schizophrenia and something about his meds being off. I couldn't pay too much attention because I was in a doctors' office waiting room and watching closed captioning, my kids, and filling out forms (multitasking ;) ).


I wonder if he was having some sort of episode and decided it was better to continue rather than step down even if he was not in his right mind?

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Doubly weird is the post you made is where I had responded, and it's gone too............


I believe there is another thread that is discussing the same thing. Maybe the one that has the video of the little girl?


Here it is.



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I believe there is another thread that is discussing the same thing. Maybe the one that has the video of the little girl?


Here it is.




Aaaaaaaaaaah.......... I thought I'd lost my mind! Thanks!

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I saw him on tv today defending himself. He said he has been interpreting for years and has been on tv in South Africa and never had a problem. However- he also said he is being treated for schizophrenia and something about his meds being off. I couldn't pay too much attention because I was in a doctors' office waiting room and watching closed captioning, my kids, and filling out forms (multitasking ;) ).


I wonder if he was having some sort of episode and decided it was better to continue rather than step down even if he was not in his right mind?


On a news station here, They are reporting that he was reported to be a fake at an event or two before.  

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