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OMG!! It is the Monday before Thanksgiving...


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haha!  note to self... go shopping in the middle of the night.  I have no patience at the grocery store around holidays and I don't even do any holiday cooking.


Yes!!  DIL got off work at midnight this past Saturday. It was in the 30s by then, so I decided 11:30pm was a good time to do my thanksgiving shopping and give her a ride home.  She was happy to leave the bike overnight and pick up the next day. LOL

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I just got back.  It was a madhouse, and all the people who forgot that it's not a normal Monday, like in the OP's post, were there.  All of them.


We're eating at a restaurant for the Thanksgiving main meal, but we all want to just nosh on appetizers and things most of the weekend.  I just spent $93 and change on "things to nosh on for the weekend".  Seriously insane, but we won't be hungry or unsatisfied!



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I went yesterday.  I thought it was going to be mobbed.  It wasn't worse than usual.  So not too bad.


I went yesterday, too, and it was pretty gruesome. I was prepared for lots of people, and for people buying things they weren't used to getting, and for people having to adjust to buying more than usual.


What I was not prepared for was the guy who parked his cart and himself across the entire green bean bin. Who then proceeded to inspect each bean individually before placing it carefully into his plastic bag. 


Neither was I prepared for the woman in front of me in the checkout line who flipped out when she was informed that she'd spent enough to earn a free turkey. Apparently, she does not eat turkey. Fine,  But rather than politely declining or taking the turkey to the food bank, she opted to yell at the poor cashier. To her everlasting credit, the cashier looked at her silently, waited for her to finish her tirade, then blandly said, "So no turkey, then?" and went about finishing the transaction.


And there is nothing that could get me into a food store between now and Saturday [she says confidently, despite knowing that these bold declarations tend to anger the universe...].

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I went late yesterday and couldn't figure out why so many people were there! I thought maybe there was some kind of food shortage going on. Good thing I picked up organic candy canes (didn't go for those but they looked so pretty sitting there), pickles and coconut milk when I did! I didn't realize it till later when I was home that people were prob getting things for Thanksgiving. 

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Yes and the stomach buggy colds decided to visit to say Happy Thanksgiving. Absolutely splendid. The only thing that makes vomiting better is having kid vomit to clean up too. If I don't feel better by tomorrow, I am going to get pretty irked.


As per usual, my older son is pretty much jus fine. Dude has an immune system on hyperdrive or something. He coughs twice when anyone else gets the flu. He complains of a slightly upset tummy when everyone else is unable to hold down ginger ale. At least he is old enough to press the start button on the washer.

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I bought a turkey on Saturday night just hoping that it will defrost by Wednesday so I can brine it.  I won't be able to get to the Commissary to shop for the rest until Tuesday around lunch.  I made a detailed shopping list and I am going to put a book on my phone to read since the lines will be awful.

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Do NOT stand in the aisle of the grocery store and have a 20 minute conversation!! Keep it moving, people!!


I wasn't in the aisle, but I did stop and have a 20 minute conversation in the parking lot. I saw a friend I haven't seen in weeks and her adorable children. We weren't blocking anybody's way, but some people might have been irritated that I wasn't getting to my car and opening up a spot for them. Oh well.


Someone mentioned a customer yelling at the cashier. Somebody at my store was yelling at the butcher. She was demanding to talk to the manager. I *think* she was upset that they didn't have what she wanted, but I mostly just blocked her out and kept shopping. It was unbelievable.

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Dh and I went this am--no one there! 


Bet it's different now...


Plus there's a storm coming--that really brings the nutsos out. 


I was shopping at 11am and it was PACKED. I didn't actually think Monday would be so bad (compared to Tuesday or Wednesday) especially in the morning but it was. People were generally chipper and polite, except for the crazy lady at the meat counter.

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Yes and the stomach buggy colds decided to visit to say Happy Thanksgiving. Absolutely splendid. The only thing that makes vomiting better is having kid vomit to clean up too. If I don't feel better by tomorrow, I am going to get pretty irked.


As per usual, my older son is pretty much jus fine. Dude has an immune system on hyperdrive or something. He coughs twice when anyone else gets the flu. He complains of a slightly upset tummy when everyone else is unable to hold down ginger ale. At least he is old enough to press the start button on the washer.

Same visitors have arrived at our house.  I've got a Dd like your Ds.  She threw up twice one day, said she was fine and proceeded with her day as usual.  Then she got my cold and was sick all weekend but still got up at 5am both days to work all day at an agility trial.  Guess what?  She's over it and going to dog handling class tonight.  I got the cold plus a sinus infection, have been sick for 10 days and struggled to get off the couch today just to pick up a few things and put them where they belong.   Thankfully, I think I will be okay for Thanksgiving.


 I'm wondering when Ds is going to come down with it.  Probably tomorrow, when I need help with cleaning.  :glare:   Hope everyone at your house is better soon.

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haha!  note to self... go shopping in the middle of the night.  I have no patience at the grocery store around holidays and I don't even do any holiday cooking.

You'd be amazed at how busy Walmart is at midnight, especially with people shopping with infants and toddlers in tow.  

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Do NOT stand in the aisle of the grocery store and have a 20 minute conversation!! Keep it moving, people!!



LOL!  I was thinking the exact same thing when I was at the grocery store today... And if you're going to have a conversation with another shopper, please at least move one of your carts when someone else is trying to get by.

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I got blocked into the cheese aisle at costco today for 20 min. At least the sample lady with the cherry habanero marinade was by me. Yum!

How in the WORLD do you get blocked in an aisle for 20 min?!?!  Somebody was having a baby??  Otherwise, I'd physically move their cart(s) out of the way.  Or start saying very LOUDLY to the 5 yo that Mommy will get him out of this SOON so he can go to the BATHROOM...   :lol: 

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I attempted to go to Trader Joe's today around 1:30pm.


I spent over 20 min. just trying to find my way OUT of the area and back to the main road.  There were about 30 cars driving all over looking for parking and cars parked in places that weren't parking spots, so they blocked cars trying to get through.


What a nightmare.  There would have been NO WAY to find a spot!





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My personal pet peeve---- the cardboard food displays that block every single isle.  Really do we need a 4 ft by 2ft display of velveeta and rotel tomatoes in the middle  of the eggs?  or a 20 x20 display of soda in the middle of the refrigerated section (which is 6 ft from the actual soda isle) ???


Even stuff that isn't seasonal is out-- like the display of lunchbox snacks  stuck out to trap people in the cereal isle.  It just makes me want to ram them and spew cans of pumpkin everywhere.  Really folks there are twice as many shoppers--- so lets fill the isles with stuff so there is actually 33% less floor space to actually shop in.  I had to back up and go around so many displays that I was frustrated and angry before I even got through half the store. People were trying to shop but we just couldn't.


Yes I embarrassed my preteen girl by stopping and complaining to the Kroger manager for a full 5 minutes.



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UGHHHHHHHH I went today, too. Not only was it THE MONDAY before Thanksgiving BUT They had to mention the S word for Atlanta in the weather forecast on the news.. So, naturally, there is NO bread, milk or eggs available. I did manage to find a larger pack of eggs than required, made it home with them just to have my beautiful, so sweet daughter drop them from the top shelf of the refridgerator. DH is trying a different grocery store at midnight. Hoping they have eggs in stock. Who knows, these crazy GAians gotta stock up incase we get 1/16th of an inch for a milisecond.

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UGHHHHHHHH I went today, too. Not only was it THE MONDAY before Thanksgiving BUT They had to mention the S word for Atlanta in the weather forecast on the news.. So, naturally, there is NO bread, milk or eggs available. I did manage to find a larger pack of eggs than required, made it home with them just to have my beautiful, so sweet daughter drop them from the top shelf of the refridgerator. DH is trying a different grocery store at midnight. Hoping they have eggs in stock. Who knows, these crazy GAians gotta stock up incase we get 1/16th of an inch for a milisecond.



I was raised in Atlanta so I know what you mean- mention the possibility of snow or ice and people go nuts. I think when we lived there toilet paper was another thing people stocked up on before a storm. However, now we live in the north and find it amusing that when a really big snowstorm is threatened, people in Wisconsin stock up on MEAT.  That took some getting used to. They don't care about milk, bread, eggs, or toilet paper. Well, brat buns will sell out...

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DIL and I were at Costco around 1:30 today. It was much busier than I had expected it to be, but at least everyone was polite.   The stories she's been telling about customers at Kroger though make me want to stay far, far away from that store. 

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And if I'm looking at items on the shelves, feel free to say, "Excuse me!" and I'll move.


Because if you shove me from behind while you're reaching around me to get your evaporated milk, I might just scream and scare everyone on the baking aisle.


:lol:  :lol:


Doesn't it just warm your heart to have so many well dressed ladies reach around you, saying "Excuse Me" in just the same tone as others would say GTFoutofmyway, then go 10 feet more and block the aisle so you can't pass?? Ah, holidays in America...


:smilielol5:  :smilielol5:




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Geesh!  Aren't folks at work? We had a party on Sunday, so we shopped Sat afternoon, and grabbed some fresh bread & cheeses etc Sunday morning. I didn't notice any kind of difference. 


I'll pick up the meat(s) on Tuesday. We have everything else--potatoes, turnips,greens, flour, sugar, lettuce, cream etc. 

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I just got home from the grocery store and it wasn't bad at 9:00 pm. I was having a panic attack thinking that the 21 lb. turkey dh got for me at Costco wasn't going to be enough for 30 people. So, I bought a turkey breast to supplement. Now at least I'll feel better. They were running low on turkey's at the store. I hope they get some more.

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