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Commercials that Drive You Nuts

Jean in Newcastle

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I don't like it when they have commercials for horror movies while watching shows I am watching with the kids. Can they not be a bit more discerning about which shows have horror movie commercials?



FWIW I do watch a lot of nerd shows with my kids but that does not mean we want to watch horror movie commercials!

I agree. I've even noticed some inappropriate commercials while we are watching Once Upon a Time and it's widely known as a family show.

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The State Farm commercial where he puts kitty litter under the tires and then all these cats come running and meowing bugs me no end.  Why would the cats all come running?  They all suddenly have to pee?  


What commercials drive you nuts?


I saw this one for the first time today and thought the same thing.  Besides, it's snow.  Wouldn't they just go in the snow?

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What are commercials?






I don't watch anything in real time; it's all DVR'd so I can fast forward through commercials.  The commercial I last remembering hating the most involved The Noid. I avoided more than the Noid ... I avoided the entire food chain starting then, and still to this day.  I can hold a mean grudge. LOL

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:iagree: I don't want brown diamonds even if they do call them "chocolate."



I feel the same way about champagne diamonds. As far as I'm concerned, those are just regular diamonds with very poor coloring.


Yeah, yeah, I know all about the whole "fancy" colored diamond thing, but IMO, it's colors D-F or leave it at the store. Otherwise, just buy me a different kind of gemstone.

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there's one i keep getting on hulu . . . its some upscale car, maybe a lexus, and at the end they say "Sometimes, the road less traveled is the one that surprises you." 


um, thats EXACTLY THE POINT of the road less traveled.  It IS different . . . duh?  

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Okay, so this is completely the opposite, but a commercial popped up on youtube yesterday that I loved.  Long story short, an energy drink company gave a big check to a woman working with mothers in an area I used to live where there is a very high infant mortality rate. Stupid thing almost had me in tears.

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I hate the deja vu Reese's peanut butter cup commercial with its creepy music...played twice. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGaV7Hg1CUs


And the commercial that makes me want to throw my shoe at the TV every time it's on is the one with the woman who seems to be (so unsuccessfully) trying to do a NYC accent as she pushes Greek yogurt onto people.  I mean, I heard she's Australian.  Aren't there enough NY'ers who could have done this??  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ArcuCLQ1CY


:toetap05:  :cursing:  :blink:  :banghead:  :angry:

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There is a commercial for one of those ECPI type of college/trade schools that is advertising their nursing program. One of the great reasons to become a nurse, according to them, is that you get to wear "cute scrubs." I know I am probably being silly here, but it just strikes me as sooo patronizing. It reminds me how way back in the day they would tell young women to become nurses so they could land themselves a doctor. :glare: 


Every time that stupid commercial comes on, I climb on the little personal soapbox in my head and rant for 10 minutes.

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We hardly ever watch live TV (everything is DVR'd) so I fast forward through all the commercials.  I'm having a hard time even thinking of any recent commercials I've seen on TV.


There is a local jeweler whose commercials I can't stand though, and they run them on the radio station I listen to all the time.  The owner is this lady with an ultra-annoying, perky, sugary sweet voice. It grates on me so bad I have to change the station. 

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We rarely watch TV but those Charmin commercials with the cartoon bears really grate on me.  Pretty harmless (no violence, no teA references) but I do not want to think about clingy bits stuck to a bear's hiney or to anyone's hiney. 


I did a marketing survey for them before they ran those commercials and I said the same thing! They didn't listen to me, and they still ran them.  Blech.

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We rarely watch TV but those Charmin commercials with the cartoon bears really grate on me.  Pretty harmless (no violence, no teA references) but I do not want to think about clingy bits stuck to a bear's hiney or to anyone's hiney. 


YES, YES, YES!!!   If I bought Charmin (way too much lint all over my bathroom, so I don't), I would stop buying it on principle.


Kmart has a holiday commercial with men in boxers twitching their hips in order to make bells ring. I was just about speechless (okay, rambling mindlessly while searching for words). My husband's rather bemused/astonished response: "Ding...dong, or maybe Ding-Dongs." What was Kmart thinking?

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I don't like the Charmin bear commercials, either, or the teen jeans washing machine commercial. Pretty much detest any commercial that depicts children as uncontrollable brats and/or fathers as idiots. There was a Fidelity investments commercial where the kids are running through the house like animals while the mother is on the phone. Hate that. 


We do like the sun/Jimmy Dean commercials, though. Not sure why....I just think they are cute. I like the one where his wife tries to have a staring contest with him!  :laugh:

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I did a marketing survey for them before they ran those commercials and I said the same thing! They didn't listen to me, and they still ran them. Blech.

I did, too, and I told them it was a terrible idea. I figured my survey was thrown out as an outlier opinion. Every time I see those commercials I think about that.

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