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Great movies based on books?


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Obviously, this is started because of the other movie threads. I love both books AND movies (that I see in the theater as I rarely watch movies on dvd).


What are some movies that you have enjoyed that have been based off of books? The movie doesn't have to be a replica of the book, but just movies you thought were great/fun/well-done, etc....


Some that come to mind for me are...

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Oh, yeah. I actually liked the movie better than the book in this case. (Same for the Lord of the Rings movies, imo.)

I really loved the zoo of death bit in The Princess Bride book.


And LOTR books are SO much better than the movies, IMO, Peter Jackson really missed the point of the books.

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The Natural

Field of Dreams

Ben-Hur (Heston version)


IMO, the movies are better, and significantly different, than the books. 


To Kill a Mockingbird

Shawkshank Redemption

The Princess Bride

Jurassic Park

Stand By Me

The Wizard of Oz

True Grit (2010 version)

Children of Men


These may not be better than the original, but they rival the greatness of their novels. Most of them manage to incorporate some of the same tone which makes the original novel great. 



I need to read Captains Courageous. I love the Spencer Tracy version. ('way ho, lettle feesh, don't cry, don't cry. way ho, lettle feesh don't cry, don't cry.') The beginning of the novel doesn't break out of convention, so I put it down after the near-drowning. Great movie though. My favorite Tracy role. 

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Just a warning? The guy who wrote Fight Club writes very disturbing books.


I need to read Captains Courageous. I love the Spencer Tracy version. ('way ho, lettle feesh, don't cry, don't cry. way ho, lettle feesh don't cry, don't cry.') The beginning of the novel doesn't break out of convention, so I put it down after the near-drowning. Great movie though. My favorite Tracy role.

The book is totally different. I read the book because I loved the movie. I was a little shocked at how different it was. I had never experienced that kind of disappointment with a book before.

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For "did a decent job, but not great" - I'd say "Cloud Atlas". The book is much richer, but the screenwriters didn't take a lot of liberties either.


Oh, can't believe i forgot to mention that one. Loved both the book AND the movie. Both are fabulous!




(For The Enchanted April, I liked the book better. The movie was ok but I was glad I read the book.)

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Oh, yeah!  All of these!  I hadn't realized Fight Club was based on a book.  Interesting.


You should know that Chuck Palahniuk is a brilliant author but be prepared to need brain bleach if you read any of his books. 




Just a warning? The guy who wrote Fight Club writes very disturbing books.




:lol: I didn't notice you had already given warnings before posting. 


He truly writes things you CANNOT UNSEE. YOU CANNOT UNSEE THEM!!!


He also wrote the book for the movie, Choke. I did not see that movie but I did read the book. 

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I think I would say 


Fight Club

To Kill a Mockingbird

The Princess Bride

The Wizard of Oz

True Grit

Life of Pi horrified me less in the movie but the book is still good (but horrifying)


Steven King's short stories make great movies. Stand By Me and Shawshank Redemption are both great. I like The Shining as well, it is probably my favorite  movie based on an actual full length book of his.




I did not think Lord of the Rings was a super great movie. I think PJ missed the point, I was very disappointed in some choices he made. It was ok and I enjoyed it visually,  but I don't know why he Faramid'd all the characters. I think he should have spent more time studying Tolkien rather than adding his own words to a story he apparently did not get. If he had studied Tolkien a bit better and listened to Tolkien's son I would probably have been much happier.

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Now you all have made me completely afraid of the book. I guess I shouldn't read it unless I have a freezer nearby to put it in... 


It's a good book. I was really torn, though. The story is well-written, there's lots of deep-thinking there. BUT, the ending ripped my soul out. Truly. I couldn't pick up another book after this one for at least a week.


Many found the ending uplifting. I did not. I even read reviews where it listed Life of Pi as being a book that would make you believe in God. I'm still scratching my head over that one. Again, to me, the book almost would make one believe the opposite. Many love the book. It was a very hard one for me.


Interestingly, I recently read Edgar Allan Poe's book The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket. There is a character in Poe's book whose name is used in Life of Pi. It's a fascinating, if telling, link. And, to my mind, it further supports my interpretation of the ending.

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Now you all have made me completely afraid of the book. I guess I shouldn't read it unless I have a freezer nearby to put it in...

It isn't frightening or anything like a Stephen King book. In fact, you don't see it coming until the end, THEN it rips your soul. By that time, it is too late.

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Now you all have made me completely afraid of the book. I guess I shouldn't read it unless I have a freezer nearby to put it in... 


 I must be strange. I read the book twice and was not horrified at all. I haven't seen the movie. I don't understand the believe in God thing either



As a teen I saw a movie called A Portrait of Jenny. I thought it was so beautiful and romantic. The book was flat and dull.


The movie Bednobs and Broomsticks is a lot of fun, the book is not anything like it, neither is The Rescuers. They are both rather depressing books.


My son says Jurassic Park is better than the book. I've not read the book, but the movie must be better, it has Jeff Goldblum.

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In general, I think Stephen King movies are better than Stephen King books.


Both the versions of Solaris are decent.


I know someone mentioned Where the Wild Things Are in the other thread, but I loved that movie.  So weird and rich.  But not really based on the book, just inspired by...

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I did not think Lord of the Rings was a super great movie. I think PJ missed the point, I was very disappointed in some choices he made. It was ok and I enjoyed it visually,  but I don't know why he Faramid'd all the characters. I think he should have spent more time studying Tolkien rather than adding his own words to a story he apparently did not get. If he had studied Tolkien a bit better and listened to Tolkien's son I would probably have been much happier.


I think I love you, 'cuz...oh heck yeah!!

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I did not think Lord of the Rings was a super great movie. I think PJ missed the point, I was very disappointed in some choices he made. It was ok and I enjoyed it visually,  but I don't know why he Faramid'd all the characters. I think he should have spent more time studying Tolkien rather than adding his own words to a story he apparently did not get. If he had studied Tolkien a bit better and listened to Tolkien's son I would probably have been much happier.


I completely agree.  I wish he had never made the movies. At least we still have the Silmarilian. I doubt anyone will ever make that into the movie.


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PS I Love You, really didn't like the book, adored the movie.

Princess Bride

I love the LOTR movies, not so much because they were faithful (they were not, really) but because I get to live in Middle Earth every time I watch them.  In extended version, on blu ray.......same goes for the Harry Potter movies.

Loved the Spiderwick Chronicles.

Beezus and Ramona was charming

I loved Nim's Island, though it wasn't like the book at all.



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Well...I think some of his books are *less* filmable but I didn't really want to see that one either. :lol:


His books are actually quite good.

Yea, I can think of a few excerpts that I would never want to actually see on film. I agree his books are well-written overall and his plot ideas are sadistically interesting. Some of his characters seemed similar between books, though.

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The book horrified me so much that I didn't want to see the movie. :huh:


It is more subtle in the movie, perhaps just the normal difference between reading a book and seeing a movie. The book is so much more immersive (what? Chrome says that is not a word?)  it is jarring. The movie was just lovely. I would recommend seeing it and I was truly horrified by the book.

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I completely agree.  I wish he had never made the movies. At least we still have the Silmarilian. I doubt anyone will ever make that into the movie.



The Tolkien Foundation still owns the rights to the Silmarillian and with Christopher Tolkien being so angry with PJ that is highly doubtful. :(


I don't get why they are making so many movies out of the Hobbit but the Silmarillian would make at least three or four GOOD movies.

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And LOTR books are SO much better than the movies, IMO, Peter Jackson really missed the point of the books.


Well, I have to duck & run here because I'm one of the (very few?) folks who does not especially care for the LotR books. The Hobbit book is not a favorite of mine either. :leaving:  (So, w/ that as my background re: the LotR books, I definitely found the movies to be more interesting. At least there's Viggo.... :D )

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Now you all have made me completely afraid of the book. I guess I shouldn't read it unless I have a freezer nearby to put it in... 



It isn't frightening or anything like a Stephen King book. In fact, you don't see it coming until the end, THEN it rips your soul. By that time, it is too late.



A lot of people didn't even notice it.


It is a good book. I really liked (despite the trauma) it but I can't read it again.  :scared:  The movie is VERY well done. I was impressed.

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