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First day of Autumn dinner?


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Just this morning I told the family that I cooked every day this past week (we're trying to be better about eating at home) so they were on their own for dinner because there were plenty of leftovers.


And, it snowing right now.!


So, no cooking and snow falling: first day of Autumn - Score! :thumbup1:

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My dd5 really enjoys playing Rock Band, which is a game we don't have, but Grandma and Grandpa do.  Actually, she enjoys "playing" the microphone, which we usually just leave unplugged and let her hold and dance around with.  Anyways, a few months ago when we were visiting grandparents, she wanted to play and we didn't want to set it up, so we said no.  For some reason, she said, "I know, we can play it when it is Fall."  So we said yes, mostly because we knew it would get us out of having to set it up for a few months.  And she didn't forget.


Every few days she'd ask if we can play Rock Band and is it Fall yet and then she'd ask when Fall is, so I told her.  Guess what we did today.


I think we might have a new first day of Fall tradition. A weird one, but I'm not sure she'll forget next year either.  This child remembers everything.  Oh, and we had pancakes for dinner. :)

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Braised lamb shanks in a veggie and herb crust with a horseradish sauce. Green salad and brown rice as sides. Lamb is cooking now. It will be a late dinner.


More of a "I need to use these lamb shanks that have been frozen in the bottom of my chest freezer for almost a full year" meal than a "yay fall" meal but the timing is good.

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We had roasted carrots, cauliflower, and a handful of tiny potatoes with pan seared thick-cut pork center loin chops, cooked just past medium rare. And a simple side salad.

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