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My friend died


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OK. Outsider perspective.


She's not losing her gdd. There's going to be more of a distance, but the relationship is not ending.


Although, I admit to shock that someone would remarry so quickly. I would think that they'd want to give the child more chance to get to know their intended spouse than that, after losing her mother.


And any kid, facing that sort of change is going to be scared. Poor kid.

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OK. Outsider perspective.


She's not losing her gdd. There's going to be more of a distance, but the relationship is not ending.


Although, I admit to shock that someone would remarry so quickly. I would think that they'd want to give the child more chance to get to know their intended spouse than that, after losing her mother.


And any kid, facing that sort of change is going to be scared. Poor kid.



Yes....there is no animosity between grandmother and father....but this is hard. 

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Yes....there is no animosity between grandmother and father....but this is hard. 

I'm glad there's no animosity. That's a HUGE thing.


I am about to have a heart attack.  He has met someone on line....they are considering relocating.....him from AR her from Canada....to Florida.

OK, I think they may both be a bit...hasty.


(Hasty sounds better than criminally stupidly impulsive)

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How does  one survive that?

There are a lot of families that move long distance, due to jobs, etc. Military families, for example.


It's not the distance, it's the rest of the situation that makes me concerned. Bringing in a new parental figure, that HE doesn't even know that well, into his daughter's life, the immigration issues, then ALSO moving her so far from her support system...that, to me, is incredibly selfish and short sighted.


If it were only ONE of those issues, that would be manageable. To do all of it, all at once...that's irresponsible, imo.

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There are a lot of families that move long distance, due to jobs, etc. Military families, for example.


It's not the distance, it's the rest of the situation that makes me concerned. Bringing in a new parental figure, that HE doesn't even know that well, into his daughter's life, the immigration issues, then ALSO moving her so far from her support system...that, to me, is incredibly selfish and short sighted.


If it were only ONE of those issues, that would be manageable. To do all of it, all at once...that's irresponsible, imo.



Sob.  Yes.  I am in tears tonight.


She skypes my son.  a day or more later he 'mentions' it.   It is heartbreaking to me.

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Unfortunately, all you can do is be supportive and encouraging.


Otherwise, he may take it as unwelcome interference, which would have a negative impact on any future relationship.


I am truly sorry.



I am on line with the grandmother tonight.  I will be supportive and encouraging.


I know it could be so much worse.   I am grateful for what I have with this child.

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It is so surreal.  I was not feeling well last night and went to bed early....before 9.  This morning my ds casually mentions that 'friend' is moving to Florida. As a side note.  Like, oh, I am going  to the zoo next week because I have a free pass.



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Thanks everyone.  I just can't believe it. I look at pictures of us together, mothering our kids, joking about how they 'love' each other....wondering if we will someday be in laws and then BAM! she is dead and he is moving on.  I just can't take it.

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I'm sorry. Widowers almost never stay single long but you would hope he would put his daughter's needs first. Just keep communicating so if this falls apart they can come to you for support.



Thank  you.  His choices are not off the wall.He searched within our religion......and I have no reason to suspect she is not suitable.  


I am just scared.  And feeling motherly. 

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I'm sorry it's a rough go, Scarlett. I'm not so surprised one could be ready to move on that quickly, and his daughter might even be ready too (we don't know based solely on what you've written tonight), but it's still going to be hard no matter what, and I'm sorry for the hurt you're feeling. 



...... the immigration issues ........

This is not nothing. We have a young man in our parish who's been engaged to his Canadian sweetheart for two years and there's still no end in sight regarding her being given the freedom to move to the USA to marry him. They're hoping and hoping some more that the wedding will happen this year, but there's still no date set, and she's still terrified wherever she crosses the border to come see him. She doesn't tell border security that she's engaged to an American man for fear that will cause a stall in something or that they won't let her in.

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Perhaps he did some of his grieving while his wife was ill, if she was ill for a long time. Perhaps she encouraged him to marry again quickly because she didn't want him to be alone. We just don't know what passed between your dear friend and her husband.


I'm sure it hurts like the dickens. I'm so sorry--try to offer them blessings and take your hurts to God. Pray, pray, pray for them so they have a great marriage and for them  not  to cause more hurt to the little one.

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We have two young adults in our church (we live in Canada) who both married Americans spouses.  One spouse is in the states and the other in Canada.  They can visit for 48 hours but then have to come back to their own countries.  Everyone tried to warn them not to do this, to make sure the paper work was all done before they got married, but they were young and in love, and didn't listen.


One of the couples even got married at a destination wedding figuring that would "help" them allow the other to enter the U.S to live and work there.  Oh soooo wrong!  Now, 5 years later for that one couple and they haven't spent the equivalent of a year together yet. 


Please, please, please encourage him to look into the laws for her to come live in the states as a spouse.  Make sure they have all their paper work properly done before they act on this.


It's hard enough being married without border guards blocking your marriage add in a child!  Wow, I'd want to make sure everything was perfect before I walked into that arrangement.

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Perhaps he did some of his grieving while his wife was ill, if she was ill for a long time. Perhaps she encouraged him to marry again quickly because she didn't want him to be alone. We just don't know what passed between your dear friend and her husband.


I'm sure it hurts like the dickens. I'm so sorry--try to offer them blessings and take your hurts to God. Pray, pray, pray for them so they have a great marriage and for them not to cause more hurt to the little one.

She was sick for 4 years. So I am sure he did do a lot of his grieving before she died.


I am not fundamentally opposed to it. I just hurt.

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So the paperwork has to be done before the marriage? If not it delays permission even further?

Not sure, but I think it's better if it is. That's why the couple in our parish hasn't married yet. They want everything done first.

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Thanks all. Some of you may not realize this is an old thread. She died mid September. I posted again last night because her husband is dating and maybe getting married soon.


Just a suggestion that you edit the original post with UPDATED in red or something with today's date and the information about the husband.  People are just reading the first post and replying to that. 

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