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And I'm back! Just had a new baby boy on Saturday.


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I had a craaaazy busy end-of-pregnancy due to extra testing done because I have diabetes. 2 ultrasounds a week, 2 NSTs a week, 1 endocrynologist appointment, 1 regular OB appointment. It was madness.


But now. I finally have my newborn baby boy to snuggle and I can relax. LOL  :lol:


I do have a backache from the epidural which I have to stay on top of with mega-doses of Ibuprofen, and some killer afterpains which I think are finally chilling now. Other than that, I just tire quickly and am moving a little slow. BUT of course I'm thinking... it's getting toward mid-September and we haven't even started school yet!!  :ohmy:


Contemplating starting either this Monday, or next Monday. Not sure if I'm being way too optimistic in thinking about starting this Monday... which will be 10 days after birth.


How long do people usually take off of school after a new baby is born?



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It's been a while since I had a baby, but I think I would have got lots of educational dvds from the library, or wherever, and let the kids watch them for a month.  The K and 1st grader could do counting/maths practice using baby's fingers and toes, learn to spell 'baby', or baby's name, etc, etc.  Make it all about the baby, and any learning can be incidental! Good luck, and enjoy your baby-moon!!

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Congratulations, and welcome to your baby boy!


I took 800 mg of ibuprofen starting as soon as the placenta came out, and then every 6-8 hours around the clock, plus AfterEase every few hours, with my last two babies, and it helped a ton with the afterpains.


We took about ten days off this time and about two weeks last time; I had intended to take three full weeks off if needed, but my kids were getting bored, and a little structure was good for them. I was doing pretty well, though, and the newborn is a very good sleeper, so that helped a LOT. Plus, the second week after he was born, DH was working from home, which meant we all really needed to be hanging out downstairs rather than up by the office (although I did go to take some naps in our bedroom, which is connected to the office by a doorway). I spent most of the time in my rocking chair downstairs. Be gentle on yourself -- take the time you need, whether that's a little or a lot.

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If I had a baby while schooling, I'd probably take off a year.  Or two.  :)




Otherwise, I'd probably start out gently, reading aloud and having my oldest help if they are engaging readers.  I'd work on teaching housekeeping chores so the kids could pitch in; and I'd work at finding educational shows my kids could watch for an hour or two a day.



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Congrats! When I had my youngest in mid sept we took 2 months off.  Partly just because and partly because she was early and I really needed to focus on her and not school, my oldest was starting 4th grade back then, and having those 2 months off and just getting used to the new addition/routine and baby bonding, and family time was the best decision I ever made.

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Congratulations!! :party:



Ds was born on Aug 3rd (of 2012) and we started school on Sept. 12. I had had a csection with a ton of complications afterward and a very painful recovery BUT I had still been feeling better before then. I wish I would have started schooling when I felt good enough to instead of taking time off thinking that the newborn days would be too hard to school with. They were the easiest!


Dont rush yourself, though. Enjoy your new baby!! :wub:

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Congratulations on your new little guy!  For our last baby I only took a week off BUT he was born in March and we were already in a good routine with school, which made it easier.  I'm not sure, but I'd think for starting the year, I'd need 2-4 weeks to get things rolling again.  Take your time and enjoy your newbie!

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Congratulations! I'm due at the end of Oct. Not sure how much time we may take off. My mom will be here & will do school with them (we do everything online). I probably won't give the older two any time off since they're independent at this point anyway. School for the younger two only takes a couple of hours.

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Thanks everyone. I think I would be more ready for a long break if we weren't coming off of summer break already. I am truly shocked to find that since we are already a month later than I usually would start school, I am itching to get back to it!! What is wrong with me?!  :huh:  But I got some new stuff this year that I think the kids will like (Rosetta Stone Latin, etc), and we are going back to Sonlight and finally studying American History (Core D) which I think my boys (and I) will really enjoy. I will probably change my tune by week 2 (or hour 2  :glare:) but I hope not.


I think I will try starting our "first day" tomorrow and we will just take it slow and might even day "Day 1" over two days if it's too much.

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