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Please tell me I don't need to worry about dd

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She has had off and on dizziness since Wednesday night. She has had 2-3 episodes a day since then. We took her into see the pediatrician today. He examined her and asked a lot of questions. Since it doesn't seem to happen only when she is getting up quickly and not specifically if she is sitting down or standing, etc. he doesn't think it is benign positional vertigo. Her ears and sinuses are also fine so he doesn't think it is middle ear. He suspects that she has an irregular heartbeat that is causing it. She is going to have a 24 hour holter monitor on Monday and a thyroid test on Monday. My oldest dd had the holter so we know it isn't a big deal but I'm also starting to freak out a bit because dd had some palpitations today and yesterday. Two weeks ago her heart was beating very fast for awhile but it got better so we didn't take her in. Now I'm really concerned that something is wrong.

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I will be praying for you. I have two out of three children that have been to cardiologists. My son was thought to have an enlarged heart and a heart murmur when he was less than 2. False alarm. Then when he was 18, he started having fast heartbeats with skips at times. He wore a monitor and has been followed up and so far, no real problems. My daughter had fast heartbeats that we only found out about since she was doing online PE classes where she had to measure her heartbeat while exercising. It would go too high. She had a heart monitor for a month and again, no problems. She is just one of those people whose heart rate goes faster than usual but not dangerously fast. I hope you have similar benign results.

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with all the necessary testing, but please have her spine checked for scoliosis. It is so common in dc this age and we just don't think about it. We just found out our dd has this. You can read my posts throughout the summer of the bizarre, mysterious symptoms she was having. Heart palpitations was just one of about thirty. I just posted the update this afternoon in hopes that someone would see it and it would help them. She is seeing a chiropractor. PM me if you have any questions. Keep us posted.





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They have PEDIATRIC CARDIOLOGISTS now, who can do amazing things!


And hearts are easily regulated electronically now!


And it's probably just something simple like an electrolyte imbalance or dehydration or thyroid or something similarly easy to fix!


And she is in the hands of God, as we all are, loved beyond what we can even imagine. I'm praying now.

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My doctor heard a click noise when she listened to my heart and suspected Mitral Valve Prolapse (MVP). An echocardiogram confirmed her suspicisions. Nothing major, but I have had to take antibiotics before dental appts. ever since. The palps got worse after I had children and when I got in my 30s, so I've had more tests (including the holter monitor). I now take magnesium to combat the palps. My palps are hormonally related, though and this has never caused dizziness. You can read about my experience with this on my blog. Click on "Health" in the sidebar. I'll keep your dd in prayer. Try not to worry. It could be the start of MVP, which is usually a benign (not serious) condition. Hugs and prayers to you.

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I posted yesterday about my dd (13) dizziness. Her palpitations have also been increasing-not a lot but a few yesterday and today. We were also out shopping today and she had another dizzy spell and almost fell over. When we got home she was laying around on the couch. My dh and I were talking about it and noticed that over the past week we've noticed dd laying down a lot more during the day and falling asleep in the car more. She never falls asleep in the car but has twice now in the past couple of days. She just doesn't seem to have any energy. My dh says he thinks it is sounding more and more like a heart problem. This is what her pediatrician thinks. She is getting the holter monitor tomorrow and I know that I shouldn't worry about it until we get the results but I can't help it.


I know that there are a lot worse things out there but right now I'm feeling very low in spirit and on the verge of tears all day. For the past 9 months we have been going through a health scare with her older sister. The doctor suspected that she had Marfan's. She has seen several specialists including a geneticist. The genetic testing came back negative but they still want her to go to the Marfan clinic again in December because with Marfans there can be false negatives on the test. In the meantime, her orthopedic surgeon still believes she has some kind of connective tissue disorder but at this point her heart is fine. Her vision had declined at every checkup until now. This past week we had great news that her eyesight hadn't declined and was able to be corrrective to 20/20 vision with contacts (the first time that has ever happened). Earliler this spring she was also ok'd to participate in sports again so now we were finally at a point where we could breath again with her. Now I feel like the nightmare is beginning again with her younger sister.


I don't mean to whine and complain but I could really use some encouraging words and prayers sent my dd's way if you are so inclined. Thank you!

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I don't mean to whine and complain but I could really use some encouraging words and prayers sent my dd's way if you are so inclined. Thank you!

You are not whining!

I have had to wear a holter monitor on many occasions! I have congenital heart problems and have had a pacemaker since I was 6yo.

It will be good to get to the bottom of what is going on with your dd. Did you say she is seeing a pediatric cardiologist?

I will be thinking about you, your family and your dd. I know it is scary but you are doing the right thing by pursuing it and finding out what is going on.


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I posted earlier this week about her. She is 13. She has been having dizzy spells and palpitations since last Wednesday. They have been very sporadic (2 or 3 a day) and happen regardless of what she is doing at the time. I took her to the doctor on Saturday and he thinks it might be heart related. She had a 24 hour holter monitor on Monday and we are waiting for the results of that along with a thyroid test. We are hopefully getting the results today or tomorrow.


In the meantime she has been activity restricted. Even though she hasn't been doing a lot she is still getting occasionally dizzy with palpitations and over the past few days her appetite has gone down and she seems really tired. Her stomach doesn't hurt and at times she is able to eat but not normally. She normally eats breakfast, lunch, dinner and a few snacks during the day. Yesterday she didn't want breakfast, had a lite lunch and then only ate very little for dinner. It was my husband's birthday so later in the evening she did have a slice of birthday cake. She has always been a late sleeper but even when she sleeps until 10:00 she wakes up very tired. Other than that she doesn't have any symptoms.


If nothing shows up on the holter monitor and thyroid test the doctor wants to do more tests (possibly brain MRI) but I'm also trying to think of any other questions I should ask him or if there are other tests I should request for her to have. Any ideas?

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I don't know why - but the first thing to cross my mind is this: what is she eating?

I was just wondering if she were having a reaction to Splenda (sucralose - you have to read the ingredient label as they don't always advertise it on the front). Or is it a reaction to some other food?

Any new meds? Caffeine? etc....

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I posted earlier this week about her. She is 13. She has been having dizzy spells and palpitations since last Wednesday. They have been very sporadic (2 or 3 a day) and happen regardless of what she is doing at the time. I took her to the doctor on Saturday and he thinks it might be heart related. She had a 24 hour holter monitor on Monday and we are waiting for the results of that along with a thyroid test. We are hopefully getting the results today or tomorrow.


In the meantime she has been activity restricted. Even though she hasn't been doing a lot she is still getting occasionally dizzy with palpitations and over the past few days her appetite has gone down and she seems really tired. Her stomach doesn't hurt and at times she is able to eat but not normally. She normally eats breakfast, lunch, dinner and a few snacks during the day. Yesterday she didn't want breakfast, had a lite lunch and then only ate very little for dinner. It was my husband's birthday so later in the evening she did have a slice of birthday cake. She has always been a late sleeper but even when she sleeps until 10:00 she wakes up very tired. Other than that she doesn't have any symptoms.


If nothing shows up on the holter monitor and thyroid test the doctor wants to do more tests (possibly brain MRI) but I'm also trying to think of any other questions I should ask him or if there are other tests I should request for her to have. Any ideas?


Is she drinking enough water? Check her urine -- is it darkish amber? How much caffeine does she ingest?


She may be tired because she's not eating, or she may be not eating because she's tired. It's hard to know. But make sure that whatever she DOES it is concentrated nutrition -- whole grains, dark leafy greens, lean protein, yogurt, etc. If she's just lowered her activity level sharply, her appetite will naturally follow. And tired teens aren't necessarily sick, they're often just growing rapidly.


Hope you find out something soon.

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A friend of mine experienced something like this with her dd. She was, I think, 14-15 at the time. She was passing out, or coming close to it, for no apparent reason.


The dr. told her it was normal for that age. The dr. told her to make sure her dd drank plenty. That's all there was to it I think. Her dd is 16 now and is perfectly healthy as far as I know.




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No new foods. She rarely has caffeine. We don't use any artificial sweeteners. I wouldn't say her diet is great but she hasn't been eating any more sugar than usual.


I wouldn't say that her activity has drastically changed. Her doctor won't let her ride her bike, run, etc. but other than riding her bike dd really isn't that active so I don't think it is such a shock to her system that it would make her tired. She also seemed tired before her activity was restricted. I just think it has gotten worse over the past week.


It's just such a mystery

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Is she drinking enough water? Check her urine -- is it darkish amber? How much caffeine does she ingest?


She may be tired because she's not eating, or she may be not eating because she's tired. It's hard to know. But make sure that whatever she DOES it is concentrated nutrition -- whole grains, dark leafy greens, lean protein, yogurt, etc. If she's just lowered her activity level sharply, her appetite will naturally follow. And tired teens aren't necessarily sick, they're often just growing rapidly.


Hope you find out something soon.


This was exactly my first reaction, too. I have a tired, skinny 16yo boy, and I have to be very careful to remind him to drink water and eat (who'd a thunk it?).

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We got the results back from the doctor today and there is something wrong with dd's heart. The holter monitor showed a problem. I was completely in shock when the doctor called so I didn't write it down but it showed two things. Eight times something showed up having to do with the valve opening or closing too soon. The 2nd thing happened a the same time as she reported a palpitation. I"m clueless as to what is wrong but the doctor is supposed to call back in awhile with a name of a specialist and I will find out more info then.

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I'm not trying to diagnose your daughter. Just wanted to share my story with you which has some similarities to your dd.



I was 13 when my palpitations started and yes, I would get dizzy as well. For me it took 12 years to diagnose the problem. I'm glad you caught it and are getting help quickly. My Dad thought I was imagining the symptoms or that it was anxiety. The doctors continually told me I was too young to have the symptoms I was reporting and it was so hard to catch an episode on the holter monitor or EKG. Finally, after having a severe episode and blacking out I became much more aggressive with seeking help as an adult.


Anyway, I ended up getting an EP (electrophysiology study) done they diagnosed me with Atrial Fibrillation. Basically, the upper chamber of my heart would send a signal to the lower chamber but the lower chamber would not receive the signal. My heart would beat extremely fast from 600-800 BPM and blood would "pool" in the upper chamber. The biggest danger with this is that the blood is not circulating and therefore prone to clotting which can lead to stroke.



The only thing I have had to change in my life is taking asprin every day, and an extra one when I have an episode. (Please do not give your daughter asprin based on my story. I'm sure you know how dangerous it can be for kids) If the episodes get really bad I have the option of getting an ablation. They would "burn" certain areas of the heart that are causing an electrical problem.


Having heart issues can be scary but the doctors have amazing treatments. Paying attention to triggers is also very important. Pay close attention to what she is eating before she has an episode. For some people it is MSG, others it can be chocolate or alcohol. Stress can also be a trigger and even exercise. If she kept a journal detailing how she was feeling every day and what she has had to eat along with what she was doing that may help figure some of it out.



:grouphug: I am so sorry you are going through this with your daughter. I know it can be so scary. She is lucky to have such a good mom.


I just saw your update..I am so sorry for the results. I hope you can find out more soon.

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We got the results back from the doctor today and there is something wrong with dd's heart. The holter monitor showed a problem. I was completely in shock when the doctor called so I didn't write it down but it showed two things. Eight times something showed up having to do with the valve opening or closing too soon. The 2nd thing happened a the same time as she reported a palpitation. I"m clueless as to what is wrong but the doctor is supposed to call back in awhile with a name of a specialist and I will find out more info then.



:grouphug: She's in my prayers. :grouphug:


Yes, keep us updated.

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This is going to sound trivial but--is she drinking enough water? Dehydration can cause weird heart rhythms. My son just went through this a few months ago. Since we've been making sure he drinks enough there hasn't been a problem.


I have a heart thing myself that started when I was about your daughter's age. Every so often my heart will beat really fast for a few minutes (it has gone on for a few hours at most) and then it goes back to normal. It is called supraventricular tachycardia and I now take medication that seems to help. I also get palpitataions several times a day. The doctors all say that this is normal and everyone has them.


There are lots of heart rhythm problems that are relatively benign. Your daughter could just need some medication or maybe a minor surgical procedure. But seriously, try the water, it might help.

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I'm so nervous and keep on going back and forth between thinking her symptoms are harmless or they are really serious. At times she seems fine but then she starts getting palpitations and dizziness. She still gets tired easily and doesn't have much of an appetite. I'm just glad that we didn't have to wait too long for an appointment.

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I'm so nervous and keep on going back and forth between thinking her symptoms are harmless or they are really serious. At times she seems fine but then she starts getting palpitations and dizziness. She still gets tired easily and doesn't have much of an appetite. I'm just glad that we didn't have to wait too long for an appointment.


I'm praying for you now. Please keep us posted!

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We went to the cardiologist today and got great news. The echocardiogram showed no heart abnormalities. We're not sure what is causing the palpitations and dizziness but it looks like her heart is ok. The 24 hour holter showed 8 extra heartbeats but I guess this is considered still within normal limits. They did bloodwork so we'll still have to wait for those results to see what is causing the dizziness.

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Yeah!!! I'm so relieved for you!


My ds had some symptoms like your dd a couple years ago. He didn't have th heart palpatations, but he was tired all the time and wouldn't eat. He complained of feeling achey. He sometimes got a slight fever. It was weird. He was tested for everything under the sun and everything was negative. I think people started to think we were lying or exaggerating! They didn't see him day in and day out lying on our couch asleep most of the day. Anyway, after about 6 months of this, he was suddenly better. He's been fine ever since. I hope it doesn't last that long for your dd! I'll pray for the two of you!

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She is still having 2-3 dizzy spells a day along with occasional palpitations. The echocardiogram came back normal so even though her holter monitor wasn't completely normal they said that she just had 8 extra heartbeats that day. (not completely abnormal). The cardiologist says that her heart is fine so we don't need to worry about that. We have been pushing fluids (per cardiologists recommendations) so we know that dd isn't dehydrated. I stopped giving her Melatonin about a week ago. She was only taking a very low dose but I stopped it just in case that was causing problems. Her ears are fine. She gets dizzy regardless of whether she gets up quick, is sitting or lying down. It is very random so they don't think it is positional vertigo. She seems to have good vision and a quick check at the pediatrician showed that her eyes are fine but we have an appointment with the opthamologist on Monday just to completely rule that out. She had blood tests and everything came back normal.


I can't think of anything else. We are waiting until next Wednesday (then it will be 3 weeks) and if she still isn't better we will go back to the pediatrician for more workup and probably a brain CT. I'd appreciate if anyone can think of anything that I might have possibly overlooked.

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