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Class of 2014 college acceptances


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Dd2 just heard -- she got into Eastman!!!!! All of the details are unknown, but she got a phone call from a prof telling her the good news! I'll wait to post it on the official list until we know all the details..... but I'm proud of my girl!


A special congratulations from me for her!!!  :party:  


(To those who might wonder why I'm being biased... Eastman School of Music is associated with U Rochester and I'm definitely biased toward "family pick" schools.  ;)  I still love the overall diversity of the Hive... )


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As one additional plug for Gwen's Dd...


For those who might not know (I didn't until we investigated UR) Eastman School of Music is often ranked #1 in the country on many lists - even beating schools like Juilliard... 


Her Dd has done well (understatement, of course) and kudos to Gwen for getting her there.  ;)

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As one additional plug for Gwen's Dd...


For those who might not know (I didn't until we investigated UR) Eastman School of Music is often ranked #1 in the country on many lists - even beating schools like Juilliard... 


Her Dd has done well (understatement, of course) and kudos to Gwen for getting her there.  ;)


Thanks for elaborating Creekland.  


Gwen, that is really amazing!   Major congratulations to her on her achievement.s

:party: :cheers2:


(and since there are no amazing musical similies, let's pretend he is a virtuoso playing the violin in serious playing mode :nopity: and the music is divine! :) )


What instrument does she play Gwen?

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Dd2 plays the organ.


Yup, we're just amazed. No matter how the financial end works out, she will know for the rest of her life that she was good enough for Eastman!


She is supposed to hear about the finances by the end of the week, so our waiting is nearly at an end.


And thank you for all the kind words. This board has been such a tremendous source of encouragement throughout the years!

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Yup, we're just amazed. No matter how the financial end works out, she will know for the rest of her life that she was good enough for Eastman!



Absolutely!  Best wishes on the finances... but nothing can take away the fact that she was good enough no matter what!


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Dd2 plays the organ.


Yup, we're just amazed. No matter how the financial end works out, she will know for the rest of her life that she was good enough for Eastman!


She is supposed to hear about the finances by the end of the week, so our waiting is nearly at an end.


And thank you for all the kind words. This board has been such a tremendous source of encouragement throughout the years!


What an accomplishment! Congrats!


(This from the bassoonist who was waitlisted at Eastman. . . . ;) )

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Dd2 just heard -- she got into Eastman!!!!! All of the details are unknown, but she got a phone call from a prof telling her the good news! I'll wait to post it on the official list until we know all the details..... but I'm proud of my girl!

This is a wonderful accomplishment! I remember way back in the mists of time when I was accepted there. I think I strutted like a peacock for a week!



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 This board has been such a tremendous source of encouragement throughout the years!


I think that's what I like so much about the yearly college acceptance thread. I don't even have a student graduating this year, but of course I want to read. Sure, many of our kids may have done very well in a different kind of school setting, but through the choices we've made, this is where they are going. 


(And I'm not dismissing anything that is not college either.)


Most of us were more than a bit nervous taking on the responsibility of our children's education. It was a new and scary thing when our family did. Our journey would have been much different without the encouragement I found online, both here after reading TWTM and on other message boards.  This thread is an ending of one chapter of our lives as parents, while our children move on.  I love these happy endings.  :001_wub: :001_wub:

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Dd2 just heard -- she got into Eastman!!!!! All of the details are unknown, but she got a phone call from a prof telling her the good news! I'll wait to post it on the official list until we know all the details..... but I'm proud of my girl!


Awesome news! I hope the finances work out.


What an accomplishment! Congrats!


(This from the bassoonist who was waitlisted at Eastman. . . . ;) )


I was a bassoonist waitlisted at Eastman, too. We have an elite club here. :)


I really enjoyed my audition and the school when I visited there.....back in the day.

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Dd2 plays the organ.


Yup, we're just amazed. No matter how the financial end works out, she will know for the rest of her life that she was good enough for Eastman!


She is supposed to hear about the finances by the end of the week, so our waiting is nearly at an end.


And thank you for all the kind words. This board has been such a tremendous source of encouragement throughout the years!







Gwen, did you post in another thread about how you wouldn't hear from one school until April 15th? It wasn't Eastman, was it? Just curious if you've heard earlier than expected, or if another school is still deliberating. And what's up with mid-April, anyway? I thought all (NACAC?) schools had to let kids know by April 1st ...




I was a bassoonist waitlisted at Eastman, too. We have an elite club here.  :)



Running the race, that's too funny! What are the odds?!? :)


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Yes, Eastman says that it will notify all applicants by April 15, and dd knows some students who weren't notified until early April. We're thankful to have heard on the early side of that date!


She applied to the joint U of R / Eastman dual degree program, and she still hasn't heard from U of R so she still doesn't have all the details, but theoretically at least she should have them by the end of the week.

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Yea! I haven't been back to these boards since k-8, but after all these years, my daughter just got her acceptance today from the University of Washington! First Choice! We homeschooled through 9 and 10; then full time homeschool dual enrollment. And, she's also been named as a Phi Theta Kappa scholarship winner! Happy Day! Thanks for all the years of support ...

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I haven't posted much on the high school/college board in the last couple of years- I'm mostly at the Learning Challenges Board. My son was homeschooled K-10 and entered a 3 year middle college high school in 11th grade. This resulted in his having an extra year of "high school," though he will graduate with somewhere around 80 community college credits.


Because of difficult family circumstances for the last two years which have had me significantly tied up with eldercare responsibilities, my son's college search and application process has looked nothing like the detailed, meticulous process I coached my daughters through when it was their turn. In fact, my son applied to exactly two schools and, because essay writing still requires significant coaching which I was unable to provide, he did not apply to any schools or submit any scholarship applications that required essays.


With that as a backdrop, I am pleased to say that my son, who is a 2E learner, was accepted to Michigan Tech and Florida Tech with merit scholarships. He is graduating from high school with two community college certificates, one in computer networking and one in computer security. He plans to major in computer science and intends to minor in astrophysics. We'll see what actually happens a few years down the road but he has a significant interest in the private space industry.  


I am very pleased with my son's growth as a student over the last 3 years. His ability to handle all the "soft skills" of learning, not to mention the academics, is leaps and bounds ahead of where we were 4 years ago. I'm breathing a big sigh of relief!

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With that as a backdrop, I am pleased to say that my son, who is a 2E learner, was accepted to Michigan Tech and Florida Tech with merit scholarships. He is graduating from high school with two community college certificates, one in computer networking and one in computer security. He plans to major in computer science and intends to minor in astrophysics. We'll see what actually happens a few years down the road but he has a significant interest in the private space industry.  



Talk about extremes!  What is it going be:  snow board or surf board?

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Talk about extremes!  What is it going be:  snow board or surf board?


Weather extremes- isn't that the truth!


The final decision is yet to be made. We made a visit to Florida Tech a couple of weeks ago and are planning to get up to Michigan Tech in early April. I will say that Michigan Tech is where his dad did his undergrad studies so there's just a teensy bit of pull there. ;)   In reality, my son is not an outdoor sports person, except that he does play Ultimate Frisbee. I suggested that he could play Ultimate outdoors year round in Florida, but he says both schools have clubs/teams so he's not worried about having someone to toss a disc with.

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Marie, I just want to put a plug in for Michigan Tech. The school has a GREAT reputation for working with students who need assistance. They like out of the box thinkers, provide lots of tutoring and mentoring options, have a wonderful learning lab, and we've personally known three families that have sent their sons who have Asbergers  (sp?) there and they've successfully graduated on time with job offers. The school really helped their kids mature and shine. I am sure he could fall through the cracks there if he was unwilling to avail himself of the options for assistance, but I think the odds would be in his favor. If you can possibly make it for a visit, it might be worth it. Having a good fit is important.

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Marie, I just want to put a plug in for Michigan Tech. The school has a GREAT reputation for working with students who need assistance. They like out of the box thinkers, provide lots of tutoring and mentoring options, have a wonderful learning lab, and we've personally known three families that have sent their sons who have Asbergers  (sp?) there and they've successfully graduated on time with job offers. The school really helped their kids mature and shine. I am sure he could fall through the cracks there if he was unwilling to avail himself of the options for assistance, but I think the odds would be in his favor. If you can possibly make it for a visit, it might be worth it. Having a good fit is important.


It's good to hear this feedback about Michigan Tech! I've also heard some good feedback from a local parent, so it helps me to feel a little more at ease. My son isn't on the spectrum but there are some shadows of similarity due to his executive function weaknesses. I'm hopeful that the atmosphere will be such that opportunities he would do well to take advantage of are prominently noted with lots of encouragement to participate. 


Ds has been up to Houghton once. He participated in the summer youth program a couple of years ago, so he is familiar with the campus, including the computer science facilities. He hasn't had a chance to visit during the school year and talk with anyone about program specifics.   

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It's good to hear this feedback about Michigan Tech! I've also heard some good feedback from a local parent, so it helps me to feel a little more at ease. My son isn't on the spectrum but there are some shadows of similarity due to his executive function weaknesses. I'm hopeful that the atmosphere will be such that opportunities he would do well to take advantage of are prominently noted with lots of encouragement to participate. 


Ds has been up to Houghton once. He participated in the summer youth program a couple of years ago, so he is familiar with the campus, including the computer science facilities. He hasn't had a chance to visit during the school year and talk with anyone about program specifics.   

We've spent time on campus three times and our middle dsl will probably be up there again this fall. Eldest interviewed in the comp sci department this past September, so I am willing to share any information that I have. This was element's top choice until a few weeks ago when he decided he was going to switch his major. He may still land there due to their very strong anthropology/archaeology department which would be his double major...he's own some writing contests and has had some other accomplishments that have convinced him that his real passion is in English literature , creative writing, and human history/development so U of MI (whisk older sister's soon to be alma mater) has moved to the head of the pack along with Kalamazoo College. But, a lot will depend on who offers the most scholarships.


Our middle son is passionate about Great Lakes Ecology and conservation and will double major in biology and environmental science. Due to research options, MTU is his top choice school and especially because he is also interested in ski patrol and they have an amazing ski patrol program.

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We've spent time on campus three times and our middle dsl will probably be up there again this fall. Eldest interviewed in the comp sci department this past September, so I am willing to share any information that I have. This was element's top choice until a few weeks ago when he decided he was going to switch his major. He may still land there due to their very strong anthropology/archaeology department which would be his double major...he's own some writing contests and has had some other accomplishments that have convinced him that his real passion is in English literature , creative writing, and human history/development so U of MI (whisk older sister's soon to be alma mater) has moved to the head of the pack along with Kalamazoo College. But, a lot will depend on who offers the most scholarships.


Our middle son is passionate about Great Lakes Ecology and conservation and will double major in biology and environmental science. Due to research options, MTU is his top choice school and especially because he is also interested in ski patrol and they have an amazing ski patrol program.




This is off topic for the thread but I wanted to mention something that I think might intrigue your guys. Northwestern Michigan College, a community college in Traverse City, is again hosting the summer field school of the Nautical Archaeology Society.  It is an amazing opportunity open for those 16 and above.







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This is off topic for I had he thread but I wanted to mention something that I think might intrigue your guys. Northwestern Michigan College, a community college in Traverse City, is again hosting the summer field school of the Nautical Archaeology Society.  It is an amazing opportunity open for those 16 and above.





Jane, thanks so much for reminding me!  With everything going on right now,  I had forgotten and reallyneed to see if this will fit our schedule. I appreciate the heads up.

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Ds just got a snail mail letter from American University (he even allowed me to open it after I texted him at school that he had a LARGE envelope from them!!). Received a Presidential Scholarship of $20,000 per year and admission to their accelerated 3-year Global Scholars Program! Interesting option given his young age (I posted about this on the thread about finishing Bachelor degrees in three years).

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DS is wait listed at University of Virginia.


We're actually taking that as good news, because we were really expecting a rejection.  And now DS is kicking himself for not applying there early.  Oh well.


I doubt he'd choose to go there even if he is eventually accepted (and we'll certainly go ahead and send in a deposit somewhere else) but I think he wants to leave his name on the wait list just to see what happens.  Are there any cons to that?

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DS is wait listed at University of Virginia.


We're actually taking that as good news, because we were really expecting a rejection. And now DS is kicking himself for not applying there early. Oh well.


I doubt he'd choose to go there even if he is eventually accepted (and we'll certainly go ahead and send in a deposit somewhere else) but I think he wants to leave his name on the wait list just to see what happens. Are there any cons to that?

Idk, other than losing your deposit at the "somewhere else" school? I'm sure someone else with more experience will chime in!!


My ds was waitlisted at Claremont McKenna College. :/ Oh, well!

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Ds just got a snail mail letter from American University (he even allowed me to open it after I texted him at school that he had a LARGE envelope from them!!). Received a Presidential Scholarship of $20,000 per year and admission to their accelerated 3-year Global Scholars Program! Interesting option given his young age (I posted about this on the thread about finishing Bachelor degrees in three years).


FANTASTIC news, on both the acceptance and the scholarship!!!



Dd got accepted to Boston University today. :)


Too bad the school is outrageously expensive and they offered almost no financial aid.


Then she'll likely go somewhere else, but she'll always be able to say she was accepted!!  I think that's great news. :) 


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Idk, other than losing your deposit at the "somewhere else" school? I'm sure someone else with more experience will chime in!!


My ds was waitlisted at Claremont McKenna College. :/ Oh, well!


And my son was waitlisted at Harvey Mudd. I guess our sons won't be on adjacent campuses ... :/

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And my son was waitlisted at Harvey Mudd. I guess our sons won't be on adjacent campuses ... :/

Rats! Sorry, Laura! I was really hopeful! My dh had not bought into the whole 5C thing, but as a graduate of a LAC, I LOVED everything about it. The LAC vibe but five of them all together! When we visited, we toured CMC, Pomona, and Harvey Mudd. By then, ds had ruled out engineering, but I absolutely loved the kids at Harvey Mudd! SO authentic and just plain NICE. I did not care for Pomona, but loved the other two we saw while there.


My ds is not taking a spot on CMC's waitlist.

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I'm a CMC alum, but had one of my majors at Pomona and did Army ROTC jointly with people from Mudd. I really adored my friends at Mudd, and would be happy to answer any questions about the Claremont Colleges if he decides to wait it out. Best wishes in his decision.

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I'm a CMC alum, but had one of my majors at Pomona and did Army ROTC jointly with people from Mudd. I really adored my friends at Mudd, and would be happy to answer any questions about the Claremont Colleges if he decides to wait it out. Best wishes in his decision.


Thanks, Monique! I will definitely contact you if he decides to accept a place on the wait list. (He's leaning toward not.) Two years ago (after he attended math camp there), Harvey Mudd was probably his first choice, but it has slipped in the past year or so, and he's very excited about one of his former backup schools (UC Berkeley). So we're good, thanks! (and whew!)


That's interesting that you have degrees from CMC & Pomona! Way back when, I turned down offers from both Pomona and Harvey Mudd. I wish there was some way to "grandfather" my acceptances :D -- it's a different, more competitive process now, it seems.



Rats! Sorry, Laura! I was really hopeful! My dh had not bought into the whole 5C thing, but as a graduate of a LAC, I LOVED everything about it. The LAC vibe but five of them all together! When we visited, we toured CMC, Pomona, and Harvey Mudd. By then, ds had ruled out engineering, but I absolutely loved the kids at Harvey Mudd! SO authentic and just plain NICE. I did not care for Pomona, but loved the other two we saw while there.


My ds is not taking a spot on CMC's waitlist.


Thanks, Cynthia! Luckily my son didn't have his heart set on HMC -- although he certainly would have enjoyed admitted-student weekend and would have seriously considered attending ... That's so interesting about the different 'vibes' you got from the campuses. One definite 'plus' of HMC would have been the ability to take classes at the other colleges. What a neat atmosphere, with the colleges so close together. 


I hope it wasn't his #1 choice.  Still, I am impressed by his list of acceptances.  :thumbup1:



Haha, thanks, Sue! In fact my son was just looking over my shoulder yesterday as I was posting, and said basically the same thing ... seeing his acceptances in black and white all together as a list was, I think, rather reassuring and affirming. I think it made his disappointment at the wait-list offer from Harvey Mudd fade a little :)

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With that as a backdrop, I am pleased to say that my son, who is a 2E learner, was accepted to Michigan Tech and Florida Tech with merit scholarships. He is graduating from high school with two community college certificates, one in computer networking and one in computer security. He plans to major in computer science and intends to minor in astrophysics. We'll see what actually happens a few years down the road but he has a significant interest in the private space industry.  


I am very pleased with my son's growth as a student over the last 3 years. His ability to handle all the "soft skills" of learning, not to mention the academics, is leaps and bounds ahead of where we were 4 years ago. I'm breathing a big sigh of relief!


I want to say a big thank you to all who have noticed my post about my son's college acceptances and clicked "like." I'm overwhelmed with joy at the number of you who are celebrating with me! Because this has been such a difficult couple of years for me with my mom's passing from cancer and my dad's ever-increasing needs, I was despairing of ever getting my son through the admissions process at all, but we have been blessed and I think my ds will thrive at either of these universities. Our Michigan Tech visit is coming up in a couple of weeks but I think this is already where ds is seeing himself come fall.

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I love this thread and the List one.  It is so inspirational to see the number and variety of acceptance.


I love checking both daily, even when I have no news to share for my own kid.


I'm thinking that, once the fog clears after May 1, we should do a "decisions" thread, too, so we can see where everyone will be going in the fall.

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Good morning, all! I just came in to update my list of acceptances, as well as to participate in the thread of acceptances by name. I haven't been able to participate on this board like I did years ago, as I'm looking after my ailing elderly parents, as well as dealing with the many changes life has brought, such as a husband who had to move to NYC in order to keep his job, etc. (He's now back :) )


Nevertheless, I pop in and out, and today, when I looked at this board, something came over me. I broke into tears thinking of how far we have all come, how much we have all invested, how much help, love, support, encouragement has come from this community, and it moved my spirit deeply.


Thank you. Thank you all for your wisdom, your strength, your insight, your honesty, your kindness, and even your brutal honesty, when it was much needed. I am thankful for you all, for your companionship along this difficult journey, and for your selflessness all along the way. You have not only given to your families, but to this community, as well, and without you, this would have been painfully lonely, and no where near as rich an experience.


May you all be blessed!


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OMGoodness!! Ds was just accepted to Rice University with Trustee Scholarship of $21,500 per year!!!!


I don't know how to make those party people dancing around! Someone teach me quick!!




Completely unexpected!!





Party!!! :D




heehee, I didn't know how to make the party people either until a few weeks ago LOL. If you click on the emoticon symbol above the reply box (near the font, size, etc. controls) -- a smiley face -- it brings up a whole line of emoticons; if you click on the arrow to the right of this line of faces it brings up another set of faces, and buried among them is a symbol with little tiny people. I guess I never saw it because I expected it to be bigger. You can barely see the little balloon. It's between the guy with a mallet and the guy with the American flag.

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Hmmm. I can't see the emoticon symbol on my iPad. That's pretty much all I ever use these days. So, thanks, Laura in CA for posting the party people for me!!


If I click on the "more reply options" the "enable emoticons" box is checked???


Ha ha! I am such a techno-goob!

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