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What is the temperature where you are at right now?


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It is only 70 degrees here in northern Colorado right now.  My mother and I just got back from taking the trash to the dumpster and with the wind, we both wished we had put on jackets before going up.  It is supposed to be in the upper 70s and lower 80s the next few days here.  I like this weather... especially for July.

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59 degrees and heading down to the high 40's for the overnight. We've had a weird summer in VT. Tons of rain, 1 hot week and now it feels fall-ish. I've been resisting the urge to start baking pumpkin muffins! Hoping that summer makes a comeback for a few more weeks.

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66 degrees but it's 8:15. I was stuck in doors all day with a sick kid, so did not get out side much. I think the high was only 85 or so. I did have coffee out front with a neighbor at about 10 and it was perfect. A bit of a cool breeze. It is usually between a high of 95-105 around here in summer.

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It's just under 70, but there's a nice breeze... headed down to 55. This is the nicest summer we've had here in at least ten years, and I'm loving it.

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Well, where I am right now is Juneau, Alaska, but I will be back home to Austin, TX next Wednesday so I am putting both temps.


Juneau at 8:47pm is 57, High was 60 and low was 49

Austin at 11:47pm is 84, High was 100 and low was 73

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