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PSA: Birth Control Does NOT Always Work


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;) Nuff said.


I remember those threads (let's not dig them up) about how poor people shouldn't have babies. It happens. My dh has been in and out of work due to a shoulder that he keeps having to have surgery on. Luckily, right now he does have a job and just this past weekend got a $3 raise. :) He said tonight that his shoulder was bothering him again. I'm sure he could get dissability, but if any of you know how LONG of a process that is...ugh. Thankfully, I work. If I didn't we would be sunk. As it is it's a daily struggle. Hoping that the new raise will give a tad bit of breathing room. Just in time.

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Yup. Oldest is a pill baby. Youngest was a "fertility awareness, 4 days before I should be fertile, no cervical mucus, AND he pulled out" baby. Only the middle one was planned. Ever see the Friends' episode where Rachel tells Ross she is pregnant, and he finds out condoms aren't 100 percent? It's hysterical.

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FWIW, when you are told that you are 'probably unable to get pregnant again', that is not always reliable either.

(Our surprise arrives in December ;) )


Actually, that was the other thing. I was supposedly not able to get pregnant again due to my horrible endometriosis. My endo is the whole reason I was on BC in the first place. lol CONGRATULATIONS on your surprise!

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Congrats! And I have to confess that I envy you. My hubby had "the snip" after our third child was born, and we regret that decision. We did adopt our fourth child in 2009, though, so that is a blessing. But, honestly, my heart longs for another baby. It is really NOT practical...I am 38 and our youngest child has significant special needs, so a new baby would certainly be challenging. I still wish for it sometimes, but hubby's "snip" 10 years ago has proven to work quite well.

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Congrats! One of ours is a spermicidal gel baby, and another one is a Fertility awareness method baby. No pill babies here, though. And no babies since dh had the big V when baby #4 was a few months old. He had a triple threat V, though. (Cutting a piece out of the vas, burning the ends and clipping them.) I can't imagine life without my bc failure babies.

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50% of all unplanned pregnancies are the result of contraception failure. You name the contraceptive method, and I personally know someone who has gotten pregnant while thinking they were using it correctly. I even know several who doubled up and still got pregnant. I also know someone whose parents separated and almost divorced when her mom turned up pregnant more than a decade after her dad's V. DNA testing proved that mom was telling the truth about being faithful and they reconciled.

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Congratulations! Our youngest was the "baby we didn't know we needed." He brings so much joy to the whole family. Wishing you joy as well. :)


I love this saying! Our latest was planned in the sense that we didn't try to prevent pregnancy. Every time I look at him, I feel as if he was waiting all this time to be born.


ETA: Congrats (and hugs) to the OP.

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Congratulations! My youngest was my "bonus baby". My mom coined that one for me, because she didn't like to call her a surprise even. Honestly, I was freaked out for a while, but my dh talked me off the edge and I can't imagine life without her.


Her middle name is Faith, as in we had to have faith God knew what he was doing giving us another.

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Congratulations! My youngest was my "bonus baby". My mom coined that one for me, because she didn't like to call her a surprise even. Honestly, I was freaked out for a while, but my dh talked me off the edge and I can't imagine life without her.


Her middle name is Faith, as in we had to have faith God knew what he was doing giving us another.



I'm sure that 30+ weeks from now I won't be able to imagine my life without this new little one. :)

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My second daughter was a life threatening pregnancy for both of us. It's not medically advisable that I ever get pregnant again. My husband had a vasectomy two months after she was born. We had to sign a legal document before the doctor would "snip" him that basically said vasectomies are not 100% and if I got pregnant again we couldn't sue him. My husband had the procedure and we talked about how we'd handle it if I got pregnant again. It's been 15 years, but I'm prepared for the possibility.


I've been teaching my daughters that anyone sexually active who wants to avoid pregnancy should use two methods together or one surgical sterilization procedure, but even those scenarios have failure rates. If you're being careful and you still get pregnant, that's not abnormal or irresponsible. It happens all the time. Babies are a blessing and you'll manage to do a great job with your sweet surprise.

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Ktgrok-Do you mind me asking what gender your fertility awareness baby is? I am always interested to know, because of the book How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby-so many people I know who know exactly when they conceived, the baby fits the gender he claims it would be in that book! (the very short story-the further OUT from ovulation ahead of ovulation, the more likely it is to be a girl. Of course, there are other factors, like the acidity/alkalinity of the body-especially "down there", etc).


Those of you who had post-snip babies-how long after the snip was it? Because now you have me nervous!!

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Those of you who had post-snip babies-how long after the snip was it? Because now you have me nervous!!


for me I got pregnant 4 years after having my tubes tied. According to the Gynecologist I had, there is a pregnancy in one in 1000 tubals. Apparently I was his second failure ( his words) and he thought he had probably done around 2000 women :laugh: . I know someone who got pregnant 8 years after her DH's V

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