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Poll Time! What science do you use?


What do you use for science?  

  1. 1. What do you use for science?

    • Apologia
    • God's Design
    • Sonlight
    • A Reason for Science
    • Real Science 4 Kids
    • Bob Jones
    • Abeka
    • Singapore
    • Noeo
    • Other (please post)

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For 3rd and 4th we've used Sonlight. Next year I'm not so sure.... I've been looking at Noeo. I've told my dd9 that she gets to help pick out her next science program (she loves science). So we'll see what happens. I know she wants something real hands-on. Physics or chemistry, I think.


And I still like the book list for sonlight 5 too. Ah well, daughter's choice this time. =)

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You forgot WTM, but that is not exactly what I am using.


I am more CM nature studies plus whatever they are interested in at the library except that I teach a co-op science and have been basically following WTM suggestions for what to teach and when to teach it so far.


I am not planning to do formal science until the logic stage.

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for body / animals / plants and

then for earth sci / astronomy this year.


Actually this year....we're a little off schedule because "life" has gotten in the way so I'm going to use LLB as I can and mostly go with unitedstreaming videos and books just to finish off the year.

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We are following WTM recommendations for subject matter in 1st grade, but I am using Usborne Books instead of Kingfisher. We followed our noses for animals and made reading from Our Big Back Yard and Cousteau Kids part of breakfast. For the homan body I am using Usborne's 10 Terrific Weeks. It fits great with our schedule and with the WTM outline. For nature I will use more Usb. books. Needless to say, I get them for "free," which is why I am using them (I love them, too, but the price is right). Also, we do supplement from the library when we want/need to.

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We are going to start using MFW 1 science, which my girls are really looking forward to. We're also going to start doing nature walks as per Charlotte Mason, and I am excited about that.


I am looking into getting My World Science while it's still available, for science with a bit more to it. My girlies love science, and while I love most things about MFW, the science is a little light until you get to the point when you add Apologia.

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My 4 yo and 6 yo watch a lot of Magic School Bus. I also pick up Bill Nye videos/DVDs from the library for them to watch. My 9 yo watches tons of shows on the science channel. She loves science and picks up books from the library that I consider to be science. In addition, she reads a lot of nature books.


I also have a 12 yo that I haven't done a lot of science with. It's not something she's incredibly interested in. However, we have been working through RS4Kids Chemistry. It's a slow going process. I'm not fond of doing any crafts/hands on things, but the girls love it. <sigh>


I have Galore Park's So You Really Want to Learn Science and have an idea that I might start that pretty soon. However, I'm not so sure...


Frankly, I'm glad to see this thread show up. :)

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We used Apologia Biology, Apologia Chemistry, Astronomy Today, and Runkle Geography for high school so far.


For elementary, we do nature study, have used a moon lapbook from Hands, and Trivium's plans. I just bought a Great Science Adventures Microscope set, which I love.

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We have used Answers in Genesis and still refer to it frequently and get some of their DVDs. More recently we have been using a program created by a friend of mine. It is a creation science program by Media Angels.

Science is not a daily subject for us. I listed in my signature block only those items we touch on at least a couple of times a week, if not daily. Science, history, geography tend to come up in literature and we then take out the books for more in-depth evaluation and research. There is also nothing quite as fun as spending a day with a good encyclopedia, like Usborne or Kingfisher, especially those with the Internet access.

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We are currently using Evan-Moor theme pockets for january and studying Penguins.


We tried SL science and it wasn't a good fit.


After the penguin unit we'll be using Evan-Moor Scienceworks Geology.


Next year we're going to use R.E.A.L. Science Life Science level 1 (pandia press)

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A mix of nature study, Boy Scouts & Cub Scouts, interest-led book basket, and a variety of science-y TV programs recorded on our DVR. We're pretty science-y, so this has worked well for us so far.


My 12yo son seems a little interested in chemistry right now; it might be time to try the RS4K Chemistry level 2 that I wanted to do this year, along with that Fizz, Bubble, Flash! (or whatever it is) book.


Next year he'll be in 7th grade and I might use the Prentice Hall Science Explorer books.

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We've used a lot of different resources for science. I've stuck with the "order" of the WTM, but used various Usborne books, these great little books called "Made by God" that you can get from Rainbow Resource (they're less than $5.00 each), and this year, we're using "Considering God's Creation." I love CGC, but we won't go the whole way through. We'll only get through Earth Science and then use "God's Design for Chemistry" next year.


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Using Apologia Astronomy this year, along with lots of MSB and library books.


Looking at possibly using R.E.A.L. Science: Life for next year. May also add in Apologia Zoology books as well.


We do not "Do science" every day, but there is something related to science going on every day (my oldest says science and history are his favorite things and wants to be a doctor.)

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This was recommended in my edition of the Well Trained Mind. I am not sure if the books are still published but they are easily available second hand. I really like the detail it goes into and that it isn't a textbook. There are experiments but we don't do them all. They require a great deal of hunting far and wide for equipment and sometimes they are serious construction projects in themselves for very little gain.

The books are aimed at a junior high level I would guess. The reading level is fairly high. We read a couple to four pages together and then we either do the experiments, supplement with Janice Van Cleave experiments or do an activity of my own devising. At the moment we are complementing a chapter on classification with the Hands of a Child Deer lapbook. Tomorrow I am reading a National Geographic article to them about Linnaeus. We are reading through David Attenborough's 'Life of Mammals' and in future weeks our daughter will be doing a Dover colouring book about the anatomy of a horse (because that is one of her main interests right now).

Our son will be then starting an electronics course with a new kit I have found him and a new manual.

I am considering a move to either Singapore Science or Galore Park but we do so many school-type texts, this is a welcome change right now.

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I really like Singapore My Pals are Here Science but we completed 3a/b in six weeks. I have most of 4a on hand but am not ready to let my dd start it yet because I want the Critical Thinking book that goes with it and I worry about the math content. I want her math facts to come more quickly before we move on.


Currently, we are reading about a different animal each week. I check out a variety of books from the library on a specific animal both fiction and non-fiction at my dd's reading level and above (for me to read). And we learn about that animal. I keep it very informal.


We also like science kits. My oldest got several for Christmas. And she does daily weather study that include, temperature, wind speed and cloud formation.

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We have the A Beka texts; we read these and CLP Nature readers.

I am currently using Considering God's Creation for the 2 oldest, and Apologia Winged Creatures of the 5th day for my 2 youngest in our Co-op class. We also read and watch lots of Magic School Bus and do various science kits. I plan to use Apologia General Science next year for 6th grade and I will be buying some Answers In Genesis books. Also this year I have done Complete Book of the Solar System for my 8 year old ds.

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I am using Easy Classical for this year and LOVE it. I don't see it mentioned here often, but she follow TWTM book guidelines.


The intro asks you to read WTM. So she is following the guidelines from the book. We are doing 1st grade science(Animals, Plants, Human Body). It came with a weekly schedule and weekly file dividers. The schedule itself has been broken down for several ages. Usually K-2, 2-4, 4-6. It has different spine books for each level, but if you had kids in different categories it is obviously ok to use just one spine. The activities for the K-2 are just right. fun, but educational enough. It also has a shopping list and library list at the bottom of the page so you know what to get for the next week.


The website also has links to all the books they require at the best price.


We do plan to use them again for next year. I do wish they offered the plans in an eBook format for cheaper, but it's been worth the money and I am pleased.


They also offer full grade lesson plans, but for now we are just using the science series that can be bought alone.


Highly recommend this schedule. It has questions under the reading/activity sections for review(and the answers!). Very complete program and IMHO perfect for the elementary ages.



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This year I wanted to focus on life science. I bought Noeo but it just didn't seem to fit so instead I let the boys choose lapbooks from HOAC. I let them choose which ones as long as they were grade appropriate and about life science. I then go through the pack and choose readings and United Streaming videos to go with each activity. They are loving it and science is getting done. We spend about 2 - 2 1/2 hrs once a week on science.



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