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I'm homesick for...


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Camping in Mason county, Texas, alongside the river. Where the water is bathtub warm and shallow enough to stand. Where the cooler is full of beer and pop and there is no agenda--- no hiking or sight seeing.-- just people swimming and visiting and eating and reading. Staying up late and catching fireflies and "snipe" hunting. That days are hot, the nights are warm. The camping of my childhood.


I still like camping here, but DH always wants hike or fly fish and the nights are freezing and the mornings bitter cold while you are trying to dress.

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My friends, my parents, my extended family whom I will not get to see this year.

My 800 year old home town that has actually culture.

Bach chorals in my native German.

The sandstone mountains where we climbed every weekend.


I am VERY homesick and not doing too well right now.

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My friends, my parents, my extended family whom I will not get to see this year.

My 800 year old home town that has actually culture.

Bach chorals in my native German.

The sandstone mountains where we climbed every weekend.


I am VERY homesick and not doing too well right now.


:( :grouphug:

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My friends, my parents, my extended family whom I will not get to see this year.

My 800 year old home town that has actually culture.

Bach chorals in my native German.

The sandstone mountains where we climbed every weekend.

I am VERY homesick and not doing too well right now.




I'm sorry you're feeling so homesick. :(

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I enjoyed the two Christmases I spent in Germany. Very different from the States!


I am missing the ocean. CA bike paths that were separate from the road.


I don't miss earthquakes though.... Or the high cost of living.

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Them's fighting words! Honestly, I want to leave Texas, but I want to go somewhere where there is less heat and humidity.


I'm pretty much home, but I do miss my best friend.


I know! I felt as if I should have put one of these at the end of my post -----> :leaving:

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What are you homesick for or looking forward to?



If you are still in S. Carolina you will have plenty of football in a couple of months. Friday night high school games are big and so are the Clemson and Carolina games, however if you like another team you might have a hard time finding someone who even knows they exist. :tongue_smilie:

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I am homesick for a sailboat. We got rid of ours right before dd was born because it was too small for 3 of us to spend any real time on. I really miss quiet evenings at anchor although these days I am sure they wouldn't be quite so quiet. :001_smile:

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California sun! PNW rain is making me sad. Thirteen years here and I'm still sick of it! Of course, to go with that sun, I'd have to have my air-conditioned house as well so I could sun bathe, then run back inside for cool air. :)

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Another vote for football here. I grew up in Nebraska, so Husker fever gets in your blood. Living in FL, there are plenty of college teams here, but nothing compares to Husker fans.


I am also homesick for family. My younger brothers have both gotten married and had kids since the last time I saw them (2009), and I really wish I could move back to be closer to them and see their littles grow up.

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My mom.

My 5 siblings and their spouses and my 13 neices/nephews and my 4 great neices/nephews.

My friends.

The 400 acre farm I grew up on.

Camping on the Mississippi River.

Canoeing on the Kickapoo.

Cheese curds and bratwurst and Old Dutch Dill Pickle potato chips.


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Camping in Mason county, Texas, alongside the river. Where the water is bathtub warm and shallow enough to stand. Where the cooler is full of beer and pop and there is no agenda--- no hiking or sight seeing.-- just people swimming and visiting and eating and reading. Staying up late and catching fireflies and "snipe" hunting. That days are hot, the nights are warm. The camping of my childhood.


I still like camping here, but DH always wants hike or fly fish and the nights are freezing and the mornings bitter cold while you are trying to dress.



Preach it sister!


My DH may not always want to hike/fly fish, but the camps grounds up here are nothing like the ones I grew up with in Kansas, Missouri, or Illinois. Lakes you could swim in without freezing! Wooded campsites! Shade! Lightning bugs!


Speaking of which, I'm homesick for lightning bugs. There aren't any here. My kids have no idea about those.

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Home even though cost of living is higher. I miss my extended family, the city life, good food, more diverse culture, country hopping in South East Asia. Carrie Underwood "Temporary Home" and Sting's "Englishman in New York" make me miss home more. We just had Vesak Day and it would have been very festive back home.

I miss English Premier League; Manchester United, Liverpool, Everton, Arsenal and even watching Alex Ferguson swear.

I miss the Catholic Church (built in 1851) that I attended first friday masses in as I attended a convent (Portuguese mission) for elementary school.

What upset me the most is probably missing seeing the youngest of my nieces and nephews grow up, as well as miss my only brother's wedding as we could not afford to fly home then.

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My friends, my parents, my extended family whom I will not get to see this year.

My 800 year old home town that has actually culture.

Bach chorals in my native German.

The sandstone mountains where we climbed every weekend.


I am VERY homesick and not doing too well right now.


I am so sorry. Homesickness of that sort is just awful. I have BTDT so many times. :(


I mostly miss my family though. When that John Denver song says, "I get the feeling that I should have been home yesterday," I cry every time.

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I'm homesick for my family. I miss being able to go to birthday parties and other little events. I miss seeing everyone. I also miss living in a place that is "normal". We live in a bit of a "hole". We lack the normal stores, services, and stuff that exists where I grew up. I miss being able to run to the store to get what I need when I need it. I miss having stuff around for my kids, things like town sports (they sort of exist here, but it's sad), or even a church with kids (not many kids here, hence the lack of things for children). I miss living in "civilization".

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What I find myself missing most is a child's memories of what "home" was. When I moved here, I had every intention of moving back home within 3-5 years.


I miss the familiar comforts of the tropics, island food, and .... just the overall disposition of people was different. Friendlier, more welcoming. It's too hot to stay indoors so you get to know everyone around you (plus you're related in some way to 2/3 of them). Where I live now, families stay indoors a lot. Neighbors are friendly enough to wave but have little interest or need to go beyond that casual formality. Kids keep to themselves and families are sadly suspicious of everyone and everything. It's amazing how alone one can feel even when surrounded by people.


Fortunately many of my siblings have moved near me, even to my same neighborhood. We have a constant parade of visitors, bringing with them goodies from home - music, food, gossip :) and even more fortunately, I have siblings who work for an airline and make frequent trips back and forth. My job requires air travel, so I earn miles at work that I can use for personal travel. So we get back more than some, I think, but we also planned our careers with this need/desire in mind.

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