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Who else is getting snow tonight??

Guest inoubliable

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Guest inoubliable

We're actually a little excited about snow this time. We're projected to get 10" - 15" overnight, and all gone by Friday so we can still make the book fair on Saturday.


Best. Snow. Ever.


Of course, since we're excited we'll probably end up with 8" of rain instead. :laugh:


Anyone else expecting to wake up to a winter wonderland tomorrow?

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I don't know. We're south of DC, and forecasts range from nuthin' to 4-ish innches to OMG! 12+ gogettoiletpaperbreadnmilk!! I figure I'll know what we get by tomorrow night. In the meantime, we're hitting the library...


I would like it if we got just enough for my kiddo to get a day's worth of sledding and playing. He gets so excited about snow. But I'm not holding my breath with this one.

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We're supposed to get a ton of snow by tomorrow night. VDOT has been really busy already de-icing the highways around us.




This is the third BIG SNOWSTORM that has been predicted this year and the other two were utter fails. So folks around here have been awaiting this with healthy scepticism. The grocery stores are still filled with people buying tpbreadeggsmilkwaterbatteriesetc, but no one really believes we'll get much of anything.

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Well...I'm preparing, which means no snow :p We have our "big" weecycled wardrobe sale this weekend. I had planned to bring my stuff in on Thursday, but I have a feeling if I don't bring it in today, I won't be able to get out of the driveway (we are in a band that could be 3-12" -- I'm just far enough west that it could get ugly). So...doing my best to prove Murphy's law...if I prepare there will be NO snow.

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The forecast is getting a little weaker for D.C. -- they're now predicting only 4-6 inches of wet snow. Temps on Thursday and Friday will be in the 40s, and up in the 50s by the weekend. So there's not a lot to worry about.


We had something exciting planned for tomorrow that may be getting cancelled, so we're disappointed, but oh well.

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3"-5" expected here, all of a sudden. At noon, when I checked the weather, I was sure we had dodged the bullet. I hate snow, and being glad I don't live in a heavy snow area is not diminshing my vanished expectations of spring's imminent arrival. This is the second time in a week the weather god has disappointed me. JAWM. I know there are much worse things to be miffed about.

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We are in the 4-8 inch and possibly 12 + ...who knows...just come on and snow already! :D


We are in this range too. I have been gone all day so need to check the local weather to see if something has changed.


I always do my weekly shopping on Tuesdays (my in-laws take the boys for me). It was a mad house at the grocery store and Costco!

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Guest inoubliable

Our local radio station is now saying up to 20" for our area. I'm starting to rethink the "Bring it!" mentality and thinking we might actually want to pick up some groceries.

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Up until this storm they were never sure of how it would pan out. We are under a warning now with 10-15 expected in Northern Fauquier. Doesn't really matter to me but I am having them get out all of their stuff tonight so I don't have to deal with it in the morning. By Friday afternoon it will be gone and then we will have flooding lol.

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We're expected to get something. I've heard anywhere from 2-4 to 8" of snow up here north of DC. The thing is that it's going to be mixed with rain. I'm thinking it won't be the BIG snow storm they're predicting. Plus it's mostly coming from the West. Our big storms usually come from the south. And dang, my car thermometer read 62* at 3:30 today in Alexandria. What's with that??? Yeah, I'm pretty skeptical. My 17yr old dd is giving me a hard time "Ugh mom! stop being a hater and killing my joy." LOL. Another free service I provide. ;)


I'd love a nice sized snow storm. Really I would. This would be the best kind of all. It supposed to be back in the 50s by the end of the week so the snow wouldn't overstay its welcome.

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I hope not! We were in the 3-6 inch range, but I think they just adjusted it down a bit. My city completely shuts down for snow because we have a tons of hills. I'm supposed to be to an OB appointment at 8am, and I just know that I'm going to drive there in the snow and nobody will be there. I tried to reschedule but they're booked for weeks and weeks.

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Ours isn't supposed to be here until Friday afternoon. Then it is supposed to last through Sunday. We are expecting at least a foot. That would make it the biggest snowstorm of the season. I'm glad my daughter finishs up with her night work on Thursday night.

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Who knows!! My dh loooooooves weather and teaches a weather class at a community college. He says this particular storm is very tricky to predict. One small thing can tip it either way--into rain or tons of snow. We won't know until it's here.

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We are predicted to get 6-12 inches. We went to the store for sweetened condensed milk to make snow ice cream tomorrow. We haven't had enough for that in quite a while. I'm just glad I don't have anywhere we have to go. DH is already planning to telecommute tomorrow, so I don't have to worry about him on the slick roads.

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Just a few miles S of DC here--prob all rain for most of tomorrow now they are saying. Dd has State Assessments in orchestra at public school on TH. They will cancel and not resched if they close school TH. She was looking forward to it, and they've all been practicing hard.

I will be glad not to walk in snow tomorrow, but sounds like TH could be slushy and gross.


What a weird winter, eh? So cold but no snow!


Part of me hopes we get absolutely whalloped and they close the Fed--then I won't have any clients to see and could have a snow day, too.

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Who knows!! My dh loooooooves weather and teaches a weather class at a community college. He says this particular storm is very tricky to predict. One small thing can tip it either way--into rain or tons of snow. We won't know until it's here.




So cool!! I love weather and wish our local cc taught it.

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Guest inoubliable

Still calling for heavy snow here. (Fred. Co., VA). Radio said up to 20" when we were driving home from the store. We popped in there to pick up more wine (priorities, right?) and saw that the supermarket was almost out of shredded cheese. Maybe seven or eight packs of shredded cheese were left. Who grabs mountains of shredded cheese when they're facing a foot and a half of snow??


Oh, and we're now in some circle of likely power outages. Tomorrow should be fun!

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we need groceries tomorrow - looks like mixed rain and snow on and off all day. but never dipping below 37, so i just dont see it sticking on the roads. hopefully everyone panicked today and the stores will be empty tomorrow.

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Still calling for heavy snow here. (Fred. Co., VA). Radio said up to 20" when we were driving home from the store. We popped in there to pick up more wine (priorities, right?) and saw that the supermarket was almost out of shredded cheese. Maybe seven or eight packs of shredded cheese were left. Who grabs mountains of shredded cheese when they're facing a foot and a half of snow??


Oh, and we're now in some circle of likely power outages. Tomorrow should be fun!


They didn't get there in time for the toilet paper.

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We're in the 3-7" range in Fredericksburg --- but they can NEVER predict our weather accurately!


When they say we're getting snow, we never do...and when we're supposed to get a "dusting", we get half a foot.


Go figure.


LOL at they can never predict! I live just slightly west of F'burg and moved from there recently. It is hard to even find a TV or radio station to give the F'burg weather. It is either Richmond or north. Now, that we are here it is impossible! It's annoying....but our housing is cheaper. I guess it's a trade off. :p


The weather channel online is still predicting 8-12 for us. We'll see what we get. I'm thrilled! I love snow. I hope my husband gets to stay home. (He works at a hospital and is "essential personnel".) I can't take all 6 littles out snowing by myself, especially not in 12" of snow.


BTW - It is snowing here and we have at least 1.5" already. My husband is at the grocery store at 11:15 pm. But, that is because we were so low on food anyway, We would survive if we couldn't go for a couple days, but he wanted to just get it done. :wub:

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What, does the cheese back them up or something so they won't need it?

That was my theory. I've never really understood what one might do with the bread, milk, & toilet paper combo... Are they just buying white stuff to go with the snow?

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Just some wet snow here. Inch or two so far. They always overpredict here. I would love to get a foot or two. And still keep power, of course. I'm washing all the whites right now - just in case. Or maybe I got that backwards. I should do nothing to prepare - and then it would snow a foot or two. :rolleyes:


This is my fear, too. But I'm not washing anything. ;) I', just glad it will warm up Thursday because I'm almost out of wood!

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We are out west of D.C. and getting heavy, wet snow right now. Trouble is, I don't think it will stay, it will probably melt right away.


My kids would LOVE snow. Yes, I do have trouble believing that we will actually get much accumulation, but we'll see. The forecasters just don't seem to have a firm idea (guess?) about what we will get. Or so it seems. Anyway, it is way too warm for snow to accumulate, and will be in the mid 30's tomorrow. BUT, it COULD get colder, right???


We are supposed to receive 4 - 8 according to one web site, and 6 - 12 according to another. Who knows!!

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Well, I went to bed with the forecast calling for rain, winter storm watch cancelled, no accumulation, etc. Woke up a bit ago and no rain, it's snowing like crazy! We now have a winter storm warning and the possibility of 6-12 inches. I'm gonna have wiplash from all this back and forth. Now I'm kicking myself that I didn't make a run to the feed store yesterday (which I should have done regardless of the storm). Sorry, chickens...

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