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Who else has ordered for next year??

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This is the first year where I've had exceptionally little to order and just needed to look more on my shelves. I got some reading to go with our biology and will probably have more things here and there. Really though, high school is what I've been collecting for. Now it just remains to implement. :)

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We have ordered a few things but not much. I have spring fever and if I order everything now, I will want to start now. lol!


Mostly I am waiting for Sonlight to announce core updates, which apparently is due to happen March 15. Price changes going into effect April 1, as well as any updates, will affect whether I order by the end of March or wait until June (I need the summer to preread dd's books...).

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I bought all the stuff I thought I would want some time ago because we're moving soon and needed to take it with us. I've never prepared so far in advance before so it was quite daunting. I went with things I always seem to fall back to when other plans fail (I've started and failed to complete a lot so I figured my fall-back plan is my most tried and true and, therefore, safest bet).

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I'm with OhElizabeth. When I thought about buying for next year I realized that most of what I already have on my shelves was enough. I am going to try out History Odyssey (I still have to order the timeline---that's the only thing we're all excited about using) and RSO Life next year.


I usually wait till summer to order the next level of things we use every year---our math and spelling etc.

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I've ordered some things as I've had money or found something I want used. I have everything I need for my youngest other than I need to print out the ES Intro. to Science book for her (already purchased for my middle child a few years ago). I have most things for my oldest, but it's my middle child that's causing me issues. I have part of what I need, but I haven't decided on everything for her yet, so it's making my life difficult. :)

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I'm pretty well done, I had most of it on my shelves since I revamped practically everything for this year after I bought it. The only things that I need to buy are the next level of math, which we start in April, and composition and art, but I have to decide what I want to use for those, first. Then I get to schedule it all. Oy.

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I buy all year too. R&S has a half off of their seconds sale every Oct, so I buy as much as I can for each coming year at that point. Their seconds are better condition than used book sales. Plus my little dd gets what is on the shelf in that dept, so I only have to buy for the older and replacements on speed drills and test booklets for her ever anyway.


So I have English and spelling for both on shelf and preK workbooks for DN. I need test booklets and speed drills and math for the older from convention.


I have all of our Memoria Press on shelf for next year. A local book store that carries them had a 20% off sale on them in Nov. So I have the Astronomy books and Second Form Latin books. Of course I already have LC for younger from before.


I also just bought a bunch of art books at a used book sale including a how to draw landscapes and how to watercolor landscapes, so art is taken care of (combined I spent $6 on those!)


I may go ahead and buy one more Astronomy workbook for dd10. I originally only bought it for dd8, but it looks like something we could all learn from. So I will be paying full price for that, but at least I don't have to pay shipping, since the store carries it.


And I have a lot of lit books to buy for dd10 off of Amazon to go with next year's CHOLL, whatever our library doesn't have, I buy.


So it is not looking too bad so far!

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I got Spelling Power and vocabulary for next year already.. I have MM for up to grade 6 and will get the 3rd level of Miquon probably in the next 2 months or so. I'll get TEacher File box on Friday and that will take care of a bunch of stuff for the next year. I"m all set for 2nd grade, which I hope to start around May.

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I ordered for this year LAST year, lol. I just need a few things--to print out and bind our MEP for next year, to get Beast Academy 3C/3D since those weren't ready when I bought the first two, McHenry's Cells program, and I might try Essentials in Writing for my oldest and LoE Foundations for my younger. All I really bought this year was BFSU 2 and a couple other McHenry programs plus supplies.

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I'm about done. There are some books I am going to look for at the Library Booksale, and I am still looking for a few things used, like Lightning Lit 8. Other than that I'm ready to start on next year's work! If only we could jump in without finishing this year's. ;)

This is why I can't order yet. I'll try to find a way to start the new stuff without finishing the current year... lol.

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I've picked up pretty much all of our Science & History books.

I've already purchased next year's writing, as well as youngest DD's kinder workbooks (ETC & Singapore Essentials).


I'm waiting on math b/c we're behind...so we may be using our current grade for a while....

Reading is a do-the-next thing, and we still have 2 ETC books to go before needing to order.


So we're close to set for next year!

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I have only one and have to buy as she grades up. We also use the tax return. I'll buy some new crayons/markers/etc when the sales start at the end of summer. We go year round and only have a few weeks left so by the time everything comes in we will be good to start :)

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I'm still working on this year. :laugh: I just have to purchase a couple history read alouds and maybe some art books or DVDs. I'd been spreading the purchases throughout the year and it's been a good system.


I do have a good start on next year...I've been investing in mult-year curriculum so I have very little to buy (math and a few history books). The bad news is that we need 3 levels of MUS! :leaving:

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I too spread out my purchasing over several months. I have bought science and penmanship because we will continue those during the summer.


Lots still to go:

SOTW 3 and AG





All of these I'll try to find used.



Right Start A, waiting for the second edition.

Also waiting for SSL 2.

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I just made a large order from Rainbow and a small one from Amazon. I'm waiting for SL's updates to see what I'll do there, probably wait or the new one so it has errors corrected at least. I made some downsizing changes to my buying habits. I usually buy lots of supplemental books, but we end up reading them once and then forgetting them. It seems I bought picture books that were good for history, but not ones that they come back to again and again. My order was smaller, and I'm happy. :)


There are a few stragglers like math for DD6 for 1st grade and her phonics, Dancing Bears.

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I've ordered some stuff, but not everything. I bought a bunch of stuff to supplement history (though not the actual history program) and bought DD's math because she just finished TT4. I won't need to buy art because I ordered the rest of Meet the Masters for my kids' level last time HBC had it on sale.

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