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How tall is your 10 year old boy?


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Mine are both under 10 so I am no help either. Here is the CDC growth chart for age 2-20 for boys.



So, according to that chart, he's under the 5th percentile. I didn't take him for a 9 year old well child visit, but before that, he was always in the 20th percentile for height. I guess I'll take him in for a 10 yr. old well child visit and ask the doctor about it. He seems really small for a 10 year old.

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My 9.5 year old ds is about 56 inches. :)

My 7 year old dd is 51 inches. She insisted I measure her too. ;)




Yeah, my son could pass for a 7 year old. My MIL is barely 5' tall, so maybe he just takes after her. It's weird to me. I'm the shortest one in my whole family and I'm 5'6". My 3 brothers are well over 6' tall and it seems like ds2 is headed in that direction. My husband is not that tall. About 5'10". We'll see what the doctor says.

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Yeah, my son could pass for a 7 year old. My MIL is barely 5' tall, so maybe he just takes after her. It's weird to me. I'm the shortest one in my whole family and I'm 5'6". My 3 brothers are well over 6' tall and it seems like ds2 is headed in that direction. My husband is not that tall. About 5'10". We'll see what the doctor says.



Were any of the kids in your family late bloomers? One of my nephews was always quite small until he was in his teens, and now he's over 6 feet tall.

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Were any of the kids in your family late bloomers? One of my nephews was always quite small until he was in his teens, and now he's over 6 feet tall.



No, not really. We all seemed to develop on par with other kids our age. Dh was small and scrawny until about 10, when he filled out and grew much taller. But, according to his mother, even he was bigger than ds by this age. I guess what worries me a little is that he's gone from 20th percentile all along to under the 5th. He has been growing every year, but just not in step with the rest of the kids his age.

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My 11 yo son is 51.8 inches - and he's grown 3 inches in the last year, so he was approximately 48 inches at 10, but he was short enough then to need to see an endocrinologist to see if anything was wrong. The doctor didn't really find anything, so no treatment just time. He's still very small for his age, but on the chart now.




I need to make a correction...ds is on the chart for his *bone age* which is around 8.5 to 9 years old, but the jump in growth was surprising and encouraging to all of us and his doctor.



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we have a post in the basement that has everyone's heights at birthdays and half-birthdays since they were two/two-one-half. I just looked at everyones age 10 height.

1dd was just over 54". (5'4")

2dd was easily 56" (5' 11")

1 & 2 ds were about 55+ish. (5' 11 1/2 and 6' 1") 1ds got his height early. 2ds was late to spurt.


One of my all time favorite kid pics, is same height 2dd (age 16) and 1ds (13) flanking 2ds. He was 9/10, and didn't even come to their shoulders. he's now taller than both of them.

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No, not really. We all seemed to develop on par with other kids our age. Dh was small and scrawny until about 10, when he filled out and grew much taller. But, according to his mother, even he was bigger than ds by this age. I guess what worries me a little is that he's gone from 20th percentile all along to under the 5th. He has been growing every year, but just not in step with the rest of the kids his age.


I've a friend whose adopted son was always quite small. the dr's were not "too" concerned because "he was growing". she listened to her "mom gut" and pushed. his growth hormone levels were very low and he now does a daily injection and is much more normal sized.


so, if you are really concerned, go ahead and ask questions.

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I don't remember how tall my oldest was at 10yo but he wasn't on the growth chart....was growing on his own little curve just below the lowest height and weight on the chart. He made it onto the chart (below 5th%) sometime around 13yo. He's 17 now and about 5'5" maybe 5'6".

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My twin boys turn 10 this month. One is definitely 55", the other is probably 53" if that - maybe 52. Oh, and the short one eats like a pig, all manner of good foods. The taller one doesn't eat anything and what he does eat is not particularly good.


Eta, this CDC growth chart puts 50" at the 3rd percentile


FWIW, my little brother was very short his entire childhood. He ended up at 6 ft. as an adult.

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  • 8 years later...
  • 3 years later...
On 2/5/2013 at 4:16 AM, teachermom2834 said:

Mine is a really little guy. Just turned 10 yesterday. I haven't measured recently but I would guess abut 50 inches. People always look to me for confimation when he says his age because he could pass for 7 or 8. My older two boys are above average height for their age. It can be hard on him.

Whatever happened with your son. My 10.5 year old is 50.5"and we are worried. Wonder how your boy turned out.

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