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Renewing your vows..


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What do you think about people renewing their vows?


Have you renewed your vows? Do you want to or plan to?


What are your reasons for wanting to (or not wanting to for that matter)?


Do you think its meaningful or tacky to have another wedding/celebration in honor of it?


Any tidbits on the subject, feel free to dish!

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It's a running joke in our household. We both consider it a twee concept. It's probably good that we married each other.


We discovered this about each other years ago when we were in a church that was having a big ceremony so all the married couples who wanted to could renew their vows. We were shocked there were people who thought this was an exciting event. I remember dh and I discussing whether these people would like repeat performances of other sacraments, too.


And now our children are forever warped because they've heard us joke about it so much. Oops.


I would never, ever tell people IRL how much I think it's a silly idea, particularly those who are doing it. I just look sort of ... fake interested ... and then giggle about it later at home.

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What do you think about people renewing their vows?

I think it can be meaningful.


Have you renewed your vows? Do you want to or plan to?

We haven't, and have never even discussed it (have been married 12 years this month)


What are your reasons for wanting to (or not wanting to for that matter)?

I'm neutral on this issue. Neither in favor nor opposed.


Do you think its meaningful or tacky to have another wedding/celebration in honor of it?

I think a renewal ceremony is fine, but I would expect it to be a relatively small affair - not another full-blown wedding/reception. I definitely think a second honeymoon should follow though, and it's perfectly ok to have that honeymoon be much more elaborate than the first. :D

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I have been thinking about this, too. I would like to do a little ceremony with close family, and maybe just a small get together back at our house. I personally feel vows renewed after 15 years will be more meaningful, since you have lived through better or worse, sickness and health, and can still stand each other. :) Now, to let DH in on my great plan....

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I have found, however, that it seems to be folks who have had a bumpy ride who tend to do the vow renewals. I can understand that, as a way of "starting over" or "starting fresh". My sister did that after she and her DH had been having a rough time. However, a year later they were divorced anyway. :lol: <-- I realize I shouldn't laugh about that, but...



Same thing happened with my SIL.


I prefer anniversary celebrations.

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Just asking because a cousin of mine and I were making fellowship plans for the church tonight and she mentioned that in the fall she would like to have my dh and I renew our vows. Its something I used to think about a lot because I wanted my wedding I never got. I had a wedding thrown together in a month when I was 17 :) (This was just the little girl in me ;) Never planned on renewing vows just for a good wedding!)


I mentioned to her that I started thinking about it more seriously after dh and I nearly divorced in 09. Thank God we were able to work through it. I think renewing our vows after some of them were... broken.. would be nice.


She mentioned that she was thinking it would be a good time next fall (our seven year anni) and to do it because now that we are back in church full time we can really view our marriage differently.. (between God, my dh and I) A real covenant with God.

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**What do you think about people renewing their vows?


I think it can be nice.


**Have you renewed your vows? Do you want to or plan to?


No, but I've been thinking about it lately.


**What are your reasons for wanting to (or not wanting to for that matter)?


I hated almost everything about our wedding. We got married in an LDS (Mormon) temple because we were both devout at the time. The ceremony is very impersonal. There aren't really vows Only adult Mormons who have qualified to go to the temple are allowed to be your guests. So none of my friends could be there since they hadn't qualified to go yet. The reception was in a church gym. My mom had had a hysterectomy 6 weeks before the wedding. She and I did our best to plan it with her recovering and me at college 800 miles away.


My beliefs have changed and I long for the wedding I really wanted: on the beach with close friends and family with a relaxed dinner afterward.


**Do you think its meaningful or tacky to have another wedding/celebration in honor of it?


I feel like I didn't really have a wedding in the first place, so this would be very meaningful to me.

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I have known people who have renewed their vows...one couple who separated about 3 months after renewing their vows in a big wedding-like ceremony because he was having an affair.


I don't feel the need or see a need to renew my vows. I made the vows and have kept them and will keep them. I had the wedding I wanted to have.


I don't begrudge people who want to do it....maybe they have been through some marital troubles or didn't get to have a nice wedding the first time around. I don't think people should do it in a way that requires people to feel like they should give gift though.

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We'll be married for 19 years this year. We've talked about renewing our vows for years, but not for any other reason than:






We had a tiny wedding with mostly family. We want all of our friends and now, our kids and our friends' kids, at this one. We have very few pictures from our wedding. I'd love to have some nice pictures.

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We never planned on renewing our vows (we both really enjoyed our wedding and have never felt the new to renew any of it). But, that said, when I was preparing to enter the Catholic church, we had to have our marriage blessed/convalidated by the church, so we technically "renewed" our vows this past March. It was fine, but in some ways it was "hoop" we needed to jump through; the day, for both of us, was really about our children all being baptized (they were baptized immediately following our "renewal". It was a nice little ceremony and I really liked the way our priest did it, but if it had not been for the necessity of it, we would not have ever done it (I am much more in favor of some day in the future doing a really nice "renewal" of our honeymoon ;) ).

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These responses are much more along my line of thinking. My dream wedding was always on the private beach at our Florida condo.. but with a month to plan and being seventeen... we settled...a lot. I love my wedding, dont get me wrong. Its so special to me because that was OUR WEDDING DAY. kwim? But it was a stressful situation for most of my family with me being so young. I wasn't stressed. I didn't have a care in the world :) I was happy. So it was a good day but like I said, with the rocky spot we had a few years ago.. we both broke vows.. Im proud of us for working through it and we are so much better for it today. (Funny how you can be thankful for the hardest and most painful stuggles in life, huh?)


Im not saying Ill be in a big ol white dress with bridesmaids ;) But I think a nice peaceful ceremony would be very meaningful. Especially since we know what this married life entails now!


ETA: And Im really loving this honeymoon idea! I never got one! :( We've never been away together. I mean we go on vacation every year but never anywhere just the two of us.

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Guest inoubliable

What do you think about people renewing their vows?


I think it can be meaningful for some couples. I think some people do it just for the celebration and presents. :glare:


Have you renewed your vows? Do you want to or plan to?


We've talked about it. We have 10 years this coming April. Our wedding was one we did for other people. People who aren't even in our lives anymore. :( It was a big huge church wedding affair, princess gown and tiara, and not our style at all. I think we're thinking of having a small anniversary party with some friends and our kids. Maybe replacing our wedding bands/engagement ring (not even our original bands!) with meaningful tattoos. 'Cause *that's* how we roll.


What are your reasons for wanting to (or not wanting to for that matter)?


I'm perfectly neutral on it.


Do you think its meaningful or tacky to have another wedding/celebration in honor of it?


I think it's tacky if you make a huge to-do over it. Especially if you're clearly angling at presents.


Any tidbits on the subject, feel free to dish!

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What do you think about people renewing their vows?


It seems a bit odd to me, especially when the couple has been married less than a decade or two.



Have you renewed your vows? Do you want to or plan to?


No. No.



What are your reasons for wanting to (or not wanting to for that matter)?


For us, it would just feel silly . . . like we dragged our friends out to watch us pretend to get married again and play dress up . . . or like we could never get over our first wedding not being all we'd dreamed.


Do you think its meaningful or tacky to have another wedding/celebration in honor of it?


I don't know why an anniversary party isn't good enough or a second honeymoon. It makes as much sense as reenacting birth at your kids birthday party.


Any tidbits on the subject, feel free to dish!

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i think it's silly, and wonder if they think they didn't take them seriously the first time. or did they have a big blow-up and crisis in their marriage, and now they're all better? iow: I consider it a sign of immaturity.


eta: my 31st anni is in two months.

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Guest inoubliable

KKinVA, do people actually get gifts at vow renewals? I had no idea! We don't want that. We just want a party with a band ;) I guess we don't need to renew our vows for that.



We've gotten invites to vow renewals before. With information on how to access the happy couple's registry. :glare:


A party with a band sounds awesome! Rock on!

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Well, we are renewing our vows next year, but....wait!

Here's the scoop:

We were married in Vegas 19 years ago this year. Because we live here, we had a traditional, big extravaganza with 200 people, the cake and flowers...you name it.

Next year we will be celebrating 20 years by getting married off the strip by Elvis (skinny, young one please) with our friends singing cool Elvis tunes. My dh will be dressed in a stunning powder blue tux with a fabulous ruffled shirt and white shoes, of course. My boys will be dressed in similar tuxes colors yet to be determined. Me. I will be wearing the vintage orange micro-mini dress I met my dh in (I still have it and it still fits!) and white go-go boots.

I want to have 'hunk-a-hunk-a burning love' in the vows. I want glam! I want cheese! I want frosted lipstick and buffant hair! My friends are already excited about it. We're going to have a blast! Oh, no registry and no gifts, please.

I will be sure to post pictures. :)

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Guest inoubliable


I want to have 'hunk-a-hunk-a burning love' in the vows. I want glam! I want cheese! I want frosted lipstick and buffant hair! My friends are already excited about it. We're going to have a blast!


I will be sure to post pictures. :)



Lady, you'd better! :laugh:

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As a Catholic, we renew our Baptismal Vows everytime a new person is baptized, so the concept of a vow renewal is not strange or foreign, nor does it imply that the original vows were in anyway invalid or in need of renewing.


I see it as a way to refocus and recall the purpose of the Sacrament.


That said, my parents renewed their vows for their 25th anniversary. It was BEAUTIFUL and there was a great big party.


Another poster said something about an excuse to get more gifts...? I've never heard this before. No gifts were given to my parents, maybe just cards if anything.


I would love to renew our wedding vows someday. (Married 5 years in March)

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These responses are much more along my line of thinking. My dream wedding was always on the private beach at our Florida condo.. but with a month to plan and being seventeen... we settled...a lot. I love my wedding, dont get me wrong. Its so special to me because that was OUR WEDDING DAY. kwim? But it was a stressful situation for most of my family with me being so young. I wasn't stressed. I didn't have a care in the world :) I was happy. So it was a good day but like I said, with the rocky spot we had a few years ago.. we both broke vows.. Im proud of us for working through it and we are so much better for it today. (Funny how you can be thankful for the hardest and most painful stuggles in life, huh?)


Im not saying Ill be in a big ol white dress with bridesmaids ;) But I think a nice peaceful ceremony would be very meaningful. Especially since we know what this married life entails now!


ETA: And Im really loving this honeymoon idea! I never got one! :( We've never been away together. I mean we go on vacation every year but never anywhere just the two of us.


Kelsey, I think you should do it! You're so young and it sounds like a great idea. Especially the honeymoon!

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What do you think about people renewing their vows?


I tend to think the couple must have just emerged from a major struggle in their marriage and are looking for a new start.




Have you renewed your vows? Do you want to or plan to?


No and no.




What are your reasons for wanting to (or not wanting to for that matter)?


I just don't see the need.




Do you think its meaningful or tacky to have another wedding/celebration in honor of it?


No big to do in the form of a traditional wedding, please. Just spend the money on a fabulous trip instead - renew your vows there privately - if you must - in some spectacular old cathedral or on top of a mountain or at the water's edge on a mostly uninhabited beach on an island far, far from home, etc. Yep, that's about the only sort of vow renewal I could get into, I think.

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What do you think about people renewing their vows?

I think that they must have eloped or had a small wedding when they got married.


Have you renewed your vows? Do you want to or plan to?

Celebrated our 20th anniversary last year. Have not renewed, don't want to, and don't plan to.


What are your reasons for wanting to (or not wanting to for that matter)?

I have no desire to do so & feel no need to do so.


Do you think its meaningful or tacky to have another wedding/celebration in honor of it?



Any tidbits on the subject, feel free to dish!

People are free to do what they want regardless of what other people think or feel about it. :001_smile:

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However, a year later they were divorced anyway. :lol: <-- I realize I shouldn't laugh about that, but...


Everyone I know that renewed their vows were divorced within a year. I think it's weird to throw a party for it. I feel like it's just an excuse to have another wedding.

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I think I went to one of these as a child. It seemed strange to me, particularly as it was people who were our neighbors about twelve years before.


We haven't done it and don't plan to. Was my wedding all that I wanted- not really but good enough. It wasn't horrid or anything. I basically think you get to have do-overs in weddings potentially with your kids. As long as dh does get employed in the kind of position he expects to get when he retires(one commensurate with his education and experience, not a specific one but not being a checker at a grocery store either), I expect we will give the girls nicer weddings than we had (and with less work for me than I had at my own wedding where I made the reception, did all the planning and arranging and logistics of picking up people from airports, etc.)

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We've considered it when we reach 25 (we'll hit 18 next month). We talked about doing it in Disney World (where we went for our honeymoon) at the Pavilion at the Grand Floridian and then spending a week or so enjoying ourselves. We would take our boys and probably my parents, because they love Disney too, AND they can keep the boys in their room, so James Bond and I can have a real second honeymoon. ;) We wouldn't do new wedding bands, as JB gave me my dream ring for our 10th and he got a new one for our 15th and we're perfectly happy with them. We'd just say a few meaningful words to each other, get some photos done and have a nice dinner wit our family.

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I think it's goofy.


If you want a big party, have a big party! But I'm outgoing like that. I think using vow renewal as a way to get the wedding you never had is indulgent and, yes, tacky. Just throw a party if that's all it's about. Having your party be centered around a 2nd wedding feels like, "Look at us! We're the stars of our little show today! Aren't we awesome!"


And if you want a vacation, just take a vacation. Why make it a 2nd honeymoon? Just go on a vacation without the kids. Why the label?


The only exception: if the vow renewal is because some sort of belief system changed, and now the vows will have new meaning, then that makes sense to me.


Anything else is...goofy to me.

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Thanks for all of the responses! I told dh about the offer and he texted "Aww.. cannot wait." :)


As long as she is still offering.. I think Im going to go for it! The main two reasons being our (big) bump in the road previously and also now that we have been back into church we are viewing our marriage as new again anyway. Not only dh and I but God is also a part of it.


I definitely don't want a big thing. I agree that that is silly. I would die of embarrassment if I put on a big ol wedding dress lol. I just want small, private, and meaningful. I plan to do this tastefully. Im starting to get excited.


The best part about this is that its something our church is wanting to do for us. I just love that. True 90% of my church is my family.. (my uncle is the preacher) but its still nice that they want to acknowledge our marriage and have us renew it in front of God. :) I think its sweet.


Thanks again for all of the replies!

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Hmm. I don't think it is silly at all. The couples I know who have done it haven't done it because of a rocky marriage, but because of a life that didn't turn out exactly as they had planned, or a struggle they had gone through together.


We've considered it for two reasons.


1. We were married in a Mormon temple and most of my family was not allowed into the ceremony. We are no longer Mormon.


2. We've had a really long and painful battle with infertility and adoption and we are completely different people now. We love each other in new ways and our commitments seem very different than when we were young and naive.



That said, it wouldn't be a party! Just something simple with whatever family wanted to come. It would mainly be for us and our girls.


Life doesn't always work out the way you think it will. Sometimes a vow renewal is a way of recognizing that fact and moving past those old expectations. Some people want/need the symbolism, others don't.


I don't think it is silly and I don't think people who do it must have something wrong with their marriage.

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When dh joined the church we had a vow renewal of sorts. It was nice. We had lunch after with the priest and dh's sponsor who also served as witness.


It did coincide with our 11th wedding anniversary. Kind of a "well, we can do it on the Saturday of our anniversary so you don't forget." type thing.

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I would probably do it. However, our wedding was a quicky at the courthouse with only dh's brother and sil present. I was in a hideous dress that I had to wear because it was the only thing I could find that would fit over my preggo tummy, and there's a fax machine in the background of the pictures we took. :p It would be nice to someday have a real ceremony and get a few good pictures. Something low-key and outside, with a much more attractive dress and more of our friends and family present.


If we'd had a "real" wedding the first time, however, I wouldn't bother.

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We are renewing our vows in May. We will be married 25 years. A friend of mine is taking my original wedding dress and making a new dress from it. We are doing it in our backyard. Our children will be standing near us. It will be low key. Buffet style meal with a DJ. A simple cake. And my daughter will be writing and singing a song for our "first" dance. Oh, and can't forget the kegs of beer. I think it is a great idea. And these days, reaching 25 years is cause to celebrate.

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Wolf and I both want to renew our vows. He brings it up more often than I do, LOL!


For us, our wedding was a flipping gong show. I mean, horrid experience. Btwn my matron of honour using our wedding as an excuse to hook up w/a guy from the 'net, MIL being off the hook, on and on and on...We both hated our wedding. As much as we agree that our marriage is what's important, we'd really like to renew our wedding vows and do things as we wanted them done, enjoy the day, have FUN...rather than it being a misery.

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my parents will be celebrating their 50th anniversary in a couple of years & & they plan to renew their vows at that time. they have never had struggles & have had an amazing marriage. they got married when my mom was 19 in her grandmother's living room (my dad was 21). my parents would like to renew their vows at their church. i think it's lovely & my 3 sisters and i are excited to be a part of it.

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In my area the people who renew their vows generally are the more attention-seeking couples. They tend to have had a rocky relationship, too.


I don't get it. I can't imagine DH and I ever renewing our vows. We don't do big anniversary celebrations, either. We're stuck with each other, and we know it. LOL

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Another former Mormon here. I've considered a vow renewal ceremony because I find the traditional vows more meaningful than the temple wedding vows. However, our families are still Mormon and would not consider a vow renewal a reason to celebrate. In fact, many of them would probably consider it a slap in the face, and they would be unlikely to make the trip. (We live across the country.)

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Hmm. I don't think it is silly at all. The couples I know who have done it haven't done it because of a rocky marriage, but because of a life that didn't turn out exactly as they had planned, or a struggle they had gone through together.


We've considered it for two reasons.


1. We were married in a Mormon temple and most of my family was not allowed into the ceremony. We are no longer Mormon.


2. We've had a really long and painful battle with infertility and adoption and we are completely different people now. We love each other in new ways and our commitments seem very different than when we were young and naive.



That said, it wouldn't be a party! Just something simple with whatever family wanted to come. It would mainly be for us and our girls.


Life doesn't always work out the way you think it will. Sometimes a vow renewal is a way of recognizing that fact and moving past those old expectations. Some people want/need the symbolism, others don't.


I don't think it is silly and I don't think people who do it must have something wrong with their marriage.



Right on! And I shouldn't have said silly.. I simply meant that for me, I would feel silly to be in a big poofy wedding dress with bridesmaids and all that. kwim?


I want something simple and tasteful. She suggested the wooded area behind my aunt and uncles house and Im in love. I guess Im not as on the fence about it as I was.. since I made this post Ive already devoted a pinterest board to it :laugh:

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What do you think about people renewing their vows?


Have you renewed your vows? Do you want to or plan to?


What are your reasons for wanting to (or not wanting to for that matter)?


Do you think its meaningful or tacky to have another wedding/celebration in honor of it?


Any tidbits on the subject, feel free to dish!


Yes, we actually did renew our vows on our 25th (silver) anniversary. That was 7 years ago. It was really sweet. Dh, DD and I drove home to visit my side of the family in Ohio. On our way back home, we stopped off in Columbus (one of my hometowns in Ohio). *** This whole event was planned ahead of time with assistance from the pastor who married us 25 years earlier. *** We arrived at the church and I thought he was planning this as a way to reminisce and show dd where we took our vows. He jumped out of the car, ran around to my door; opened it and proceeded to "pop the question, AGAIN"! We went inside and met with the pastor. It was grand for us to revisit this man. He met our dd. No one was invited - it was Dh, me, dd and pastor. Was it necessary? No. Was it nice. You bet!!!
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Well, some of these statements are pretty harsh.


We've considered doing it at some point. We have no interest in grabbing gifts. Some close family members have expressed regret over not being able to see us get married, so we thought it would be nice. I certainly wouldn't characterize our marriage as rocky or attention-seeking, although I can't say what others might think of us. We wouldn't be having a second honeymoon, since we never had a first. Goodness, my husband had to go to work after we were married.


I'll have to tell everyone to feel free to skip it if they think we're tacky! :laugh:

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Well, some of these statements are pretty harsh.


We've considered doing it at some point. We have no interest in grabbing gifts. Some close family members have expressed regret over not being able to see us get married, so we thought it would be nice. I certainly wouldn't characterize our marriage as rocky or attention-seeking, although I can't say what others might think of us. We wouldn't be having a second honeymoon, since we never had a first. Goodness, my husband had to go to work after we were married.


I'll have to tell everyone to feel free to skip it if they think we're tacky! :laugh:


:iagree: A gift grab?! Man, never even dawned on me that ppl would think that gifts would be appropriate, LOL!


We have a good marriage, we're not attention seekers. We'd just like to replace the negative memories of our wedding w/something nicer...well, not 'replace' but perhaps 'soothe' would be a better term, LOL! Neither one of us have a positive reaction when recounting our wedding. Marriage is great, actual wedding day sucked butt.

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Yes, we actually did renew our vows on our 25th (silver) anniversary. That was 7 years ago. It was really sweet. Dh, DD and I drove home to visit my side of the family in Ohio. On our way back home, we stopped off in Columbus (one of my hometowns in Ohio). *** This whole event was planned ahead of time with assistance from the pastor who married us 25 years earlier. *** We arrived at the church and I thought he was planning this as a way to reminisce and show dd where we took our vows. He jumped out of the car, ran around to my door; opened it and proceeded to "pop the question, AGAIN"! We went inside and met with the pastor. It was grand for us to revisit this man. He met our dd. No one was invited - it was Dh, me, dd and pastor. Was it necessary? No. Was it nice. You bet!!!



Born and raised in a small town pretty close to Columbus. So Hello to another Ohioan :)

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We were atheists when we got married, though we were married by my grandfather who is a minister. But, now that we are joining the Orthodox Church, we'll be having a full marriage ceremony once we are baptized and chrismated. I don't plan on inviting anyone besides perhaps our parents, and I'd probably not do that if I could get away with it. It's for *us,* not for anyone else, and I certainly don't want a party or gifts.

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