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worst wedding story

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Have we had a thread to go along with those beautiful wedding pictures?


What's your worst wedding story?


I'll start:


1. On our wedding day, I walked out of the laundry room and a snake fell on my head! ( a little snake - but I'm snake phobic!) All of our relatives, bridesmaids,etc had a wonderful wake up call -- terrified screaming! I knew this wasn't a good omen to a blessed day.


2. On the way to the church, my dad runs over my bassett hound. Yes, I was in the car. My brother, in his tux, had to stay and bury the dog. Sobbing hysterically, I finally make it to the church. While we were standing in front of the minister, my husband kept trying to ask what was wrong. I couldn't tell him because the tears would start again.


3. Think wedding pictures with red, teary eyes.


4. We had no money for a honeymoon so we were going to stay at a local lake resort for the night. When we arrived, the reservations were messed up and our lake view room was a dirty, smelly room that looked like an apartment. Needless to say, I let loose on the reservation clerk. ( If you knew me, you'd be shocked. I am about as anti-confrontational as they come.)


5. We left and drove to my parent's home for the night.


How was that for a horrible day! We've been married 17 years now and I couldn't be happier.


Looking forward to reading more!



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The worst thing about my wedding day was the fact that my dress had no buttons on it. I had taken it to the cleaners to be pressed. The dress had buttons, tiny, white buttons, that went down the front of the dress. Well, apparently, the cleaner took them off to press the dress, and then didn't put them back on.


I put my dress on, and then thought that I was nervous and couldn't button it. I asked my friend to help me. She came over and said, "Oh my gosh, there are no buttons on this dress!" :001_huh:


I didn't panic though. I immediately started thinking what dresses I had at home that I could wear instead. Then I remembered a box of butineer (sp?) pins I had bought for the flowers. So, my dear friend spent the next 20 minutes pinning my dress shut. Needless to say, hugging was a very uncomfortable affair that day! My father-in-law was furious. I think he went after the wedding and chewed out the cleaner. I loved that man!

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The worst thing about my wedding day was the fact that my dress had no buttons on it. I had taken it to the cleaners to be pressed. The dress had buttons, tiny, white buttons, that went down the front of the dress. Well, apparently, the cleaner took them off to press the dress, and then didn't put them back on.


I put my dress on, and then thought that I was nervous and couldn't button it. I asked my friend to help me. She came over and said, "Oh my gosh, there are no buttons on this dress!" :001_huh:


I didn't panic though. I immediately started thinking what dresses I had at home that I could wear instead. Then I remembered a box of butineer (sp?) pins I had bought for the flowers. So, my dear friend spent the next 20 minutes pinning my dress shut. Needless to say, hugging was a very uncomfortable affair that day! My father-in-law was furious. I think he went after the wedding and chewed out the cleaner. I loved that man!


That reminds me when I was in college I had a very broke gf who talked me into sewing her wedding dress. I really didn't have the time since I was so busy with school, but my friend was persistant. I didn't have time to add the buttons holes and buttons on the lace outer part. So on her wedding day, I hand stiched my gf into her wedding dress. LOL!


Her wedding only lasted a year, but she is still my best friend to this day.

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I don't have a great wedding story but I have a honeymoon story. For our honeymoon we went to Hawaii and for some strange reason, I thought you were suppose to go off on our honeymoon beautifully dressed in your best clothes. I told my dh to wear his new sports coat, pants and dress shirt - on the airplane to Hawaii!!! I had on a beautiful, high-neck, long sleeve silk dress. Ugh! We were so hot when we got there and had to wait in line for our rental car dripping sweat. To this day, I still don't know what I was thinking.

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I made most of the food for the reception, including the wedding cake. I put together the (fake) flower arrangements and also my bouquet. We had the reception in our apartment and did all the decorating ourselves. After the ceremony, we walked back to our apartment and put out all the food . . . You get the idea. I was busy and distracted.


So, we had ordered an inexpensive tux for my husband. An hour or so before we were supposed to leave for the church, I was pressing the pants, which turned out to have a MUCH higher polyester content than I was expecting. And I burned a hold straight through the leg.


My almost-husband took it very well and just pulled his nicest pair of black dress pants out of the closet, asked me to try not to put a hole in those when I ironed them, and life went on.


Pretty mild stuff compared to the things others have posted, but definitely not the best way to start the event.

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OH, where to begin? Ex MIL threw a fit that everyone got to witness when she discovered that her beloved precious baby wasn't going to walk her down the aisle, because he had to be at the front waiting for ME. She also wore a white lacy dress she made from....CURTAINS. Yes folks, she wore a dress made from curtains. She insulted my mother several times during the cake-serving time, saying my mother OBVIOUSLY didn't know how to cut wedding cake since she didn't put gloves on to do it.


During picture taking time, MIL insisted that the best man be in all the family pictures. I hated this guy. She also refused to smile for any of the pictures.


While we were getting the pictures, the guests ate up every bite of the food so there was NONE left. We had 50 guests and enough food for 100. We had to escape to BK or we'd have starved. Not one person considered that maybe some plates could be made for us to have when the pictures were done.


After the wedding, EX and I went to our duplex and a few hours later, my parents and brothers came over to bring the cake and my younger brother had a fit when we told him he could NOT hang out and play Nintendo on our wedding day.


You know, looking back, I should have RUN, far and fast, at the first sign of MIL's psychotic behavior.

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My wedding day does not hold any good memories for me I'm sad to say. But, I guess the worst one is that my step-dad said if my real dad gave me away at my wedding he wouldn't come. My mother said if sd didn't come she wouldn't be able to come. So I asked my brother to give me away. It crushed my dad. I have always regretted not telling my mother and her dh to have it their way, but my dad WOULD do the honor of escorting his eldest dd down the aisle. Oh, if we could do things over in life.:glare: My brother gave me away and step-dad still not come.:001_huh:

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The morning of my wedding day, I went with my mom to pick up my dress from being pressed. When I got there, they couldn't find my dress at first, and once they found it, it hadn't been pressed. The manager was in Miami - I insisted they call him on vacation - and I spoke to him by phone. He told me that the girl I left the dress with must not have put it on the calendar. I reminded him that I left the dress with HIM! I stood at their front counter, putting on my makeup (they had a big mirror with a lot of natural light coming in) while they pressed my dress. (I did get a free professional wedding dress preservation.)


Oh! And other than the bit of cake we feed each other, we didn't get any of our wedding cake on our wedding day. We did save the top for our one year anniversary, but it's just not the same.

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I was finishing law school and a graduate degree right before our wedding, so I wasn't really focused on the wedding. I let my mother do everything, and it was all fine with me. She picked the flowers, music, food, setting.


The only thing I actually participated in was getting a dress made. I bought gorgeous silk and choose a style that looked nice on me. This was in the era of "big sleeves" and I am a narrow person, so I couldn't have something off the rack and have it look nice. I loved that dress. It was very elegant in a decade of tacky.


Anyway, at the reception, the first course was some kind of tomato bisque with a big crouton thing in it.


I tried to take a first bite, and my spoon just hit that piece of toasted bread and somehow the bisque splashed up all over my dress. It was awful. Red sauce all over me! It may have been partly due to a bit much champagne:(


Anyway, my sister wisked me out and tried to do damage control in the bathroom. It didn't go well. Eventually she put me in a stall, and had my other sister ask the restaurant for a big stack of while table clothes. She scrubbed my precious silk in the sink and then rolled the dress over and over in dry table clothes until it was dry and looked as good as new.


I missed a good bit of the reception and everyone knew why. I was pretty humiliated. I am not a graceful person, and it just seemed like I should get ONE day of my life to not do anything stupid.


On the other hand, it's a precious memory of my sisters and how competent and concerned they were and still are.


And really, I think we had the sweetest wedding and are the happiest married couple ever, so even though I wouldn't talk about this incident for years because I was so embarrassed, with time it has become sort of a sweet, funny memory.

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Oh no! Some of these are funny, but others just make me *sad*! I'm so glad that my wedding day really was a very happy one...


I made my dress myself, and my mother was so worried that it would be a disaster, or, more likely, that it just wouldn't be done at all, that she planned out which stores were close enough to the church and most likely to have something suitable and ready to wear that day. lol... Just in case. ;) As it was, a single safety pin was all we needed. ;)


When dh and I made the first slice in the wedding cake, the special "wedding cake knife" my grandmother had brought fell apart in our hands. I mean, pieces! lol... We ended up having to use a steak knife to serve the cake, 'cause that's all that was available. But that's not a bad story, just a funny one. ;)


Even my MIL's father wasn't horribly mean, cranky or insulting that day! ;) (He was never terribly mean to me -- apparently his way of "showing affection" to his own grandkids though was to tell them what worthless human beings they were...) My only regret is that in our attempts to save money, we didn't hire a professional photographer. I do wish I had some better photos...

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We lived in Baltimore and were getting married in western MD, 175 miles away. The best man was supposed to pick up dh, but never showed. Dh began making phone calls and found one couple who hadn't left yet. Their car was small and packed tight, so dh had to hold their wedding present to us during the drive. (I don't know why none of them thought to just leave it in Baltimore.) When they got to the hotel, dh got a message allegedly from a state trooper that best man had been in a bad wreck and was in the hospital. In between the rehearsal, wedding, and reception, dh made phone calls trying to find out how Matt was doing, but couldn't track him down at any of the Baltimore hospitals. His family was angry at dh when he called them to try to find out Matt's condition. (???) We finally figured out that that there had apparently not been any wreck and Matt was a nut case. Luckily, my bil brought a tux to wear for the wedding and it was quite similar to the wedding party's tuxes. He stepped in as an usher and one of the ushers was the new best man.


Several years later, dh got a letter from Matt to apologize for his lapse of judgment and sanity.

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We lived together after we were engaged. We decided that the night before the wedding, he would stay at his parent's house and my family would stay at our house. His parents have never liked me and thought that it was a big mistake to marry me. So, they spent the night before the wedding filling his head with doubts and trying to talk him out of marrying me. He showed up at our house 2 hours before the wedding to tell me that he didn't think he could go through with it. It was awful. We talked and talked. Finally, it was about time for the wedding so I asked him if we were going to the church to get married or if I should go start packing my stuff to move out. He decided that yes, we should get married. I had my hair done that morning and had my dress on before he showed up, but I never really got my makeup done, didn't get any of those pre-wedding pictures with my friends and family, and was stressed beyond imagine. Somehow, I made it to the church with my family and bridesmaids. The wedding started about 45 minutes late, but we did it. I still look back at that day with sadness rather than the joy I should feel. The pictures are a reminder of how the day started out. But we have been happily married for 15 years so I think he's glad I talked him into it.

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We lived together after we were engaged. We decided that the night before the wedding, he would stay at his parent's house and my family would stay at our house. His parents have never liked me and thought that it was a big mistake to marry me. So, they spent the night before the wedding filling his head with doubts and trying to talk him out of marrying me. He showed up at our house 2 hours before the wedding to tell me that he didn't think he could go through with it. It was awful. We talked and talked. Finally, it was about time for the wedding so I asked him if we were going to the church to get married or if I should go start packing my stuff to move out. He decided that yes, we should get married. I had my hair done that morning and had my dress on before he showed up, but I never really got my makeup done, didn't get any of those pre-wedding pictures with my friends and family, and was stressed beyond imagine. Somehow, I made it to the church with my family and bridesmaids. The wedding started about 45 minutes late, but we did it. I still look back at that day with sadness rather than the joy I should feel. The pictures are a reminder of how the day started out. But we have been happily married for 15 years so I think he's glad I talked him into it.


Wow, that is really awful. Do you get along with your in-laws now? I think it would take a really long time to forgive a stunt like that!

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Can I play? We don't have a worst wedding story, but a couple real doosies!


Dh's cousin was kind of an odd dude and no one in the family really liked him, so we had him be our videographer. Well, at some point at the reception, he put down the video camera and started doing handwriting analysis. Everyone thought we had pre-arranged this as entertainment. He picked up a sample done by his cousin, turned to cousin's wife and said "He's not very good in bed, is he!?!" Tact wasn't his strong point!


My sister asked dh for the keys to the car to transfer luggage. Naively, dh handed them to her. Well, the entire wedding party and our friends pimped our car. They filled it with balloons (actually, not balloons, but blown up condoms) and newspaper. When we went to leave the reception for the hotel, dh and I had to empty the car before we could get in. We just left the trash in the parking lot and drove off.


The next day, we got packed up to go to my mom's to open presents before getting on our flight for our honeymoon. I had forgotten to buy supplies for "aunt flo" who was expected to make her arrival during our honeymoon, so we had to make a stop. I realized that I had forgotten to pack a change of shoes. So here I was, , in Walgreens buying tampons and other assorted honeymoon necessities, wearing a cute shorts outfit and my white satin pumps.


After we got back from the honeymoon, we had people over at my FIL's house to watch the video done by dh's cousin. Well, dh's cousin followed the car-pimping posse and filmed the whole thing. It was hilarious. However, when BIL opened my suitcase to show to the video camera all the "special" things I brought for the honeymoon, I was mortified. All in front of FIL and dear Aunt Mary.


When we touched down in Boston for the first leg of our honeymoon, "Aunt flo" paid a premature visit. I spent the first day curled up in a ball from cramps until we could find some Advil.

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Wow, that is really awful. Do you get along with your in-laws now? I think it would take a really long time to forgive a stunt like that!


I am one to forgive and move on so we actually had what appeared to be a decent relationship for a couple of years. I found out later, after they did something else horrible to us, that it was all just an act on their account. I don't have anything to do with them now and they are really a big part of why we moved from Chicago to Louisiana.

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I have a honeymoon horror story:


DH and I were just out of college and totally broke when we got married, so we decided to drive our old heap of a car out to Vegas for our honeymoon (it was about a 12-hour drive). When we were about 4-5 hours from Vegas, our car broke down in some teeny, tiny little town. We had to check into the town's only motel for the evening. This place was beyond disgusting; the linens looked like they hadn't been changed for months. It was truly repulsive!


The town's only mechanic towed our car to his shop. The next morning, we paid the owner of the motel $10 to drive us to the next town so that we could catch the Greyhound bus to Vegas (we were too broke to rent a car). What would have been a 4-5 hour drive by car turned into a horrifying and miserable (I'll spare you the details) 15-hour trip!


When we got to Vegas, a very kind relative wired us some money. We rented a car and drove home. On the way, we stopped by the mechanic's shop and paid him for the tow and for the work he did on the car. It turned out that the repairs were going to cost more than the car was worth, so we just left the car there.


Many years later, we took another honeymoon trip which more than made up for the disastrous first one!

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One of DH's sisters was getting ready for her wedding, getting dressed, etc. THe groom's mother was getting dressed, as she was also going to be playing the piano for the ceremony. As the groom's mom was getting dressed, she suffered a massive stroke, and died on the spot.


SIL and her fiance carried on with the wedding, but everyone was in shock and crying the whole time.


DH and I had minor issues with our wedding, but nothing could ever compare to what my SIL had to deal with.


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One of DH's sisters was getting ready for her wedding, getting dressed, etc. THe groom's mother was getting dressed, as she was also going to be playing the piano for the ceremony. As the groom's mom was getting dressed, she suffered a massive stroke, and died on the spot.


SIL and her fiance carried on with the wedding, but everyone was in shock and crying the whole time.


DH and I had minor issues with our wedding, but nothing could ever compare to what my SIL had to deal with.



Oh my goodness -- how tragic! I don't think anything could be worse than that!

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He decided that yes, we should get married. I had my hair done that morning and had my dress on before he showed up, but I never really got my makeup done, didn't get any of those pre-wedding pictures with my friends and family, and was stressed beyond imagine.


Did his family show up at the wedding? How is your relationship with them now?

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I decided to spend the last two nights before the wedding at my grandmother's house, so that on the morning of we would be able to take pictures with the family and with the bridesmaids, and also because she lived close to the wedding site and I did not. I went downtown the day before the wedding to finish up a few things and had some time to kill, so I decided to get a manicure. I had never had one before, and I remembered a family story that my grandmother had only gotten one professional manicure in her life, and that it was the day before her only daughter's wedding (and that she ruined it buttoning the many, many tiny buttons on my mom's dress, but I had fake buttons with a zipper so I was not worried about that.)


So the manicure lady talked me into fake nails. Long fake nails. Long, presumably elegant, glued on fake nails. Big mistake. With the fake nails on, I couldn't push the buttons on my radio. I also couldn't undo the buttons of my 501's--so I drove back to my GM's house and ran in hollering for her to come and unbutton my jeans so that I could use the bathroom. She thought that that was so funny.


My sister had to help me wash my hair that night so I wouldn't ruin my nails.


The manicurist told me that the nails would last for about 4 weeks, but one fell off the first day, and by the end of our two week honeymoon they were pretty much gone.


I never had fake nails again. Not even remotely tempted.


In other news, I forgot to bring any 'decent' sleepwear with me to my GM's house, because I had only packed my honeymoon style stuff. I had to borrow pajamas from my grandmother. Too weird!

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My hubbies grandmother died the week we got married. It was sad but very okay as she was on hospice and in pain for a long time.


The unfortunate part is that MIL insisted on having the reception at her house. We had a very small quickly planned wedding and we were just planning a small get together at a nice restaurant. We changed the plans at her insistance. I should say here that MIL didn't like me.


***To decorate for our reception...she used the left over flowers from the funeral and left the RIP sentiments in plain view!

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This really isn't a bad thing...just a very strange thing.


My dh and I left on our honeymoon right from the reception. My MIL and FIL took our presents and cards home and opened everything. When we came back from the honeymoon, they handed us a stack of opened cards, a stack of cash and a stack of checks. They had added everything up and wrote it down on a piece of paper. Our unwrapped gifts were piled up...and some of the boxes were even opened.


Strange. Weird.


I have never heard of that happening to anyone else.

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My sister, who was suppose to be one of my bridesmaids was trampled by a horse a few days before the wedding. She was in the hospital for several days and was unable to be at the wedding. Then my mother who felt compelled to have the wedding HER way picked a fight with most of her family and informed them that they were not allowed to show up to MY wedding. They of course didn't come for fear of my mother causing a scene at church. They didn't want to ruin my day. THEN!!!! My mother didn't bother to show up on the wedding day. She didn't show at the church or the reception or bother to call anyone to say she wasn't coming.


All this didn't bother me because I really didn't care about anything in the world except walking down the aisle in a gorgeous dress and marrying my dh/lover for life. (I would post my wedding dress pic on the dress thread but I'm computer illiterate. sorry.)


We were married in the month of Sept. The church we were getting married in didn't have air conditioning and it just happened to be 98 degrees and HUMID that day. :glare:So you have to picture the wedding party with glossy, shining, sweat riddled faces and clothing. Of course being young and having $0 (we both had two jobs each) and having to pay for the entire wedding ourselves (dh parents covered his tux and the cake supplies which a dear friend of ours made as her gift to us), we had arranged to have the reception at a nearby park. (for you Virginians that would be Burke Lake Park) We only served cake and punch at the reception.


Well....... The cake didn't survive the heat and the 25 mile plus drive from Woodbridge to Burke Lake Park in the trunk of a car. The cake was rancid. We had nothing else to serve our guests...... Incredibly..nobody felt compelled to take their gifts back...:D


The story isn't over yet......:D


So....dh and I left the reception and spent the night at our 'new to us' home (a 20 yr. old mobile home). Our original honeymoon plan was to go camping at VA beach for a week. After getting home and opening all of our gifts those plans quickly changed. The next day we had to take his tux back and pick up my other sister (the one who wasn't in the hospital) and drop her off at my mother's house which was 2 hours away, while there we made a quick visit to see my sister who was still in the hospital but coming home the next day, and then made our way to VA beach. It was late when we arrived and raining. We had to set our tent up in the rain and the dark!! The rain subsided and the mosquitos came out in full force. We quickly became frustrated over how our honeymoon night together was going to the bugs... Knowing their wasn't any hope of getting a fire started with wet wood to help keep the mosquitos away the lightbulb in our immature little brains finely clicked. We took our wedding gifts and made our way to a hotel on the beach. The next morning during breakfast we decided we were going to take our wedding gifts and make our way to Disney World for the next week and half.


Disney World was GREAT......BUT...........it was short lived.....Four days into our 7 day stay the weathermen started forecasting that a large hurricane (Hugo) might hit Florida within the next 2 days. Sooooo. we decided to not push our luck and headed home the next day. During the 13 hour trip home we were constantly tuned into the radio and decided that since they were now predicting it was going to hit SC, instead of stopping off in SC to sleep we would just drive non stop till we reached home. We arrived home at 2:30 am Sept. 20 and the hurricane hit SC late that night...


And despite all this my friends we will be happily married for 19 yrs this Sept!!!!!:001_wub:

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Oh I get to enter this one! 2 days before my wedding I started to get a head cold. I could barely stand up at the rehearsal and fell asleep on soon-to-be DH at the dinner. I woke up feeling a lot better on my wedding day, but with a wonderful cold sore. I got to the place that was going to do my hair to find out the person that did my practice run 'do had her house burn down and no one bothered to tell them I was coming in. The girl they stuck me with did her best, but it took a lot longer than it was supposed to and it didn't look right, she felt guilty enough she didn't charge me. Of course by this point we were running late. The photographer was already waiting when I showed up for the pre-wedding pictures, still not dressed yet. He was on a 2.5hr time and time was ticking. We got through the wedding without to many problems other than me having almost no voice. Unfortunately we didn't get all the pre-wedding pictures done so DH and the wedding party spent most of the reception time taking photos.


So we should have skipping the "kissing of the bride" part, because we wake up the next morning to head out for our honeymoon, and DH is now sick, and I'm not really any better. Luckily we are driving for our honeymoon so our stop at Urgent Care wasn't to inconvient, but waiting for a pharmacy to open on a Sunday put us running really late. We also found out that the papers for the insurance transfer was delayed so we had to pay out of pocket for the pharmacy ($150 ouchy dollars). We finally made it to DisneyWorld where I start to feel better, and DH gets much worse than I ever did. He was a trooper and walked around Disney with a nasty sinus infection and high fever at points. Several days into the trip and we were at Orlando's Urgent Care Center for me. I got a wonderful case of Impetigo right under my eye. Of course the antibiotics I was using were useless for impetigo and I had to get different ones and a cream which ran another $200 (ouch). Overall the experience could have been a lot worse, but to me it was not my dream wedding/honeymoon.

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Not a total catastrophe, but certainly a trial. We lived in NY and were getting married in KY. I went on down to KY a few weeks before the wedding to stay at home. One week before the wedding, my mom and I went to the town of my MIL for a shower at her house. When I walked in, my soon to be SIL pulled me aside and told me that the minister, her minister of her church who was to be marrying us in a week, had quit. Just quit the ministry right then.


I panicked! We had nobody to marry us one week before the wedding? Immediately, people got on the phone and started calling all the churches around looking for someone! Didn't matter who as long as he/she was legal in KY. :lol: My aunt got ahold of someone at her church. Their minister was out of town, but was contacted and agreed to perform the ceremony for us. It was a frantic day or two trying to get that figured out.

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Some of these stories are absolutely tragic! Our outdoor wedding with no tent went just fine following horrible thunderstorms the night before. The entire day was lovely. We left early in the evening for a small bed and breakfast almost an hour away. I thought the idea of a bed and breakfast was incredibly romantic. We arrived still in white dress and black suit to an elderly, drunk innkeeper who wasn't exactly sure we were the wedding couple he was expecting. He proceeded to tell us about how much he missed his dearly departed wife, getting teary and slobbery as only a drunk person can. (sad, I know, but also not very nice on your wedding night) He shows us to our room, past the kitchen that has champagne waiting for us. Our room is straight out of a haunted house, complete with portraits that had eyes that should be moving. I told my new husband I was a little creeped out. He laughed and said we should make the best of it. We had passed a large bookshelf we thought looked interesting. As hubby opened the door to our room to venture out, something darted out of the air toward his head. I quickly slammed the door, feeling petrified. I was certain the old man was really an axe murderer and we wouldn't survive the night. Dh was sure it was a bat we saw, so we threw bobby pins from my hair and then my nylons out to stir it up. Nothing happend until dh walked out of the room. Again, the bat darted down toward him. I shut the door again, leaving my husband on the other side of the door. He explored a bit and when he returned, I insisted we leave. He wrote a letter to the innkeeper, apologizing for leaving, saying I was too frightened to stay. "You know women" he wrote, laughing. We left not knowing where to go. My cousin lived nearby. We called them at about 10 o'clock. Dh said to my cousins husband "Remember me? You were at my wedding today." We spent our wedding night on a day bed with the scratchiest sheets you can imagine. I swear they felt hand painted! We left the next morning for the beach. Still married for 17+ years and still the love of my life!

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I tried to take a first bite, and my spoon just hit that piece of toasted bread and somehow the bisque splashed up all over my dress. It was awful. Red sauce all over me!


She scrubbed my precious silk in the sink and then rolled the dress over and over in dry table clothes until it was dry and looked as good as new.


On the other hand, it's a precious memory of my sisters and how competent and concerned they were and still are.




Now that's competent, all right. Amazing, in fact! How wonderful that they could save the day, even though I know I would have been every bit as embarrassed as you were.

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OH, where to begin? Ex MIL threw a fit that everyone got to witness when she discovered that her beloved precious baby wasn't going to walk her down the aisle, because he had to be at the front waiting for ME. She also wore a white lacy dress she made from....CURTAINS. Yes folks, she wore a dress made from curtains. She insulted my mother several times during the cake-serving time, saying my mother OBVIOUSLY didn't know how to cut wedding cake since she didn't put gloves on to do it.


During picture taking time, MIL insisted that the best man be in all the family pictures. I hated this guy. She also refused to smile for any of the pictures.


While we were getting the pictures, the guests ate up every bite of the food so there was NONE left. We had 50 guests and enough food for 100. We had to escape to BK or we'd have starved. Not one person considered that maybe some plates could be made for us to have when the pictures were done.


After the wedding, EX and I went to our duplex and a few hours later, my parents and brothers came over to bring the cake and my younger brother had a fit when we told him he could NOT hang out and play Nintendo on our wedding day.


You know, looking back, I should have RUN, far and fast, at the first sign of MIL's psychotic behavior.


I'm afraid to ask if we share the same MIL....that would be horrifying. So sorry but I do understand.


We lived together after we were engaged. We decided that the night before the wedding, he would stay at his parent's house and my family would stay at our house. His parents have never liked me and thought that it was a big mistake to marry me. So, they spent the night before the wedding filling his head with doubts and trying to talk him out of marrying me. He showed up at our house 2 hours before the wedding to tell me that he didn't think he could go through with it. It was awful. We talked and talked. Finally, it was about time for the wedding so I asked him if we were going to the church to get married or if I should go start packing my stuff to move out. He decided that yes, we should get married. I had my hair done that morning and had my dress on before he showed up, but I never really got my makeup done, didn't get any of those pre-wedding pictures with my friends and family, and was stressed beyond imagine. Somehow, I made it to the church with my family and bridesmaids. The wedding started about 45 minutes late, but we did it. I still look back at that day with sadness rather than the joy I should feel. The pictures are a reminder of how the day started out. But we have been happily married for 15 years so I think he's glad I talked him into it.


One of DH's sisters was getting ready for her wedding, getting dressed, etc. THe groom's mother was getting dressed, as she was also going to be playing the piano for the ceremony. As the groom's mom was getting dressed, she suffered a massive stroke, and died on the spot.


SIL and her fiance carried on with the wedding, but everyone was in shock and crying the whole time.


DH and I had minor issues with our wedding, but nothing could ever compare to what my SIL had to deal with.



I think that makes three of us now....I am so glad you are happy and that you were able to talk him straight.....


My hubbies grandmother died the week we got married. It was sad but very okay as she was on hospice and in pain for a long time.


The unfortunate part is that MIL insisted on having the reception at her house. We had a very small quickly planned wedding and we were just planning a small get together at a nice restaurant. We changed the plans at her insistance. I should say here that MIL didn't like me.


***To decorate for our reception...she used the left over flowers from the funeral and left the RIP sentiments in plain view!


Hmmm....that is terrible.....

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My dh and I were just reminiscing about this! I am rather shy and do not do well with people staring at me. When I had to walk down the aisle I was so terrified that I developed a facial tic! The corner of my mouth kept twitching! I was in a panic not knowing if I should smile and have the twitch turn into a grimace or if I should look demure and have the twitch turn into a sneer. I calmed down as I looked down the aisle and saw my dh WILLING me to calm down with his eyes. I just looked into those eyes all the way down that long aisle. After the wedding I was a bit freaked out when no one would mention the twitches - after all (my reasoning went) it is only when something is really bad that no one will mention it. I was really relieved when my uncle came up to me and said loudly, "Wow, you sure were twitching down that aisle!"

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My Mom was forced to change the date of her wedding from sometime in the Fall to August. Why? Because my grandmother (her soon-to-be-MIL) was going to be a delegate to the Republican National Convention and Grandma figured that she would save money by making only one trip to CA from KS, rather than two. Then, Mom was told that my Dad's niece would be flower girl in their wedding. Mom hadn't wanted a flower girl. Flower girl was only 3yo; she sat down in the middle of the aisle and cried and refused to move. In the movie from my parents' reception, you can clearly see my Uncle (Dad's brother) gallantly taking my Mom's coat from her as he helps her into the car, then still holding the coat as he closes the door and waves goodbye and they drive off. Mom really missed that coat during the cold evenings of their honeymoon.


28 years later: I drove my adopted Grandma to Southern Cal for my sister's wedding. We went a couple of days early to help with preparations. We had been there a couple of hours when Grandma announced she was taking us out to dinner. She missed the bottom step coming out of the apartment, fell and broke her hip. Instead of going to dinner, we followed the ambulance to the ER. She had to have surgery the next day. The morning of the wedding, sis is modeling her dress for us, when we realize that her strapless bra doesn't work with the dress. We spend the next two hours crazily driving around L.A., looking for the right bra. We get home and the best man calls to tell my sister that her groom got totally smashed the night before at the bachelor party and is in no shape to get married that day. It turns out to be a very cruel joke -- groom is fine, but sister's makeup has been ruined as she burst into tears at the news. We're frantic to get her fixed up and to the church on time, because the pastor has a standing rule that he will wait no more than 10 minutes for anyone. The wedding was fine, and the wedding party made a detour by the hospital on the way to the reception so Grandma could see us all dressed up.


3 years later, it's time for me to get married. A few days before, same adopted Grandma falls and breaks her pelvis, has to have surgery. While I'm at the church getting ready, my Mom is frantically trying to find out where her brother is, because he was supposed to go get my (real) Grandma from the assisted living place and get her dressed. They finally show up, with Grandma definitely not dressed up. It turns out that as they were leaving to go to Grandma's their paperboy fell off his bike and split his head open in their driveway. They had to wait for the ambulance to take him before they could get out. Wedding was quick and simple; reception was fine. Wedding party went by adopted Grandma's house so she could see us all dressed up.

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My hubbies grandmother died the week we got married. It was sad but very okay as she was on hospice and in pain for a long time.


The unfortunate part is that MIL insisted on having the reception at her house. We had a very small quickly planned wedding and we were just planning a small get together at a nice restaurant. We changed the plans at her insistance. I should say here that MIL didn't like me.


***To decorate for our reception...she used the left over flowers from the funeral and left the RIP sentiments in plain view!



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Ours didn't even start on a good foot. I was pregnant with my daughter. It was quite a shock to both of us. She was an antibiotic baby....


My IL's hated me before we even got married. I was just too dumb to realize it.


They kept at my husband asking him if he was even sure the baby was his because you know...I was white trash and was probably saddling him with some other man's baby. He said he knew beyond any shadow of a dooubt the baby was his. I was working two jobs and barely had time for him. My husband was only the second man I had ever dated. I was 28 at the time.


Then they told him he didn't have to marry me. They would help him take the baby from me when she was born. He wouldn't buy that one either. he told them his plan had been to marry me anyway. The pregnancy just brought "his" time frame up a little.


First...the argument over where the wedding was going to be. I wanted it at my home church. They wanted it at their church at their beach residence. They have all of these properties and would be able to put everyone up. Stupid me....they inferred that meant my family also. After much convincing on husbands part I agreed. No...that only meant their family and friends.....


Second...choosing the date. Big mistake on my part. They handed me a list of available dates that the houses were not booked. We chose July 10th. I didn't find out until at the rehearsal that the next day would be MIL's birthday. That has made our anniversary a living hell every year for the past 13 years. I want a new date.


Third...we ordered the invitations. My mother was in town and I called to see if we could come over and view the invitations. It wasn't pleasant. My mother walked out of there crying begging me not to marry my husband.


Fourth....there was an argument over who would give me away. I decided on no one. I would walk down the aisle by myself. This blew up in my face. My grandmother decided my uncle would take this honor. Which was okay...he was/is the best uncle. We share the same birthday. MIL called my adopted parents and they unknowingly let it known that they were a little disappointed but understood. This was a family who became a surrogate family to me while I was in college. MIL rubbed that one in and tried to make me the bad guy.


Fifth....hubby and i got into an argument over the whole wedding thing and how his mom was acting. But it was the families conditioning to appease MIL. She could make you life a living hell.... Up until a few weeks before the wedding...hubby wasn't sure I was even going to marry him. He didn't pull his punches. He threatened to take the baby from me when it was born. I was so beat up and knew I was alone. There was no one to help me. I married him originally out of fear. I did and do love him. He said that because he was afraid I would leave him.


His parents wanted him to have the wedding they felt their son deserved. Not something they figured white trash like me would throw together. His father was an important man...served under two presidents and had a distinguished career in the Marine Corps....yada yada yada....


They planned the whole thing.....they paid for everything accept the flowers. A friend of mine who owns a flower shop made all the flowers for the church as my wedding gift. I made the bouquets and my head piece.


I still hadn't bought a dress. I was 5 months pregnant. So my soon to be husband dragged me to the mall and I bought an off the rack cocktail dress for $99. It didn't fit well.....but I didn't care at the time.


We spent our honeymoon with his entire family. They had all come from out of town. I got to meet all of his extended family. That was okay...they were really nice. It was hard to believe they were all related. I didn't understand the comments about my husbands adoption. They kept telling me how lucky I was for him being adopted. He was adopted at 8 months.


His mom, grandmother and great grandmother are all bi-polar. She however has never been on meds. Refused. Even after being committed three times.

Imagine my surprise when I was told we would be living with his parents. Yep. For the first year of our marriage we lived with them. I told him we moved or the baby and I were gone. We moved.


It has been hellish dealing with his mother over our entire marriage.


I did almost leave him three times....only because of his mom. God always put me in a place where I have no where to go...so I stayed.


We have had a wonderful marriage accept for his mom. She is now for the most part out of our lives. He finally recognized that his coping skills he learned as a child was ruining our marriage.


He is a wonderful man. He has tried over the years...but it was difficult due to him not seeing it. Lots of counseling with our Pastor helped him see where he needed to draw the line in regard to his mom.


We are actually thinking of planning another wedding and choosing a different day. Our only question was if we could legally change the day....that is a question for the Clerk of the Court.


There was more...but who wants to be depressed.....:lol:


You can view pictures of our wedding at my blog. Our anniversary was just a few weeks ago so I posted pictures of the wedding. I still haven't viewed the wedding video. I could never get past the part where the camera was on her and you could see the hate in her face. I have a video on my shelf that has sat there for 15 years....and only watched the first five minutes of it......:lol:


My Wedding

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Did his family show up at the wedding? How is your relationship with them now?

Yes, they showed up. They are some of those people who are concerned with appearances - how would it look if they weren't there? And then after the wedding, they decided I could call them "mom and dad" instead of Mr. and Mrs. P. Barf. Despite all of that, I tried to have a good relationship with them and they pretended to have a good relationship with me. However, they pushed dh too far about 12 years ago and now I have nothing to do with them and dh has a very strained relationship with them. It's sad, but in the big picture we have a better life because of their behavior.

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Yes, they showed up. They are some of those people who are concerned with appearances - how would it look if they weren't there? And then after the wedding, they decided I could call them "mom and dad" instead of Mr. and Mrs. P. Barf. Despite all of that, I tried to have a good relationship with them and they pretended to have a good relationship with me. However, they pushed dh too far about 12 years ago and now I have nothing to do with them and dh has a very strained relationship with them. It's sad, but in the big picture we have a better life because of their behavior.


It really sounds like ours are related. I am still not aloud to call my IL's anything but Mr and Mrs...or General and Mrs. I have always tried to be nice but it has finally ended last summer. Maybe our next 15 years will be quieter.....:glare:

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We have had a wonderful marriage accept for his mom. She is now for the most part out of our lives. He finally recognized that his coping skills he learned as a child was ruining our marriage.


He is a wonderful man. He has tried over the years...but it was difficult due to him not seeing it. Lots of counseling with our Pastor helped him see where he needed to draw the line in regard to his mom.




Ginger, I have lots more that I could have added to my post too, but as you said, it would be too depressing. Their viewpoint is that of "we are family so you just have to bend over and take it." I was so proud of dh when he finally stood up to them. It took us moving from Chicago to Louisiana to really get away from my il's.

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We don't have any big stuff, but...


My dh spent about 3 hours before our wedding searching our new apartment for the honeymoon tickets. He had all of his groomsmen in about 200 square feet searching. He never found them, but they had a copy at the resort, so it worked out.


My MIL sat in the room crying and moaning about the wedding the entire time I was getting ready. My SIL was so embarrassed! We still don't see eye to eye to this day.


The MOST embarrassing part, though- my parents were buying us some furniture for a wedding present and one item was a mattress. My future dh and my mom and I went to various stores trying out mattresses. We found one we liked and the salesperson yelled out, in a VERY crowded store, "Be sure to put the stain protection for bodily fluids on it, because it's for newlyweds!" I thought I would die- right there! My poor dh turned bright red and walked away-laughing.

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Nothing too horrible here, just mishaps...


Power went out at 8 AM as I was trying to get ready. Our neighbor (love her!) called and started ranting that she couldn't get ready for the wedding, then went, "Oh my! Here I am complaining to the bride - you go find yourself some place to finish up!" LOL Drove to my matron of honor's house to blow dry and curl hair, do make up, etc.


We found out a few weeks before the wedding that the only real route to the reception was going to be a PARADE ROUTE for some stupid town pride parade that I don't think they had before or since! We called the police/town officials and were assured by the big wigs over and over that we would be let through because the parade wasn't supposed to start until a bit after we would be going through. UMMMM, nope! We ran a bit late, the parade started early, and no one except a few people who lived in that town knew how to get around the parade up to the reception (sneaking down alleys, LOL). 90% of our guests were very late.


Dh's friends decorate our car. Not with nice "just married" stuff but with raunchy sayings and drawings. I admit I'm a prude, I just couldn't drive home in that! My one dream of the day, driving home having people honk at us in our wedding outfits with our car nicely decorated, went to heck in a handbasket. Dh and I took stacks of paper towels from the bathroom and cleaned my car in his tux/my dress. The writing didn't really come off, just kind of smeared around so we drove home all hunched over to see through the filthy windshield. :lol:


14 years later we're still soul mates! :D

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Well, here's my story....


I had a wonderful day getting married to the man I loved! However, there were a few glitches.


Two weeks before the wedding I went to get my hair trimmed and styled. TRIMMED! My hair was a little longer that shoulder length. The guy started cutting and chopping---I ended up with short hair and I was so mad! I stood up, said (okay, maybe yelled!) “I said I wanted a TRIM!!!” Then I walked out of there crying! This was my wedding and he had WRECKED it! He wasn’t about to come after me to pay a bill for wrecking my hair! My dh (well, fiancé at that time) told me it was fine, he loved me no matter what. I was still sad, cuz that was NOT in my plans for how I’d look at my wedding! I got over it though...


I had my two nephews as the candlelighters. We rented long brass candlelighters for them to use. When they lit it for practice, one of the lighters spit out the fire, instead of the small flame at the end, then it died. So we switched plans and had them go to each side together. The younger one did the lower candles and the older one did the higher candles. It worked—just took longer than it would’ve the other way. When they took them back and told them what had happened, the rental place just said, well since you used it, we can’t give you any money back. Huh? We DIDN’T use it! Yes you did, I see it has been lighted! But then it didn’t work, so it wasn’t usable in the wedding. Frown, and no refund! Oh well…


The photographer we picked seemed nice enough, but when he got there he was rather demanding and rude. After the wedding he made us go to a place on the same property as the church but hidden away, during the reception. We missed most of the eating part of the reception! :( My sister was standing by him a little later at one point, and hear him say how he hated these small weddings! ??? Why’d he agree to it in the first place then?


My wedding coordinator knew of a guy that made wedding cakes. She’s seen several that he’d made and they were gorgeous! So she and I went, looked at what he offered and picked a beautiful cake within the price range I could afford. It was to be a spice cake with burgundy and rose colored (I stressed NOT pink but rose, since burgundy and rose were my wedding colors, and he agreed) roses cascading down. I was surprised to see the cake at the reception. It had very few PINK flowers on it and was kind of ugly if you ask me! It had tipped over on the way to the church and was smashed on one side. No problem, we just turned that side to the back where most people would not see it. When we cut into it—it was white cake. Come to find out, the guy’s mom had died just a few days before the wedding, and he was too upset to deal with making a cake. He passed it to someone else, who must not have gotten the directions, and had never made a wedding cake before. But, at least we had a cake! :)

Soon to be dh and I had heard rumors that his friends were going to try to kidnap him from the reception and take him to get a tattoo. Neither one of us wanted that to happen, so we had gotten the organist to drive up to the back door of the church and we climbed in and laid on the floor of the car. It was funny, she was soooo excited to be a part of this escape plan! She said she was going to tell people how she got to be a part of it! Yep, she was thrilled and did her part to perfection! We got back safely. I went to my room and locked the door. DH stayed in a different room than he was signed up for, to throw people off, and kept the door locked, so he was safe. So on the wedding day we thought we’d passed that crisis!


It was a beautiful day outside, and we did the throwing of the bouquet and throwing of the garter outside. I threw the bouquet and all went well. Then dh went out, they got the guys ready, then he flung the garter behind his head. Instead of grabbing for the garter, his friends grabbed him! Another friend had a car ready and screeched up and flung open the door. I was off on the sidelines during the garter thing, in the area furthest from where the car screeched up and they were carrying dh to stuff him in. I yelled, “NO!!!” and ran over to try to grab dh out of the car! Later people said they’d never seen a woman in a wedding dress run so fast! :lol: One of my good friends (she’d been one of my bridesmaids) and my dad had both separately come to the conclusion that dh’s friends may still try something, so they were watching. So by the time I got to the car, they were already there pulling on dh, while his friends were inside trying to pull him in. J One of his friends then grabbed me back (nicely, this was all for fun, but I thought they were going to take him away for a tattoo, then he’d be sore, and we might miss our flights……) and held me while the struggle went on. DH was a little concerned as well, but was laughing most of the time. My dad and friend were VERY serious. Anyway, they finally gave up, drove the car away, and left us alone after that. We have video that a guy from dh’s work was taking for us. You see dh throw the garter, the guys run up and grab him, then you see me running past. :lol:


Later we got to dh’s place and changed into comfortable clothes. Our plane didn’t leave for another 4 hours, so we had plenty of time to get ready. We were both so tired that we fell asleep. I had been reading the paper for some reason, and fell asleep with my head on the comics. Dh’s best man and his wife came in later….they were taking us to the airport. I woke up when they came in and sat up. They started laughing at me. On the side of my face I had the comics from my face being on the paper! :) I had to go in and scrub to get that off before we headed to the airport.


The honeymoon went great! And the marriage is great! I have the best dh in the world and we’re very much in love 20 years later!

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After reading all these, I don't even feel fit to go into the not-so-horrific-afterall of mine. No, I'll skip the fact that I was 5 months pregnant (w/twins) eventhough we had set the date a year in advance and had to trade out dresses 2x - the sheath would no longer work and the A-line didn't cover what it was supposed to. Nevermind that the dj dh got only had a collection of deathmetal cds ( :crying: ). I won't attempt to explain that at 2am, after *I* had driven for over an hour and a half, that dh had no idea where he had booked our bed and breakfast...it was in some town that started with a "W", and that I drove home, tired, sore and pretty darn mad, while dh snored in the reclined seat of our Plymouth.


No. I won't go there.

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After reading all these, I don't even feel fit to go into the not-so-horrific-afterall of mine. No, I'll skip the fact that I was 5 months pregnant (w/twins) eventhough we had set the date a year in advance and had to trade out dresses 2x - the sheath would no longer work and the A-line didn't cover what it was supposed to. Nevermind that the dj dh got only had a collection of deathmetal cds ( :crying: ). I won't attempt to explain that at 2am, after *I* had driven for over an hour and a half, that dh had no idea where he had booked our bed and breakfast...it was in some town that started with a "W", and that I drove home, tired, sore and pretty darn mad, while dh snored in the reclined seat of our Plymouth.


No. I won't go there.


:grouphug::grouphug: ahhh Honey...I was 5 months pregnant but at least it wasn't twins.....you had a rough time.


You can have a do-over. I want to plan a do-over for my 20th since I missed my 15th. Plan a do-over....and this time you book the room.

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:grouphug::grouphug: ahhh Honey...I was 5 months pregnant but at least it wasn't twins.....you had a rough time.


You can have a do-over. I want to plan a do-over for my 20th since I missed my 15th. Plan a do-over....and this time you book the room.


Its okay, he's still making up for it - I figure I've got at least another 10-15 years of milking it to go ;).

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However, they pushed dh too far about 12 years ago and now I have nothing to do with them and dh has a very strained relationship with them. It's sad, but in the big picture we have a better life because of their behavior.

Well at least he was able to finally understand that they were toxic to you. It is sad that your life is better without them, but some people never change. You cannot sacrifice your own marriage and family to such people. It is sad, though.

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After the op's story about her dad killing her dog with her in the car on her wedding day, I am just not sure I can compete! My goodness.


My first marriage, we were married in the mall. At the license plate renewal thing. We had a hard time saying our vows because we were about to laugh and when it was over, some very large woman with her brand new license plate in her hand hugged us both (think bear hug...both of us at the same time...big woman) and CRYING told us "this is the best thing you will ever do." Well, I was pregnant and we didn't really even like each other that much, so no, it wasn't the best thing I would ever do!


Second wedding (my current dh), I was crying as we said our vows and the minister handed me a tissue. I wiped my eyes and my nose as we were going to light the unity candle. As soon as we turned, I have no idea how it happened and it is all on video, but my snot tissue flew out of my hand and landed on the minister's arm. EEEEWWWW!

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