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Do you have a large family?


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We have 3 children. We're thinking of 4, and in my heart I want 5, though, I'm doubtful we'd ever have any more than that! My husband thinks I'm crazy for throwing the idea of 5 out there, but it was his idea to have a 4th, even though we ALWAYS said only 3. We're at 3 now, and I just can't imagine not having more. Never thought I would say that, especially with homeschooling!!


I have friends who have 6 kids, friends that have 10 kids, etc. I have another friend with 2 and she wants at least 4 children! I never thought I'd have a "larger" family (considering I thought 3 was plenty!)


I'm nervous about more, but excited!


However, our families will be less than thrilled, as they were surprised about #3, but I don't care!

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We have 4. The leap from 3 to 4 was pretty drastic. My youngest will be 2 in March and I just feel like I'm coming up for air from her tough pregnancy and birth. I love my 4 though. I've always wanted 4. I'd say the biggest challenge is making sure they get to participate in the activities they want to do. It's hard dragging everyone around to dance, swim, etc. But I love it. I'm just tired. So tired. :)

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We have 8. We had 'stopped' at 6 but then later changed our minds and now we have two more little ones and they are such a blessing and have brought so much delight to our family.


Yes, we have certain 'special' members of our families who make less-than-charming comments about our family size when we are expecting another, but you just need to arm yourself with positive comments and let it go. (My dad made some comment about me being able to stop now after I had my 2nd. Second? Ha! Little did he know...)


I don't believe that you will regret more children :hurray: .

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Two to three was hard for us. Going from three to four was easy! Funny how that is! Different for each family, I guess.


I would love to have more kids. We only have 4, but since all of mine were c-section births we won't have more. I've had too many complications.


I wish you well! Four is a medium size family in my opinion, and 10 is large. :laugh:

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We have four and it doesn't feel like a big family at all - until two are away for a day or two, and then I realise how much more work the four of them are together than just two.


If I'd been younger when we started a family I'd most certainly have had at least another two - DH agrees. I so adore my babies and boys that the pleasure far outweighs the pain of drudgery - and the mud, and the dirty socks lying everywhere, and the noise ... :D.

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I have 5 but I don't think of ours as a large family.

I have 5 kids and personally, I think the term "large" is relative. I consider the size of my family "a bit above average". To me large is having between 7-10 kids or more.


I don't feel like we're a large family. I think 10 is large. :D


Nope, sorry, 'large' begins at 5 children. I'm officially calling it. 1-4 is pretty normal, but 5 is where big officially begins.


So says The Panda!

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We have four. The jump from two to three was challenging, but that could be due to only 2 1/2 years' difference in their ages. The move from three to four was very much life changing, but that could be b/c my dd4 has significant special needs. So I'm not sure that it was the actual increase in the number of children or the circumstances surrounding them that made it more of a challenge.

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I have 2 children and a stepson we have joint custody of. I would love more but we've struggled financially the past couple years and things have only just began to be better the past 6 months, so dh is not willing to try for another yet, but I hope to try in the next six months or so for another. I would like at least 4 and up to 8.

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We have 4 kids and I don't feel like we have a large family, but I have received a few comments that would indicate that we do. For some reason in my mind once you have 5 you have tipped over to another level. Personally I wouldn't mind having more. My dh and I pretty much always figured we would have at least 4.

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You know, I wouldn't be having more to "keep up with the joneses" but at the same time, I have thought about what the purpose would be for us to have more. I have reasons why we should not. this world isn't a pretty place, and I fear the generation they grow up in, etc. I definitely don't feel that I need more children because others have many, most of my friends don't have more than 2-4. I've just felt differently since I started homeschooling, Differently about what God wants for our family, and what we feel is right for us. Our 3 children are wonderful, they get along well and just love each other, and help each other, I think they would be quick to welcome a new sibling, and while life is stressful with 3, I also know that there are pros and cons to having more. Ultimately, I'm not sure why I would want more, other than the fact that I don't feel like we are "done" having children, it seems so right for us, however, none of ours were "planned" so thinking about "planning" a 4th seems so odd to me! LOL. God may have other plans and it just might happen when I least expect it, like with the other 3, I actually sort of like the surprise :hurray:

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I would love to have more kids. We only have 4, but since all of mine were c-section births we won't have more. I've had too many complications.


I wish you well! Four is a medium size family in my opinion, and 10 is large. :laugh:


I am on that fence too. My last two were c-sections. I have a feeling I'd end up having a very hard time finding a provider to try a VBA2C and another c-section doesn't sound fun. I might change my mind in two years or I may decide it's kind of nice to be past the infant stage!



"Large" is a relative term. I have six kids, but it doesn't feel "large" to me.


Ultimately, it's a private decision between you, your husband, and your god, if you claim one. Just make sure you aren't having more and more children just to keep up with the Joneses or to be in some sort of competition. I've seen that in couples before, and it just ain't pretty.


I think this is a huge thing that gets swept under the rug. I had an aunt tell me recently during the holidays, "Aw, you beat me!" because she had 6 kids. I thought it was weird. There's a lot of what I call competitive birthing out there or women that feel the need to bring up their number of children constantly and in situations that are unnecessary. (I refer to a woman I met about three weeks ago in a book club that must have said about twenty times that she had 8 children and no plans to stop. It was the equivalent of someone jumping up and down waving a flag and yelling pay attention to meeeeeeee! Everything was prefixed with, "Well I have 8 children and more to come so...") They always seem to be the same people talking smack about smaller sized families as if having only two makes you less of a parent.


It's a very different vibe than from someone that happens to have a larger family and brings it up or talks about their children in context.





I don't feel like we're a large family. I think 10 is large. :D


I was going to say me too, but then I decided that large meant purchase of The Van to me. I do not own The Van yet, but I need one. DH and I were shooting for 10 if we could at one point. Don't think that's happening now!

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We have 4 kids and I don't feel like we have a large family, but I have received a few comments that would indicate that we do. For some reason in my mind once you have 5 you have tipped over to another level. Personally I wouldn't mind having more. My dh and I pretty much always figured we would have at least 4.

We never had 4. We had three and nobody batted an eye and then got the two little girls at the same time and started getting, "are they all yours?" although I'm not sure if that's due to the number or the fact that their skin is all several shades darker than me or dh's. Though if they just saw me and the kids, they could assume that dh was Hispanic. I tend to think it was the number.

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Since we only wanted 4, I do consider us to be a large family. It's larger than we desired.


Most families where we live have 4 kids, but they are spread out more than ours.


Funny thing is the few times I've seen families with 5 kids similar ages to ours, I've immediately thought "Wow. That's a lot of kids." Then I start counting and end up laughing at myself. We must look pretty large to other people if I think families with 5 young children are big.

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We have four. The jump from two to three was challenging, but that could be due to only 2 1/2 years' difference in their ages. The move from three to four was very much life changing, but that could be b/c my dd4 has significant special needs. So I'm not sure that it was the actual increase in the number of children or the circumstances surrounding them that made it more of a challenge.



Good point. Having 3 special needs kids is quite a different situation than three mainstream. I thought of something else too. A large family downtown of a big city like New York or Chicago or something is much different of a headcount than a large family in a smaller town or rural area. The biggest city near me is Chicago. I think 4 would be huge for a family living in a loop condo!

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Yes. Dh has often said if they can fit in a "mini"van, then they don't qualify as large family sized yet.

I honestly don't know if we'd fit in a mini van. I *think* there would be enough seatbelts, but how the heck you'd manage 2 carseats and a booster in one of them, I don't know.


Our current vehicle seats 8.

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You purposely buy the skinniest carseats you can. And your dh spend a sunday afternoon sweating and cussing and probably draws some of his own blood getting them wedged in 'just so'. And by golly you NEVER take them out until you absolutely have no choice. Oh and you scour junk yards for a rear bench to replace the smaller center bench with, because 8 inches makes all the difference and the older kids can just climb over the seat to get in and out.

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I have five. we'd always planned on number five, so it wasn't our fault he came nine years late.


I knew a woman who was adament she only wanted four and was only willing for four pregnancies. Her dh kept saying they were supposed to have five. they had many disagreements. God had the last laugh as she had twins her fourth pregnancy.

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We are about to have our 5th. I only wanted 1, but they are like Pringles - once I popped I couldn't stop (just joking). We are considering putting a permanent end to our reproductive years and I am very sad about it, but around here three is considered very large so we are an anomaly.


I did see a woman in the shops yesterday who had 4 kids almost the same age as mine and she was pregnant so I know I am not alone.

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Guest inoubliable

Thinking further on this - my SIL has five. I always thought that was huge but it could be because her kids were...wild. I have seen families with 5 kids that were much better behaved and didn't *seem* like there 5 kids. KWIM?


As for me, 3 does feel "large" for me. I never expected to have kids. DS12 was a complete surprise and I swore (colorfully, too) while in delivery that I would never ever birth another child again. And, I didn't. DH came along and we ended up with two c-section kiddos. After the last one, I looked him dead in the eye as they were giving me the spinal block and said that I was done being carved up to give birth. I may have been a bit, um, sensitive, because of the ginormous needle going in my back, but I'm sticking to it.

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My last and fourth child is just 5 1/2 months....and was c section, and I'm officially done. After that experience, I never want to do it again. I thought I was brave for birthing 2 of the larger children naturally....Ha! Let's say the c section taught me to shut my mouth. :) I have four and it feels large. I know it's just a season with the baby being young, and there's not enough hours in the day. But going from 3 to 4 has been a rough 6 months!! Some people increase with a flinch, but I'm still shuttering over here! LOL I wouldn't trade it for anything, they are my entire life...But it has been a welcomed challenge. Although, I tease dh about wanting just one more! (My kids ages are 14, 11, 6 and 5 1/2 months!...and it's fun!!)

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We have 4. It doesn't seem big to me, but it does to other people. My father said that we have a big family and he "doesn't believe in that these days." Okay, so some of my children must be imaginary? We get a lot of "look at them all" and "are they all yours" (even at the diner yesterday!), but some of that is probably the close ages. I think it's relative. I can only think of three families I went to high school with that had 4 or more children, so that probably does make 4 children seem like a lot to my father. We'd like to have more, but not before this baby starts sleeping through the night!

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We have 5 kiddos which seems fairly normal on the boards, but judging by the looks we get in my area it is large.


I never planned on having 5. I wanted 2. Then I wanted another - 3. Then we had a surprise - 4. Then I really wanted to try for another girl - 5. They kinda snuck up on me. :)

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I don't know and I guess I don't really think about it.


I've never understood why other people get to decide if someone else's family is "large" yet, either. LOL There's always some standard--I opt out of that stuff.


I never had a specific number "in my heart" or knew exactly how many kids we'd have. We just started a family, kept going until we felt we wanted to stop. *shrug* If it makes you feel good in some way to call your family large and you want to put some sort of qualifications on that, go right ahead. It all seems so arbitrary and yet tied to one's identity that I sort of avoid it. lol

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I honestly don't know if we'd fit in a mini van. I *think* there would be enough seatbelts, but how the heck you'd manage 2 carseats and a booster in one of them, I don't know.


Our current vehicle seats 8.



I've gotten 4 carseats and a booster in ours, with room for one more. I'm sure I could do 5 carseats and a booster, but I dont' think 6 carseats would fit. The 3rd row is too narrow.

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I honestly don't know if we'd fit in a mini van. I *think* there would be enough seatbelts, but how the heck you'd manage 2 carseats and a booster in one of them, I don't know.

All the mini vans I have seen hold 7 except for the old Astro my Aunt and Uncle drove when I was a kid held 8.

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We have three. I get comments a lot, but that might be my age range and the twin thing (all three are within 2.5 years). I don't know if it feels large or not to me. I originally planned on a lot more (before I had real kids), but frankly I'm just starting to have an occasional moment where I don't feel like a zombie and we've been rethinking for other reasons as well, so we will probably stick with the three we have. I used to read posts or stories about how people manage their large families and think "THAT'S what I want". Now I read those posts/stories and think "no thanks".

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We have 4. The leap from 3 to 4 was pretty drastic. My youngest will be 2 in March and I just feel like I'm coming up for air from her tough pregnancy and birth. I love my 4 though. I've always wanted 4. I'd say the biggest challenge is making sure they get to participate in the activities they want to do. It's hard dragging everyone around to dance, swim, etc. But I love it. I'm just tired. So tired. :)



Same here. 3 to 4 was hard for us. My youngest is 3.5 and I'm just now feeling almost back to normal. I wouldn't change a thing but I'm very much looking forward to all of my kids being 5 and up. :)

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I've gotten 4 carseats and a booster in ours, with room for one more. I'm sure I could do 5 carseats and a booster, but I dont' think 6 carseats would fit. The 3rd row is too narrow.
All the mini vans I have seen hold 7 except for the old Astro my Aunt and Uncle drove when I was a kid held 8.

Part of it, no doubt, is that Diva is taller than I am. Our van had the back row, and then 2 captains chairs, not a bench for the 1st row. No way could she fit w/the booster for Princess and Tazzie. Boo's seat *could've* gone back there, I think, but he's still rear facing, and it would've been misery trying to get him in and out.

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We are expecting #9 in March. I can not ever imagine not having a baby in the house. It's such a depressing thought. They bring so much joy (and work, but the feeling of snuggling a baby all day washes over all the work).


Now, with that being said, I often look fondly back to when I only had 2 and 3 kids. Life was so much simpler back then. Not sure if it was the fact that we didnt have school and activities or because 2-3 was easier to handle. But, I hold on to those memories and know things will never be so calm again!


Yes some family members do not agree with us having lots o kids. But I think they have realized they will not change our minds and have decided to enjoy our children. Of course we still get the comments of being like rabbits, but whatever.

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We have 4 - 7, 4, 2, and baby. I always wanted 4 when I was younger (before I ever had any, that is!) DH says he feels like 5 is the right number, that there is someone yet 'missing.' I want another too! But at the same time I am exhausted. This year really ramped up with DS officially in 1st grade (the pressure is on!) plus a baby. At the same time, I feel like "why stop? I'm just getting good at this!" My husband is the oldest of 12 so I get quite a bit of harassment (atleast that's how I see it) because apparently I'm trying to keep up with my MIL. I could see myself having 6 though, too. I would like to adopt, but dh isn't all 'into it' right now and I don't want to bring a child into that situation. The two things that I dread about birthing my own are more stress on my body and having to go to those annoying appointments. Plus, I told DH, "I'm not driving a bus." Suburban is big enough! There are lots of families with 4, 5 + kids around here but we live in a rural area and homeschooling is also common. I don't know how you could handle a bunch of kids in the city because you can't send them to the barn with dad when they're getting too rowdy in the house!

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Four is a delightful number. It happened to be our magic number. And #4 was the only one we planned. Large families are fairly normal in Alaska. I have more friends with 4 kids, than any other number! Two of my best friends have 7, and expecting #10. I always wondered "who else" we might have had. But four was good for us. Best wishes to you!

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