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Valentine Exchange!


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We did this last year and we had a ton of people participate so let's do it again this year!


Mo, you out there? Want to help organize again?


One if the things I remember fondly about elementary school was Valentine's Day. The excitement of that teeny mailbox overfilled with little cards from all your friends and maybe a few stickers or whatever just seemed to make winter a little less bleak.


Kind of hard to get that while homeschooling so let's mail them to each other.


Last year, Mo and I maintained a couple of different lists - a small list of 20-25 participants who were willing to send out and receive Valentines from all the kids on that individual list and then a big list of EVERYONE.


Store bought or homemade Valentines are fine. Little trinkets if you want is fine. Try to be mindful of food allergies/senstivities. We'll ask for that information when we ask for your addresses.


Valentines must be in the mail by January 31 to insure they are at their intended locations by VD. We have a few Canadians last year and from the ones who reported back, I think most of those children had their Valentines in time.


If cost is an issue, we could do a smaller list or two of 10 names if that helps, but yes. You would have to pay for the Valentine and postage and that can get pricey depending upon what you are sending. Bear that in mind.


I had a couple of people ask last year if they could particpate without sending out their addresses. A year later, I'm still pondering that. I don't really intend to spend the first two weeks of February personally delivering Valentines across the country so yes, you would need to share your address or your work address or someplace we could deliver the Valentines to unless you don't care that you won't get any back.


Please be mindful that these Valentines are for CHILDREN. If you don't think you will get them out in time, don't particpate. I get that life happens and throws some extreme curveballs at times but if you don't mail Valentines out, it's not fair that you will still receive them. And again, these are for children so if you don't like certain board members and you cannot imagine sending something nice to their children, don't participate. I'm not going to be checking lists for crazy adult board fights. You get who you get and everyone gets a Valentine!


We had a little over 60 people participate last year. We will hold the list open until January 14, noon EST. After that, lists will start going out!


If you are interested, post here or wherever the boad gods move this thread. I cannot figure out the swap board.

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PMed you the info. Looking forward to this. last year was our first year doing something like this and had no cue what to expect. WOW. Amazing. Thanks for organizing it again.


*NOTE* If there are international addresses we would love to send to those if possible along with any others you give us. Dd is doing world geography and marking where each came from would be an added bonus. We did this last year with the US addresses and it was very interesting to see where everyone lived. If this request will cause more work for you then please disregard because we will be happy with any address you send. :)

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PMed you the info. Looking forward to this. last year was our first year doing something like this and had no cue what to expect. WOW. Amazing. Thanks for organizing it again.


*NOTE* If there are international addresses we would love to send to those if possible along with any others you give us. Dd is doing world geography and marking where each came from would be an added bonus. We did this last year with the US addresses and it was very interesting to see where everyone lived. If this request will cause more work for you then please disregard because we will be happy with any address you send. :)




Dd mapped her valentines last year, too, and it was a lot of fun!

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