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Do you peek at gifts?


Do you peek at gifts  

91 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you peek at gifts that are meant for you?

    • Yes, I hate surprises.
    • Yes, the suspense drives me crazy and I can't stand not knowing.
    • Yes, but only before they're wrapped.
    • No! I love surprises too much to peek.
    • Obligatory other.
  2. 2. Have you peeked at your Christmas gifts already this year?

    • Yes.
    • No.
    • Other.

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No way!! I love not knowing what's in my gift package. Dh always tries to surprise me, but it never works because I pay the bills and something always gives it away.


One year he booked a few nights in Vegas, bought tickets to show, arranged with my mom to watch the kids...the whole thing. He explained to the hotel that it was a surprise and they assured him they would not bill the room until we were there. Three days later, he's away to Chicago on a business trip, and I see on our credit card statement that he is in Vegas! And that he went to a show! I was livid, called him immediately to inquire why he said he was in Chicago when he was actually partying in Vegas.......oops. :leaving: We still get a good laugh over that one.


This year he upgraded my smartphone to a new one, and T-Mobile sent me a text saying "Thank you for your upgrade"!! Poor guy. :laugh:

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Well, when dh orders stuff from my Amazon account in order to get prime, it is hard not to peek. Especially when I get the emails too. :laugh: :coolgleamA:


This is exactly what I was going to say. Except I don't have prime. He was just too lazy to log out of my account and use his.

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I'm not a peeker. dh bought me a kitchen aid one year, and had to beg me to open it before my birthday so he could use it to make my birthday cake.

I think it disappoints him that I don't care. His dad had him make up a box for his mom for christmas one year that made all. sorts. of. noise. it had a jar of nails, a brick, all sorts of things. within 30 minutes of it going under the tree, his mom was shaking it. on christmas morning the box had been traded out for an electric blanket (which made no noise) "oh, you broke it".

he has hidden things in other boxes, and it didn't go over too well because I only saw the "First thing" he was using to hide the actual gift. a bottle of my favorite parfum (not cologne) in a box with a handsaw he was taking back. a gold necklace in a box of chocolates (the clerk at the store thought it was great). . Perhaps my reactions would have been different if I hadn't heard that story so many times.

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Nope. I did it once when I was a kid and it ruined the whole Christmas morning thing.


It's not that I'm so into surprises - my husband and I usually know exactly what we're getting because we have to confer with one another when we're buying - but it still sort of wrecks the opening if I peek.

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I never peek, but it's not because I love surprises, but because I thinks it's awful to ruin someone else's surprise. If someone goes to all the trouble to purchase or make a gift for me, the least I can do is give them the joy of seeing me open it. My favorite part of Christmas is seeing the reactions to the gifts I have given.

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Well, when dh orders stuff from my Amazon account in order to get prime, it is hard not to peek. Especially when I get the emails too. :laugh: :coolgleamA:




This is why I love that Prime can be shared among 4 or 5 people. So DH has his own Amazon account that he gets Prime shipping from my account on. That way if he orders something I don't see what he is getting me, and if I order something he doesn't see what I am getting him.


That being said I peek until they are wrapped if I know they are for me. I'm also really good at guessing what he got me, like full out surprise gifts I'll have never seen it and see the package and go "Oh cool you got me xyz verision w with the lmnop included." He hates when I do that, so I try not to actually say it until I actually open the box now.

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This is why I love that Prime can be shared among 4 or 5 people. So DH has his own Amazon account that he gets Prime shipping from my account on. That way if he orders something I don't see what he is getting me, and if I order something he doesn't see what I am getting him.


That being said I peek until they are wrapped if I know they are for me. I'm also really good at guessing what he got me, like full out surprise gifts I'll have never seen it and see the package and go "Oh cool you got me xyz verision w with the lmnop included." He hates when I do that, so I try not to actually say it until I actually open the box now.


How did you link the accounts?

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I'm also really good at guessing what he got me, like full out surprise gifts I'll have never seen it and see the package and go "Oh cool you got me xyz verision w with the lmnop included." He hates when I do that, so I try not to actually say it until I actually open the box now.


Hey, can you help it if you're the Gift Whisperer??? :D

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How did you link the prime accounts?



If you have a purchased prime account (as opposed to "mom" or "student") on the page where you set up your account is a link for you to send out invitations to four other people. You add their e-mail address, and amazon sends them an invitation - they must complete the action.

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If you have a purchased prime account (as opposed to "mom" or "student") on the page where you set up your account is a link for you to send out invitations to four other people. You add their e-mail address, and amazon sends them an invitation - they must complete the action.



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Always...ever since I was a kid. I would find the presents, unwrap them, and wrap them back up. I don't like surprises. Knowing doesn't ruin it for me; it brings me comfort. It's like once I know, then I don't think about it. I can just relax and enjoy.


I'm weird, I know.


That is definitely me. If I don't know I stress about what it might be and how to know how I'm "supposed" to react when I open it. I think I'm a pretty stoic person anyway so my reaction is the same whether I know what it is ahead of time or not. Either way my reaction is typically a smile and some variation of, "oh wow, thanks. I love it!"


It also helps me feel secure in what I've bought for the other person. I don't want to buy too much and seem extravagant, but at the same time I don't want to buy too little and seem like we're not on the same page. Clearly, I'm weird, too.

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I never peek, but it's not because I love surprises, but because I thinks it's awful to ruin someone else's surprise. If someone goes to all the trouble to purchase or make a gift for me, the least I can do is give them the joy of seeing me open it.




I hate surprises. I hate waiting. But I would never peek, it is too disrespectful of someone who has gone to the trouble to buy me a gift.

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I never peek, but it's not because I love surprises, but because I thinks it's awful to ruin someone else's surprise. If someone goes to all the trouble to purchase or make a gift for me, the least I can do is give them the joy of seeing me open it. My favorite part of Christmas is seeing the reactions to the gifts I have given.



Same here. Surprises--I could take 'em or leave 'em. But I would be really frustrated if someone peeked at mine, so I don't peek at theirs.

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I never peek, but it's not because I love surprises, but because I thinks it's awful to ruin someone else's surprise. If someone goes to all the trouble to purchase or make a gift for me, the least I can do is give them the joy of seeing me open it. My favorite part of Christmas is seeing the reactions to the gifts I have given.



This, totally.

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I have a love/hate relationship with the suspense :)


I don't peek, but I do ask for hints. DH gives the most mysterious hints. When he got me an iPod for my birthday last year, one hint was it can hold the Bible.


This year, my hints are:


- It is (kind of) electronic

- It is alive (in a way)

- He wants one really bad (this is really baffling because we do not usually like the same things)

- It is biggish and too hard to wrap


He is keeping it at his mother's house so I don't see it before Christmas.

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I don't peek, but I also don't like surprises. I guess I don't peek in part because I know how disappointed and sad I would be if I were trying to plan a surprise for a loved one and it was spoiled. (I've had it happen.) But also, I'm not terribly excited about receiving gifts and rarely feel any suspense about it. So, there's no motive for me to peek.

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I don't peek. It's not because I like surprises, but because I'm a rule follower. It's just wrong in my head and I'd feel horribly guilty and could never enjoy the gift. My parents said if we peeked, then they would take everything back and I believed them, so I never ever made any effort to peek.

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I never peek. Dh and his brother unwrapped every gift one year when they were little---he says that was the worst Christmas ever. We've taught our kids not to peek because you would ruin the gifter's surprise, not just your own.


Dh is a very sneaky wrapper----changing package sizes, adding weight or other things that make noise, etc. Dd12 has taken after him :)

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DH has surprised me a few times by buying me gifts and he wrapped them himself. But the greater majority of time I buy and wrap ours. He usually knows what he's getting too.


I peeked at gifts once when I was a teen. I saw everything. Christmas morning wasn't as fun. I haven't peeked since then.

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