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Hunger Games author lives in Newtown, CT


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apparently the latest theory on the motivation for the shooting is mom had actually started filing paperwork for conservatorship over him and he found out. she was very worried about where he was headed mentally. She volunteered with the kindergarteners at the school and reports are he felt she loved them more than him. (she likely worked last year with the firsties who died.) His mother was also good friends with the principal and school pscyhologist who died. bottom line he was not mentally stable, and reaching for who may or may not have lived in his town is irrelevant.


maybe if it was easier to involuntarily commit people who are that mentally unstable this could have been prevented. of course, the politicians are going to focus on guns instead of better care for the mentally ill.

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Unless the killer had some kind of obsession with the series I doubt there is a connection. But don't be so quick to dismiss the idea of a book influencing a murder. "Catcher in the Rye" (Mark David Chapman, John Hinckley Jr, and Rebecca Schaeffer's murder) and "The Collector" (Leonard lake and Charles Ng-- don't look it up, it's horrific, and two other rapists/ killers) are both books that have been directly associated with crimes.


Some unbalanced minds can latch onto books as a "blessing" of sorts to commit a crime.

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This morning I found a carrot in my dishwasher.


Be careful with that. My dishwasher seized up. My repairman worked for quite a while and then produced the top of a carrot. "Expensive carrot," he said. Yes, my friend, it was.

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apparently the latest theory on the motivation for the shooting is mom had actually started filing paperwork for conservatorship over him and he found out. she was very worried about where he was headed mentally. She volunteered with the kindergarteners at the school and reports are he felt she loved them more than him. (she likely worked last year with the firsties who died.) His mother was also good friends with the principal and school pscyhologist who died. bottom line he was not mentally stable, and reaching for who may or may not have lived in his town is irrelevant.


maybe if it was easier to involuntarily commit people who are that mentally unstable this could have been prevented. of course, the politicians are going to focus on guns instead of better care for the mentally ill.


Mental health 100% needs more focus and a better way to care for the ill, but I don't know that making it necessarily easier to involuntarily commit someone is the way to do that. Yes in this instance it may have prevented this attack. But I think it would actually cause more damage than good to many people. If a "loved" one can involuntarily commit you easily that opens a whole can of worms. What about a marriage on the brink of collapse, The wife has suffered with depression(many on here sure have), controlling husband decides to have her committed so he can prove she is "unfit" to raise the kids. Or parents commiting their adult children because they disagree with how said child is living their life. Even if said child has suffered or is suffering from a mental illness that does not mean they should be committed. I look at the years I really struggled with my depression, and much of it was made worse by the way my family responded to me. If they could I am sure they would have tried to have me committed simply to raise my kids the way they felt they should, since they disagree with absolutely everything I do.


That said there needs to be a better way for those family members of severely mentally ill patients to get services without reprimand better. I stopped asking for help for my oldest son, and decided to do things my way, because being honest about the things he used to do and the impact on the family had CPS called and threatening to take away all my kids. There is a program here, for families who have NOT been investigated for anything, to call and ask for supports. They claim it is a way to strengthen families before things get bad enough that an investigation is warranted. I used this service twice to help my ds, one time was to get him admitted to hospital for evaluation. It included a worker coming by weekly to help me strategies etc to help ds. Well years later we were investigated because of ds's behaviours and they used the fact I had used that program against me as "proof" they had to intervene before and I nearly lost all my kids as a result. There needs to be a way for families to get help for their mentally kill children while they are still children without being threatened with losing all your kids. It becomes a dam*ed if you do dam*ed if you don't situation. You try to get help so they say you can not effectively raise your mentally ill child and take them all, or you don't get help, the mentally ill child harms someone and either you lose all your kids anyway for failure to keep them safe or you are blamed as the reason said child harmed someone else.


The biggest issue for families raising mentally ill kids, is not how to commit them, it is how to help them when there still might be a chance to make a difference without losing all your kids in the process. The parents learn quickly they must do this alone and yet that is the exactly the opposite of what would serve them all best.

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So you are either going to be a vampire or possess a car when you die. Cool.


My car is a vampire. We call our car Eric (from true blood), just because we are cool like that. Funniest part is my car is a station wagon and Eric the vampire does NOT strike me as the station wagon type.

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Unbalanced minds can fixate on ANYTHING. Son of Sam thought he got orders from his dog.


Fixation does not = causation or responsibility.


I dunno... if I fixate on bacon and believe it is telling me to eat it. And I eat so much I end up to be 700 lbs and then I sit down on a park bench only I did not see the little person(is that the PC term these days) there first and I kill them by accidently crushing him/her under my 700lb butt. I could likely blame the bacon and sue the company that sold me the bacon in the first place, so I think it could be a case of causation or responsibility.

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I wasn't expecting humor/kilts, etc.


Really, the fact that a very celebrated author writes about young people killing young people for our reading pleasure, and then this horrible mass murder of mostly children happens in her own hometown and no one thinks there's anything worth discussing?


I'm sorry, but driving through CT once isn't exactly the same to me as someone writing books about kids killing other kids.


Well... the Scriptures speak of killing people and it's supposed to be nonfiction and some people claiming to be followers of Christ kill in his name because of it...does that make killing people worth discussing? Or how about all the reading we do otherwise for school and many books are about atrocities...does that mean we should stop reading those too?


This person had medical issues...there was enough going on in his head that I'm sure did not come from a book.

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Then you get to be in the club! And if you don't eat bacon you can be in the club too.


I want to be in the bacon club.


Well I've heard of Conneticut, and read the hunger games books, while eating bacon,


I often read while eating, and I've read all 3 Hunger Games books. Chances are I was eating bacon while reading at least part of one of them. I can also find Connecticut on a map though I've never been there.


Can you imagine if your last name really was Bacon? I think I'd want mine to be fried chicken. Or cheese. Or maybe cookies.


Ice cream. Possibly chocolate ice cream.


I don't like cupcakes.




no one thinks there's anything worth discussing?

No. It's not at all relevant.

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I know nothing of Mass Effect, but a brief exposure to Grand Theft Auto leads me to believe it is violent pornography with no redeeming social value. The publishers of this "game" should be ashamed of themselves IMO.


Is it pornography if there's no visible sex or nudity? The Sims games are more graphic than GTA. It doesn't need social value to be entertaining.


Mass Effect is about saving the universe from a bunch of aliens who periodically do an cleanup of all organic life. It's about sacrificing yourself to save everyone else. It's mostly story line, with a bit of non graphic third person shooter thrown in for good measure.

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Oh let me fill this page with funny stories.


#1 - I was in a coma in the summer of 1992. One time, when I woke up, the nurse asked me who was president. I responded "Bush". Then I paused for a moment and did my reasoning out loud routine - "But it's an election year. Which means I get to vote. For president. Oh sh!t - I DEMAND A RECOUNT!!!! I HAVEN'T VOTED YET!! I ! DEMAND! A! RECOUNT!". By the time I had finished the nurse was curled up in a ball on the chair laughing so hard tears were running down her face. She patted me and said "Don't worry honey, it's still July and you'll get your say". I've often wondered how many times that nurse has recounted that story.


#2 The World's Most Expensive Dime - My mom had knee replacement surgery in the winter of 2007. My dd was six and home schooling still. Mom would wake up around 3AM and need me to help her start her day. My dd would normally fall asleep around midnight. Two weeks this had been going on and I was a mess. So this one Thursday I had to go out and mail things for mom and took dd along to get her out of the house. She found a dime on the sidewalk and was SO HAPPY to be SO RICH. It's a dime, finders keepers. So I come home from errands and get the kid settled in with a DVD. Mom is laying down and I tell her that I need an hour to nap. No problem, she says. I tell the kid to wake me if she needs something and promptly pass out in my bed. An hour later I hear mom yelling at said kid. I get up, stuble down the stairs and find out that my dd had put the dime in her mouth. I told my mom it's pass through her and we had done this once before with a nickle when dd was three. No, my mom informs me, the dime is stuck to the roof of her mouth. I look in and dd has wedged the flat dime along the roof of her mouth and pushed it as far forward as she could. I tried getting it out. No luck. My mom tried getting it out, again no luck. I said let the kid suck on cold liquids to take the swelling down and if the dime wasn't out by bedtime we'd go to the ER.


You see where this is going, right?


Bedtime came and the dime was still there. My mom was hysterical that blood was being cut off to dd's brain ans she would have brain damage. So, I load up the kid in the car and drive to the ER. There a nurse tries to get it our, followed by three doctors, two more nurses and a handyman. No luck. Everyone that looks in and sees the olive branch says "Yeap, that's a dime alright." Eventually it's one in the morning and the doctors decide that the kid needs to be transported to the ER in the next largest city, an hour and a half drive away. So I follow the ambulance at breakneck speeds across rural South Dakota. Did I mention that they had given my dd a sedative? Well, they had and she was randomly quoting Madeline books. So we get to the new ER and the paramedics look a littlle shell shocked when the get out. My daughter can talk paint off a wall about nothing in particular. My daughter is rush into surgery, because it turns out that there is a concern about blood flow. She is dressed up in a surgery gown and has a cap on and a new stuffed animal to take in with her. I'm too tired to be hysterical at this point, plus I don't normally freak out until the crisis is over. In comes the surgeon to assess the issue. He looks in, says "Yeap, that's a dime all right!" and pokes at it a bit. He explains that his specialty is repairing cleft pallets. Then he says to my dd "Can I measure this dime for a moment? I need to make sure that the dime is the standard American size. Look, this is the special ruler I'll use." and he hols up a thin metal ruler with rounded ends. My daughter, always ready to keep a doctor happy, agrees. He takes the end of the ruler and gently slides it under the dime and popped it out. There is an impression of FDR's mug on the roof of my baby's mouth but there is no surgery. It's about four in the morning, I'm delirious with exhaustion, and I have to drive home. I call mom to update her and she points out there is no sense in me driving home because I have a car appointment in the morning in the town I am in. She made reservations at a near by hotel and I can sleep in. The kid is WIRED from all the fun she's had in the past twenty hours. We go, check in, and I again fall asleep but this time only after the kid is out.


The next Monday I enrolled dd in public school.


About a month later we got the bill in the mail for what we were calling The Dime Incident. It was over 20K and all covered by insurance. We now call it The World's Most Expensive Dime and gave that thing to the church in the offering plate.


So, yeah, dimes. Tricky little buggers.

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In other news I have a Kevin Bacon number of 3. I know David Sch0w, who was in the film "The Lost Skeleton Returns Again" with Faye Masterson who was in the film "We Married Margo" with Kevin Bacon.


As a weird aside, generally my nickname is "Eliza". David is close friends with my ex-husband. When I was going to meet David I told my then-husband to call me by my full name. He asked why and I said "He's likely to have a negative reaction to the nickname of "Eliza". Then I had to explain that Brandon Lee was engaged to a woman named Eliza, and the original comic book version of The Crow was inspired by the comic book authors fiancee's death. Wanna guess what her nickname was? Yeap, Eliza. David never really warmed up to me, though he did try. He's a good guy.

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I'm really quite shocked at this. :toetap05:


Go buy some seaweed chips and a fruit platter and call it good. :party:



Well, just so you all know, I ruined a batch of cookies. I tried to bake vegan cookies and they are the worst cookies I have ever made. I pride myself on being a pretty good cook/baker, but no these I could use as weapons.


Tomorrow I'm supposed to be going to a holiday party and I now have nothing to bring. Or I'll have to go buy something.

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Guest inoubliable

Well, just so you all know, I ruined a batch of cookies. I tried to bake vegan cookies and they are the worst cookies I have ever made. I pride myself on being a pretty good cook/baker, but no these I could use as weapons.


Tomorrow I'm supposed to be going to a holiday party and I now have nothing to bring. Or I'll have to go buy something.


I'll take your vegan cookies!

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Well, just so you all know, I ruined a batch of cookies. I tried to bake vegan cookies and they are the worst cookies I have ever made. I pride myself on being a pretty good cook/baker, but no these I could use as weapons. Tomorrow I'm supposed to be going to a holiday party and I now have nothing to bring. Or I'll have to go buy something.


I suggest you don't try homemade cereal. I've heard that doesn't go well.

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Nope, not a guillibilty thing at all.


It is part of a cognitive test for neurological issues.


My DD has epilepsy and docs usually ask something like this to see how her thinking is after seizures (post-ictally). Another one they ask if for her to count backwards from 100 by sevens.




I know the doctors have good intentions, but that seems kinda' mean. Tricky questions and medical problems should never be mixed.


Do you think they would accept "no thanks" as a valid answer?

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I went to high school with Jane Krakowski (although she didn't attend very often since she was already on tv), who has a Bacon number of 2.

I also met Regis Philbin, who also has a Bacon number of 2.


Does it count that I LOVE Kevin Bacon and have watched Tremors about 100 times, and have seen every one of his movies (I think)?

Anyone else see that he's going to be in a tv series starting in January? The Following on Fox. I can't wait. Although I do wonder what's up with all the movie stars coming to television. Remember when the tv stars used to always try and break into movies?

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My car is a vampire. We call our car Eric (from true blood), just because we are cool like that. Funniest part is my car is a station wagon and Eric the vampire does NOT strike me as the station wagon type.


I knew a guy in college who called his car 'Nosferatu' after two people had backed into it, since it couldn't be seen in mirrors.


Is this the thread where I get to share the exciting fact that dh's friend/colleague is Claire Danes' father-in-law? No, really! I expect TMZ to be stopping us on the street any time for an interview.

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Has this already been brought up here in any of the discussions about the horrible murders at the school?


I haven't heard this in any of the news reports that I've seen either but it seems like something that should be seriously discussed.



Why? Have you read the books? I cannot imagine anyone who has read the books comparing the two.

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My car is a vampire. We call our car Eric (from true blood),





Back in the 80's I had a red 1971 Ford LTD. It looked something like this:



My roommate and I went to the dollar movie to see Christine. People coming out of the previous showing gave us a wide berth when they saw us getting out of the car. After the movie, people looked at us like, "Are you really going to get in that thing?" Until then I didn't have a name for the car. My roommate started calling it Christine, and the name stuck. That car was hard to kill too.

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Joanne, is Maria Ho the woman in that dip commercial? I don't understand that one.


I am not reading this thread in order, FYI.



Oh, I managed to find it on my phone and apparently not. Her name is Emily Chang. Is it weird that I am disappointed that it was an actress and not a real poker player?

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Well, just so you all know, I ruined a batch of cookies. I tried to bake vegan cookies and they are the worst cookies I have ever made. I pride myself on being a pretty good cook/baker, but no these I could use as weapons.


Tomorrow I'm supposed to be going to a holiday party and I now have nothing to bring. Or I'll have to go buy something.



Aw, bummer! Maybe you just need a different recipe...I highly suggest most anything from 'vegan cookies take over your cookie jar.' They have several foolproof recipes that are super quick and require relatively few ingredients; do you have time to whip up a quick batch of something else? Their chocolate crinkle cookies are quick and festive. The chocolate chip aren't very unique, but they are super quick. I'll post a recipe for you if it is helpful.


In other news: I don't eat bacon (yeah, I know, I'm obviously not to be trusted), but I just consumed about half a bottle of Tabasco. I heart Paul McIllhenny.

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I had a car named Gunda (your have to imagine the umlaut) after a west german speed skater. The real Gunda was faster than the car, though, a spiffy blue tempo passed to me from ky grandmother, who is neither German nor a speed skater.


Other than that, I'm a vegan, so my bacon love is unrequited.

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I'm hoping to possess a McLaren P1


If you're coming back as that car, I could say things that would totally be misconstrued in this crowd. Although that would be a kick to drive around in my little town. Would you protect me from tailgaters and gawkers and the people who don't put back their carts in the Walmart parking lot?

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Back in the 80's I had a red 1971 Ford LTD. It looked something like this:



My roommate and I went to the dollar movie to see Christine. People coming out of the previous showing gave us a wide berth when they saw us getting out of the car. After the movie, people looked at us like, "Are you really going to get in that thing?" Until then I didn't have a name for the car. My roommate started calling it Christine, and the name stuck. That car was hard to kill too.



I married a fella who had a car just like this one!


It was so heavily 'decorated' at our wedding you couldn't see the red anymore.


Great car!

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My Bacon number is either 2 or 3 depending on how it's counted. Actually, I'm only 2 or 3 away from all the actors on X-men First Class.

And now is when I confess that I've never actually SEEN the movie. :blush:




I'm quoting you so I can be 3 or 4 away from all the X-men First Class. My dd will be so excited when I tell her, since that makes her 4 or 5 away. It's like an early Christmas present!

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If you're coming back as that car, I could say things that would totally be misconstrued in this crowd. Although that would be a kick to drive around in my little town. Would you protect me from tailgaters and gawkers and the people who don't put back their carts in the Walmart parking lot?

Tailgaters wouldn't be able to catch up.

And if I come back as that car I won't mind being looked at. I would ask that we mount a grenade launcher for shopping carts though.

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The topic made me nervous so I decided to attempt to turn it into humor. That doesn't make me snotty.


If the topic makes you "nervous," you could walk away, instead of ganging up on someone who simply posted a question.


How is the OP supposed to feel, after hearing 50 different versions of an implied "That was a stupid question. Bacon" or "That was a stupid question. Bobby Flay?"


Just jump on the bandwagon and beat up the OP for asking a question. Sheesh! Even if you don't think the question has value, the OP is a member of this community and she has value. I think she has been grossly mistreated here this evening.


And I continue to state that this thread is mean-spirited, in the sense that it seems as though several posters (at the beginning of the thread) intended to embarrass the OP. Not nice!

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