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Very dear friend died of massive coronary in the night. Saddened & Dh is a little flipped out.


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He was the same age as Dh.


Their eldest daughter is one year older than our Dh and just got married this past summer. Frankly, they are so much like us that we are sort of "twin" couples. My heart is heavy. However, I'm really concerned about dh. His most recent check-up, not really bad by any stretch, showed a little spike in cholesterol and blood pressure though not enough to medicate or get queasy about. However, he has been taking charge of some of his poorer eating habits, drinking four ounces of wine each night for the reservatol (and he HATES wine, despises it...this is worse to him than cough medicine so it shows some resolve to make health changes), and developed an exercise program. Now that his dear friend, with really no known risk factors and in excellent health, literally dropped dead out of the blue at the same age, I'm seeing some panic here.


I'm sure he'll sort it out once he's had time to process. However, we sure could use prayers and good thoughts right now. I need some wisdom. I've got a friend in need who lives 90 minutes from me so it's a little hard to physically be there as much as she probably needs right now, and a husband who needs me big time at the moment.


And I hate facebook!!!!! Right now I am trying desperately to get a hold of my sister. Said friend is like her older brother and the widow is one of her closest friends in the world. She's out of town for work and we've been trying to reach her by phone unsuccessfully. I hate for her to find out by facebook post. It seems cruel. But, there's a darn good chance that's how she's going to hear of it if she checks that dumb site before she returns phone calls.



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I pray you reach your sister first. It is hard to be there for every one. Just do your best. Support DH and hopefully your sister can be there for your friend. Does she live closer then you? Dh's older brother died from a heart attack a few years ago. It really changed how he saw many things after the initial panic.

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I am so sorry about your friend. :grouphug:


But before your dh panics, please remind him that most men do not have massive coronaries at young ages, and that there may be hereditary issues at work in your friend's case. As more details emerge, you may very well find out that your friend's father, grandfather, and uncles all died young, and under similar circumstances. Also, it could turn out to have been an aneurysm, which, again, may be hereditary.


Again, I'm so sorry.

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Thank you everyone. Dh is coping better. I still feel sucker punched and gut sick.


We hadn't talked with our friends for a few weeks...they live 90 minutes from here...so we were unaware that he has been out of the country on business. He died outside the US and it's going to be a red tape mess if she wants his body returned to the states for burial. Another dear friend of all of ours, a lawyer, is working on that. I think he needs to ask one of his partners to take over because he himself is having a very difficult time. The two of them were brothers even if they weren't genetically related.


At any rate, I've spent a good amount of time curled up with dh hugging on him and listening to him breathe. It's very soothing.


I won't be around much this week. Between needing to help dear friend, and five rehearsals for the benefit concert, I'm kind of up to my elbows. I have a feeling that this may be helpful at the present because I have a lot to keep me busy this week. However, when it slows down next week it doesn't bear thinking about.


Thank you hive for being there.



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I was reading a book on being a mom and figuring out the perfect thing to do for that day, and the story was that the child woke up sick and with a fever, asking to be held, so everything on the list got put off and the Most Important Thing for that day became holding a child with a fever who was asking for comfort.


Prayers for you all, and you have my deepest condolences.

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