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You are not allowed to get discouraged until February, that is the designated month.

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I totally agree, although I am feeling like Christmas break had better happen pretty soon. For all of those who are discouraged - why not take a week off? My fall went so much more smoothly and happily when we schooled for six weeks on and then one week off. Now we're pretty involved in a co-op so taking a week off is not an option. Thankfully, co-op ends for the semester in the first week of December so we're likely taking the whole month off. I can not wait!

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But! My dh has been working 12+hour night shifts for almost 2 months! Can I be just a smidge bit discouraged? It will get better in about 5 days. Then, all will be well. February? Bring it on.


Ok, you are allowed a smidge given your extenuating circumstances if you promise to skip the February discouragement and cheer people on in February. But, only a few more dispensations will be allowed, we cannot have everyone getting discouraged in November, it is far too early.

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I don't know .. it seems to me that some discouragement or disillusionment occurs in a subsection of the board population around this time of year with some deciding to start the year fresh in January. My theory is that February is the dumps for all those who didn't get disillusioned in November AND all those who did, restarted in January, and discovered that restarting didn't solve their problems (making February particularly bleak). :tongue_smilie:

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I don't know .. it seems to me that some discouragement or disillusionment occurs in a subsection of the board population around this time of year with some deciding to start the year fresh in January. My theory is that February is the dumps for all those who didn't get disillusioned in November AND all those who did, restarted in January, and discovered that restarting didn't solve their problems (making February particularly bleak). :tongue_smilie:



There you go! (But now I'm depressed thinking about it!)

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Ugh, I've been in a slump since October. I can't snap out of it. October was horrid as we were sick for pretty much the whole month. Then we tried to get back into the swing of things before Thanksgiving but it wasn't really happening. We took a week off for Thanksgiving. This week has been awful trying to get the kids back into routine because the past two months have been so sporadic.




So this means that February I should be golden and sailing along nicely. :laugh:

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I spent most of September in despair, so I promise to hold off any further discouragement until February, LOL! To keep us going till Christmas I have some fun stuff planned...a Jesse tree with daily readings and the House of Wooden Santas to read every day until Christmas. It is like clockwork, though...every February it is dark for so much of the day, it is cold so we hardly ever leave the house, and the drudgery of daily schooling starts to wear on me and brings me down.


And my husband thinks we should school year-round! :smilielol5: I really need there to be a light at the end of the tunnel, so that isn't going to happen.

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I am gearing up for full February discouragement. We have had so much going on that we have ended up with a lot of 4 day, instead of 5 day weeks this fall. While I know it's ok, in my head we are getting behind. I usually survive Feb by realizing that we will be done soon (usually the last week of April). Between that and the cold and snow predicted for Feb, I may lose it this year. I wish I could find the proverbial money tree so I could afford to go stay with my brother in sunny Puerto Rico for the entire month!

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I totally agree, although I am feeling like Christmas break had better happen pretty soon. For all of those who are discouraged - why not take a week off? ...





If I could take a week off, I wouldn't be discouraged! I have one of those intense, temperamental little ones who cracks up unless he does formal school 6 days/week.


Part of my discouragement is seeing the problems we had after we took Thanskgiving off as well as his official weekly Saturday off. Egads. It is clear we'll need to school right through Christmas & New Year's for mental well being of the children, so no break for me in the foreseeable future & I'm feeling worn down ... on the other hand, the children are healthy, sweet little guys; and Buttons' temperament comes with an astonishing raw aptitude for learning that will pay off in the long run. We have so much to be grateful for. which is why you haven't seen a Discouraged Post from me (until this thread, that is!)


to the OP: good to know that Nov is the wrong Discouragement Month! okay, will save it all for Feb. :)

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Okay, if we school on a calendar year, what month do I get?

You can pick any 6 weeks you like as your discouragement allotment. But, perhaps you should avoid February and November since they seem popular, we need a few non-discouraged people during those months.


I don't know .. it seems to me that some discouragement or disillusionment occurs in a subsection of the board population around this time of year with some deciding to start the year fresh in January. My theory is that February is the dumps for all those who didn't get disillusioned in November AND all those who did, restarted in January, and discovered that restarting didn't solve their problems (making February particularly bleak). :tongue_smilie:


Like Jean, I'm finding this depressing. It's plausible, which makes it even more depressing.

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I actually had a moment of "I'm sending this child to ps once the holidays are over!" this morning. Thankfully, the moment passed and the afternoon went well.


It has been rough this week. We took last week off for Thanksgiving and it was a difficult transition back into school mode Monday... and Tuesday (and Wednesday and Thursday.)

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It is only November and a nice break should be coming soon.



We're not really taking a break this year.


We got so bogged down and behind and have essentially had to start over, enrolling my son is online classes. He only got into the full courseload of the new stuff this week and, barring a miracle, won't manage to get done with most of those classes until almost the end of summer. So, while my role has mostly been reduced to repeating over and over, "Go do your schoolwork. Go do your schoolwork. We'll talk about that later. Wake up. Go do your schoolwork. If you don't do your schoolwork, you're not going to dance class. Go do your schoolwork," I won't get to take a break from doing it until July or August.


The current plan is for him to try and get ahead by a couple of assignments in each course over the next two or three weeks while the going is easy so that he can take off three days for Christmas and another two for New Year.

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I don't know .. it seems to me that some discouragement or disillusionment occurs in a subsection of the board population around this time of year with some deciding to start the year fresh in January. My theory is that February is the dumps for all those who didn't get disillusioned in November AND all those who did, restarted in January, and discovered that restarting didn't solve their problems (making February particularly bleak). :tongue_smilie:


I don't think I like that theory.


It sounds like, since we're re-starting in November, I have time to get disillusioned and disheartened another two or three times before June.

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I don't think I like that theory.

It sounds like, since we're re-starting in November, I have time to get disillusioned and disheartened another two or three times before June.


Don't worry, it's just a theory which, even if true, is only true for a portion of the population (I note that I did say "all" in my theory but I also note my theory making is fallible :D ). I have memories of November/early December slumps but none of February slumps. Now that I think about it, the last couple of years I have started new in February rather than January and slumped again in March/April ... Oh, wait ... That didn't read as encouraging as intended. :glare:


July has been our typical starting point (our other "starting" point) so I am wondering if there really is a (common but not universal) link between early start and November slumps. Hmm...


I like the little bit of discouragement all year round idea - kind of like the Hulk. :laugh:

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I had enough of the "slumps" at the end of last year and the beginning of this year with my pregnancy that I feel I shouldn't have to endure any more this year :) We did just do a 2 wk break with the new baby though, which seemed good for ds and I but my k'er seems to have forgotten the majority of our previous phonics work. I'm planning another wk break at Christmas and then in Feb.

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Okay, if we school on a calendar year, what month do I get?



I am beginning to think schooling on the calendar is good for this February drudge. Since we are starting our new year in January, we are excited about starting new books and new subjects. By the time it starts getting tiring, we are at spring break and we can look forward to some time off and fun times during the summer.

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I am beginning to think schooling on the calendar is good for this February drudge. Since we are starting our new year in January, we are excited about starting new books and new subjects. By the time it starts getting tiring, we are at spring break and we can look forward to some time off and fun times during the summer.




I agree! Everything's new in February and we just plug away! We get a nice jolt in August with everyone starting up and October is a piece of cake because we only have a few more weeks ...


I love schooling on the calendar!

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I am beginning to think schooling on the calendar is good for this February drudge. Since we are starting our new year in January, we are excited about starting new books and new subjects. By the time it starts getting tiring, we are at spring break and we can look forward to some time off and fun times during the summer.


when i worked at a private school we took a 'just for fun" 4 day weekend in Feb to deal with the Blah feeling

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