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What food(s) are you hesitant to admit you love?

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I used to work in a fast food mexican place as a teenager and still to this day I crave freshly fried tatertots with melted cheese and sour cream squirted (yes squirted! its not the same if you have to dunk them) over the top! The whole get up probably has more than a thousand calories! :)

Other things:

Watchamacalits (I dont eat them because my tounge swells up hmmm)

Almond Joys

Mentos (did you know they make a bottle of coke freak out similar to vinegar and baking soda)

All those yummy crackers that have tons of MSG and other preservatives. I can eat boxes by myself....and then my tounge swells! :D

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Smartfood popcorn and Rold Gold cheddar pretzel sticks. I could eat whole bags of either, and have been known to do so. Those Rold Gold pretzels though--they are loaded with MSG! I know this because I ate far more than I should have one long, stressful day in the car, and by the time we got home, I thought I was going to die. My heart was racing, I had a horrible migraine, and I felt like I had morning sickness. That was the last time I ate them. But, oh, they are SO DELICIOUS!

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Trader Joe's vanilla meringues and Joe Joes (Oreos). If I had unlimited access to those, I could eat them all in a day. That is why I make sure to tell the kids where they are if we ever have any in the house! :)


Before Trader Joes came into my life, it was: regular Oreos, Ho Hos, and smarties.


Oh yeah, and non-sweet stuff: Slim Jims, salt and vinegar chips, and McDonalds Cheeseburger Happy Meals.

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Mercy, I'm not hesitant to admit it. Unfortunately I love food! Oreos, Capt Crunch, tator tots, rum!



Oh me too. Every couple of years, I just have to have some Capt. Crunch, it takes me back, way back.


Also chocolate donuts, I have the most difficult time walking past any chocolate donut or anythings from Little Debbie for that matter.

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Smoked oysters, the kind that come in the little tin. I get to eat them all by myself because they disgust everyone else so much!




Kraft Macaroni & Cheese


From the 70's:

Space Food Sticks - Peanut Butter flavor

Carnation Breakfast Bars - Vanilla (wish they still made these!)

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Any little debbie cake with chocolate on or in it. DQ Blizzard (carmel waffle cone, cookie dough w/ chocolate ice cream, or reese's PB cup w/chocolate ice cream) Icing, the REALLY bad kind made with lard and sugar, any candy combining peanut butter and chocolate, and junky cereals (cap'n crunch, cocoa puffs, lucky charms, fruity pebbles, cocoa pebbles). And white bread. PB&J on white bread, spaghetti o's on white bread, cheese & ketchup on white bread.


I just noticed, there's a lot of chocolate in that list. :D


And of course, I would almost die for a soda. ANY kind of soda. But, alas, it would make me wish I were dead.

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fried pork rinds


chicken skin (lots of people peel it off before they eat it)


raw fish marinated in lemon/lime juice


I unashamedly consume all these things...though perhaps not all at once. ;)


Occasionally, a fried Spam or vienna sausage crave pops up from childhood, but I quell it. :spam: Really the bestest ever junk food was Taco flavored Doritos, especially the ones that had an extra-thick layer of taco powder. :drool: Can I get an amen? :D


I also love fried chicken gizzards, sashimi, and crazy-hot Indian food, all of which give some people the squirrelies. :tongue_smilie:

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What do you crave that you know isn't the healthiest choice?


Strangely, since I despise peanut butter, I sometimes crave Peanut Butter Cap'n Crunch cereal. It was my breakfast of choice from 1982-1990. My cousins used to tease that I was made of Cap'n Crunch.


Have you heard Junk Food Junkie?


You know I love that organic cooking

I always ask for more

And they call me Mr. Natural

On down to the health food store

I only eat good sea salt

White sugar don't touch my lips

And my friends is always

Begging me to take them

On macrobiotic trips

Yes, they are

Oh, but at night I stake out my strongbox

That I keep under lock and key

And I take it off to my closet

Where nobody else can see

I open that door so slowly

Take a peek up north and south

Then I pull out a Hostess Twinkie

And I pop it in my mouth

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Hang on, let me go check my secret stash........




I occasionally crave a can of Spaghettios, too.

Hostess pies

Little Debbie's peanut butter bars


Mindy, Cheetos is not junk food - it's one of the *basic food groups* at our house. We're not sure where to put it in the food pyramid (what are Cheetos made of anyway?) so we've just added a Cheetos wing.


My kids can stare at a whole drawer full of granola bars, Teddy Grahams, crackers, etc. and sadly declare, "no Cheetos left..."

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PRUNES! Yes, I actually LIKE them. But NOT the stewed ones. Ugh! I prefer the cherry-flavored or orange-flavored ones from Sunsweet.


Now, as for all the other junk food that has been mentioned in this thread, I like most of it, and I'm not ashamed to admit it! :D LOL!

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It's so good to know others are out there....I absolutely love: McDonalds french fries, Dominoes wings w/ranch dressing, Pepsi, Ruffles w/ranch dip, anything by Hostess, Cheetos, and Dunkin Donuts frosted chocolate donuts.


Good thing I just ate lunch or I might go get some of these....it's that kind of day!:001_smile:

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OH! I never read the part about "not the healthiest choice." I think I was too quick in wanting to admit my love for lvierwurst! I just remember the looks and comments I got as a kid when I brought my yummy liverwurst sandwich to school.


However, I do believe it is pretty fattening. Yes? No?


It doesn't matter...I love it so!




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Aack! And this kid went to church with me! The son of an elder!


Well, in my case, ignorance was bliss. I thought it was so romantic of him to give me his lucky m & m's. :001_huh:


Call me cluless.



That literally caused me to LOL.... that is adorable! But, just FTR, I have ALWAYS heard and have even personally noticed a few times.....that the "preachers daughter" is always the "WORST"! Something to prove I suppose.....and apparently now we know that the phenomenon extends to the son as well....:lol:

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Trader Joe's vanilla meringues and Joe Joes (Oreos). If I had unlimited access to those, I could eat them all in a day. That is why I make sure to tell the kids where they are if we ever have any in the house! :)


Before Trader Joes came into my life, it was: regular Oreos, Ho Hos, and smarties.


Oh yeah, and non-sweet stuff: Slim Jims, salt and vinegar chips, and McDonalds Cheeseburger Happy Meals.


Oh yeah....Slim Jims....they make my tummy hurt SOOOO bad...but, sometimes.....I just can't stop myself! :blushing:

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I love Hot Tamales candy. My dh calls them Hot and Nasty.


Twinkies and Cheez Whiz. And I'm not sure what it is called but the candy where you dip the little candy stick in the packets of red/blue/green sugar powder and then lick it off the stick.... LOVE That Stuff...whatever it is.

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I like many foods which aren't good for me and I can't think of a single one I'm ashamed to admit. Some that others find weird (but I am not ashamed!) are:


McDonald's french fries dipped in strawberry milkshake (have to be McD's and strawberry)


Pretzels dipped in vanilla frosting (same concept as white chocolate but more likely to be leftover in my fridge)


Golden Grahams is the only sugary/marketed to kids cereal I've ever loved. No one finds that weird, though. Froot Loops, Lucky Charms, Cocoa Crispies, Frosted Flakes--all those cereals grossed me out as a kid and still do. Pops and Cap'n Crunch would be tasty once in a while, but they leave the roof of my mouth raw.


I do not like Twinkies AT ALL and there are others that I don't care for, but I like most of the Little Debbie's snack cakes.

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Peppermint Joe Joe's

Brownies made with Peppermint Joe Joe's

Vanilla Ice Cream with crushed Peppermint Joe Joe's


Have you tried the new ice cream sandwiches they have? They have a JoeJoe outside, and peppermint chocolate chip ice cream filling.

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There are so many "bad" foods I love:


My biggest weakness is for something in a can - coke, dr. pepper or pepsi, it doesn't matter


Spree candy - even though it tears up my mouth


Chick-fil-a sandwiches - isn't chicken healthy?:lol:


Also.....anything covered in chocolate



Generally, if it's not good for me, I like it!


There are just some things you can't buy at the grocery store. If we do, they go missing in a short amount of time! I tried blaming the dog but no one believed it! " I can't believe that dog ate all of the chocolate covered peanuts!"




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Cap'n Crunch cereal

Ruffles chips

Big Macs

KFC chicken

Little Debbie's Oatmeal cookies with vanilla filling

Jack in the Box tacos

Rold Gold pretzels


And at Thanksgiving, I pick off the golden roasted skin from the turkey and eat it slathered with the gravy. Yummmm.

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There is this desert that some ladies at church make, with a pecan shortbread crust and layers of chocolate pudding and cream cheese/cool whip. I could eat that all day.


Speaking of the 70's, I absolutely adored the taco flavored Doritos that they used to make. For some reason my family called them "Stinky chips." If they made them again, I'd be in trouble.



Ohh, yes!!!! I like that dessert too. But even more, those Taco Doritos were the best!!!! I loved them so much. They tried to make another kind, the Taco Bell or whatever they were. They were not good. The original were awesome!

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Mine is very similar to all of the above (minus the anchovies and escargot). I'm sitting here waiting for dinner to be ready (put it in the oven 20 min. ago) and it's like to killed me reading all these replies!:)


circus peanuts - the orange marshmallowy candy kind


crab seasoning potato chips


heath bars


Outback steakhouse's bloomin' onion


cap'n crunch


pepperoncini right out of the jar


onion sandwiches (Martha Stewart taught me that one - white bread, lightly buttered, thin-sliced Vidalia onions sprinkled with salt and pepper. Yummmm!)

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I love Hot Tamales candy. My dh calls them Hot and Nasty.


Twinkies and Cheez Whiz. And I'm not sure what it is called but the candy where you dip the little candy stick in the packets of red/blue/green sugar powder and then lick it off the stick.... LOVE That Stuff...whatever it is.


Fun Dip?


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No fear to admit anything here:


I love dried, shredded calamari (squid), sushi, coconut milk, grill cheese and tomato sandwiches, baked stuffed tomatos (stuffed with mac & cheese), popcorn with sour cream and onion or cheddar cheese powder, and Sheetz frozen Vanilla & Caramel latte with whipcream topping.


All...together?! :lol::lol::lol:



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Denny's french fries with *lots* of ketchup


Little Debbie's oatmeal pies


Cambell's Cream of Mushroom soup


KFC mashed potatoes w/o gravy


Noodles Romanoff from a box mix


Hostess Suzy Q's


Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate with fake marshmallows


Kosher for passover marshmallows made with fish gelatin


Onion Rings from A & W


Yummy! I feel like I'm in Heaven just thinking about this contraband stuff.:001_smile:

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