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Well, the tech confirmed that it's way early days yet. This in itself is a relief, as it explains the low HcG levels.


She wasn't able to determine anything else, b/c she figures I'm only around 3-4 wks. (Which begs the question how I got a positive EPT 6 days ago!)


So, I go back on the 16th.


The Dr is apparently a bit of a dipstick. I *told* him I wasn't sure of the dates, either it was last wk of Sept, or 1st wk of Oct. He decided to put down Sept 22nd! and make me 6wks.


I went up to his office to request he call me this aft w/the results of yesterday's test. The receptionist was a total wench, informed me that I was interrupting lunch, and he would call me if something was wrong. ARGH! Knowing the #s would be a huge help to me.

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The receptionist was a total wench, informed me that I was interrupting lunch, and he would call me if something was wrong. ARGH! Knowing the #s would be a huge help to me.


:grouphug:Glad it looks good!


About the receptionist- then WHY did she answer the phone? if she's on a lunch break, she's on break- don;t take calls. If she answers the phone, the person calling has every right to expect courteous treatment- it;s not your responsibility to keep track of their lunch schedules. :thumbdown:

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:grouphug:Glad it looks good!


About the receptionist- then WHY did she answer the phone? if she's on a lunch break, she's on break- don;t take calls. If she answers the phone, the person calling has every right to expect courteous treatment- it;s not your responsibility to keep track of their lunch schedules. :thumbdown:

I was physically *in* the office. The u/s clinic is in the basement, so when that was basically inconclusive, in that it was too early, I headed upstairs to ask that the Dr call me w/the results this afternoon.

Actually it sounds like pretty good news. If you are only 3-4 weeks and have enough pregnancy hormones to produce a positive test result sounds like your numbers are probably going to be fine. :grouphug:

That's what I'm hoping. According to the research I've done, range for 3wks HcG levels are 5-50. 4 wks, 5-426. So, 252 would be a *good* number.


That being said, knowing if they're rising well is the real key. And one it looks like I'm going to be w/out, thanks to the stupid receptionist. I can't book an appt and go see the Dr next wk b/c Wolf is going to be at his new job, so I can't get there.

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I agree that things sound good! :grouphug: I'd bug the heck out of the irritable receptionist. You are the patient in need of information... she needs to do her job. But, I can be snarky like that when I'm worried :tongue_smilie:

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I'm sorry you didn't get more answers, but sounds like it's just too early. The receptionist does sound like a wench, and I would call back and specifically request the numbers, for your own records. At least you'll have the info. :grouphug: I hope you get more answers soon!!


:iagree: Is this your only choice for your Dr? If not I would be looking else where.


I am not sure why Drs are so different. My dh and I went to the same Dr that my oldest ds goes to. He is great with DS. He even comes to the house so I don't have to try to transfer ds to one of those high, narrow tables. With my dh and myself he does NOT hear what we are saying. No longer our dr.:tongue_smilie:

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Augh! It's a killer not knowing the numbers!



You could have ovulated late. That would cause a confusion with what you should be as to gestational age. So the pregnancy may be 6wks, (counting from your last AF) but the baby may be much much younger, between two to three weeks along. I know with my son I was 14 dpo my hcg was 137.




Any idea when you'll get the test result? Did they anything about the endometrial stripe thickening?

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:iagree: Is this your only choice for your Dr? If not I would be looking else where.


I am not sure why Drs are so different. My dh and I went to the same Dr that my oldest ds goes to. He is great with DS. He even comes to the house so I don't have to try to transfer ds to one of those high, narrow tables. With my dh and myself he does NOT hear what we are saying. No longer our dr.:tongue_smilie:

He is atm. We're moving, and I won't deal w/him again after that.

Augh! It's a killer not knowing the numbers!



You could have ovulated late. That would cause a confusion with what you should be as to gestational age. So the pregnancy may be 6wks, (counting from your last AF) but the baby may be much much younger, between two to three weeks along. I know with my son I was 14 dpo my hcg was 137.




Any idea when you'll get the test result? Did they anything about the endometrial stripe thickening?

I told him, last wk of Sept, 1st wk of Oct. Which would put me, at most, 5 wks. He pulled Sept 22nd out of the air and put that as my LMP. I know for a darn fact it wasn't that date, b/c it's Princess' birthday.


What the tech told me was, if I didn't have a history of ectopics, she didn't see anything that would concern her at all. But b/c of my history, potential scar tissue, etc, she simply couldn't determine anything.


She *did* show me a spot that *could* be a very, very early sac in the uterus, but again said that there's no way at this point she could say it was w/any accuracy.


The receptionist is being a complete jerk. She told me, very snappish, "He'll call if there's a problem." Uh, that's not the situation here.


Wolf is leaving for a new job on Sunday. Staying in the city 1.5 hrs away. I'll be at home, alone, w/4 kids. Nearest hospital is 20 min drive, and I don't drive to start w/. Knowing the 2nd #s would def be a help.

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He is atm. We're moving, and I won't deal w/him again after that.


I told him, last wk of Sept, 1st wk of Oct. Which would put me, at most, 5 wks. He pulled Sept 22nd out of the air and put that as my LMP. I know for a darn fact it wasn't that date, b/c it's Princess' birthday.


What the tech told me was, if I didn't have a history of ectopics, she didn't see anything that would concern her at all. But b/c of my history, potential scar tissue, etc, she simply couldn't determine anything.


She *did* show me a spot that *could* be a very, very early sac in the uterus, but again said that there's no way at this point she could say it was w/any accuracy.






The receptionist is being a complete jerk. She told me, very snappish, "He'll call if there's a problem." Uh, that's not the situation here.


Wolf is leaving for a new job on Sunday. Staying in the city 1.5 hrs away. I'll be at home, alone, w/4 kids. Nearest hospital is 20 min drive, and I don't drive to start w/. Knowing the 2nd #s would def be a help.



She obviously does not know the panic that ectopic risk can cause. I feel for you. Even tho things look ok right now, not knowing makes your mind go in all kinds of places... Try to take it easy. If you feel pain or get dizzy, don't hesitate to call 911. When my first ruptured I was home alone, my dh 2 hours away. I was 8 wks pg. hopefully you can find out in the morning so you can maybe rest a little easier this weekend.:grouphug:

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That being said, knowing if they're rising well is the real key. And one it looks like I'm going to be w/out, thanks to the stupid receptionist. I can't book an appt and go see the Dr next wk b/c Wolf is going to be at his new job, so I can't get there.




One thing you can do is track your BBT's. So long as they stay high, that's a good sign :001_smile:

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...I told him, last wk of Sept, 1st wk of Oct. Which would put me, at most, 5 wks. He pulled Sept 22nd out of the air and put that as my LMP. I know for a darn fact it wasn't that date, b/c it's Princess' birthday. ....


Gestational period is measured beginning with the first day of the last menstrual period which is fairly accurate if a woman has regular menstrual periods. It is not measured from date of conception. Thus, he is using the earlier of the timeframe you mentioned, which makes sense.


Hope everything works out for you and that you can relax.

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Gestational period is measured beginning with the first day of the last menstrual period which is fairly accurate if a woman has regular menstrual periods. It is not measured from date of conception. Thus, he is using the earlier of the timeframe you mentioned, which makes sense.


Hope everything works out for you and that you can relax.

You're misunderstanding.


My LMP was either in the last wk of Sept, or first wk of Oct. Which puts me at most, 5 wks.


Therefore, him deciding Sept 22nd, and 6wks was completely wrong.


So, what he did makes no sense.


I have 5 children. 3 since the ectopic. I do know how this works.

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Gestational period is measured beginning with the first day of the last menstrual period which is fairly accurate if a woman has regular menstrual periods. It is not measured from date of conception. Thus, he is using the earlier of the timeframe you mentioned, which makes sense.


Hope everything works out for you and that you can relax.

I think what Imp is saying is that she would have remembered if she'd started a day or two before or on Princess's birthday. So her first day of her last would be after Princess' birthday which was22 Sept.

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I know it is a very stressful time for you, but I am very happy to hear you are being blessed again with a beautiful baby, a new job and a place to live.


You, Wolf and the children have had a lot of changes this year, and I am sorry these new changes were not of your choosing, nor on you time line....but they are still wonderful blessings to a lovely family.


I wish you peace and love through this transition, and hope the next year is the best of you lives so far!

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Well, the tech confirmed that it's way early days yet. This in itself is a relief, as it explains the low HcG levels.


She wasn't able to determine anything else, b/c she figures I'm only around 3-4 wks. (Which begs the question how I got a positive EPT 6 days ago!)


So, I go back on the 16th.


The Dr is apparently a bit of a dipstick. I *told* him I wasn't sure of the dates, either it was last wk of Sept, or 1st wk of Oct. He decided to put down Sept 22nd! and make me 6wks.


I went up to his office to request he call me this aft w/the results of yesterday's test. The receptionist was a total wench, informed me that I was interrupting lunch, and he would call me if something was wrong. ARGH! Knowing the #s would be a huge help to me.


Interrupting lunch? Wow. How thoughtless of you. :001_huh: Hopefully the receptionist learns some tact.


Keep us posted!

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Have you considered calling the office tomorrow and asking again? That is what I would do if I felt the first person "didn't hear me" :tongue_smilie:


I would keep calling. Have you called an OB/GYN in your new city?

Honestly, I get the distinct impression she's simply not going to hear me at all. She's decided my request is unreasonable, and that's all there is to it.


If I had a way to get into town, I'd just book another appt next wk.


ETA: haven't arranged for an OB in the new city. I don't know the new city at all, so I need Wolf to sit down w/me and figure out by addresses which OB might be close enough to us, as opposed to across the city. The new city is 1.5 hrs away, so I'm not going to be going there for appts until we're moved, and that'll be after the u/s.

Edited by Impish
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Honestly, I get the distinct impression she's simply not going to hear me at all. She's decided my request is unreasonable, and that's all there is to it.


If I had a way to get into town, I'd just book another appt next wk.


ETA: haven't arranged for an OB in the new city. I don't know the new city at all, so I need Wolf to sit down w/me and figure out by addresses which OB might be close enough to us, as opposed to across the city. The new city is 1.5 hrs away, so I'm not going to be going there for appts until we're moved, and that'll be after the u/s.


I was hoping it might be a different receptionist tomorrow. :glare: Maybe try the "I need to speak to a nurse" line. I feel like they should be a bit more accommodating with your situation.


Sounds like the entire office is "Out to Lunch" permanently (both w/ Dr. and receptionist). I really hope that the receptionist heard you, and you get a call from the Dr regarding the test results. :grouphug:


It is hard to move to a new area!! I did not know anything in this area when I was PG with DD, but I knew I that I wanted to deliver at a hospital with a NICU, so that narrowed it down to 1 out of 4 local hospitals, and I worked backwards from there to find an OB.


Wishing you the best.... :grouphug:

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I was hoping it might be a different receptionist tomorrow. :glare: Maybe try the "I need to speak to a nurse" line. I feel like they should be a bit more accommodating with your situation.


Sounds like the entire office is "Out to Lunch" permanently (both w/ Dr. and receptionist). I really hope that the receptionist heard you, and you get a call from the Dr regarding the test results. :grouphug:


It is hard to move to a new area!! I did not know anything in this area when I was PG with DD, but I knew I that I wanted to deliver at a hospital with a NICU, so that narrowed it down to 1 out of 4 local hospitals, and I worked backwards from there to find an OB.


Wishing you the best.... :grouphug:

I start out by calling the local VBAC Association. That way, it's a pretty sure thing I'm not going to have someone trying to push me into an elective csection.

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WOW! How rude! I can't believe you did not go after her. Something about pregnancy hormones makes me so very defensive. I've had pharmacy techs be rude to me about my insulin levels during pregnancy and the whole store knows about it when I'm done. Not something I'm proud of and I swear I'm usually not like that. :tongue_smilie:

Anyway, my prayers are totally with you. I know I felt every pain on my left side (the only tube I have left) until I had it confirmed it was not an ectopic. I did have that small cyst you get right after you ovulate, I can't remember the name right now, so most of the pain was not imaginary.

My HGC numbers rose a lot in 48 hours when I thought I was about 6w so they would not schedule my u/s for two more weeks. Even then it turns out I was only about 7w 4d when I did get the u/s. That little bean in the uterus and the steady, strong heartbeat were the best thing ever. I just knew it was going to be ectopic though. Those two weeks were the longest of my life.

I just tried to stay busy during those two weeks, but in reality every other word out of my mouth was, "Please God!"

I am really praying hard for you and hoping for the absolute best!

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WOW! How rude! I can't believe you did not go after her. Something about pregnancy hormones makes me so very defensive. I've had pharmacy techs be rude to me about my insulin levels during pregnancy and the whole store knows about it when I'm done. Not something I'm proud of and I swear I'm usually not like that. :tongue_smilie:

Anyway, my prayers are totally with you. I know I felt every pain on my left side (the only tube I have left) until I had it confirmed it was not an ectopic. I did have that small cyst you get right after you ovulate, I can't remember the name right now, so most of the pain was not imaginary.

My HGC numbers rose a lot in 48 hours when I thought I was about 6w so they would not schedule my u/s for two more weeks. Even then it turns out I was only about 7w 4d when I did get the u/s. That little bean in the uterus and the steady, strong heartbeat were the best thing ever. I just knew it was going to be ectopic though. Those two weeks were the longest of my life.

I just tried to stay busy during those two weeks, but in reality every other word out of my mouth was, "Please God!"

I am really praying hard for you and hoping for the absolute best!

Oh yeaaaaah. That's where I'm at. My back aches, etc...but, I carry Boo 1 armed. And my back's been aching for a while, but now, it makes me freaked out. Every little twinge and ache, and I'm on red alert.


I'm telling myself over and over that it's been 9 yrs since the ectopic, three healthy babies ago...But the fear is still there. Until we get an u/s that shows clearly what's going on, I'm not going to be able to let go of the worry, esp w/Wolf living away during the wk.

:grouphug: Hoping today brings you the information you need, and that it brings you more peace.


Wanted to add--so happy for you to be moving and with a new job! Even good things can be stressful, but happy--take care of yourself! :grouphug:

Thank you *mwah*

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:grouphug: Hoping today brings you the information you need, and that it brings you more peace.


Wanted to add--so happy for you to be moving and with a new job! Even good things can be stressful, but happy--take care of yourself! :grouphug:



:iagree: I couldn't quite put into words what I wanted to say, but then came across Chris' post and she said it beautifully.



Here are some gentle :grouphug: of happiness, Imp!

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