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Toilet Seat -- What Do You Expect Of The Men In Your Life?

What Do You Expect Your Guys To Do?  

  1. 1. What Do You Expect Your Guys To Do?

    • They can leave it up -- it doesn't bother me.
    • If they don't put it down, I go get them so they can.
    • I don't really care -- I just deal with what I find.

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I don't know why this bugs me so much, but every time my son has a friend over, I find the seat up. I didn't have to "train" hubby, and it's one of the few things that my son remembered to do after being told only once -- put the seat down!


Now, again, we have a new friend over for the weekend and now, again, I am telling him, "Please put the seat down!" Even repeat visitors have to be told -- again.


The first time it happened, the Mom was a good friend and I was able to ask her about it -- in a nice, humorous way, of course. She just laughed and said she was used to it. Ugh. It's becoming pretty obvious that it's Just The Way Things Are Here in our little town.


Am I just being ridiculous? Do you expect the men in your life to put the seat down?

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My boys are well trained in the art of toilet seat etiquette. Dh came that way, he has two older sisters and a "disciplined" mother. Ds does not know any other way.:001_smile: We have two bathrooms, one is more for the boys, now I could only get them to clean their toilet. :glare:


ETA: I just asked my dh why he was thoughtful, he said it was because he was a real man. (tonque-in-cheek smiley here)

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Oh, boy. I know I'm up to here with work when I'm taking time explain my theory on toilet etiquette.:tongue_smilie: Here's the deal. Why should a guy have to put the seat down? What if he's the next one to use the toilet? Then he has to lift it right back up. (Or maybe he doesn't, in which case you enjoy the "benefit" of having him leave the seat down the whole time.) Why are women so insistent that their habit takes precedence?


My preference is to always have the thing closed, seat and lid. I find an open toilet lid kinda weird and just...gross, even if everything's all clean and tidy. The added benefit of the seat and lid down is that both men and women have equal responsiblity as far as lifting and closing.


Speaking of toilets, back to cleaning them...!

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Only have one boy/man in my house (dh) and his momma trained him well. She even taught him to go sitting down, which he still does from time-to-time. I'm thankful to her. After growing up with my brothers who thought the whole area near the loo was fair game, it's been very nice.

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My preference is to always have the thing closed, seat and lid. I find an open toilet lid kinda weird and just...gross, even if everything's all clean and tidy. The added benefit of the seat and lid down is that both men and women have equal responsiblity as far as lifting and closing.


You go, girl! Yes! The lid needs to be down when flushing since the flushing action tends to send spray into the air and all over my toothbrush, thankyouverymuch.


Not to mention that if you leave the lid up the cats tend to play in the toilet.


So, lids are down unless the toilet is in use.


BTW, I know a woman who insists that all of 3 her sons sit rather than stand. She says she hates to clean around the toilet. But, you know, she has so many issues with her sons, and sometimes you sorta gotta wonder if it all started with the toilet training.:tongue_smilie:

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In the beginning of our marriage I *tried* to get dh to put the seat down on a regular basis. Eventually I came to the conclusion that he had as much right to have it up as I had to have it down. I would say ours ends up down about 50% of the time...this works for me.:D

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My DH is very neat and and leavin the seat open was wht I grew up and how we started out our marriage...

When we had kids, DH insisted we keep them closed to avoid children being adventursome in places he would rather they not be adventuresome!

I thought, well, whatever..


Now I think it perfectly gross to find the lid open!

My kids and their spouses are all in the same camp, so if the lid is up, we have had guests!

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Actually, my dh doesn't lift the lid at all. He sits.


I'm not sure what ds does in there, but I never find the seat up. I think he just keeps the seat down and aims well (he's only 10, so he's not very tall).


I never find a mess, and I never fall in, so I'm happy.


Yep. Same here. And we taught the boys to sit too. If I found a mess around the toilet, I'd know someone was standing, and they'd be the ones to clean it.


It's only ever a problem with guests. :rolleyes:

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I voted I just deal with whatever I find, but I think it's always down.


Honestly, at this point in my life, I'm just happy if they pee inside the toilet bowl. Now when I run to the bathroom and step in a puddle of pee because some boy got distracted and didn't watch his aim---that I get upset about.

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This poll isn't addressed to me, but I grew up with big dogs, so we always closed the lid. (Sorry, but you dog owners know what I'm talking about.) It's a habit I've never lost, and it makes the seat a non-issue. I'm actually pretty grossed out by the idea of flushing with the lid up.

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I have very will full, stubborn kids, so I have bigger fish to fry than the toilet seat. If I see him leave it up I will ask him to put it down, and he does. But I am not going to make him go back and do it an hour later. Though he is only 5. :D


By bigger fish to fry I am talking bout the fact that the first time my oldest flushed the toilet it over flowed :glare: We have those NIFTY low flow toilets that plug for no reason at all. She has been terrified of flushing the toilet ever since and passed it on to all of the other 3 kids. They were well versed in the terrors of the toilet well before they potty trained. To the point of putting their hands over their ears and running in the opposite direction, even in a public restroom. To this day. The 8yo, 7yo and 5yo. Grrr.... So at this point I would just like it if they flushed the toilet, instead of my having to go plunge it several times a day. Sigh...



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Finding the seat up doesn't bother me. It's finding the toilet rim and underside of the seat covered in yellow spots that bothers me.


Although I must say that dh is never the culprit - he is very good at cleaning up after himself. :001_smile:


I obviously need to count my blessings. I guess my guys are good shots. :lol:

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With DH, I didn't care so much, though he mostly left it down as a courtesy. When DDs came along and started potty training, I instilled in DS the need to put the seat down. The girls weren't as aware. (or more specifically, DD2, since she came first and DS was well aware of what he needed to do by the time DD#3 came along) She would just sit on the rim if he left it up. (ew!) She even fell in a time or two. (ew!!!) Fortunatly DS is a quick learner, though I do have to remind him sometimes.

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Ever since we had a houseful of babies--the seat and the lid stay down.


Yes, I'm yelling. It was/is absolutely non-negotiable.

In fact, when I had 5 babies age 7 and under, I had a sign on the wall behind the toilet, saying so!


Yuck yuck YUCK to find a tiny toddler playing in the toilet water. Both seat and lid must be closed at all times.


My sign did say it much more kindly tho. :D

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I think it is a common courtesy to have the seat put back down.


How about a prettily framed sign that says "Be a sweetie, put down the seatie."


I had one of those -- once. Actually, Hubby brought it home! I wonder where that went? :)

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Only have one boy/man in my house (dh) and his momma trained him well. She even taught him to go sitting down, which he still does from time-to-time. I'm thankful to her. After growing up with my brothers who thought the whole area near the loo was fair game, it's been very nice.


You're right there! That hole is so big, it never occurred to me that anyone could miss it! :lol:

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This poll isn't addressed to me, but I grew up with big dogs, so we always closed the lid. (Sorry, but you dog owners know what I'm talking about.) It's a habit I've never lost, and it makes the seat a non-issue. I'm actually pretty grossed out by the idea of flushing with the lid up.


Sorry -- didn't mean to leave you out. Since it's my first poll, can I get a pass on that? :D


We have two big dogs now and I know exactly what you're talking about. They sure can make a big mess in there!

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So at this point I would just like it if they flushed the toilet, instead of my having to go plunge it several times a day. Sigh... Heather


Oy! That *is* worse! I guess the fact that they're inadvertently saving water doesn't help when you're up to your elbows in . . . plunger. :001_smile:

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It should all be closed before toilet is flushed. Otherwise, tons of bacteria are blasted into the air, and it freaks me out to think about that! I'd far prefer to let the lid collect the germs, that way I don't breath it all in.


Maybe I'm weird though.

Michelle T

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Oy! That *is* worse! I guess the fact that they're inadvertently saving water doesn't help when you're up to your elbows in . . . plunger. :001_smile:


Yes it is, though I am amazingly able to keep a good attitude. At least they hit the toilet. But they like to use the upstairs toilet, which I only see first thing in the morning and when I put them to bed at night. You can imagine the mounds I find now and then. Above the rim mounds. :eek::leaving: I just keep telling myself they WILL be flushing by the time they are in college. Right?




p.s. My oldest is over it for the most part, but when it is already full she doesn't dare flush.


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my dh and boys may be weird, but they either sit to pee or pee standing up with the seat down. I only find pee drops every once in a while. :lol: Of course, NO ONE did it.

OH wait...I just reread, are we talking about seats or lids? LOL!! OK, in that case, we never close the lids around here and it doesn't bother me at all. I only close it when I want to sit on it to do my nails.

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I cannot tell you how much it irks me when males fail to put the seat back down. What is that all about? Did they not find it in the correct position? Why is it so hard to close it?


And yes, I can remember at least one time in my childhood when my brother left it up and I walked in in the middle of the night and sat down only to kerplunk into the toilet bowl.


Not nice. Not nice at all. :confused:

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I trained mine when they were very young to put the seat down and my hubby started then as well to set a good example. It has not been a problem in many years. I will never forget, years ago, being surprised in the middle of the night by a seat that was not there. ha That was probably what prompted me to train them in that area. ha



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Okay, I feel really strongly about this, and I don't think I have ever said so,BUT......I don't mind it being left up. I'm grateful they bother to put it up in the first place. There is nothing worse than sitting on a wet toilet seat. Ughh! And while we're at it, maybe it would be good manners if we left the seat up for them. ;)

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For me, it's just common courtesy to put the toilet seat down. I expect the lid to be down too. The men in my home don't have a problem doing this, but friends who come over do. I will ask them to go put it back down and tell them it is a rule of our house. I don't make a big deal of it and it doesn't bug me that much. I get bugged by other things, like washing your hands, splattering water all over the sink, but not wiping it down. THAT bugs me. I guess I have issues. :)

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