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I hate homeschooling--total vent

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Hey, 6th grade boy, you have a chart with all your work on it. Plus, we've done math EVERY DAY for going on SEVEN years. Mom folding laundry doesn't mean that you get to sit on your behind and stare at the wall. You are in 6th. freaking. grade. AND you are supposed to put deodorant on EVERY MORNING. It is sitting on your dresser, in plain sight. This has been going on for TWO YEARS. I should not have to tell you this! I have several other people in this house smaller then you. GROW UP and do something -anything!- without being babysat!!


5th grade girl, I love you but you can not scream at me to help you with your school work and expect me to be pleasant. I have feelings too and when you give me the stink eye about NOTHING, it is hard for me to be happy with you.

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Hey, 6th grade boy, you have a chart with all your work on it. Plus, we've done math EVERY DAY for going on SEVEN years. Mom folding laundry doesn't mean that you get to sit on your behind and stare at the wall. You are in 6th. freaking. grade. AND you are supposed to put deodorant on EVERY MORNING. It is sitting on your dresser, in plain sight. This has been going on for TWO YEARS. I should not have to tell you this! I have several other people in this house smaller then you. GROW UP and do something -anything!- without being babysat!!


5th grade girl, I love you but you can not scream at me to help you with your school work and expect me to be pleasant. I have feelings too and when you give me the stink eye about NOTHING, it is hard for me to be happy with you.


Would you like my versions? I have a similar diatribe for a 5th grade girl and slightly less caustic one for a 9th grade boy. :lol:

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Dd tried to yell at me today for waking her. It was 10:15 and she had to get ready for violin lesson.


"Why can't you let me sleep in for once?!"


"I did! It's after 10! You have violin"


"I don't WANTTTT to go to violin!"


"Too bad, get dressed"


We're here now, and when we go home, she's going to argue about math because she had violin today!

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Dd tried to yell at me today for waking her. It was 10:15 and she had to get ready for violin lesson.


"Why can't you let me sleep in for once?!"


"I did! It's after 10! You have violin"


"I don't WANTTTT to go to violin!"


"Too bad, get dressed"


We're here now, and when we go home, she's going to argue about math because she had violin today!



I have piano AND cub scouts today??????? AND you expect me to do school work toooooooo????? It is all just crashing in on me - my head can't take it.!!!!!


Well, buddy, too bad! We are going to do the 1 hour of schoolwork I have planned for you today!!!


Between that and the teenager who won't get out of bed and the naked toddler who is potty training I am 'bout ready to have a calgon moment!!


And they wonder why I sit around like this all day: :glare:


ETA: "SIT" did you see that??? I said "SIT around all day" Bwahahahahaha! Riiiiiiight!

Edited by KatherineTheGreat
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My DS did the no deodorant, problem with showering thing for about three years. He would get out of the shower, get dressed and walk into the family room, and all of a sudden it would dawn on me that he had on the same stinky shirt that he had on before the shower!! OMG - not just the shirt- he put all of the clothes back on!!!! "Um, DS, you're not supposed to put dirty clothes back on". "Uhhh...what? Huh?" With a completely blank look on his face. My husband made him go take off his clothes, get back in the shower, and the made him smell the armpits of the shirt he was just wearing. "Oh!" And yes, this happened repeatedly!


The good thing is when a pretty little blonde haired girl walked by one day, DS suddenly took showers without us telling him to. Deodorant was on, hair combed, teeth brushed! He's almost 19 now, and is exceptionally well groomed. The girls think he's fabulous! Haha! If they only knew...

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I think there should be a try it option.


Go to public school and live a day in the life of your average PS student WITH extra activities after school.


:iagree::iagree::iagree: BUT, you forgot to mention the hours of homework that follow the afterschool activities!


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:iagree::iagree::iagree: BUT, you forgot to mention the hours of homework that follow the afterschool activities!



Yes, the ENTIRE day. Including homework and then dinner, then straight to bed. Oh and maybe the next day getting up just as early as they do to catch the bus for another reminder.

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I think there should be a try it option.


Go to public school and live a day in the life of your average PS student WITH extra activities after school.



I think it would need to be longer than a day. With my luck, the day my DD went would be the day the teacher was out sick and the kids spent the morning watching "Finding Nemo" as "science" and the afternoon drawing pictures. (This was an actual school day for one of DD's dance friends recently, according to her mom). DD would be convinced she died and went to heaven!

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We had a power outage today. Oldest ds (19) took us to McD's for lunch (we had done our morning work as usual). When we got back, power was on. We were going to the library to do school work if it wasn't. DS (16) was M A D that the power was on. Somehow, he had decided he wouldn't do school work if it wasn't. ????

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We had last week off. Sylvia has a bit of a cold, she's had it for almost a week now. Coughing, stuffy nose, etc. She ran a fever over the weekend but isn't running one anymore, so we started school back. Oh my GOSH, those girls should never have a week off again!!! :glare: So Sylvia is still stuffy (but she could run around the house and play yesterday), so she takes the whole box of tissues and a trash can to put by her, because she's not accomplishing anything except blowing her nose. "If you're too sick to work, you're too sick to play." I felt bad enough, though, so we hopped out to Wal-Mart to grab some cold medicine. There goes 45 minutes. Back home, everybody is still on the same subject. It takes Rebecca FOR. EVER. Apparently her morning coffee didn't work. :glare: Not to mention that they putzed around this morning so they had to forfeit stretching. So Rebecca wanted to do splits while she was reading her WWE passage. :confused: You can't even do an independent summary when you SIT and read it, so why should I let you read it while you're doing gymnastics???


Yeah, I have plenty of those, "YOU ARE NINE" moments. Should we really have to stand over them and supervise every little step? :confused:

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My 13yo DD's deodorant issue has been going on THREE years now. I made her pay to keep an extra one in the car since she forgets so often.:glare:

I know this is not funny and it was most likely the last resort, but I LOVE this. It made me laugh because I've had many many similar issues with dd who is now 15. What I LOVE about this, is the creativity piece, the troubleshooting piece. "OK, so it's not working having her put deodorant on in the AM, so I'm putting some in the car, and to make it hurt a little (a.k.a wake her up), I'm having HER pay for it.


You go, ladies! There's a jungle/battle going on. Hold on tight! You can do this!!!! Even on days/weeks/months/years like this. :001_smile:

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OH OH OH!!!! I am NOT alone!!! Thank you all so much for sharing! I have one son who just can not get hygiene together.


I have one daughter who just can't manage to get out of bed. At the end of last week she earned the privilege of writing 200 sentences promising to get out of bed when called each morning. This morning she got up, but will she tomorrow? If not it is 300 sentences!!!



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Thank you for the laugh! I needed it today! Dd10 spent 4 1/2 hours writing 4 very short scriptures. Her sister took less then 5 minutes! This was not hard or unreasonable work! She is more then qualified to do it! I'm going to have a nervous breakdown!

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Moments like those that make me really and truly understand why some mothers in the wild eat their young.


:lol::lol: This was actually my FB status today!:lol::lol:


Op, I sooooooo get it. Bless my kids' hearts, but today was a HUGE yellow school bus day. If those people did not look like both dh and I, I would swear they were switched at birth with wild baboon/monkey-crossed wild animals. And let's not get started on the deodorant thing:glare:. I just may be the only mother of a boy in the world anxiously awaiting the day her only son discovers girls. Perhaps then he will actually change his underwear and shower on a regular basis.


They are lucky they're cute. Otherwise, I may be tempted to leave them on the side of the road:tongue_smilie:.

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DS5 - "Mum - I ordered you to get me a drink - now where is it".


My response :001_huh: :mad: - room time -apology -get your own drink buddy



Really - do they all think we are just here to serve them.


To be fair when he said ordered I know he meant asked because he had asked about 5 minutes before (I forgot) but really :glare:

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Hey, 6th grade boy, you have a chart with all your work on it. Plus, we've done math EVERY DAY for going on SEVEN years. Mom folding laundry doesn't mean that you get to sit on your behind and stare at the wall. You are in 6th. freaking. grade. AND you are supposed to put deodorant on EVERY MORNING. It is sitting on your dresser, in plain sight. This has been going on for TWO YEARS. I should not have to tell you this! I have several other people in this house smaller then you. GROW UP and do something -anything!- without being babysat!!


5th grade girl, I love you but you can not scream at me to help you with your school work and expect me to be pleasant. I have feelings too and when you give me the stink eye about NOTHING, it is hard for me to be happy with you.


I have one similar with both the deodorant and the math. He's in 7th grade, though. I've been on the same rant -- grow up already! Act like a 7th grader, not a toddler. :tongue_smilie:

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DS5 - "Mum - I ordered you to get me a drink - now where is it".


My response :001_huh: :mad: - room time -apology -get your own drink buddy



Really - do they all think we are just here to serve them.


To be fair when he said ordered I know he meant asked because he had asked about 5 minutes before (I forgot) but really :glare:




:grouphug:To you all. Mondays can shove it.

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Hey, 6th grade boy, you have a chart with all your work on it. Plus, we've done math EVERY DAY for going on SEVEN years. Mom folding laundry doesn't mean that you get to sit on your behind and stare at the wall. You are in 6th. freaking. grade. AND you are supposed to put deodorant on EVERY MORNING. It is sitting on your dresser, in plain sight. This has been going on for TWO YEARS. I should not have to tell you this! I have several other people in this house smaller then you. GROW UP and do something -anything!- without being babysat!!



I have one just like that. He is shocked - shocked! - that today, on a Tuesday, he has to "do school." I am aware of no holiday or birthday today:glare:

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I have one just like that. He is shocked - shocked! - that today, on a Tuesday, he has to "do school." I am aware of no holiday or birthday today:glare:

We have only just turned this corner to where I don't have to announce the night before that we will be doing school tomorrow!

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Hey, 6th grade boy, you have a chart with all your work on it. Plus, we've done math EVERY DAY for going on SEVEN years. Mom folding laundry doesn't mean that you get to sit on your behind and stare at the wall. You are in 6th. freaking. grade. AND you are supposed to put deodorant on EVERY MORNING. It is sitting on your dresser, in plain sight. This has been going on for TWO YEARS. I should not have to tell you this! I have several other people in this house smaller then you. GROW UP and do something -anything!- without being babysat!!


5th grade girl, I love you but you can not scream at me to help you with your school work and expect me to be pleasant. I have feelings too and when you give me the stink eye about NOTHING, it is hard for me to be happy with you.






I'm sorry I'm laughing. I've been there. It does get better as they get older.:D



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