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Am I the only one not interested in looking back at their kids

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in photos and videos? They were cute, yes, but I have no desire to look at pictures or videos of them beyond the occasional glance a few times a year if someone shoves it in my face. Anyone else like this?


:iagree: I've actually been thinking something similar just lately. Partly, I feel a bit sad when I look at their chubby baby faces, sad that such a happy time has gone forever. But also, the older children they've grown into are so much more in every way, more interesting, more affectionate, funnier, cleverer, that it's hard to miss the screaming, demanding blobs they once were. Crazy contradictory feelings.

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DH has our main computer set up with all the old pictures as a screen saver - so the pictures are playing pretty much all the time. mostly I ignore them. Once in a while an interesting one will come up on the screen and some kid will say "hey - remember that?" and I will look.


But mostly I just don't look at them. No bad feelings, just not that interested.

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Partly, I feel a bit sad when I look at their chubby baby faces, sad that such a happy time has gone forever. But also, the older children they've grown into are so much more in every way, more interesting, more affectionate, funnier, cleverer, that it's hard to miss the screaming, demanding blobs they once were. Crazy contradictory feelings.




I've always been of the opinion that I'd rather spend my time enjoying the here-and-now than reminiscing about about the past (or worrying about the future, although that's hard sometimes).

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I would give almost anything to see videos of me and my husband as children. I have almost no childhood memories.


I watch home videos with my boys often. We love them. I bawl. Ben asks to watch them often. I also scrapbook, and we have a digital frame with thousands of photos.


Each boy also has a memory banker's box where I store baby things and things they say are special to them.

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I am not very sentimental about that either. I am always happy to see them grow and get more independent.


A couple things come to mind when I look back at the photos. One: "Wow, so this started way back then and I didn't pick up on it."


The other thing is that I realize that I was so exhausted and stressed out, I didn't get much chance to enjoy the cute stuff. Other people enjoyed that while I fussed about the never-ending maintenance, discipline, etc. For that reason, it is fun to look back now and then. My youngest was utterly adorable but also extremely strong-willed, accident-prone, and susceptible to every bug she came within a mile of. It's nice to go back and just bask in her adorableness. :) And the elder one with her inconsistency with learning and such - now I can look back and enjoy the things she did do instead of worrying about the things she didn't.

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I can only watch recent vids. Anything older makes me cry. I don't want any more children, but I often wish I could time travel to re-live days here and there.


I'm OK with photos. I have them scattered about the house and in albums on the bookshelves. It's hearing their baby voices I can't handle.

Edited by LibraryLover
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I don't think most modern moms feel a need to "reminisce" because it seems like they've all become amateur photographers who document every hour of their child's/children's life on Facebook and/or their blog. LOL


I think there is an obvious benefit to enjoying the here and now, recognizing the blessings AS they happen AND remembering how God has blessed us in the past. I don't spend a *lot* of time looking back, but I really take my time and enjoy it when I do. :)

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Am I the only one not interested in looking back at their kids in photos and videos?


It isn't that I'm not interested. It's that I find the photos almost... unnecessary. I need only a moment's repose to *see* my children at every age and stage. I can hear them. Goodness, the other day I actually *felt* the weight of their infant selves against my shoulder! I remember adventures and no-good-very-bad moments alike. All of this has been the great gift of my "Focus on the moment you're in" mantra. Everything is right here [pointing to head] and here [to heart].


Also, we're a family of talkers and storytellers, which can easily supplant photos and videos.


We have some family photos displayed, but our albums are stored in a hall closet, and I would not rush to save them in an emergency.


All of that said, I know friends and family who cherish their photos and videos, and I understand. That is their way of remembering, and that's fine -- for them.

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in photos and videos? They were cute, yes, but I have no desire to look at pictures or videos of them beyond the occasional glance a few times a year if someone shoves it in my face. Anyone else like this?


I agree and I have to be careful to remember to even take enough pictures. I'm sure that someday I'll really want to sit down and look at the pictures, or scrapbook or something, but I'm really bad at remembering to take pictures.

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Thank you for this thread. I'm one of those didn't-do-their-baby books-don't-have-any-video-past-baby-number-one moms.


I, too, didn't enjoy them enough when they were little. I was stressed out by life (it's a personality bent, and I'm conquering it now in my 40's) and wish I had enjoyed them more. Looking back makes me too sad because of regret; I did my job really well, but I didn't know how to have fun doing it. Looking forward makes me sad for what will be gone.


So, I'm learning to enjoy the moment, because it's really all we have.

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To be honest, I don't even have many pictures and the only video I can think of is a cheerleading competition when dd14 was 8 yrs. old. I need to take a picture of ds16 to put in our hallway though because the last one is when he was 6 yrs. old. We've got a couple of pictures from places like Ruby Falls and the Kennedy Space Center. I think he was 8 in one of those. I feel sort of guilty that I don't have pictures of the kids. But no, I don't look at old ones. I don't look at mine from when I was a kid either. Well, I did show the kids my senior picture because they were talking about how people looked in the 80s. :tongue_smilie:

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I'm glad to hear these comments. I recently had a real downer one evening when surfing the net (Pinterest, blogs, etc) and feeling like garbage for not being "that" kind of mom. I like looking at their pictures but I'm no scrapbooker, most pics remain on our computer because I don't even get them printed and I don't do professional pictures of pg, birth, first birthday, etc. Neither do I have pictures documenting each little thing they did or loved. I'm glad I'm not the only one.

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Am I the only one not interested in looking back at their kids in photos and videos?


It isn't that I'm not interested. It's that I find the photos almost... unnecessary. I need only a moment's repose to *see* my children at every age and stage. I can hear them. Goodness, the other day I actually *felt* the weight of their infant selves against my shoulder! I remember adventures and no-good-very-bad moments alike. All of this has been the great gift of my "Focus on the moment you're in" mantra. Everything is right here [pointing to head] and here [to heart].


Also, we're a family of talkers and storytellers, which can easily supplant photos and videos.


We have some family photos displayed, but our albums are stored in a hall closet, and I would not rush to save them in an emergency.


All of that said, I know friends and family who cherish their photos and videos, and I understand. That is their way of remembering, and that's fine -- for them.







That, and I'd rather be the mom who is doing and playing with them rather than the mom on the sideline photographing it all. I do cherish pictures of them, but just not enough to take many...or spend time scrapbooking them all.

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I think it's important for the kids to be able to look at pictures, it helps them remember things that happened when they were younger, and you give details for them to associate with the images.


That said, I'm kind of sad that I don't have pages and pages of pictures to look at...I hardly ever have digital pictures printed, and we have had a couple of computers crash, so at least a couple of years worth of pictures are gone forever. My oldest has boxes of prints, but I never get them out because I don't want them to get messed up. I need to get them in something...I always say one day, but never do. :(

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I have serious attachment to photos. Video, not as much. I don't sit around looking at them all day, but I enjoy flipping through (albums, piles, or files) every now and then.


Looking at pics of my dds when they were young is a little difficult. I struggled so much with their infant and toddler years, and it does make me wish I had been able to enjoy that period more.

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I don't take pictures or want to look at them. I don't have any real reason why I don't, other than perhaps I'm just unable to think of them as babies, or toddlers. They are 8 years old in my mind until they are nine, and so on. I guess I don't freeze-frame well.


Thankfully, the DH is the same way and doesn't find it odd. The grandparents are photo-happy, however, so they get to see lots of pictures of themselves at all ages at Nana's and Gaga's.

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I've always been of the opinion that I'd rather spend my time enjoying the here-and-now than reminiscing about about the past (or worrying about the future, although that's hard sometimes).


I'm not a big reminiscer (spell check says that's not a word but whatever :lol:) and I do not in any way yearn for the past. I am loving who my kids are becoming and positively thrilled with how much my workload has decreased as they have become older and capable. :tongue_smilie:


And yet, I do find that occasionally looking at old pictures and videos makes me* a better mother--more patient, more thankful, more reasonable in my expectations, more aware of how fast time flies. Looking back helps me realize in an instant that, despite being older and more capable, they're still years away from being adults. It helps me to see how they're not "finished" yet, if that makes any sense. That really helps on days when I think they should be further along--in maturity, responsibility, knowledge, etc. than they are. :tongue_smilie:


* me, not everyone... Me. In case I'm not being clear and causing inadvertent offense. :D

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I like them. I grew up in a house with very few photos so I think I appreciate them more. Also I really deeply disliked the baby & toddler years, I just have never enjoyed babies and totally don't get people wishing their kids were little again. I basically just survived those years so the photos give me a very selective view of that time with both my kids which is much more positive than my memories.

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