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When do the kids get a shower?

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I'm thinking about changing when the kids (1 and 4 years) get a shower. Since they've been born they been getting a bath before bed on the advice that the routine and such will help wind them down. Instead it seems, bath time makes them wide awake. I was musing right when they wake up, but DH mentioned it might be better to give them a bath after breakfast instead.


When do your kids get a bath?

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iirc, when they were younger, it was in the evening, but not right before bed. Or not right before sleep, anyway - we had a longish night time routine with reading and such.


A bath generally wakes ME right up, so I'd definitely try it the other way. A routine is important for most kids, but it doesn't have to involve a bath or shower.

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When my kids were babies/tots, I had a full-time nanny (I work full-time) so I told her to bathe the kids after brunch (they "fed themselves" oatmeal, so a bath was timely then). When they went to preschool, I didn't do daily baths, but they had baths on some weekday evenings and on Saturday mornings. Now they have a bath most evenings about a half hour before I expect to put them to bed.


I'm not sure if the timing makes any difference in my kids' case.


However, I would not do baths in the morning because it's about to get cold around here, and sending them into the cold while wet isn't wise.

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Always on Wednesday night after gymnastics, while I get dinner ready. And always on Sunday afternoon before we head to church at 6. Other than that, they usually bathe at least one more day a week whenever I find they are dirty or stink!


In the summer they bathe daily if they play outside. Generally, right around dinner time. In yhe winter, they bathe less often.

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We had the same problem with my almost 2 year old. We started noticing that his bedtime bath was getting him all wound up! Now I bathe him after his afternoon nap on most days, except on Sunday mornings I bathe him after breakfast so that he is all clean for church :001_smile:. I wouldn't bathe him right when he wakes up in the morning because I figure he is hungry after sleeping 11-12 hours. If he is obviously dirty from playing outside or whatever he gets a quick wipe down with a warm wash cloth before putting on his pj's.

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My teens are starting to shower in the am like I do. My littles have a bath at night after dinner as part of their bedtime routine. It does calm them. DD5 sometimes has one in the am and 1 at night based on her mood etc. She loves the bath and sometimes that is all that calms a cranky mood. If it did not calm them I would do it earlier in the day.

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I am FIRMLY in the bath before bed camp. I want kids clean before they crawl into their beds...otherwise their sheets are just um, gross.


When ds was young we had a long bedtime routine....bath, snack, reading, prayers....about an hour at least passed between bath and lights out.

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Generally every night right after dinner. My kids are grots -always covered in stuff - glue, food, dirt, paint, markers LOL. Little one is not potty trained and needs his butt washed properly every night or he gets a rash.


My kids never want to get in the bath and then they never want to get out :glare:


I take 2 showers/baths a day - so we like water around here :D

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