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Has anyone else not started yet?

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I was planning to start back to school work on 9/3, but we've been getting the house ready for the appraisal and cleaning and decluttering and we may not begin until the 14th as an "Intro" day.


I feel like we're really starting late this year! Anyone else starting late? Or am I the only one lagging?

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We officially start on Monday. I told the boys that we were starting last Wednesday, but we spent the time preparing for school by organizing the shelves and going over schedules, then we went on nature outings.


I decided they must be ready to start school. On Friday we went to the library before our hike and they asked to go home to read instead. :D



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We haven't. I was going to start on Monday, but that's not going to happen.


We spent last week in Colorado for a wedding in the family. It would have been silly to spend two weeks sanding the summertime rust off their brains, only to take a week off and do it all over again. Then the day before we left Colorado, Grandpa in Arizona passed unexpectedly. I've spent this week unpacking, doing laundry, decluttering, and helping Grandma.


At this point, I'm hoping to pull off our family Not Back to School holiday by Wednesday, and "start" the day after that, but we'll see how it unfolds.

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We were going to start this coming week (Monday) but this week was a week of so many appointments and everything took so much longer than I had expected. My major goal prior to beginning our school year was to do a total decluttering and major organizing. I have only dented the surface as of today. Since I feel this needs to happen prior to beginning another school year, we are going to take this week as well to accomplish that, with the goal of a week from Monday (9/17) as our first day of academic school. Since I feel that so much of real life is school, I'm more than OK with the delayed date. Sounds like you are doing a similar thing. Good for you! :001_smile:

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we are on vacation, so wont start back until the 18th earliest...




I was planning to start back to school work on 9/3, but we've been getting the house ready for the appraisal and cleaning and decluttering and we may not begin until the 14th as an "Intro" day.


I feel like we're really starting late this year! Anyone else starting late? Or am I the only one lagging?

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I planned to start the last week of August but closing on our new house was delayed to 8/28. We've been moving and unpacking and dealing with grandparents in the hospital since then so we have done 1 math page so far:tongue_smilie:


Dh and I have a short business trip tomorrow and Monday and our flight doesn't get home until almost midnight. I figure this rules out starting any sooner than Wednesday. Since I still need to finish unpacking the game room stuff I think am going to shoot for starting a week from Monday.

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I was planning to start back to school work on 9/3, but we've been getting the house ready for the appraisal and cleaning and decluttering and we may not begin until the 14th as an "Intro" day.


I feel like we're really starting late this year! Anyone else starting late? Or am I the only one lagging?


I was planning on starting on the 10th...but I am not finished with my post summer clean. I am being ridiculously thorough this year.....so, while our books are here and our schedule is made....I am not ready yet....so....we will be starting on the 17th barring all other emergencies etc.

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We will start full swing this week. My dd is attending CC so she is pretty independent. I did a little work with my youngest last week to help her become more independent. I will start working more with the boy this week. He tends to be the hardest to work with.

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I had grand plans of starting in midAugust (we'd been doing math and language off and on all summer) so we would have a relaxed but productive year. Then I found out my oldest had an opportunity to visit. 'Oh well, we'll just bump the date two weeks.' Then, I found out daughter number two also wanted to come but couldn't come the same week. 'Oh well, I guess we'll bump the date again.'


I love having the girls visit, but I'm ready for everyone to be back in their own homes, my air mattress back in the closet, and the kids back in front of the books! Just a few more days and all we'll have is fond memories.


But, I suppose if school has to be delayed, having your grown children come home to visit is a perfect reason.

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We are starting tomorrow (9/10). The first week of Sept is usually a vacation week for us; this year we were supposed to be heading out on a 6 week cross country trip, but unfortunately that won't be happening due to work schedules :( Since we weren't planning on doing a full school schedule, I've been scrambling to put together our curriculum and plans, but I'm just about finished.

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We are starting tomorrow (9/10). The first week of Sept is usually a vacation week for us; this year we were supposed to be heading out on a 6 week cross country trip, but unfortunately that won't be happening due to work schedules :( Since we weren't planning on doing a full school schedule, I've been scrambling to put together our curriculum and plans, but I'm just about finished.


I'm sorry the trip didn't work out for you :grouphug:

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I was planning to start last week but we did one day and then everything fell apart.


I moved my oldest into college last Sunday and there was a ton of clean-up to do after, plus reorganizing because my son is now in her room.

Then I was stung twice by European hornets on Monday (very very painful).

Then our tomatoes finally started ripening so I did a bunch of canning.

Then I had a pile of laundry (including all the blankets, sheets, pillows, etc. from oldest dd's room) to do.

Then I just decided to wait and start this week.

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I was going to give out some reading assignments Fri and let them get started on the reading at least, but they were so busy putting finishing touches on their essays, calculating expenses etc. for their 4H project books, that it never happened. After double checking her expenses and giving me her essay for some final feedback on Fri, Dd said "You know what mom? We really ARE doing school today, even if it isn't part of the curriculum." I couldn't agree more.


Tonight we will start reading aloud, and tomorrow we will begin with a couple of subjects and slowly build up to full schedule sometime next week. I'm not in a big hurry.

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We are suppose to start today but the "death watch" for my sister in law is ongoing. Dh hasn't been home in 3 days, he is at the hospital with her and the 16 year old has an ultrasound at noon today for a lump in her breast.

Plus, my CLE order for math and language arts still isn't here.

And I have been nauseous from stress for a week and it isn't getting any better.

I know we should stick to life as normal as possible but I just don't want to, I am numb and just waiting for the call and then it will be a whirlwind of packing and going to the family which will interrupt school anyway.

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We are suppose to start today but the "death watch" for my sister in law is ongoing. Dh hasn't been home in 3 days, he is at the hospital with her and the 16 year old has an ultrasound at noon today for a lump in her breast.

Plus, my CLE order for math and language arts still isn't here.

And I have been nauseous from stress for a week and it isn't getting any better.

I know we should stick to life as normal as possible but I just don't want to, I am numb and just waiting for the call and then it will be a whirlwind of packing and going to the family which will interrupt school anyway.


:grouphug: I'm sorry, Lizzie. :grouphug:

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We are planning to start a week from today, so, what is that? the 17th?


We just returned from our annual US trip, so I need time to organize and get back into the swing of regular life, then we'll start. I am hoping a week is enough time. We're doing a few new things this year, so we'll see how it goes....

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