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I'm so thankful I know how to ___. I wish I knew how to ___.

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I'm so thankful I know how to ___. I wish I knew how to ___.






I'm so thankful I know how to sew. That skill has come in handy time and time again, whether I'm altering dh's new shirt 20 minutes before a meeting or making a last-minute birthday present for one of my dc's friends.


I wish I knew how to speak another language. I don't know why learning another language is so difficult (for me, anyway!) I took one semester of French in college and it was a disaster. I am learning Latin alongside ds, but even that is really hard.


What skill are you thankful to have? What skill do you really wish you had?

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Fill in the blanks!


I'm so thankful I know how to ___. I wish I knew how to ___.






I'm so thankful I know how to sew. That skill has come in handy time and time again, whether I'm altering dh's new shirt 20 minutes before a meeting or making a last-minute birthday present for one of my dc's friends.


I wish I knew how to speak another language. I don't know why learning another language is so difficult (for me, anyway!) I took one semester of French in college and it was a disaster. I am learning Latin alongside ds, but even that is really hard.


What skill are you thankful to have? What skill do you really wish you had?


I'm so thankful I know how to do the general plumbing, and so is my dh. :lol: Saving moola on this has been a real blessing.


I like your 'I wish I knew how to'. That's mine along with countless others.

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I'm feeling really pathetic. I can't think of one thing I can do that I'm thankful for.


I guess I'm rather good at dealing with doctors and insurance companies and medical stuff. I've learned through experience, and it's come in handy. Sad, isn't it?


I'm also glad that I can get along with almost anyone, but that's only because I naturally like people, can see the good in most situations, and let things roll off my shoulders. It's more of a gift than a skill.


I wish I were better at taking care of things around the house: cooking, cleaning, organizing. Dh is an amazing husband, and I'd like to do these things well to make his life more comfortable.

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I am so glad I know how to cook and sew.


I wish I knew how to read music better. I can play yhe piano, buy my sign reading skills are awful!!! It takes a long time to learn a new song above the advanced beginner level :) but, I am teaching my kids and I hope the review of notes, scales, keys signatures and other basic theory will help me play better :)

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Well, my two wishes are becoming reality. I wish I could sew and I wish I could play a musical instrument. I'm taking lessons for both now so . . . if I had to choose something else.


I wish I could sew better (and wish I had started earlier).


I'm glad I can sew as well as I can (which is not particularly well but I can turn out a simple skirt and tee).


If you really want to get really crazy . . .


I wish I could travel the world and live in a castle.


I'm glad I can love my life even though I can't travel the world and live in a castle.


I'm also so glad to be Catholic.

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I am thankful I know how to: have a sense of humor, can space plan well, repurpose stuff and decorate on a budget, write well enough to keep myself entertained.


I wish I knew how to: play saxophone (if I could afford one I'd try), play violin, gather enough courage to take some steps forward is a few areas of my life.

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I wish I knew how to fly, so I could visit my family more often. :(




I just have to add, I am thankful that I don't cook, and don't want to. My Mom is a gourmet chef, and I have NO desire to do anything in the kitchen! Nope, I am so thankful I didn't learn from Mom -how to cook that is. :001_smile:

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I'm thankful I can quilt- it's a calming, useful hobby.


I wish I could dance and sing. You know how they say anyone can learn? Not me. When I dance I look as if I'm having a seizure. And when I sing, ears bleed. Sadly, nearly ALL of my friends love to perform- singing and dancing. So it's pretty obvious that I lack ability.

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I'm so thankful I know how to ... document our family life through photographs and blogging/scrapbooking. I think it is something my children (and I!) will enjoy looking back on.


I wish I knew how to ... speak another language. Among many other things.


I don't cook much, but I don't desire to learn. :tongue_smilie: Food is purely sustenance and doesn't interest me in the least (except chocolate)

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I'm so glad I know...how to do photography. I wish I knew...how to shoot a gun.



I get so much personal enjoyment from photography.



So you like to shoot stuff? ;). I also enjoy photography and I do own a gun. I'm not spectacularly skilled at either, but I keep trying! I am beginning to progress from happy accidents with the camera to actually having a clue how to get the shot I want with less trial and error. Haven't had my gun out in ages.


OP: I am thankful I can cook and wish I had stuck with any one of the musical instruments I learned to play as a kid.

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