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Who can explain Dr. Who to me?

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The TV show started in 1963.



I was born in 1963 and it was running during my childhood. My older brothers would watch it and I would hide behind the sofa. It was on at around 6pm on a Saturday - an institution. I remember Pertwee and Troughton, as well as a flashback episode with a very old Hartnell.



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BTW..I'm sad. We will have to wait until season 7 comes out on Netflix.


Is it available to watch any where online?


I forgot to cancel TunnelBear after the Olympics. I got the notice that they'd billed me for another month right before the new season started on the BBC. Dd considered that a sign from the universe that she have instant access, at least for the next month.


She had watched all the older ones of the reboot for free on Amazon Prime.


(We also have the David Tennant Much Ado downloaded -- the kids love it. We NEEDED it since they were in Much Ado this summer.)


The only Dr. I really watched was Tom Baker. He'll always be the "real" Dr. Who to me.

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I was born in 1963 and it was running during my childhood. My older brothers would watch it and I would hide behind the sofa. It was on at around 6pm on a Saturday - an institution. I remember Pertwee and Troughton, as well as a flashback episode with a very old Hartnell.




I grew up watching it too in the 70's. It was on PBS right before Monty Python's Flying Circus. :D I never missed MP so I watched Dr. Who quite a bit as well. I always loved the theme song. :)

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We tried to get into Torchwood, but I had to skip episode 3 I think it was, good grief, and then I just gave up. Are the later episodes better?


I have not heard of the Sarah Jane adventures. Is that on Netflix?


I really like the Sarah Jane Adventures...light and fun. I watch on amazon prime.


I've watched Torchwood 1-3 and I was a wreck by the end...compelling but difficult to watch at times.

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Another cool trivia fact:


The original production producer, responsible for the tone and direction of the show for its first two years, was Verity Lambert,. Female TV producers back then were quite rare. She was hired by the show's originator/producer, Sidney Newman. In the 2007 David Tennent Doctor Who episode "Human Nature", the Doctor refers to his parents as Sydney and Verity, a tribute to the show's original producers. Verity Lambert was also honored in the 2008 episode "The End of Time", as the Doctor's human love interest is named Verity Newman. ;)


Verity Lambert died Nov. 22, 2007 -- the day before the 44th anniversary of the Nov. 23 1963 airing of the first episode of Doctor Who.



DH and I became Whovian fans in 1986, when they were being aired on our PBS station. Our first Doctor was #4 (Tom Baker) -- as the t-shirt says, you never forget your first Doctor! ;) Our first episode: "The Ark in Space" -- dude running around in a floppy hat, extra-long scarf, manic grin, throwing off quippy one-liners -- and a giant larva on a space station (that looked like a guy in burlap sack rolling around on the floor) -- how could we NOT be hooked!


Loved the Doctor #3 (John Pertwee) and companion Jo Grant episodes; and the Doctor #7 (Sylvester McCoy) and companion Ace episodes -- looking forward to seeing McCoy play the wizard Radaghast in the upcoming "The Hobbit" movie! And how could you NOT love Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart, man of honor! We taped a majority of all the episodes, Doctors 1-7, and years later our DSs loved them. When the "rebooted" seasons started in 2005 it was a fantastic family together time! :)


And, to the OP: Doctor Who is not something you explain. Just kick back and enjoy the ride! Honestly, you watch Doctor Who (original or reboot) for the same reasons you watch any other Sci-Fi movies or TV series, old or new -- terrific ideas, characters you love, cool worlds. No modern-only "special effects snobs" here! Whovians unite!

Edited by Lori D.
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The TV show started in 1963.


The Doctor is not human. He's a member of the race of Time Lords from another planet (Gallifrey.)


This alien race has the ability to "regenerate" up to 12 times if they are mortally wounded. Their body will heal itself, but will transform to look differently and even have a slightly different personality.


The Doctor has regenerated 9 times by the time you see him in the "Rose" episode. He's over 900 years old and amazingly intelligent. All the Time Lords are.


However, by the time you get to the Rose season, somehow all of the Time Lords have been killed, somehow by The Doctor. We don't learn the details of that for a loooooong time. But it allows for The Doctor to look haunted and be all pathetic and "alone."


Anyway, The Doctor was always a bit of a renegade on his planet and he stole one of their space ship/time machines. It's called a "TARDIS." It can fly you to anywhere, anywhen.


He enjoys flying around and finding trouble so that he can set things right. He's completely hooked on adrenalin. And sometimes, he'll find someone that enjoys the adventure as well, and they'll travel with him.


So...from 1963 to now, there have been about 750 episodes. They stopped filming sometime in the 80's, I think it was, and then restarted the show in 2005 with the Rose episode you've watched.


The reason the show has lasted so long is that the actors are constantly changing. There have now been 11 different actors playing The Doctor, and countless actors coming and going playing his "companions."


The little thing he waves around is a screwdriver, just like the ones we have, but he made it "sonic." So, it can use sonic waves to disrupt things and open doors and such. They like to use it as a plot device to get him out of sticky situations when the writers can't come up with anything new.


If I were you, I'd stick to the new seasons. If you want to, you can go back and watch the others, but it's tough to go back. If you'd seen them from the beginning it would be ok. But they're soooo campy and cheesy that it's hard to get into them once you've been spoiled with the current season's special effects, etc. (Of course, many people will disagree with me on that.)


Any other questions?


I have never seen the old ones were there other time lords in those?

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I have never seen the old ones were there other time lords in those?


Of course there were!


Just like Holmes' number one enemy is Moriarity, The Doctor's number one enemy was a Time Lord called The Master. Insane, diabolical, pointy-bearded and all. I looooved The Master episodes. The Master was probably the only person out there anywhere near The Doctor in intelligence and cunning. A formidable opponent. In fact, he was responsible for a couple of The Doctor's regenerations (mortal wounds that result in the loss of one of a Time Lord's 12 lives.)


The Doctor went back to his home planet a time or two and we met all sorts of Time Lords. However, they were a bunch of stuffed shirts for the most part, from what I can remember. Wait! He had a fellow Time Lord as a companion for a number of years--Romana. The actor (Tom Baker) who played The Doctor and the actress who played his Time Lady companion were married in real life for a while.


Oh, and the reason the Tardis looks like a blue police box is because the chameleon circuit got broken. The Tardis is supposed to be able to change into something that matches the surroundings. The Master's Tardis could change into whatever he wanted.


But somewhere along the line The Doctor's Tardis chameleon circuit broke--he was in Britain at the time and it was disguised as a police box. It's been stuck that way ever since. The Doctor's Tardis always gives the feeling that it's on it's last legs. In fact, the story goes that he stole it from a museum, because it was such outdated Time Lord technology. It's constantly messing up where it's supposed to be taking him or when. Another useful tool for the writers. "What!? How did we end up here?"


In the older episodes, sometimes they'd take you deeper into the Tardis. It's gigantic inside (the swimming pool becomes a tiny plot point in one of the newer episodes, where it is used to catch someone who is falling--plop! they go into the pool. You don't see the pool. Just hear the splash.) We only see one tiny portion of it in the newer seasons. I always liked when he'd go into the closet to pick out his new outfit after he regenerated.


And a police box, for those who don't know, was really used by the police in Britain in the 60's. It was was a blue box with a telephone in it, so that police officers could call in to the station if they needed to. Sort of like a regular telephone booth, but only for police officers to use. Remember, this was well before cell phones. (1963, remember.)

Edited by Garga
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Why oh why did I read this thread? I stayed up late last night watching instead reading my plans for our first day of school today. Look at my face, and I bovvered?


Ah! I can't breathe! :rofl:


I had to watch it a couple times and use the French subtitles to figure out what she was saying because she talks so fast. And then I had to watch it a couple more times because dh wasn't home yet. Now it's stuck in my head and I keep grinning at inappropriate times thinking about it. And annoying my daughter by quoting Sonnet 130.


"Did you just pitch up from Mars?"


Bite me alien boy!




ETA: Here's where the quotes are from, if you're just joining us:


You have to watch
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Oh, and the reason the Tardis looks like a blue police box is because the chameleon circuit got broken. The Tardis is supposed to be able to change into something that matches the surroundings. The Master's Tardis could change into whatever he wanted.


But somewhere along the line The Doctor's Tardis chameleon circuit broke--he was in Britain at the time and it was disguised as a police box. It's been stuck that way ever since. The Doctor's Tardis always gives the feeling that it's on it's last legs. In fact, the story goes that he stole it from a museum, because it was such outdated Time Lord technology. It's constantly messing up where it's supposed to be taking him or when. Another useful tool for the writers. "What!? How did we end up here?"


This is addressed a little in the episode, "The Doctor's Wife." :001_smile:



And a police box, for those who don't know, was really used by the police in Britain in the 60's. It was was a blue box with a telephone in it, so that police officers could call in to the station if they needed to. Sort of like a regular telephone booth, but only for police officers to use. Remember, this was well before cell phones. (1963, remember.)


Members of the public could use them to call police in an emergency.

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I tried to watch a couple of the older shows (before Doctor 9) but couldn't get into them. Can anyone recommend a selection of older shows to watch that sort of tell parts of the story? Daleks, Time War, etc?


You know, if I wasn't going to watch ALL of them but wanted a few really good ones.

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I LOVE this one. Is the Katherine Tate show still on Netflix????


I'm thinking this isn't nearly as funny in French.


Yes, there are 6 recent seasons all lined up for you on Netflix, including the Katherine Tate ones. There are also a bunch of them from the 70's and a couple movies and spin offs (Torchwood, for one).


I think it's not nearly as funny in French either, especially with all the references. The part I really had trouble with was her "I'll take the high road, you take the low road" line. It goes by so fast I had to pause it to read the French and then I figured it out. :D

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I tried to watch a couple of the older shows (before Doctor 9) but couldn't get into them. Can anyone recommend a selection of older shows to watch that sort of tell parts of the story? Daleks, Time War, etc?


You know, if I wasn't going to watch ALL of them but wanted a few really good ones.


io9 just did a list of old doctor who episodes worth watching. maybe search there for it.

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Can anyone recommend a selection of older shows to watch that sort of tell parts of the story? Daleks, Time War, etc?



The Time War has only been alluded to -- it apparently takes place in the real life gap between the old and new series. However, below are some key episodes to introduce each new Doctor, and other reoccurring ideas in the new series. You may find the TARDIS Index Files helpful for backstory on characters, objects, storylines, etc. Hope that helps! Enjoy! Warmest regards, Lori D.



1st DOCTOR = William Hartnell

- An Unearthly Child -- first story; introduces the Doctor and TARDIS

- The Daleks -- introduces Daleks

- Tenth Planet -- introduces Cybermen



- "The Aztecs" OR "Reign of Terror" OR "The Romans"

These are all historical setting stories; the original concept of the show was to alternate sci-fi storylines with historical setting storylines for educational purposes.



2nd DOCTOR = Patrick Troughton

- Power of the Daleks -- introduces 1st regeneration of the Doctor

- Tomb of the Cybermen -- builds on "Tenth Planet" ideas

- Web of Fear -- introduces reoccuring character: Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart



- Ice Warriors -- introduces villain race used a few times in old and new series

- Mind Robber -- introduces the allusions to and "mash ups" with literature used in the new series



- War Games -- even though it is the first episode to introduce Time Lords, it is *painfully* long (5 hours!!!) and repetitive



3rd DOCTOR = John Pertwee

- Spearhead From Space -- introduces 2nd regeneration of the Doctor

- Terror of the Autons -- introduces The Master (re-occurring renegade Time Lord); The Master is in new series; also introduces the Nestene, which are in the first story of the new series

- The Three Doctors -- all 3 of the Doctors, plus more about Time Lords, especially the creator of time travel, Omega

- The Time Warrior -- introduces Sontarans, seen in a few episodes of old and new series; also has companion Sarah Jane Smith, who appears in a new series episode and had a recent spin-off series, "The Sarah Jane Adventures"



- Curse of Peladon -- reappearance of Ice Warriors; fun gothic "who-dunnit" in space

- The Sea Devils -- introduces the Sea Devils who are in the new series; plus, The Master



4th DOCTOR = Tom Baker

- Robot -- introduces 3rd regeneration of the Doctor

- Genesis of the Daleks -- explains Dalek origin, and their creator, Davros

- Revenge of the Cybermen -- introduces Cybermats (how Cybermen begin to turn humans into Cybermen)

- The Deadly Assassin -- takes place on Gallifrey (home of the Time Lords); much ado about Time Lords; The Master shows up

- Logopolis -- final 4th Doctor episode; must watch with first 5th Doctor episode; strong story, with The Master



- Brain of Morbius -- spin off of Frankenstein

- The Sunmakers -- fun story

- Creature of the Pit -- fun story

- Destiny of the Daleks -- good Dalek and Davros story

- 16th Season: The Key to Time series -- introduces Time Lord companion Romana #1; all 6 stories add to an overall story arc



5th DOCTOR = Peter Davison

- Castrovalva -- introduces 4th regeneration of the Doctor (watch "Logopolis" first)

- The Five Doctors -- all 5 Doctors, plus a companion for each

- Warriors of the Deep -- Sea Devil episode

- Resurrection of the Daleks -- more on Daleks and Davros



6th DOCTOR = Collin Baker

- The Twin Dilemna -- introduces the 5th regeneration of the Doctor

- Mark of the Rani -- introduces a female renegade villain Time Lord: the Rani



- The Two Doctors -- not a very good story, but it is the last appearance of Doctor #2 (Patrick Troughton)



It's hard to recommend much from this time frame, as the show (and Collin Baker) was getting hammered by an 18-month production hiatus while the BBC was debating whether or not to continue the show -- plus, no budget, and poor writing; the 6th Doctor appears very erratic in behavior from one episode to the next; the series ended abruptly with an only partially finished story series (23rd seson, Trial of a Time Lord) and restarted abruptly after the hiatus with the 7th Doctor; you do get some bits and pieces of Time Lord info from those episodes, but not enough to make it worth sitting through.



7th DOCTOR = Sylvestor McCoy

- Time and the Rani -- introduces 6th regeneration of the Doctor; also 2 renegade Time Lords: the Rani and The Master!

- Remembrance of the Daleks -- great story; Daleks, Davros, and reference to Omega

- Silver Nemesis -- great story; Cybermen

- Battlefield -- great story; King Arthur spin; the Brigadier's last episode

Edited by Lori D.
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Lori thanks for the great list. We now have an excuse to watch our dvds again!


I am going to add three that are huge personal favorites:


William Hartnell -- The Time Meddler -- historical with the build up to 1066 with Vikings


Jon Pertwee -- Terror of the Zygons-- the Loch Ness monster


Peter Davidson -- Timeflight-- Concord (the plane) travels back to the ice age thanks to the master

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I know, I know, I had a terrible time limiting the list to what I did... I have a number of personal favorites from all the different Doctors that I didn't include... I tried to stick with key episodes that would help the earlier poster with tidbits that carry forward into the new series.


What a run the original series had!

7 Doctors

30+ companions

26 seasons

158 stories

695 episodes



Loving the new series, too!

3 Doctors

4+ companions

7 seasons

96 episodes & specials

...and counting! :)



OO! And don't forget the wonderful, special "mini" episode of

-- the literally blends old and new series by crashing Doctors #5 and #10 together. :) Edited by Lori D.
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I didn't get it / couldn't stand it as a kid. I thought I might have grown into it by now, and had a look at the new one, but nope. Still seems stoopid and pointless. It's too silly to take seriously, but not silly enough to be amusing. The actors seem to find it funny, but it isn't, so I feel embarrassed for them.

I did see a send-up of it that was quite funny, though.

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Tell me why I should like David Tennant. He seems so ... small. :glare:


He's good looking. He's funny. He's charming. He has great chemistry with Rose. He's easy on the eyes. He can pull off a pin-striped suit with Converse. He looks good in a trenchcoat. He's virtually droolworthy. He has this grin that you *know* means trouble but oh it just sucks you in anyway. And did I mention he's good looking? :D


And speaking of David... does anyone know where/how I can get my hands on his versions of Hamlet and Much Ado? Are they on Netflix or DVD?


Yes, my DH knows I have a fan girl crush on David Tennant. He thinks it's funny but humors me anyway.

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And speaking of David... does anyone know where/how I can get my hands on his versions of Hamlet and Much Ado? Are they on Netflix or DVD?



We had to get Much Ado as a download from Digital Theatre, which is a British company.


BTW, Entropymom, dd felt the same way about Eccleston. She did NOT want to go on and watch David Tennant. Now she's totally pro-Tennant. Which is why we purchased the Much Ado download a few months ago.


But we're still all looking forward to Eccleston in Thor 2.:)

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I just finished Season 1. :crying:


Why only one season of Christopher Eccleston? WHYYY!!???


Wait until the 10th Doctor turns into the 11th. I was so sad I couldn't even continue watching the series for several weeks.


It's my understanding that Eccleston only wanted to do one season, as he didn't want to be typecast and known only for that role. He's played some real villains in movies, and even as short as his stint was on the show, I don't like seeing the Doctor as a bad guy!

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We were also disappointed when Eccleston left but definitely give David Tennant a chance. He is such a great actor and his chemistry with Rose and fun times with Donna are not to be missed. He really grows on you. We were soooooo upset when he left. The scene where he transforms still brings tears to the eyes. I think he will always be our favourite Dr Who...mind you Matt Smith has been slowly growing on us as well :001_smile:

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It definitely took me a while to get used to Tenant. I really loved Eccleston. Also - and I realize that this is the single most controversial thing I have ever, ever posted on these forums - I don't think Tenant is that attractive. There's something rodentlike about his face.


The first few episodes of S2 were kind of hard for me to watch. Then I guess that either I got used to Tenant or there were several unusually good episodes in a row, because I started enjoying the show again.

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We were also disappointed when Eccleston left but definitely give David Tennant a chance. He is such a great actor and his chemistry with Rose and fun times with Donna are not to be missed. He really grows on you. We were soooooo upset when he left. The scene where he transforms still brings tears to the eyes. I think he will always be our favourite Dr Who...mind you Matt Smith has been slowly growing on us as well :001_smile:


I bawled like a baby :confused: I was so very sad it was terrible

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I just finished Season 1. :crying:


Why only one season of Christopher Eccleston? WHYYY!!???


Tell me why I should like David Tennant. He seems so ... small. :glare:


Look what you people have done to me! :D:D



Eh--don't worry. You'll love him by the time he goes and cry when he leaves.

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I just finished Season 1. :crying:


Why only one season of Christopher Eccleston? WHYYY!!???


Tell me why I should like David Tennant. He seems so ... small. :glare:


Look what you people have done to me! :D:D


I posted my own thing, but reading back through posts, I agree with the PP below completely right down to dh knows I have fan girl crush on him and finds it funny lol.



He's good looking. He's funny. He's charming. He has great chemistry with Rose. He's easy on the eyes. He can pull off a pin-striped suit with Converse. He looks good in a trenchcoat. He's virtually droolworthy. He has this grin that you *know* means trouble but oh it just sucks you in anyway. And did I mention he's good looking? :D


And speaking of David... does anyone know where/how I can get my hands on his versions of Hamlet and Much Ado? Are they on Netflix or DVD?


Yes, my DH knows I have a fan girl crush on David Tennant. He thinks it's funny but humors me anyway.


Hamlet is available on DVD through Amazon, but I do not have Much Ado. The kids and I need to finish our Hamlet study first.

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I felt the same way about the 10th doctor. We were sad, but knew we should give Tennant a try. He was amazing. He is a fantastic actor, even if you don't love his looks. And he has some of the best doctor who episodes of the new series. He makes the character of The Doctor very deep, imo. Give him a chance. I like all three of the newer doctors and enjoy Matt Smith a lot, and I'm sure I'll like whoever plays after him, but still, Tennant is amazing.


As for getting Hamelet, I bought it on Amazon Instant play for like $5 or something. The only place I've been able to find Much Ado is at that website the pp linked to. I don't think it had a wide release.

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I bawled like a baby :confused: I was so very sad it was terrible


I STILL bawl like a baby when I rewatch those episodes.


I admit that I didn't like Matt Smith from the very first PR photo I saw of him. He's grown on me since then, but he'll never replace Tennant as my favorite.

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