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Married 10 Years or More? Proud of Your Spouse...or Not?

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I've been married 23 years and I grow more and more proud of my husband all the time!


He works hard to develop his business and is a great employer. He is an amazing role model for our kids and he is a loving and caring elder in our church.


He is a man of incredible integrity and can always be trusted.


He is a fantastic husband! My dd told me one day, "Mom, I hope my husband looks at me the way Dad looks at you!"


He is an amazing man!

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The other day, two friends were having a conversation in which one said that after more than 15 years with her husband, she could not remember the last time she felt proud of him. She wondered if that was common for couples who've been together a long time, or whether it was just her.


I told her I would ask the hive for their own experiences because I only know my own marriage well enough to answer for myself. So here's her question:


If you're in your second decade of marriage, are you more proud of your husband than when you married him, or less proud? If you're more proud, why? If you're less proud, why?


Discuss! :bigear:


I'm now in year 25 ...and my husband totally rocks for so many reasons. :D He loves our family and he tells us often. He adores his grand-babies and when he holds them he melts my heart. After working a 12 hour day he will come home and mow the yard and hangout with our 14 year old and play games and talk. He kisses me when he comes in the door from work. He works so hard to make our life good and he such a supportive person. I'm extremely proud of him.

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Definitely more proud. I won't go into a million details, but he's a great husband and father, and a decent and honest person, and he's always doing something that makes me proud of him. :001_wub:




Wow, I don't think there's a week where I don't stop and think of how proud I am of him. He's amazing. 18 years.

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More proud! We celebrated our 11th this summer. Sometimes he's not my favorite person, but always I am grateful for the wonderful father and husband he has grown into in spite of the less than stellar roll models he had growing up. He is intlligent and compassionate, and overcame a lot of adversity in his youth which could have prevented him from becoming successful in his career and family life. But it didn't hold him back and I am proud of him!

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Going on 19 years here, and definitely more proud of him today than the day I married him. With each passing year I appreciate him more. I really didn't realize the gem I was getting the day I married him.... I just knew I loved him! But we have crossed many bridges, and overcome many challenges since then, and he continues to exceed anything I could ever hope for in each situation. Yup, I pretty much feel like I won the lotto in the husband category!!


We've been married for 17 years.

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The other day, two friends were having a conversation in which one said that after more than 15 years with her husband, she could not remember the last time she felt proud of him. She wondered if that was common for couples who've been together a long time, or whether it was just her.


I told her I would ask the hive for their own experiences because I only know my own marriage well enough to answer for myself. So here's her question:


If you're in your second decade of marriage, are you more proud of your husband than when you married him, or less proud? If you're more proud, why? If you're less proud, why?


Discuss! :bigear:

More proud. He is a man of great integrity, faith, and wisdom. I am blessed and so are our children. He's a fantastic dad.

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We just celebrated 10 years this last month! I love him more each year...we really do 'complete' one another. Which sounds really, really corny and mushy, and that's not me, so I've erased it and retyped it a few times now. :tongue_smilie: He does all the awesome things I'm too scared to do or dislike and I do the same for him. We really are a good team and have grown so much as a couple over this past decade. :001_wub:


I love him and even though we aren't where we had hoped to be when we were first married (in terms of career/home), I so love and respect what we've both accomplished these past 10 years...esp on dh's side- he's such a positive, hard-working guy. We'll get there, and we'll do it in a way that we're proud of. We've definitely worked for what we have, and have made our choices together, thinking things through, enjoying the planning, etc. I really can honestly say that I'm proud of him- more now than when we were first married.

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The other day, two friends were having a conversation in which one said that after more than 15 years with her husband, she could not remember the last time she felt proud of him.


Discuss! :bigear:


I find that very sad. My husband and I have been married for 16 years. I feel very proud to be married to my husband. Sure, there are other men who might be able to do things he can't (work on cars or household fix-its, for example), but perhaps those men aren't gifted in some of the areas that my husband is. He is a wonderful husband and father, but he is also a great counselor, a wonderful Bible teacher, a hard worker..etc, etc, etc. He has recently lost almost 60 lbs, just by making better life choices. I could go on about his strong points, but you get the picture. I saw a post on Facebook recently that makes me think of think of this: Jealousy occurs when we count others' blessings instead of our own. I know that you did not say that your friend was jealous, but I think that be thankless for what we have goes along the same lines.

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Wow. That is a gigantic question.


I was always proud of him. He is generous, intelligent, patient etc. He's only matured over the years. Dh is also an incredibly hard worker, and very cognizant of child (and spousal lol) needs.


He's very kind, a good friend, funny, and always gives folks the benefit of the doubt.


Many years ago, he threatened to beat to a pulp a male who was bothering me at work on a regular basis. The guy never spoke to me, or got in my face after that confrontation. My dh is not a big guy, but he is very intimidating when he needs to be. He keeps a couple of crazy relatives in line at family parities. He's said things like, "I will put you in my car and drive you home if you act like a jerk." People don't seem to want to dissapoint him. lol


And. I can take him anywhere. :D

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Hummm. I'm not "proud" of people who do the typical expected things like be decent to their kids, etc. My current husband has never done anything extraordinary, and has no plans to, so I feel no pride. My ex husband did cope with one especially terrible thing I am proud of him for it. But if he hadn't been faced with it, and not shone under adversity, I wouldn't have loved him any less.


Guess I'm not big on pride. Possibly why I don't like team sports, flag waving, graduations, bumperstickers that say "My kid is an honor student at X", etc.

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I would have to say that I am more proud of my husband today than ever. Even on the days where marriage seems like more work and less fulfillment. He dutifully goes to work everyday at a job that wears him down, stands up for what is right when it isn't always the politically expedient thing to do, and tries to protect his staff from the nonsense from politically motivated, but incompetent patronage hires. He is a wonderful father. He's their cheerleader and moral support. He deals with our home life with good humor long after I have succumbed to grousing and complaining.

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I've been married 18 years in November. I am more proud of my dh now than when we first married. And my pride continues to grow.

He's working a job that he hates right now. He hates that I have to work. I try so hard not to complain. He feels so helpless. But, he works per piece and hustles. He helps when he can. He soared to the top of the construction field. We were living high. Then the economy tanked and we reached all time lows, lower than when we were first married. His self esteem was severely damaged in the 16 month lay off. We are rebuilding and he has been so, so strong.

When we first met, I knew he was the man I was going to marry, the very first day. He was only 19. I saw the glimmer of the man to be, what he was capable of achieving. I don't believe it was just hopeful dreaming. I really believed in the man I saw for the future. I see his flaws. He sees mine. We love each other because of and inspite of the warts.

He is good father. He is a good husband. I am proud of him.

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I've been married 14 1/2 years and am very proud of my husband. He is the most generous and honest person I have ever known in my whole life.


This. Right down to the 14-1/2 yrs (I'm curious about your anniversary Audrey :D). Marrying him has been one of the best decisions of my entire life.

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Well gee, now I'm feeling like an awful wife. :lol: Being "proud" of my husband is honestly not anything I've ever thought about. I've been proud of some of his accomplishments, but otherwise I just see him as the man I married. The man I love. The father of my children.


I just love him. Saying I'm "proud of him" seems strange.

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Hummm. I'm not "proud" of people who do the typical expected things like be decent to their kids, etc. My current husband has never done anything extraordinary, and has no plans to, so I feel no pride. My ex husband did cope with one especially terrible thing I am proud of him for it. But if he hadn't been faced with it, and not shone under adversity, I wouldn't have loved him any less.


Guess I'm not big on pride. Possibly why I don't like team sports, flag waving, graduations, bumperstickers that say "My kid is an honor student at X", etc.


:iagree: I have been with my partner 30+ years; he is a moral hardworking fellow who took on a huge amount of responsibility at a young age. I admire his character.

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Married 12 1/2 years here and I'm definitely more proud. Dh was pretty great when I met him, but he's become so much more over the years. I love that he can balance fun and humor with the seriousness of supporting and raising 4 boys. He's also grown in his faith which I admire very much. In the midst of all that, he finds ways to support me. I'm so thankful to have a dh like him!

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I'm very proud of him. We've been through some tough stuff, and I've seen how strong he is. He deals with chronic pain (6 years now) - and it's been really bad lately. He gives even though it (literally) hurts. He's strong & not many people see his pain. I do. And I respect him even more, seeing him never give up. It's very hard to put into words, because we have some very hard days. But there is still a deep love & respect we hold for each other, no matter what else is going on.


I should add that he is a wonderful cook. We've been married 11 years.

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Haven't read any previous responses.


Dh and I married when he was 22 and I was 19. That was 12 1/2 years ago. I could not be more proud of him. I have had the opportunity to see him grow into quite the man. I want my son to be just like him. I listen to his work stories every night and am so proud of him for advancing so fast. He is still my trophy husband. That boy is hot!!! He's the best dad a kid could ever ask for. He is just the total package.

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Married 27 years and proud of him? Yes. He is smart, funny, caring, kind, generous, creative, faithful...he rocks. I am so blessed to be married to my husband. We've gone through some rough times but honestly, the longer we are together, the happier, more content with, more in love with each other we are.


Dbl post

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Married 27 years and proud of him? Yes. He is smart, funny, caring, kind, generous, creative, faithful...he rocks. I am so blessed to be married to my husband. We've gone through some rough times but honestly, the longer we are together, the happier, more content with, more in love with each other we are.


Exactly. Close behind you - 26 years tomorrow.

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Everything is different when you're older, right? I mean... to me... Is the person I'm with honest? Does he treat me well? Is he kind hearted? Does he work to provide what we need as a family? (financially, spiritually, emotionally?) Not everything can be perfect all the time, but is he working to become the person he was created to be? If he's making money, not cheating on you.... and comes home at night.... well... that's the start of being proud ;) (And yup, my husband meets that and the "working hard to be who he should be part, too" :))

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This. Right down to the 14-1/2 yrs (I'm curious about your anniversary Audrey :D). Marrying him has been one of the best decisions of my entire life.


We married on a Friday, the 13th to be exact. :D


True. No joke.

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Hummm. I'm not "proud" of people who do the typical expected things like be decent to their kids, etc. My current husband has never done anything extraordinary, and has no plans to, so I feel no pride. My ex husband did cope with one especially terrible thing I am proud of him for it. But if he hadn't been faced with it, and not shone under adversity, I wouldn't have loved him any less.


Guess I'm not big on pride. Possibly why I don't like team sports, flag waving, graduations, bumperstickers that say "My kid is an honor student at X", etc.



Interesting. I agree about the bumper stickers, but I have often been emotionally overwhlemed by certain things my dh has done-- certain wonderful and kind things I did not expect; things that were in no way on my radar for him to do. Is that gratitude, and not pride? When I see him engaged fully with the children, I feel proud of his dedication. When he is financially rewarded at work, I do feel proud of his hard work. Yet. Maybe it's not pride, so much as intense love? Gratitude? Those are emotions that overlap quite a bit.


It's interesting to wonder whether I would love him less without his kindness and willingness to go above and beyond. I met him when we were 18. He was kind then, but I did not know the full extent of his drive to do good, provide for us, and be engaged in work (environmental) that matters to others.

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