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Lunch ideas

What do you usually make for lunch on school days?  

  1. 1. What do you usually make for lunch on school days?

    • Sandwiches or other typical kid friendly quick lunch fixes
    • No plan, we wing it, it varies
    • I have a lunch menu planned and make my lunches accordingly
    • I make left overs so we can have them for lunch the next day
    • I make hot lunch from scratch

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I've seen this thread on the MFW Board and thought it would be fun to have a thread of ideas for this board in sight of a new academic year approaching. It would be nice if it were on going.


1)What do you typically make you and kids for lunch during school days?

2) Do you have a set plan for lunch or just wing it?

3) Do you have any creative ideas for lunch recipes you could share?

4) For those of you with menu plans, do you have any tips about menu planning in general? If so, please share


;) Thanks!

Edited by lea_lpz
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Thanks for starting this. I was thinking of doing a search. I've been giving 2 choices (one of them always being pbj), but I'm leaning towards doing something in the crock a few times a week, with no choices. I hate feeling like a short order cook.

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As a general rule, I have my kids make their own lunch. I provide the following:


2 different types of lunchmeat

pre-cut veggies (carrots, celery, cauliflower or broccoli)

nuts or seeds

fresh or canned fruit

crackers and chips

different types of cheese

olives and pickles (sometimes hummus or guacamole)


Some items last longer than a week. I tell them to make a healthy lunch and let me look at it before they eat it.


If we have leftovers available, I let them eat those instead if I don't have a plan. The above items usually means there is enough variety. Occasionally, dd11 will ask if she can cook a gluten free pizza (pre-made crust) which they pile with cheese, olives and lunchmeat. They also make sandwiches or roll things in lettuce wraps.


We're gluten free (and dd11 is seriously underweight) so I'm picky about what they eat. They like to put lots of little amounts of food on their plate. Kids seem to eat better when it looks "cute". ;)


ETA - Oh, and I absolutely count this as lessons in health and healthy eating. They both have medical conditions that need dietary intervention. Learning how to eat healthily and prepare food counts for health in my book. They also each cook one dinner a month. (DD11 uses the oven and DD7 uses the crockpot).

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Glad to see some feedback on this poll finally :hurray:, because I feel like it would be a nice thing to scroll through if you want some zest in the routine once in awhile.


Here, I will post a recipe for a typical simple lunch. Maybe we can even do a dinner poll / recipe thread sometime.


Protein Packed Tuna Salad


1 can tuna (7 oz)

1 can sardines

2-4 tblsp. Mayonaise (mayonaise to bean puree ratio should be even)

2-4 tblsp. white beans, pureed (you can blend a 15 oz. can and keep it in half cup portions, 1 in the fridge, another in the freezer, etc.)

1 carrot, peeled and finely diced

1 celery stick, finely diced

1 hard boiled egg


Mix all ingredients together, making sure that the sardines are broken up and blend in with the tuna.


I would typically use this tuna salad to make a tuna fish and cheese sandwich on whole wheat bread and serve with carrot sticks with ranch for dipping, a large dill pickle, milk and small handfull of sunchips.


It would work in a sald or in pasta just as easily though. :001_smile:

Edited by lea_lpz
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The kids (12, 10, 7) make their own lunches and I make my own. I tend to have staples around for them to easily make some standard meals, such as bread and sandwich fixings, tortillas and cheese for quesadillas, soup/ramen, and rice/veg. So, they can choose from leftovers if they're available, or come up with something else on their own.


Erica in OR

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I offer from homemade stuff. I freeze burritos, taquitos, fold overs and things that can be quickly heated for lunches. I bake bread on Saturday so if she wants a sandwich (lunchmeat or PB jelly/nutella) its also available. If we're feeling really crazy I'll hard boil some eggs. Any of these options + fruit and veg

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Protein Packed Tuna Salad


1 can tuna (7 oz)

1 can sardines

2-4 tblsp. Mayonaise (mayonaise to bean puree ratio should be even)

2-4 tblsp. white beans, pureed (you can blend a 15 oz. can an keep it in half cup portions, 1 in the fridge, another in the freezer, etc.)

1 carrot, peeled and finely diced

1 celery stick, finely diced

1 hard boiled egg


Mix all ingredients together, making sure that the sardines are breaken up and blends in with tuna.


I would typically use this tuna salad to make a tuna fish and cheese sandwich on whole wheat bread and serve with carrot sticks with ranch for dipping, a large dill pickle, milk and small handfull of sunchips.


It would work in a sald or in pasta just easily though. :001_smile:


I'm going to make this for lunch tomorrow. Looks like a great way to get lots of healthy protein in!

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Where is the other option?


I've not read all the other posts... BUT, here's what we do during the school year (during the summer it's leftovers, sandwiches, or whatever).


I'm afraid I'm going to ramble here. Bear with me.


We have a hanging pocket calendar, with a pocket for each day of the month. We've got four dc. Each dc has a "day of the week." We made dozens of little menu cards, each with one main dish, on cut in half index cards. They fit right inside the pockets. So, if today is Monday, for example, Mary makes what she planned for today. Meanwhile, before she goes to bed, she picks another lunch (from the deck of lunch cards) and puts it in next Monday's slot and replaces the card of the lunch she just made with the number "13" because that's Monday's date. The next day, Jamie makes her lunch that she planned a week ago because she's the Tuesday kid. The other two kids make Wednesday and Thursday and co-op day is Friday so we brown bag it then.


Oh the kids made the cards. Each has the name of a main dish and perhaps a funny picture (a submarine on the sub sandwich card) and the recipe if needed on the back.


Since they pick their lunches a week in advance, I have time to buy anything special for them. Since there is just one lunch card for any particular main dish, we don't get pizza four days in a row.


Our lunches vary among cold (salads, sandwiches), easy dinners (tacos, burgers), and breakfasts (waffles, pancakes). If there is a lunch I don't like, I "lose" the card for them. If there is a new recipe I try, I might make a card for it.


A kiddo is allowed a bowl of Cheerios or a PBJ if he doesn't like the offered dish. It happens.


It works and keeps me from having to think about lunch much...

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I have kids who can make their own lunches, kids who need help, and kids who need me to feed them. :001_smile:


I am in a season where I try to have lot of basics that can be mixed & matched to make warm meals. The kids who can make their own, do. The others "order" and I make the warm part of the meal. Examples:


*Cooked ground beef can be turned into taco meat or sloppy joes or used in tortilla pizzas, nachos, or spaghetti.

*Noodles can be turned into spaghetti, noodles & cheese, or chicken & noodles.

*Cooked chicken can be eaten plain or turned into quesadillas, chicken & noodles, or salad topped with chicken.

*Sandwich meat can be used for....sandwiches. :D


This method of making allows everyone to eat their favorites and keeps costs low.

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We have a hanging pocket calendar, with a pocket for each day of the month. We've got four dc. Each dc has a "day of the week." We made dozens of little menu cards, each with one main dish, on cut in half index cards. They fit right inside the pockets. So, if today is Monday, for example, Mary makes what she planned for today. Meanwhile, before she goes to bed, she picks another lunch (from the deck of lunch cards) and puts it in next Monday's slot and replaces the card of the lunch she just made with the number "13" because that's Monday's date. The next day, Jamie makes her lunch that she planned a week ago because she's the Tuesday kid. The other two kids make Wednesday and Thursday and co-op day is Friday so we brown bag it then.


This is really neat. I can see this working for us when my littles are bigger. 5 kids = 5 days of the week. Perfect!

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Typically, we are out and about during lunch...so I take a big cooler with things like-

Lunch meat on bread/tortillas/crackers

Hummus on tortillas/crackers/carrots

Chicken and apple salad

Green salad

Tomato and mozerella salad with balsamic glaze

Chicken strips (homemade, not frozen) with honey mustard

Guacamole or just an avocado, they scoop it right out of the peel

Blt sandwiches


Greek yogurt with a drizzle of agave nectar


If we are home, we might also have

Rice and beans

Homemade burritos

Lentil soup

Creamy tomato soup and grilled cheese

Left overs

Chicken/veg/egg stir fry over brown rice




As sides we have fruit, nuts/seeds, yogurt, cheese, olives, and yogurt tubes.

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Glad to see some feedback on this poll finally :hurray:, because I feel like it would be a nice thing to scroll through if you want some zest in the routine once in awhile.


Here, I will post a recipe for a typical simple lunch. Maybe we can even do a dinner poll / recipe thread sometime.


Protein Packed Tuna Salad


1 can tuna (7 oz)

1 can sardines

2-4 tblsp. Mayonaise (mayonaise to bean puree ratio should be even)

2-4 tblsp. white beans, pureed (you can blend a 15 oz. can and keep it in half cup portions, 1 in the fridge, another in the freezer, etc.)

1 carrot, peeled and finely diced

1 celery stick, finely diced

1 hard boiled egg


Mix all ingredients together, making sure that the sardines are broken up and blend in with the tuna.


I would typically use this tuna salad to make a tuna fish and cheese sandwich on whole wheat bread and serve with carrot sticks with ranch for dipping, a large dill pickle, milk and small handfull of sunchips.


It would work in a sald or in pasta just as easily though. :001_smile:


Thanks for sharing that! I love the idea of including the white beans—I've been trying to find ways to include more beans in our diet.


My kids (9 and 6) make their own breakfasts (often carb heavy), so I typically handle lunch to ensure that it's more protein-based. We are fans of the bits-and-pieces lunch too. It will usually end up being something like sardines and crackers or small squares of bread for sandwiches, a can of tuna or salmon with a little mayo and crackers, a small amount of some reheated leftover, a natural lunchmeat rollup, cut up veggies and hummus or dip on the side, fruit on the side, etc. I try not to cook/prep too much for lunch, because then I run out of time to eat myself!


I'll be :bigear: for some more ideas for quick meals.

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Typically, we are out and about during lunch...so I take a big cooler with things like-

Lunch meat on bread/tortillas/crackers

Hummus on tortillas/crackers/carrots

Chicken and apple salad

Green salad

Tomato and mozerella salad with balsamic glaze

Chicken strips (homemade, not frozen) with honey mustard

Guacamole or just an avocado, they scoop it right out of the peel

Blt sandwiches


Greek yogurt with a drizzle of agave nectar


If we are home, we might also have

Rice and beans

Homemade burritos

Lentil soup

Creamy tomato soup and grilled cheese

Left overs

Chicken/veg/egg stir fry over brown rice




As sides we have fruit, nuts/seeds, yogurt, cheese, olives, and yogurt tubes.

Oh. my. stars!:D My kids would TOTALLY want to eat with your family! (I have one kid who's crazy about tomato soup and all of my kids love Tex-Mex style meals). This is a *fantazmic* menu you've got. :thumbup1:


We have a menu that pretty much goes like the following (summertime is different, esp. if we're going to the beach):


Monday - mac n cheese

Tuesday - pasta and marinara (or spaghetti & meatballs)

Wednesday - leftovers

Thursday - to-go lunch

Friday - to-go lunch


My "to-go" lunches have been mostly cold cuts sandwiches, but occasionally have been:


pizza pop'ems (mini pizzas made in mini muffin cups)

fried chicken & potato salad

tuna-bacon-avocado sandwiches


and often will include something that's "crunchy" (chips, cukes), "sweet" (applesauce, other fruit), and a "treat" (chocolaty dessert, muffin)

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I usually make my sons sandwiches or pasta plus fruit, crunchy veggies and some dairy. I usually make myself a big salad or a wrap or have leftovers. This week, I have a lot of curried chicken salad and a pan of bean/onion/corn/pepper dairy free enchilada casserole on hand so I wager I will have one or the other most days. I eat the chicken salad over a huge bed of spinach and usually eat a tomato, red pepper or some roasted veggies too. The casserole will be a small slice next to a big salad.


Most warm days I pack our lunches so we can eat at a park or outside the library without spending money. I pack extra snacks like fruit, nuts, veggies, hummus, cheese sticks etc so that we are good to go.

Edited by kijipt
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Typically, we are out and about during lunch...so I take a big cooler with things like-

Lunch meat on bread/tortillas/crackers

Hummus on tortillas/crackers/carrots

Chicken and apple salad

Green salad

Tomato and mozerella salad with balsamic glaze

Chicken strips (homemade, not frozen) with honey mustard

Guacamole or just an avocado, they scoop it right out of the peel

Blt sandwiches


Greek yogurt with a drizzle of agave nectar


If we are home, we might also have

Rice and beans

Homemade burritos

Lentil soup

Creamy tomato soup and grilled cheese

Left overs

Chicken/veg/egg stir fry over brown rice




As sides we have fruit, nuts/seeds, yogurt, cheese, olives, and yogurt tubes.


Your lunches sound delicious...I got to try the greek with agave and all your on the go lunch ideas:)

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Lunch is DIY here and has been since the younger kid was able to reheat something.


There are certain meals from which I plan leftovers, because they are popular as lunches. Both of my kids, for example, will happily reheat leftover Indian food for a couple of days' lunches. And my son is very happy when there is leftover spaghetti sauce and garlic bread for him.


I also do planned leftovers to make lunches for my husband to take to work at least a couple of days each week. His favorite is black bean burritos smothered in tomato sauce.


Otherwise, though, it's every person for him/herself for lunch.

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Today for lunch I made a tuna pasta using white bean puree to substitute half the mayonaise. Here's the recipe: :001_smile:



1/4 cup mayo

1/4 cup white bean puree (blend a can of drained white beans, save the rest for other recipes, freeze, whatever)

1/4 tsp. salt

2 tblsp. oat bran or wheat germ

1 tblsp. lemon

1 can tuna (water packed)

1 can sardines (water packed)

8 oz. whole wheat macaroni elbow (or any type of small pasta)

Pepper to taste

1/4 cup diced bell peppers

1/2 cup peas

1/2 cup shredded cheese


In a large serving bowl whisk together mayonnaise, white bean puree, salt, oat bran, and lemon juice. Add in tuna and sardines and mix well with a fork so as to make the sardines blend in with the tuna. Add macaroni, bell pepper, peas, and shredded cheese and toss. Serve cold.


This was plenty for me and 3 young kids plus leftovers for my dh to take to work for his lunch tomorrow. So, I would say this would serve 4-6 people, depending on the ages of your kids and their appetittes.


I served this with fresh peaches and carrot sticks with ranch for dipping and milk. You can also add some white bean puree (about equal parts) to ranch dressing, too. So for example, 1 tablespoon ranch and 1 tablespoon bean puree mixed together for each kids.

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Always looking for more lunch ideas!


Right now we've been doing:


bean and cheese quesadillas


turkey sandwiches

homemade "lunchables" (crackers, lunchmeat, cheese)

mini pizzas (on hamburger buns, english muffins, pita or whatever bread we have around)

mac & cheese with peas


and I'm bored!

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We usually have leftovers or sandwiches. I cook breakfast every morning, and put a combination of fresh fruit and veggies, cheese, pepperoni, crackers, or containers of yogurt on the table for them to snack on throughout the morning, so lunch is our light meal.

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I wing it, but here's the "always available" options:


Black bean/corn/pepper quesadillas

Mini pizzas on corn tortillas (use two, stuff cheese between, then top)

PB&J "popcorn" sandwiches (rice cakes - kids think they're popcorn)

One-pan homemade macaroni/penne and cheese

Ham and turkey rolls

Refried beans and rice

Baked nachos

Egg salad (2yo won't eat it, but he doesn't eat much anyway)

Salad with chopped ham, turkey, or eggs


I usually put out a raw veggie side (carrots, cukes, tomatoes, mini bell peppers) and a fruit side, plus they'll sometimes drink a small glass of almond milk or kefir to fill them up.

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We have a menu and I loosely (very loosely) try to follow French school menus in an attempt to help my 8 yo like something besides fried meat and sugar.


Um, that's kinda fascinating! I've not heard of this before, but I am SO intrigued:




I like what I saw just in a quick glance. Definitely will be doing some more research to broaden our horizons this year!


joyofsix, do you have any other resources to share for this? :bigear:

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I would love to hear how you make your pizza pop'ems! :D
Glad you asked! ;)




Oven 425 degrees F





kitchen shears

mini muffin tins (need 48 "cups" total)

small spoon




TraderJoe's extra virgin olive oil cooking spray

1 pkg. Trader Joe's Plain pizza dough (16oz.)

3/4 cup spaghetti sauce

pepperonis, chopped with kitchen shears (optional)

10 oz. Trader Joe's shredded mozzarella


Spray the cups of the mini muffin pans with cooking oil. With the kitchen shears, snip* enough dough to cover bottom of the cup (can make smaller snips to fill in bottom if your first snip isn't enough -- the cup will "shape" your pop 'ems). A pound of dough can be evenly distributed throughout 48 mini muffin cups. Top dough with 1/2 tsp spaghetti sauce, a few pepperoni pieces, then a "healthy" pinch of mozzarella cheese to fill the mini muffin cup.


Bake in 425 degree F oven on bottom rack for 8-10 minutes, rotating once during the baking. Allow pop 'ems to cool for at least 10 minutes and use a table knife to pop them out of cups. Lean them on their sides in the cups to cool completely.


Yields 48 pop 'ems


*(Note about snipping the dough) No flour needed! I just open the plastic bag of dough and pull down the plastic just enough to make my snips w/o cutting any of the bag along with the dough. (I hope this makes sense.):tongue_smilie::D

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Glad you asked! ;)




Oven 425 degrees F





kitchen shears

mini muffin tins (need 48 "cups" total)

small spoon




TraderJoe's extra virgin olive oil cooking spray

1 pkg. Trader Joe's Plain pizza dough (16oz.)

3/4 cup spaghetti sauce

pepperonis, chopped with kitchen shears (optional)

10 oz. Trader Joe's shredded mozzarella


Spray the cups of the mini muffin pans with cooking oil. With the kitchen shears, snip* enough dough to cover bottom of the cup (can make smaller snips to fill in bottom if your first snip isn't enough -- the cup will "shape" your pop 'ems). A pound of dough can be evenly distributed throughout 48 mini muffin cups. Top dough with 1/2 tsp spaghetti sauce, a few pepperoni pieces, then a "healthy" pinch of mozzarella cheese to fill the mini muffin cup.


Bake in 425 degree F oven on bottom rack for 8-10 minutes, rotating once during the baking. Allow pop 'ems to cool for at least 10 minutes and use a table knife to pop them out of cups. Lean them on their sides in the cups to cool completely.


Yields 48 pop 'ems


*(Note about snipping the dough) No flour needed! I just open the plastic bag of dough and pull down the plastic just enough to make my snips w/o cutting any of the bag along with the dough. (I hope this makes sense.):tongue_smilie::D


must try these! How would you store them? I mean if I meade them up how long would they last in the fridge?

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Um, that's kinda fascinating! I've not heard of this before, but I am SO intrigued:




I like what I saw just in a quick glance. Definitely will be doing some more research to broaden our horizons this year!


joyofsix, do you have any other resources to share for this? :bigear:


I pick a week from the site you linked(as a matter of fact) and work from that. I google recipes (mostly sauces) and substitute for what I can find in my area. The main thing is we all sit, we start with a salad or soup, follow with main and side, have cheese/ yogurt and finish with fruit/dessert. The course thing lets us sit and it's not really complicated. We have sports in the evening and eat dinner at different times so lunch together is important to me.

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1)What do you typically make you and kids for lunch during school days?

Depends on the day.


2) Do you have a set plan for lunch or just wing it?

I have a 30 day lunch menu that we rotate through. (Scroll down past the breakfast menu.)


3) Do you have any creative ideas for lunch recipes you could share?

Possibly. Just tell me which one you want.


4) For those of you with menu plans, do you have any tips about menu planning in general? If so, please share.

Try to keep them simple. Have long cooking foods already prepped. For example, I make a big pot of brown rice then freeze in individual servings size packets.

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must try these! How would you store them? I mean if I meade them up how long would they last in the fridge?
Hmmm... good question!:lol: If I dare make them when the kids are home, those "vultures" descend upon the kitchen like nobody's business and I have to practically fight them off not to have them eat too many of them before I get to pack them. I guess they would last in the fridge for a week. I haven't tried freezing them (but I typically only freeze muffins -- I have a small freezer).
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  • 2 weeks later...
Stupid question.... How can I preslice apples for the next day without them turning funny colors?


I've tried lemon juice, but lemon juice on apples is not a good taste.


Put them in a ziplock with (non-diet) 7-Up, and then squeeze out as much air as possible. Or drizzle them with a little orange juice. I used OJ in fruit salad, and it will stay in the fridge well without turning brown.

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Hmmm... good question!:lol: If I dare make them when the kids are home, those "vultures" descend upon the kitchen like nobody's business and I have to practically fight them off not to have them eat too many of them before I get to pack them. I guess they would last in the fridge for a week. I haven't tried freezing them (but I typically only freeze muffins -- I have a small freezer).


In the oven right now! Hope they turn out good will have for lunch tomorrow!!

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